The Mas
+311|6999|NYC, a place to live
It does seem like EA might be able to sue the people who sell hacks for BF2, but it wouldn't be easy. First they'd have to find them, and the hack-sellers might be outside the US. Then EA would have to show that the hack-writers violated the end user license agreement for BF2, which probably says users aren't allowed to disassemble or reverse-engineer the program. And then EA would have to show it was harmed by the hacks.

I don't know if hack-writers violate BF2's end-user license agreement. Depending on how they go about writing hacks, they might not alter or even disassemble the BF2 software. It wouldn't be necessary if they just create separate programs that send input to BF2 or that send data to the game server. They probably capture and alter web traffic between the program and the game server but it's hard to believe EA could forbid users from looking at data their own computer is sending and receiving from the internet.

It might also be hard for EA to show it was harmed by the hacks. Its reputation has probably been damaged, but EA might have to show it has lost sales due to hacking programs.
something else
If they would do something to those hack sites (make them stop) then there would be nomore kids paying from something detected
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
Aha now Huellia has had her stats hacked.
be nice
+2,646|6764|The Twilight Zone
XI. Acceptable Use
Customer agrees that he/she will only use Company's products and/or services for non-commercial educational and/or entertainment purposes that do not cause damage to any person(s) or entities.

As we know, statsr4lief and I think that a name/PID hack is clearly to cause damage to another person.. Physiological, of course.

wow! this is so cool, somebody exploit it into their title.
something else

mint-sauce-41 wrote:

Aha now Huellia has had her stats hacked.
"Don't post while intoxicated."
EA dont care.

I dont care.

headshots only
given the amount of hackers, i dont think they're actually developing new ways to catch these bastards... they've probably given up; after all the game's been out for years, so not so many people play it anymore. they'll probably just fix the h4x in the next battlefield title.
headshots only

Spark wrote:

I think it's time to move on to new games which have better support.
hmm yea, i'd get cod4, but my pc aint good enough


U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6800|Gogledd Cymru

No Hax
+605|6418|Birmingham, UK

Dauntless wrote:

I remember a few months ago a guy hacked into MSX's website (or some other hack provider) and gave punkbuster and EA all the names and accounts of who had paid for hacks.

Thier reply was along the lines of "just because they brought them, isn't proof they used them, so we won't do anything"

Shows how much they care, I'm glad the leaderboards are being made a mockery of.
I know how you feel, but, do you think they get all warm and fuzzy inside when they hack?

I do, but thats not the point.

The point is that they are friendless kids/40 year old obese and bald men who try to impress others by being sad enough to be number 1 on a flawed game.

Bf2-GeneralArnott wrote:

Dauntless wrote:

I remember a few months ago a guy hacked into MSX's website (or some other hack provider) and gave punkbuster and EA all the names and accounts of who had paid for hacks.

Thier reply was along the lines of "just because they brought them, isn't proof they used them, so we won't do anything"

Shows how much they care, I'm glad the leaderboards are being made a mockery of.
I know how you feel, but, do you think they get all warm and fuzzy inside when they hack?

I do, but thats not the point.

The point is that they are friendless kids/40 year old obese and bald men who try to impress others by being sad enough to be number 1 on a flawed game.
So what if they are?

Like I said, I'm glad the leaderboards are being made a mockery of, I don't care who's doing it or why. The people in charge just look even more ridiculous than normal.
Good luck...

I doubt this would hold up in court tbh.
Missing, Presumed Dead

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

imho - It pisses me off that these guys don't think about the rest of us.  EA/Dice and PB have every right to squeeze these guys nads in court so they learn to be a little more responsible for their actions.  My money is on Chuy to do a reverse hack and cause their computers to send money to our bank accounts
If you want to go by software laws (I dont know if they apply internationally), then: … 8_en_1.htm

Item 3, "Unauthorised modification of computer material"
2) part C:

"c) to impair the operation of any such program or the reliability of any such data."

The leaderboard is pretty fucking unreliable. In fact, you could probably get them on many accounts of that act. That act, and others, is why hacking into computer systems is now illegal (imagine what you could do before that act!!). The problem is, these are cheat programs and cheat cvars - do they really come under the actual meaning of the word "hacking"? I dont know how they work - but surely they only operate client side?

So, they chances of that happening? Next to nil. Ok, they are making money from selling those hacks, but is that against the EULA? It probably is actually (otherwise I would suspect that mods such as POE would cost us money to download considering the time they take to make and develop it) - but how do you catch them?
Considering how long hacks have existed for PC games, I seriously doubt that they are going to start imprisoning hack developers now. Lets face it, its not exactly like theyre stealing our national insurance numbers from the postman or anything...
(UK will understand that)

HurricaИe wrote:

edit3: CS has a major history of hacks and yet Valve has never done anything other than strengthen their anti-cheat.
True, so why dont PB do this, and action peoples requests? Considering how often this is occuring and how much people talk about it, I would have thought that that alone would prompt them. Surely making PB scan whatever it is that people abuse in the system to achieve these 16000000 scores can be added to their scanning requirements?
VAC has a good reputation, PB has a very bad one (amongst gamers). I dont think software companies take any notice of it though, as they cba to develop their own AC system.


Who the fuck cares?  Honestly, if Chuy (and other lesser stats sites) and EA eliminated a top ten leaderboard, this wouldn't be such a big deal.
Thats actually a good point. Remove the top10 leaderboard, nobody would care.
Problem is: future games. Some people (read: sad bastards) like top10 leaderboards - so in a way, the hackers get one over on the community.
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6763|Cambridge, UK

@ All those that say EA don't care or have any reason to care  ....

[1] 2450 ranked servers at the moment = regular easy monthly income.
[2] Piss off the current BF2 players and make more think EA don't care isn't good for the brand thus would affect BF3 sales

Yes they don't care enough to put lots of effort in, but they have good enough reasons to care enough.

Too many confuse themselves not caring about BF2 anymore with the rest of us and EA not caring.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
I hope EA takes care of those stupid hackers!!
I think its funny when i see the leaderboard all F'ed up like that
EA can't do very much to get money cause its not a hack company who started it.

it was very board high school kids who can change packets to the ea stat server.
This topic seems to have no actual posts

Spark wrote:

I think it's time to move on to new games which have better support.
maybe when a game is released that is even close to being as good as bf2
and there are way more hackers than you might all think... I've seen many... and I've seen many hacked servers. They come and go away... you just need to know how to find them... it's actually very easy
+244|6999|arica harbour
Blizzard Games: you hack , you get a hardware/ IP ban for good. that is why hackers in Blizzard games are as extinct as the dinosaurs.

haxs in Bf2: the reason why i have moved on to COD4 on xbox live.

specialistx2324 wrote:

Blizzard Games: you hack , you get a hardware/ IP ban for good. that is why hackers in Blizzard games are as extinct as the dinosaurs.
You're wrong about Blizzard... at least for Starcraft Broodwar... I still have my account with over 9000 of rating (from the old ladder system)

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