+70|6636|The Netherlands
Right, I know there is a place for that shit to place about admins and stuff, but this is f*cked up.

I allways play on the server from *SAC* Staffs Army Corps, so I shot one guy down he was camping at a roof, after 2 seconds I saw someone else, it was the server owner, who was standing still, I shot at him, he killed me with a nade, 2 seconds after that a message appeared: "Warning Nemean<NL|-SB-|NL> NO SPAWNCAMPING!!!!!!"

I asked like spawncamping? Yea he said, shooting at a flag is spawncamping, I was like wtf? So 10 seconds later I spawned, went to the same flag, that guy was near the flag I headshotted him: "Banning Nemean<NL|-SB-|NL> NO SPAWNCAMP!!!!"

I said before I got disconnected: "This is rather unfair of you."

After that I posted this message on their forums: … 0.htm#1873

I was playing good, and you are banning me for spawn camping? Shooting someone from the roof is spawn camping?

You even know what spawn camping is?
Laying down on a spawn killing people who are just about to spawn camp, you are just searching for a reason to ban me, that was just silly!

Grow up, if you can't find any other reason to ban me if I am better then you.
I quoted the message cause He will delete the topic, cause his server got a "Zero Tolerance"..

But now the question what do you think:

Shooting at a flag where somebody is => Spawncamp?
pub hero!
+603|6692|the land of bourbon
doesn't matter... follow the rules or play elsewhere 

if you werent in the flag cap radius, u are spawncamping.  doesnt matter if you disagree with the rule, the bottom line is that its a rule.

Last edited by steelie34 (2008-02-20 13:19:04)
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
How come all these rediculous bans come from Warlord only servers?

Warlord only sucks anyway, I never pleh on them and I don't run into this shit.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7057|Mexico City

steelie34 wrote:

doesn't matter... follow the rules or play elsewhere 

if you werent in the flag cap radius, u are spawncamping.  doesnt matter if you disagree with the rule, the bottom line is that its a rule.
spawncamping on an uncap base is pathetic and cheap, if that flag is not uncap, that´s a tactic to advance or get the flag. If the idiots cant figure out to spawn somewhere else cause you are "spawncamping" is their fault for being retards.
In the BF2 ROE there´s nothing against it.
They´re just a bunch of pathetic noob losers that cant take heat and challenge, just spread the word so their server goes empty everyday....

Last edited by Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd (2008-02-20 13:29:32)

pub hero!
+603|6692|the land of bourbon

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

How come all these rediculous bans come from Warlord only servers?

Warlord only sucks anyway, I never pleh on them and I don't run into this shit.
i dont think his ban is ridiculous at all.  i read that forum message and the admin explained himself quite clearly.  and the op was a dick to him.  not a good way to plead your case.
ridiculous bans are like the one i got the other day for "stat padding" after killing an admin multiple times on surge.  i don't even bother to contest those because an obvious 12 year old is the admin.
pub hero!
+603|6692|the land of bourbon

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

doesn't matter... follow the rules or play elsewhere 

if you werent in the flag cap radius, u are spawncamping.  doesnt matter if you disagree with the rule, the bottom line is that its a rule.
spawncamping on an uncap base is pathetic and cheap, if that flag is not uncap, that´s a tactic to advance or get the flag. If the idiots cant figure out to spawn somewhere else cause you are "spawncamping" is their fault for being retards.
In the BF2 ROE there´s nothing against it.
They´re just a bunch of pathetic noob losers that cant take heat and challenge, just spread the word so their server goes empty everyday....
listen, i am not agreeing or disagreeing with the idea of spawncamping > cap flag, all i'm saying is that he broke the rules.  he was warned and then banned.  ghey rule? yes, but still a rule.  don't bitch about getting banned for breaking rules.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7057|Mexico City

steelie34 wrote:

listen, i am not agreeing or disagreeing with the idea of spawncamping > cap flag, all i'm saying is that he broke the rules.  he was warned and then banned.  ghey rule? yes, but still a rule.  don't bitch about getting banned for breaking rules.
so the rule says "don´t hurt me while im taking a flag" ?
thats against ROE and those fags should be reported, or better yet, skip their pathetic cry-babies server.
I have been banned of like 60 servers for not following wussies rules, and to my enjoyment, most of those servers are gone....
pub hero!
+603|6692|the land of bourbon
well i obviously dont know the full story behind what happened, but if he was advancing to the flag, shooting enemies on his way to capping it, then yes the ban is complete bullshit.  but if he was sitting on a rooftop, killing people as they spawned, then the ban is justified. 
for example: i hate when people complain about being kicked for things like baserape, and then come back to the server and try to convince the admin with some philosophical argument about "a stupid rule" and "there are ways to get out of being baseraped."  if its a rule, follow it or prepare to play somewhere else.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Thing thing is if you see an enemy you shoot him or else you get shot. The OP was defending himself when he was banned. While the first time what he was doing was against server rules (of which I also disagree with, if you are getting camped then spawn someplace else, if you can't then you deserve to be camped for failing to take flags), the time the OP was banned he was not camping, he just happened to be in the area of the flag when he saw the enemy. Since its better that an enemy die than he die, he attacked him. The admins however being dicks (like most 24/7 Warlord admins are) just used it as an excuse to ban him.
+244|6999|arica harbour

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

doesn't matter... follow the rules or play elsewhere 

if you werent in the flag cap radius, u are spawncamping.  doesnt matter if you disagree with the rule, the bottom line is that its a rule.
spawncamping on an uncap base is pathetic and cheap, if that flag is not uncap, that´s a tactic to advance or get the flag. If the idiots cant figure out to spawn somewhere else cause you are "spawncamping" is their fault for being retards.
In the BF2 ROE there´s nothing against it.
They´re just a bunch of pathetic noob losers that cant take heat and challenge, just spread the word so their server goes empty everyday....

i got banned from a server because i used C4 on an enemy tank. WTF????????????
+23|6784|British Columbia, Canada

steelie34 wrote:

doesn't matter... follow the rules or play elsewhere 

if you werent in the flag cap radius, u are spawncamping.  doesnt matter if you disagree with the rule, the bottom line is that its a rule.
+2,382|6988|The North, beyond the wall.
I fucking hate Adelle. Amy Winehouse wanabee. And who the fuck is MArk Ronson?

What a load of shit.
The Mas
+311|6999|NYC, a place to live
It's impossible to enforce that rule consistently. Perfect example of why server rules are just excuses for admins to be unfair.
I got banned for raping the carrier in the MiG on Oman today. Apparently, killing an F35 in the middle of the ocean is raping the carrier.

Cocksucking admins will be cocksucking admins, what are you gonna do?

*SAC* Slayer wrote:

oh disrespecting me has earned you a ban on the other sac server too. Plus a ban off here. DISRESPECT ME = BAN
+70|6636|The Netherlands
Well I can tell you the whole story if you want to hear:

I was a SAS Sniper, I was at the garage *that think in the front of the plaza walls* I shot down a support on the top of the roof at a building at plaza. After that I saw another player just standing AFK *Slayer*, anyways I shot him, wasn't even an headshot... and he shot me down with an G3.
So guess what I got after that I got killed by him a warning, but if I am going to take Plaza flag, I sure are going to make the flags clear, and then it isn't spawncamp. So I went back not to garage, shot again the same support guy at the building, and shot down the admin, who was again AFK at the flag... After that I shot him down I went to the flag, and I got banned for Spawncamping, COME ON,

1. He wasn't on a spawn.
2. He was Shooting back.
3. If we can't shoot at a flag, why the heck is it allowed on their server to shoot at the SAS parachute spawn?

Well sorry but they kind a suck if you ask me.
rape flag>cap flag
all im gonna say
Missing, Presumed Dead

Well, you persisted in killing despite warnings: so he was right to remove you. Although I think you should have been kicked rather than banned straight off.
(even if their rule is total shite)

This line is a classic:
"i warned you not to shoot at flags that you didnt have. Thats spawn raping."

Think about that. now nobody can capture a flag without shooting?

And then:
were shooting from car park not to defend the flag but to kill players as they spawn. Twice in fact you killed me.

Well thats fucking obvious. You are on SAS, Insurgents have the Plaza flag. How fucking obvious is it that you are NOT defending that flag. FFS, you are attacking it. You are in the car-park and you intend on taking that flag. Are you really going to let him spawn and fire back? No. Never.

That admin is a typical example of an under-aged kid with no fucking brain, enjoys banning people for squat-diddly-fuck and cant take being killed. Whats more, he has really shown himself up in that post as being a power-hungary "Hitler" wannabe i.e. fuck with me, ill ban you.

Ignore that server. And their forum: its fugly as hell.
And, this one is great. Just like a politician, he avoids the question every time: … b-t228.htm (and then read the post by *SAC* TrendSonic about 7 posts down....LOL)

Last edited by Snake (2008-02-21 01:52:46)

Can't stand abusive admins, not that I see too many (Play GA). But it's just amazing how shooting at someone on the spawn/uncap is rape, lawl what? It's an admin's way of getting revenge when they get killed, I'm guessing it's fine for a troop to sit on a flag and kill anyone, and as soon as he gets killed he kicks said person for base rape.

Base rape is sitting on the left hand side of Karkand with a PKM shooting as soon as someone spawns, shooting someone whilst you're running past a spawn point because they are shooting at you is not spawn rape.

Do the server admins expect you to cap the flag before you kill anyone? So if you see an enemy on the way to a flag you have to ignore them?

Jesus, great fucking servers, also if a player is stupid enough to refuel with a jet behind him he deserves to get killed.
Anouk, Slayers little bitch

Snake wrote:

Well, you persisted in killing despite warnings: so he was right to remove you. Although I think you should have been kicked rather than banned straight off.
(even if their rule is total shite)

This line is a classic:
"i warned you not to shoot at flags that you didnt have. Thats spawn raping."

Think about that. now nobody can capture a flag without shooting?

And then:
were shooting from car park not to defend the flag but to kill players as they spawn. Twice in fact you killed me.

Well thats fucking obvious. You are on SAS, Insurgents have the Plaza flag. How fucking obvious is it that you are NOT defending that flag. FFS, you are attacking it. You are in the car-park and you intend on taking that flag. Are you really going to let him spawn and fire back? No. Never.

That admin is a typical example of an under-aged kid with no fucking brain, enjoys banning people for squat-diddly-fuck and cant take being killed. Whats more, he has really shown himself up in that post as being a power-hungary "Hitler" wannabe i.e. fuck with me, ill ban you.

Ignore that server. And their forum: its fugly as hell.
And, this one is great. Just like a politician, he avoids the question every time: … b-t228.htm (and then read the post by *SAC* TrendSonic about 7 posts down....LOL)
indeed  so in their opnion it is unfair, that 1 idiot blows all his load in to thin air and that the more sneaky pilot cant shoot him down beceause he aint got rockets:P. I btw I never managed to shoot my rockets backwards.
+35|6990|let op drempels
I love it how that 1 guy says they play for fun, but when i checked out that site it felt like the third reich all over again.
+70|6636|The Netherlands

Some weird guy of SAC added me on msn or something, he started a conversation and told me that I was on a spawn, killing guys.
He said I was doing it the whole round; Right the whole round with 3 kills and 2 deaths, Yep thats right. And if you don't believe me ask: Babmasterflash I was in his squad. After that I asked if he knows the EA Rules of Engagement... He said he knows them cause he has seen the front line for real... I was like, WHAT THE HECK? What does real war have to do with Battlefield 2 :').

Anyway, this part made my day:

steve says:
go away and grow up before your banned from bf2 for life
steve appears to be offline. Messages you send will be delivered when they sign in.
pub hero!
+603|6692|the land of bourbon
so obviously they are douchebags, who ban everyone they don't like... you gonna let it keep bothering you?  my advice, get over it.  their server will die soon enough.

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

How come all these rediculous bans come from Warlord only servers?

Warlord only sucks anyway, I never pleh on them and I don't run into this shit.
It isn't just those. Unfortunately only the crybaby admin servers are left on SF. It's hard to get a decent round in without someone kicking you for picking your nose or some shit.
or jumping off a buliding

i did actually get kicked for that, well they kick was "bunny hopping" after jumping from a building , have a guess what map?


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