aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6587|Mo Val, Cali

ig wrote:

S.J.N.P.0717 wrote:

ig wrote:

i got 417 once. i would say anything less than 450 is possible
Hahaha 400 and 450 is possible but not 453? I've seen a best round of 495 from a player I know is legit so i'm thinking anything past 550 is pushing it.
i mean i guess it's possible if someone is afk and there are like 3 people on each team and they all suck and u kill the afk guy over and over
There was no one afk and there were like 8-20 guys in throughout the match and once again I started when there were a couple people who hgad like 40 points already and they banend me before the round was over. Also I think if you get killed like 3 times in a row your spawn point is unselected so therw won't be any stat padding. But if i didn't say let me say, I wasn't cheating/hacking/stat padding. Whether you think those guys sucked depends on how good do you think =E2N= is. Right now they're ranked 10th on 5v5 IO TWL. I was 160+ kills and 14 deaths. I was leading the second place guy who was on my team by over 200 and the third place guy on there team by over 300. They also changed their ban policy after refusing to lift my ban. These are direct quotes unchanged from their website.

Posted: Tue Nov 27

"1) We do not EVER (emphasis on EVER) ban without proof. Any admin caught doing this is reprimanded"

Later on that day after refusing to lift my ban....

Posted: Tue Nov 27

"E2N will ban without proof anyone suspected of hacking."

Last edited by S.J.N.P.0717 (2008-01-21 17:01:04)

Nade Spammer
how long are the rounds 3hrs?
567 - Karkand knife/pistol server. Winning commander. The winning commander on a 64 player karkand knife/pistol map allways get 500+ points. So if u wanna get some fast points - aim for that commander seat... as anyone else :-)
aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6587|Mo Val, Cali

TFSlott wrote:

567 - Karkand knife/pistol server. Winning commander. The winning commander on a 64 player karkand knife/pistol map allways get 500+ points. So if u wanna get some fast points - aim for that commander seat... as anyone else :-)
Well I assumed he meant legally, otherwise if someone's padding I think like 2000 something has been done. But if I didn't do mine legally I wouldn't be bragging...
361, karkand medic, 5 vs 5, 64 player size.

Was with a group of guys I used to play with, we kicked anyone else who joined.
Hopscotch Champion
+11|6472|Houston, Texas

S.J.N.P.0717 wrote:

Whether you think those guys sucked depends on how good do you think =E2N= is. Right now they're ranked 10th on 5v5 IO TWL. I was 160+ kills and 14 deaths. I was leading the second place guy who was on my team by over 200 and the third place guy on there team by over 300. They also changed their ban policy after refusing to lift my ban. These are direct quotes unchanged from their website.

Posted: Tue Nov 27

"1) We do not EVER (emphasis on EVER) ban without proof. Any admin caught doing this is reprimanded"

Later on that day after refusing to lift my ban....

Posted: Tue Nov 27

"E2N will ban without proof anyone suspected of hacking."
=E2N= are the biggest bunch of noobs ever. Me and some clan mates ( (US) clan) occasionally go into their servers just b/c we know we get haccusations from them left and right. They are just TOTAL tards so i dont have a doubt in my mind you played legit.
Nade Spammer
So what do you guys do to get so many points is it skill or tactics. Beause it must be real hard, like i tryed my hardest and i only got to 160 points on sharqi and on stike of karkand so how do you guys do it you have to be like pro to be able to do it. is the some kind of tactic to get it and do you know weather you can get higher then 550 points in a round? because that is what an admin told me.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7138|Grapevine, TX
Wow, this was fun
+877|6270|Washington DC

capten-sniper wrote:

So what do you guys do to get so many points is it skill or tactics. Beause it must be real hard, like i tryed my hardest and i only got to 160 points on sharqi and on stike of karkand so how do you guys do it you have to be like pro to be able to do it. is the some kind of tactic to get it and do you know weather you can get higher then 550 points in a round? because that is what an admin told me.
Probably skills + tactics, they go hand in hand. Remember, this game has been out for nearly 3 years now. If one bought this game near release and played it a lot, you'd get pretty good. I'd probably be a good General by now if I kept playing as much as I used to.

Alas I got bored and uninstalled

Last edited by HurricaИe (2008-01-22 19:44:21)

Nade Spammer
yer lol
i dont think id be a general but if i had not uninstalled bf2 around aprill i would might have goten better at the game but (T)eflon(S)hadow you must had a good round i wonder if lots of people get over 230 points in a round? it sounds hard but not for must people

Last edited by capten-sniper (2008-01-22 20:12:32)

Laughter with an S
+167|6954|Camoran's Paradise

Look through there.  It should give you a good idea.
Nade Spammer
thanks for the link but i would still like to know what people no and have seen about the topic that i would like to know :p
+16|6903|San Marcos, Texas

Airwolf wrote:

Im_Dooomed wrote:

This should give you an idea:


he's from india???

silly azns.
I didnt know someone from India could afford a computer....

Its called sarcasm.....

Last edited by devilhammer (2008-01-23 15:47:45)

Not really a Brit

TFSlott wrote:

567 - Karkand knife/pistol server. Winning commander. The winning commander on a 64 player karkand knife/pistol map allways get 500+ points. So if u wanna get some fast points - aim for that commander seat... as anyone else :-)
Ah, so that's why the Admins always kick for the Commander seat.
aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6587|Mo Val, Cali

capten-sniper wrote:

yer lol
i dont think id be a general but if i had not uninstalled bf2 around aprill i would might have goten better at the game but (T)eflon(S)hadow you must had a good round i wonder if lots of people get over 230 points in a round? it sounds hard but not for must people
If your good 200-300+ is easy even when there's like 20-30 people.

S.J.N.P.0717 wrote:

ig wrote:

S.J.N.P.0717 wrote:

Hahaha 400 and 450 is possible but not 453? I've seen a best round of 495 from a player I know is legit so i'm thinking anything past 550 is pushing it.
i mean i guess it's possible if someone is afk and there are like 3 people on each team and they all suck and u kill the afk guy over and over
There was no one afk and there were like 8-20 guys in throughout the match and once again I started when there were a couple people who hgad like 40 points already and they banend me before the round was over. Also I think if you get killed like 3 times in a row your spawn point is unselected so therw won't be any stat padding. But if i didn't say let me say, I wasn't cheating/hacking/stat padding. Whether you think those guys sucked depends on how good do you think =E2N= is. Right now they're ranked 10th on 5v5 IO TWL. I was 160+ kills and 14 deaths. I was leading the second place guy who was on my team by over 200 and the third place guy on there team by over 300. They also changed their ban policy after refusing to lift my ban. These are direct quotes unchanged from their website.

Posted: Tue Nov 27

"1) We do not EVER (emphasis on EVER) ban without proof. Any admin caught doing this is reprimanded"

Later on that day after refusing to lift my ban....

Posted: Tue Nov 27

"E2N will ban without proof anyone suspected of hacking."
yeah were you the one they were asking why you had so many other accounts under your guild or something?
i was still in their clan when i saw that thread, and i was like god damn it /facepalm
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7138|Grapevine, TX

S.J.N.P.0717 wrote:

capten-sniper wrote:

yer lol
i dont think id be a general but if i had not uninstalled bf2 around aprill i would might have goten better at the game but (T)eflon(S)hadow you must had a good round i wonder if lots of people get over 230 points in a round? it sounds hard but not for must people
If your good 200-300+ is easy even when there's like 20-30 people.
OK then Prove it....
pics or it never happened...

Whats your PID? and your BRS?
Nade Spammer
do you what my PID or S.J.N.P.0717. well anyway mine is


and i don't no what brs means but i thunk it means (best round) anyway its 130 i think for me
aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6587|Mo Val, Cali

weasel_thingo wrote:

S.J.N.P.0717 wrote:

ig wrote:

i mean i guess it's possible if someone is afk and there are like 3 people on each team and they all suck and u kill the afk guy over and over
There was no one afk and there were like 8-20 guys in throughout the match and once again I started when there were a couple people who hgad like 40 points already and they banend me before the round was over. Also I think if you get killed like 3 times in a row your spawn point is unselected so therw won't be any stat padding. But if i didn't say let me say, I wasn't cheating/hacking/stat padding. Whether you think those guys sucked depends on how good do you think =E2N= is. Right now they're ranked 10th on 5v5 IO TWL. I was 160+ kills and 14 deaths. I was leading the second place guy who was on my team by over 200 and the third place guy on there team by over 300. They also changed their ban policy after refusing to lift my ban. These are direct quotes unchanged from their website.

Posted: Tue Nov 27

"1) We do not EVER (emphasis on EVER) ban without proof. Any admin caught doing this is reprimanded"

Later on that day after refusing to lift my ban....

Posted: Tue Nov 27

"E2N will ban without proof anyone suspected of hacking."
yeah were you the one they were asking why you had so many other accounts under your guild or something?
i was still in their clan when i saw that thread, and i was like god damn it /facepalm
Haha yep that was me but I'm pretty good so don't feel too bad. The reason like I said is I play at an internet cafe so there have been hundreds who have played the same computer and dozens who played bf2. So Teflon or whatever your name is I can't take pictures since the computers are very restricted like you can't dl anything. Still you want proof? Just go to e2n's website..."1. Your K/D ratio that night was 160+ kills and 14 deaths and growing." Believe me I would've been taking dozens of ss if I could. S.J.N.P.0717, cshs07, fishingrules. All of them have 1 best round with over 300, 2 with 299 and 1 with 291. I guess it's that hard for you to do so you need proof.

http://equal-2-none.com/index.php?name= … mp;start=0

Haha they also liked talking about best rounds

I can tell you the best way to improve your score per minute is to play medic and be a team player.   If you concentrate on reviving every dead body you see and always running towards the action your points will skyrocket.  Pick a karkland 64 map with maybe 32 or less players on it.  Your k/d ratio is probably not high enough to score great on a 64 player map with only 10 players so you will need to find one that you can run in a 6 person squad.   If you take the approach that if you are not doing something productive in the game you are losing out on points your score will start to improve.  I routinely have scores over 300 points.  Can't seem to break 400 and I have been trying hard.  I currently average a legit 5.2134 points per minute which even with all the hacked entries in ranking list (first 50 seemed to all be hacks)  I'm still in the top 500.  I'm not the best shot with only a k/d ratio of 2.19 but I would consider myself a point whore.  If there are points available I want them.  If you kill a supply guy, grab his kit and throw down 3 supply bags then pickup your medic kit again, if you kill a sniper, grab his kit, lay a couple of claymores down and then pick back up your medic kit.  Throw medic bags to everyone you see, and ALWAYS, ALWAYS revive a fallen player, even if it means your own death.  (2 points for revive, 0 points loss for death)  I would be glad to help you improve your play, just drop by www.trust-company.net some night and look for eje_rommel on teamspeak.


Last edited by eje_rommel (2008-01-27 13:32:14)


Sabr1y0 wrote:

actually it's higher... bf2s doesnt go over 65,535 for best round

http://bf2s.com/player/123861579/ has 235,161 points for best round
cause he's a no good hacker.

i have to agree with about 400. maybe 500 on a good day.
+1|6280|Wyoming USA
Interesting stuff. I can't believe so many people hack in this game. Shot dudes today 15 times and smoke flys-then they turn and pop me once..I am done. Oh well-still lots of fun!
Best ___ in Aus
Well you get your SPM, then you see who long the round goes for (in hours) and multiply length of round (in hours) by your SPM and you should see your theoretical maximum score in any given period of time.
Nade Spammer

FNOZMAN wrote:

Interesting stuff. I can't believe so many people hack in this game. Shot dudes today 15 times and smoke flys-then they turn and pop me once..I am done. Oh well-still lots of fun!
yes it would be good if all hackers were banned from bf2 but we cant stop them.  if someone like that goes on a server report him or leave the server lol you cant do much more then that lol :p
Best ___ in Aus
I think hackers should be banned from the internet

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