Goodbye :)
+399|6787|Somewhere else

Join the club!  I had 215,000+ 3 star account.

Almost all the awards, and pretty good stats.  I knew the shit was going down, and saved a few pics of the BF2s stats page of my player.

Sure enough, I was then spoofed, and my points doubled.  I reported to EA asking if they could fix my stats, they instead reset me thanks .

Even after all that, all the time I played... fuck it.  I had fun, I will still play, and kinda enjoy starting fresh.

I know how you feel, but really, REALLY, it's just a game man.

Tehremos wrote:

HaawwK wrote:

nobody cares
We really don't care, quit bitching and deal with it, just don't tell us.

Some of us have more important things to worry about.
Because posting this MADE you worry about this too.  I don't give a shit about his stats, presonally, But seeing as this is an open forum, people post what ever they like talking about.  Rather than bitch about a thread you think is worthless, why not go ahead and NOT respond with an equally worthless post.  Do you spend you time on here responding to threads you don't like?

Very odd.

Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2008-04-15 10:56:22)

+8|6525|midlands britain
Your off the handle reply was moronic. Count yourself lucky the grammar police didn't come over to your house and beat the living shit out of you on EA's behalf.

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

I care Nikola,
don´t listen to those envious idiots.

I just found out that i was reset, again !!!!
Lucky for me, i have a pick of bf2player that shows how my stats were until last night, and there is nothing wrong.

Gonna wait what they say now.

Definitely, this game has gone to down the toilet..
no way, you actually take a picture of your stats everyday?
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7054|Mexico City

HaawwK wrote:

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

I care Nikola,
don´t listen to those envious idiots.

I just found out that i was reset, again !!!!
Lucky for me, i have a pick of bf2player that shows how my stats were until last night, and there is nothing wrong.

Gonna wait what they say now.

Definitely, this game has gone to down the toilet..
no way, you actually take a picture of your stats everyday?
i did notice that bf2player's stats page keeps at least for a day your stats as they were when a reset happens. Dont know how, but i was able to keep a picture when i had ALL THE AWARDS AND MORE 
+48|6791|P-way, NJ
lol hawwk
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

lol hawwk
You play waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much.
cry moar stats whores
i g

¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:

cry moar stats whores

the only people i see that care about their stats are the ones that suck lol
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

HaawwK wrote:

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

I care Nikola,
don´t listen to those envious idiots.

I just found out that i was reset, again !!!!
Lucky for me, i have a pick of bf2player that shows how my stats were until last night, and there is nothing wrong.

Gonna wait what they say now.

Definitely, this game has gone to down the toilet..
no way, you actually take a picture of your stats everyday?
i did notice that bf2player's stats page keeps at least for a day your stats as they were when a reset happens. Dont know how, but i was able to keep a picture when i had ALL THE AWARDS AND MORE 
How bad do you care about stats?
+183|6921|Newcastle UK
1. Its a game, its still going to be as fun now as what it was 20 minutes before you got reset.

2. Its not like your the only one.

3. Do you just like moaning?
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6631|Graz, Austria

Nikola Bathory wrote:

I really don't know what have I done?
Teamstacking on the EU team and admitting it on these very forums?
This is the price you pay for getting the EU Service medal a few weeks earlier than the average EF player.

Nah, joking.
It seems to me that EA don't have the resources nor the will to do anything serious against those screen name and leader board hacks, except for the simple stats wiping an resetting.
Crappy coding will take its toll.

Christ. Since when has this game been out? Wikipedia says summer 2005. Nearly three years and people still haven't learned that the rest of the game is not, in fact, only a means to an end, the end being big virtual numbers and a bigger e-dick?

I know it's a weird concept, but play for fun, instead of for A. making your stats bigger and/or failing that B. making someone else's smaller to make you feel better about yours.

Maybe you consider stats fun. Fucking awesome. Take a hint from Dogbert (from the Dilbert comic strip), take some cards out, put them in random piles, and declare yourself the winner.

Last edited by k30dxedle (2008-04-15 16:56:22)

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7054|Mexico City
i was thinking...
what would happen if the thousands that are getting affected start a veto of EA pc products?,
EA is a business company, and theres many ways to screw them, and considering the laws at your country, they even can be sue, for lack of customer support.......
stephen brule
Yeah, It happens everyone is pissed off about it and apperantly EA is not listening.

So who gives a shit anymore, The time we put into the game is not gone just because some stats say so.
+45|6797|Kamloops, BC Canada
They gave me back my points... but also gave me 3 star general?
Weird... I should have been almost the captain rank.

1700 SPM... sweet
+23|6782|British Columbia, Canada

HaawwK wrote:

nobody cares
I care idiot.
+23|6782|British Columbia, Canada

IGotsTehADD wrote:

It's just a game.
BUT STATS ARE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

You know what happened?

1. Your account got spoofed, getting you 16 mil.
2. EA resets your account.
3. Someone at EA realised you did not abuse the system, so they restore (some) of your stats.
4. Someone else from EA sees your account with the wonky stats, goes "omfg padder1!!11!" and resets you again.
You know what - I think you're right.
They replied again ahd refused to show me their evidence! What a surprise, really! Probably because such evidence doesn't exist at all!
And no, I don't have any unlocks now. But I have all the ribbons I don't know, I'm sure I'll get reset for the third time before EA shut down the stats, lol!!!!
But I really wonder now - should I buy BF3 when it is released?? EA failed to protect us from hackers in BF2. They even punish the regular players who don't use hacks! EA fails.
All of EA's bullshit with resetting honest players is going to cause a huge backlash against them and BF2. More and more I keep hearing players saying that they are going to start setting up modded servers to screw with the BF community of players. Basically they feel like they got screwed so why not screw everyone else. So I think we are going to start seeing more hackers, more cheating, more stat padding and more modded servers. And to be honest, EA has brought this on all of us by resetting players that didn't deserve it. Hell, I just got my stats restored about three weeks ago. They restored me to my rank of Col. but I lost all my time and badges. So, basically I was screwed from making the rank of General! And yesterday they did it again! Another reset on my account even though I had only played about 2 hours or so since the account was restored! What a load of shit. EA has completely failed us all!!!! If EA was a hooker, I would demand a refund!
Missing, Presumed Dead

Nikola Bathory wrote:

EA failed to protect us from hackers in BF2. They even punish the regular players who don't use hacks! EA fails.
Show me an online game that is 100% hack-proof. No company can protect you from hackers/cheaters, whatever.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7054|Mexico City
the  problem here that EA instead of addressing the problem directly and fix it,  they go and screw with the collateral damage, us, not the cause of the problem, fucking pathetic worthless idiots...............

theyre making people turning back to Valve fast, and future EA pc games will be very hard treated...
I thought you all would enjoy seeing the comments that have been going back and forth between myself and EA. I as said above I was reset once after being spoofed, got my account restored then after about 2 hours of play on the account it was reset again on Monday. Below is the comments back and forth between myself and EA. Enjoy and have a good laugh. Note: Read from the bottom up so that it makes sense.

Customer () 04/17/2008 05:18 AM
I am unclear how a second review of the leaderboard got my account reset again. There was only one instance of my account getting spoofed which had already been addressed in my previous ticket. Now you're saying that I get reset again for no good reason. Ok fine, I'll deal with it. However, I want my account reset with EVERYTHING I earned!!!!!!!!!! Not some BS restore of my rank and nothing else. All that does is make me look like a damn hacker or padder the next time your super-sleuth EA support team reviews accounts. I want my RANK, TIME (THE TIME IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING) BADGES, MEDALS, RIBBONS Ect...... And if that is too much for EA support to handle, then you can simply set my account to the rank of General and I will consider the problem solved and be a satisfied customer. However, anything less than that is an insult and you will have lost an EA customer for LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me stress that again. I am not a kid that asks mommy and daddy to buy me video games! I am 32 and spend a good deal of money on EA products. But, the support I have gotten from EA is a joke to say the least. I have no problem escalating this issue up the chain at EA as far as I need to until my ticket gets the attention is deserves.


Response (Alex I.) 04/16/2008 05:41 PM

There was a second situation that resulted in another review of the leaderboards. The canned reply to you was informing you that we needed you to gain some points before they could be restored again.

If you have any further questions or concerns please reply to this email or visit our extensive knowledge base online at
Thank you,
Alex I.
EA Online Support

Customer () 04/16/2008 01:40 PM
Ok, did you completely miss the response I posted just before sent me your 2nd BS canned response about my stats being inappropriately altered through playing on a compromised server? REALLY???? What compromised server would that be? Just the IP address and date will do? You know damn good and well that your canned response is a BS and I did not play on any compromised server as I have hardly played on that damn account since it was restored. More than likely what happened was this:

1. My account originally got spoofed, giving me 16 million points causing the initial problem.
2. EA reset my account.
3. After I bitched and opened a ticket with EA " "Reference #: 080326-003310 "you realized I did not abuse the system, so my account was restored.
4. This week someone else from EA looked at my account with the questionable stats from the restore and decided I must be a stat padder and reset me again.

That being said, I am not interested in your BS canned responses or practiced excuses. Now I have gone through the restore process once due to EA's failure to protect my account and lost over 1200 hours and all my badges and medals. This is beyond poor customer service and requires more than the effort you are putting forth to resolve the issue. Again as a paying customer, I demand that my account be restored to the EXACT condition it was before YOU screwed it up.


Response (Mohd N.) 04/16/2008 12:47 PM

Thank you for contacting EA Support.

We regret to inform you that your soldier stats were found to have been inappropriately altered through playing on a compromised server. In our attempt to maintain the integrity of the stats and leader board for Battlefield 2, we have had to reset the stats on your soldier. Although we are working to prevent these servers from affecting future soldier stats, we were unable to remove the ‘bad’ stats without clearing your stats entirely.

We understand that many soldiers were not aware that they were on a compromised server, so we want to work with you to restore some of your stats. If you are interested in restoring as much of your original stats as possible, please read and follow the steps below.

What we will do for you:
We can restore your Rank, Global Score, Commander Score, Team Score, and Combat score to what you had earned prior to March 22, 2008. All other statistics cannot be restored; however, you can re-select your unlocks to match the rank that is restored to your soldier.

What you must do to qualify:
Before we can restore your stats, you must first gain a Global Score of at least 100 by playing on ranked servers.

How to initiate the stat restore:
Once you have earned a Global Score of at least 100, please create an email by using the “contact us” button on our and let us know “you have gained at least 100 Global Score” and it has been at least 24 hours. Include your soldier name and/or PID so that we can verify the information and restore your statistics.

Note: The restore may take some time depending on how many valid users were playing on these compromised servers.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as Electronic Arts continues to protect the integrity of the game.

Thank you for your time.


EA Rep Mike
Player Relations
Electronic Arts

Customer () 04/16/2008 11:23 AM
I HAVE ALREADY DONE ALL THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at "Reference #: 080326-003310 ". It shows that I already did all of this and had my account restored. SINCE THEN I have only spent about 2 hours on that account and NONE of that time was on ANY comprimised server. Not to mention the fact that you are offering to restore my account from March 22nd? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????????????????? Restore it to the way it was Monday before you screwed it up! This is a complete outrage to honest Battlefield 2 players! Fix my account or I will seriously reconsider EVER buying any EA products in the future.


Response (EARepVladimir) 04/16/2008 10:18 AM

Thank you for contacting EA Support.

We regret to inform you that your soldier stats were found to have been inappropriately altered through playing on a compromised server. In our attempt to maintain the integrity of the stats and leader board for Battlefield 2, we have had to reset the stats on your soldier. Although we are working to prevent these servers from affecting future soldier stats, we were unable to remove the ‘bad’ stats without clearing your stats entirely.

We understand that many soldiers were not aware that they were on a compromised server, so we want to work with you to restore some of your stats. If you are interested in restoring as much of your original stats as possible, please read and follow the steps below.

What we will do for you:
We can restore your Rank, Global Score, Commander Score, Team Score, and Combat score to what you had earned prior to March 22, 2008. All other statistics cannot be restored; however, you can re-select your unlocks to match the rank that is restored to your soldier.

What you must do to qualify:
Before we can restore your stats, you must first gain a Global Score of at least 100 by playing on ranked servers.

How to initiate the stat restore:
Once you have earned a Global Score of at least 100, please create an email by using the “contact us” button on our and let us know “you have gained at least 100 Global Score” and it has been at least 24 hours. Include your soldier name and/or PID so that we can verify the information and restore your statistics.

Note: The restore may take some time depending on how many valid users were playing on these compromised servers.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as Electronic Arts continues to protect the integrity of the game.

Thank you for your time,

EA Rep Vladimir
Player Relations
Electronic Arts

Customer () 04/16/2008 05:10 AM
"Club Pogo Support" I didn't ask for help with any Club Pogo! This is an issue with my Battlefield 2 account! An issue that as I stated before was being worked in another ticket "Reference #: 080326-003310 ". My rank and global score had been restored but now my account has been reset again and I want to know why considering I haven't played maube a total of 2 hours on my account since it was restored. The issue with battlefield 2 accounts getting reset is getting out of hand. Please restore my account ASAP.



Response (EARepRalph) 04/15/2008 11:33 PM

Thank you for contacting Club Pogo Support.

Due to the nature of your issue, more time is required for investigation. I apologize for any prolonged delays this might cause, but please rest assured that we are trying to handle your issue in a timely manner. During this time, you may still update your incident with additional information that might help us resolve your issue without causing any additional delay. To update your incident click the link above that says, To view or update your question from our support site, click here.
We appreciate the opportunity to assist you and look forward to getting you back in the game!


EARep Ralph
Player Relations
Electronic Arts

Customer () 04/15/2008 11:47 AM
I had an open ticket "Reference #: 080326-003310 " which was working on being resolved but today I noticed that my account is reset again. Please advise as to what is going on regarding my account.


Last edited by SFCCDailey (2008-04-17 05:53:47)

Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
SFCCDailey - that's really interesting, EA Support is lame!
btw I had a look at your stats - right now they are COMPLETELY messed up!
Hates most server admins.

Nikola Bathory wrote:

SFCCDailey - that's really interesting, EA Support is lame!
btw I had a look at your stats - right now they are COMPLETELY messed up!
funny, hehe
Warning: Division by zero in /var/www/
someone didnt expect the rounds and times to be 0, which would not be possible if EA did their job.
spank that azz.
+146|6166|Nibiru in a far away galaxy
Damn EA 

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