It has issues.
It is a fun core game, but it has serious issues.
Bullets travel slooooooowly. I find it very very hard to hit moving targets. The bullets just don't hit them. Especially with the sniper rifle. On Oil Fields, i was having to shoot a good quarter-half of the screen in front of my target to hit him (not exaggerating either). It spoils the entire experience.
Drones are overpowered. 'Nuff said. I got the mortar drone on oilfields once, drove it into the enemy flag and just sat there for ten minutes killing everyone that spawned. They all knew I was there, and they were all shooting at me whenever they could, but it was no use. My drone was heavily armoure, was a tiny target, and could fire 4 instant kill grenades before its 2-3 second reload. Eventually it got destroyed, and i had another one ready to launch. They need a nerf very badly. They're also unbalanced between the teams. The russian (or whoever the hell they are) level 3 drone is completely useless. The rocket heli. The rockets do not go straight, and do not fire where you aim them. They also don't kill in one hit. It is completely useless, and the other team get a heavy insta-kill grenade launcher tank.
Even the level one drones are too powerful. You choose the class, and you get them straight away. You then hide, fly your drone towards any enemy and detonate for an instant kill. Again, there is very little they can do about it. This of course led to most of my team being useless and sitting around while the other team took all the points.
The aircraft seemed pretty rubbish. The tanks made you feel like a moving bullseye. The interface and controls need a LOT of work. I also found it quite hard to see people a lot of the time.
I love being ground defense/heavy assault on streets though.Those minigun turrets are nasty
. But even with them it is far too difficult to hit moving targets. I really don't know if it was the connection or the game, but it was like that in every game i joined.
However there are a lot of big issues with it, and I won't be buying it. I don't even play the demo anymore. Played it for 2 days before getting sick of all the problems. The singleplayer demo was far more enjoyable <-not a good thing for a BF style game.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-02-20 16:08:40)