+58|6307|Mesa, AZ
Does anyone know why it takes so long to get the time requirements for it? I could see 100 hours for expert as being fair, but 400? Hell, I don't even have 100 hours yet and I've been playing for a year and a half...Then again when I get into a tank it turns into a rolling coffin so maybe thats why I don't have that much time in them.
Find your center.

It's really better to just not question the things EA does, you'll fall into an endless pit of never producing answers that are logical or understandable.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
+303|6304|The pool
That, and if you really are an EXPERT at it, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Yes, it IS a lot, but staying alive in a tank really isnt that hard if you  1) get a supply crate 2) get next to another tank with an engi in it for repairs 3) get a friend to follow you around and repair 4) dont suck
+58|6307|Mesa, AZ

Wallpaper wrote:

That, and if you really are an EXPERT at it, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Yes, it IS a lot, but staying alive in a tank really isnt that hard if you  1) get a supply crate 2) get next to another tank with an engi in it for repairs 3) get a friend to follow you around and repair 4) dont suck
My problem is that it seems that when I get in a tank the whole other side seems to switch to AT and I get those rockets flying at me from every direction.
Maple Syrup Faggot
+362|6467|Vancouver | Canada

Wallpaper wrote:

That, and if you really are an EXPERT at it, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Yes, it IS a lot, but staying alive in a tank really isnt that hard if you  1) get a supply crate 2) get next to another tank with an engi in it for repairs 3) get a friend to follow you around and repair 4) dont suck
You must play in servers where helicopters are banned.
+58|6307|Mesa, AZ

Im_Dooomed wrote:

It's really better to just not question the things EA does, you'll fall into an endless pit of never producing answers that are logical or understandable.
Man, I know. I remember people telling me that badges and shit used to be a whole lot harder to get, but they made them easier and quicker to get. Just seems like some dude at EA thought it would be a good joke and leave it as it was.
+58|6307|Mesa, AZ

DefCon-17 wrote:

Wallpaper wrote:

That, and if you really are an EXPERT at it, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Yes, it IS a lot, but staying alive in a tank really isnt that hard if you  1) get a supply crate 2) get next to another tank with an engi in it for repairs 3) get a friend to follow you around and repair 4) dont suck
You must play in servers where helicopters are banned.
rofl. yea all the engineers on the map wont save a tank from a TV missile.
+303|6304|The pool

jason85 wrote:

DefCon-17 wrote:

Wallpaper wrote:

That, and if you really are an EXPERT at it, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Yes, it IS a lot, but staying alive in a tank really isnt that hard if you  1) get a supply crate 2) get next to another tank with an engi in it for repairs 3) get a friend to follow you around and repair 4) dont suck
You must play in servers where helicopters are banned.
rofl. yea all the engineers on the map wont save a tank from a TV missile.
Silly me, I forgot no air assets

Also for the AT rocket problem: Stay as far away as you possibly can from the action, and when you get the AT warning signal, drop the smoke and back up to cover
+405|6774|A W S M F O X
Because everyone hates tanks, and theyre easy to use, therefore more time required you berk.

DefCon-17 wrote:

Wallpaper wrote:

That, and if you really are an EXPERT at it, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Yes, it IS a lot, but staying alive in a tank really isnt that hard if you  1) get a supply crate 2) get next to another tank with an engi in it for repairs 3) get a friend to follow you around and repair 4) dont suck
You must play in servers where helicopters are banned.
Anyone who is decent in Armour can actually do as well as your average joe chopper team.

I had a round on Dalian and went 15 - 3 soley in the tank, the chopper whore on the other team went 25 - 10.

Tell me, out of 100 matches, how many do you have a commander constantly spotting and telling you where enemy tanks are? I'd say about 5 games.

Don't be stupid, and you'll stay alive in that tank.
learn to use the uav and always ask for supply crates or look for the nearest engi..:
back to i-life

Just be patient. Don't rush for easy kills, follow the situation, back up, cover. Shoot and leave. Constantly move around. When passing wide open areas, drop smoke. Jump out from time to time to repair, even if you are only few bars down. Use splash damage to get rid of them when hiding. Play AT alot and tanking shouldn't be a problem as you know how your enemy thinks, from where will he shoot.

AT isn't a threat if a noob gets it, but playing against two experienced ATs might give you no chance if you cant think like them.

And again, back up! It doesn't mean that you are coward when you do it to repair your tank, it just means that you are playing smart. Waiting till tank spawns is wasting your possible kills. Play smart!
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6876|Area 51
Tanking is seriously easy. Full lock on tone, pop smoke, back up and if possible hide behind building. If you can hide behind a building, drive forward search for AT dude, spot shoot, back to cover. Repear untill he is either dead or has run out of AT missles. Also, when capping a flag, keep switchin camera views to make sure that you won't get blown up by some Special Ops guy.

As for fighting tank vs tank. Aim either for the tracks, or the weak spot. If you do NOT know the weak spot and you are facing a tank dead on, hit him on the tracks. Facing him on the rear, offcourse shoot one off on his tail. Most prefarbly, try outflanking tanks, and take much cover. For example, you see a tank head on. You fire off a quick one, make sure it atleast hits, tracks or not, hide behind building and do it again. You've had him twice now. Now we is either an persistant bastard and will wait for you to pop out again or he has fled allready for repairs. If neither is the case than he's being repaired. If he is repaired by a supply box then wait for him to come, his supply box won't be able to help him anymore and so it a fair fight, if he has an engineer, which is quiet rare these days then either be agressive, go in and hit him on the tracks or even the better, the weak spot. Or you can wait, hopefully get your own supply box and wait for him to come and get you.

Unless he's a really experienced/skilled tank driver you are most likely to take down 90% of the tanks this way. Sure works for me.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6459|San Antonio, Texas
Tanking's pretty easy IMO. It's like a second life for your character, if a TV or airplane doesn't get you. Nowadays, everyone wants to be Rambo, or sniper, so if you're encountering AT crews, it's a rare thing. I kept spawnkilling the same guys at Construction in Sharqi, and they kept spawning medic or spec-ops.

Now opposing tanks could be a problem if they gang up on you, but that's rare because everyone's off doing their own thing, trying to be Rambo again. When up against a tank, just aim for the vital parts. Handy little guide courtesy of Secrets of battlefield: http://www.secretsofbattlefield.com/tankvstank.html Also, try rolling around, still having the enemy in your sights. Sometimes, they'll miss, and believe me, one missed tank shell will save your skin. When they miss, they'll also freak out, panic and probably die.

If you're in a tank, depending on the map, you'll either want AT or Engy. Engy can repair your vehicle when you're relatively safe. But if you're being damaged a little too much, then being engy's useless. With AT, if that enemy tank took you down to critical and you can't squeeze out the last shot, pop smoke, bail, get as far away from your tank and blast the tank's weak points with your SRAW/Eryx/RPG-7. Another guide thanks to Secrets of battlefield: http://www.secretsofbattlefield.com/tankshits.html

Another maneuver you can try, fire at the enemy tank like you normally would, but roll forward and ram him. He'll take some damage, but you will too. So this is a bit of a last resort. But if you kill him before he can release another shell, all is well, and if you're engy, you can repair yourself. This method will also work on the lighter vehicles, like AA and APCs. Just two tank shells and a quick ram, they have no chance to escape! Also, it's just hilarious ramming things.

Another advantage you could get is moving forward, they might move back. And when they move back, they're not aware of their surroundings usually, so you could get off a shot, send them over that ravine/bridge/etc. and get a kill! Or you could have them pull back against a tree or structure, then their turret can't hit you!

Distance tank shots: At long range, guess what, most tanks won't see you because they're looking forward. Well you can see them on that cliff/bridge, so why not take a shot at? The tank's cannon doesn't travel at the speed of a bullet, so you have to aim ahead of the target. It's worth the quick guestimate, because you just reduced his armour, while you still have yours. If he's on that cliff/bridge above you, he can't hit you! So keep picking at them, and they just might die.

P.S. I'm not yammering on. My best vehicle K : D is in armour, so I know something about that dimension on the field.

Last edited by Cyrax-Sektor (2008-01-29 09:30:13)

+58|6307|Mesa, AZ
I pretty much always will ram their tank if I have the chance. If I do then I almost always get the kill. And yes, it is fun to ram them, lol. Usually I don't have problems with the shells on the tank. Really easy to judge distance and lead. I prefer to take them on at distance, that was I feel like I have an advantage over the majority of the people in tanks and they might not notice a supply crate sitting next to me and keep coming at me. I think the best thing is when you get to take out choppers with tanks. Nothing spells "gotcha n00b" like a catching a chopper from one side of Wake to the other.
+58|6307|Mesa, AZ

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Because everyone hates tanks, and theyre easy to use, therefore more time required you berk.
There you go again, insulting people. I bet you got your ass kicked in school everyday, so you feel the need to insult people over the internet to avoid retribution.
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6900|California U.S.A
Yes that time requirement is way to fucking long. I haven't even 200 hours yet and I've been playing a while.

Also another pointer, way to often I see my teammates fighting a tank that's parked next to a supply crate repairing.

This is obviously not gonna do you well in a one on one tank duel if your enemy is repairing when you're not be sure and blast that crate next to your opponent's tank with either your coaxial or a cannon round.

Also if you have a  supply crate put your tank between your enemy's  line of fire so your crate will be safe.

It seems stupid but if seen alot of players not do this. Sometimes that bar or two of armour will help you win that duel.

Last edited by CoconutBlitz (2008-01-29 11:58:07)

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7057|Mexico City
The Armor badge is for Hardcore l337 players.
Not anyone have the skills, patience, and time, to get it.
Also, all maps have armors.
When you get 400 hrs, you already will be able to take down choppers and planes hands down.

Last edited by Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd (2008-01-29 12:00:06)


jason85 wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Because everyone hates tanks, and theyre easy to use, therefore more time required you berk.
There you go again, insulting people. I bet you got your ass kicked in school everyday, so you feel the need to insult people over the internet to avoid retribution.
watch out gaiz, internetz police comn thru

I like jason, eh QQs about Raiden and doesn't afraid of anything.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6459|San Antonio, Texas
Supply drop information! If you have the 3D map on, default button to activate is Left Alt, and you're close enough, you can see enemy supply crates and vehicle drops.

I'd approach the tank, he might move and you get his supply crate.
Find your center.

I can armor whore all day. Good maps if you want practice at just infantry and other armor:

Karkand (Duh)
Sharqi (Ok there are choppers) BUT great practice for shooting em down

Ghost Town (My personal favorite) Choppers are easy to shot down with a tank shell
Mass Destruction

ALWAYS be an engineer if you intend to armor whore. I hate to admit it, but I've teamkilled people with low ranks who were waiting for the tank as a sniper when our team was losing tickets. Doing this, usually helps even the score

Its easy to bind mouse buttons to your wrench. What I do, is after a fight I smoke screen, bail out, drop a mine, repair tank, and keep going. I've gone 50-4 on maps with this tactic. Also, being squad leader and requesting supply drops when you know your gonna enter into a risky situation helps. Change camera angles often and STAY moving. (My few deaths were usually the cause of a jihader on an ATV)
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
back to i-life

Or just play AT in armor, you will probably lose your tank but definitely get a kill finishing him with AT rocket. Or ram as said above, but as spec ops- put a c4 on track and when are you going to die, move as close as possible and kaboom!!! not my tactics though, but I have experienced that quite often against me.

Last edited by legionair (2008-01-29 18:17:36)

I,m afraid I jst locked into Tampa,and Karkand and got on with it.
Goodbye :)
+399|6790|Somewhere else

DefCon-17 wrote:

Wallpaper wrote:

That, and if you really are an EXPERT at it, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Yes, it IS a lot, but staying alive in a tank really isnt that hard if you  1) get a supply crate 2) get next to another tank with an engi in it for repairs 3) get a friend to follow you around and repair 4) dont suck
You must play in servers where helicopters are banned.
sadly, before one of the patches, that wasnta problem.  One tank round used to knock choppers down.
+58|6307|Mesa, AZ

RoosterCantrell wrote:

DefCon-17 wrote:

Wallpaper wrote:

That, and if you really are an EXPERT at it, it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Yes, it IS a lot, but staying alive in a tank really isnt that hard if you  1) get a supply crate 2) get next to another tank with an engi in it for repairs 3) get a friend to follow you around and repair 4) dont suck
You must play in servers where helicopters are banned.
sadly, before one of the patches, that wasnta problem.  One tank round used to knock choppers down.
You'd kind of think they still would huh? I mean how big is the shell off the tank? 120mm? At least it causes damage though, not like shooting a jet with it. You have to hit it perfectly to drop a jet.

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