
Do you play Highway Tampa anymore?

Yes30%30% - 65
No69%69% - 145
Total: 210
I've played it twice and it sucked. tanks everywhere. if there were any choppers on that map  it would be even worse
well yeah, it is a tank map
Boat sig is not there anymore
Tampa is awesome.
I never really played it when it came out, but since I started going for my vehicle time for my stars, I spend quite a bit of time on it. Unlike maps like Wake, Dragon, Dalian, etc it isn't dominated by aircraft, so you can actually be infantry/in armour and not have to worry about  being buttsecksed by a chopper every two seconds. Also, with it being MiG vs F-18, there's no more issue of the imbalance that arises from the F35's massive hitbox, or the J10s lack of one.
A single jet per team isn't much of a threat anyway - like Snake said, theres a long fly to the uncap to re-arm, and with no cover from trees/mountains, mobile AA is a serious threat to any pilot. on more then one occasion I've been shot down by AA because I couldn't get out of range fast enough or break the lock.
I just wish that there were more servers for it.

Last edited by Sup3r_Dr4gon (2008-01-20 07:09:04)

Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6763|Cambridge, UK

27% is pretty good!

Considering I thought that it was a higher percentage that only played the top few popular maps (kark, wake, warlord, ghost), plus I assume several in No that are 'dont play any'
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6310|Aberdeen, Scotland
Lol...Snake you da man.

I did a long round of that heli shit once with my clan, it was very fun

Then the enemy started doing it but they sucked ass, next round I was in the F-18 and kept shooting guys out the back of the heli, funny as hell

I definitely know what you mean about people not adapting...we have no 'entry standard' in our clan so we have a couple of sniper bitches...

Every round it's 'feckin tanks' 'I hate armour' wha wha wha..WELL DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN HIDE WITH YOUR PUSSY RIFLE!

I try to do a bit of everything, helis, jets, anti-tanking...only thing I can't be arsed with now is driving tanks, which sucks because I need another 160 hours for exp. armour.

Hell I'm gonna go do some tankwhoring on Tampa for a change
+24|6810|atlanta GA
never even bothered to download it
something else
At least its better map than operation steaming shit
Vroom Vroom

Since I saw this thread I downloaded it and started playing again, quite fun while in a jet. Best part is that no on rushes for it. Tank whores
Flex Appeal

DankmanHightimes wrote:

never even bothered to download it
same. i dont think im missing out at all.
Cereal Killer
+145|6967|The View From The Afternoon

Longbow wrote:

No attack chopers - fail. Should be 2 per team.
No. Ever since they put in uncaps it's been going downhill from there.
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6900|California U.S.A

Snake wrote:

You all simply fail. 23hours on it, so far, with a BRS of 106 and simply some of the best vehicle combat Ive ever experienced. Its nice to be able to drive a tank around such a colossal map and not have a bomber or heli blowing you to shit every minute. Thats what makes tanks such a deathtrap on OCS, Daqing and Taraba, and they are biiiig maps.
The only reason people dont like that now, is that the flags are spaced out - and guess what, you have to drive to them. Oh dear, your SPM might drop by 0.5. UHHH no. You cant stand in your spawn point and lob nades at each other. Oh no.

Ok, so people who play in helis most of the time aren't going to like it. Heres an idea: try something new. Theres more to this game than a TV missile.
Or, try the tactic of a 6man squad, SL as support as the pilot of the trans heli and the rest as engineers and go AT-mine-bombarding all the enemy tanks. 100+ scores for the pilot (if hes good), wrenches to repair - even mobile AA cant bring you down and you drop unlimited mines all over enemy tanks and vehicles. THAT is epic win, teamwork and the best damned fun Ive ever had in this game.

Infantry players think its not for them? Get 3 people, grab a jeep and engage infantry at the Gas Station CP. Theres hordes of them. RD and myself did this, one medic and one assault, we lasted for about 20 kills each before being overwhelmed by enemy infantry. Not tanks. Infantry.
Theres plenty of it, you just have to find it. Its not like karkand where you just run forward 10 steps and lob nades til you die.

Why is it that people endlessly bitch about this game, no matter what is created, added or whatever when they have no sense of perspective?
Seriously, just because a single, solitary vehicle isnt (or is in some cases) in the map, people dont like it. Why is it that people endlessly complain about it? Why cant you just take the map for what it is, adapt your playstyle and try something different?
Theres very few people in this game that can and will play a bit of everything, and thats what I hate most about the BF2 community - the fact that most people cant adapt themselves to play slightly differently, whether it be a different kit, vehicle, tactic or gamestyle.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

I found that every 5 minutes i'd get killed by a jet. Hardly saw any enemy armour when i played. Just constant bombing, or standing around in spawn points waiting for a jeep to spawn. It's also far too big.
What fucking map were you playing? Unless theres a good jet pilot in the air, a single bombing run should not be taking out your tank that often. And if they are bombing you alone that often, be an engineer and repair up. Jets get most kills from DPV's and transport helis on the map.
Considering the distance to the airfields...jets have a long return time for bombing runs compared to most maps, so its not as bad as you make out.
And if you hardly saw any enemy armour you clearly are driving near the water or need a pair of glasses.

Seriously, how many people were in the server where you were playing? Lowest Ive played is 10v10 on it, and even then , there was a lot of armour about.
Play it on a full 64man server and you cant fail to find, engage and take out enemy armour - and convoys too. And its a damn sight more fun.
Tampa wasnt designed for "High points servers" where you have 6v6 for hours upon end. Oh no, it was designed for massive tank battles in huge player games. And it does just that. Very well.
You simply have not found it. Yet.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Not a fun map at all.
Then learn to play it. Tank convoys, 5 strong vs an enemy column of 5-6 tanks...is that not fun and unique?
It is fun, you have just had a few bad rounds on it. End of.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Oh yeah, and every time I played, the MEC got raped real bad. Incredibly unbalanced, downright boring map.
Yes, MEC have it harder on the map...but they dont get raped real bad all round, every round.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

I think that removing the jets completely and greatly increasing the number of trans heli's and jeeps would have made the map far more enjoyable.
Removing that lone jet per team? Seriously, what the fuck. ONE fighter jet and you are complaining? Tell you what, lets stick some F-15's and SU-34's on the map and see how you like that. No wonder you can hardly play the booster packs.
Transport helis...is 2 per team not enough? Ok, theres a third pad...but would that really make it that much better? No.
Increasing the number of jeeps...
1) they have done, and there are enough of them - its how people use them thats the problem
2) there would be no defense at the flags. At all. Stranding people at flags forces you to use the AT kit and take out enemy armour. And at those kind of ranges, that is a serios threat. You can see the tank, he cant see you. Wonderful.

(Yes, Im in a bad mood and, yes, this topic is full of fail of TBF2 proportions)
Fuckin A!

Snake that's one of the better posts concerning people who bitch too much about everything in BF2.

I gottta get on the =SF= Highway Tampa server more too. 

Tampa is one of the best maps period if your into armour battles.

I've yet to do the transport Heli mine/c4 bombing runs that's sounds fun. I can imagine how deadly this would have been for the pre-nerf Blackhawk.
Grow up, or die
BF2 version no. 2142 version on titan, hell yes.
something else
Bf2142 sounds like fun, never bought it anyways
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
But it is a good map. I should play it again...
Real Хорошо
+826|6830|Adelaide, South Australia

Simon wrote:

Didnt even download it
Never played it. Dont even have it
DanForth Teh Pwnzer
I`ve actually never played it at all.
+7|6500|Bay Area, CA
Its a good, fairly well balanced map and adds variety to BF2.

If you're smart a medic can get many kills as long as you have a commander that lets you know what's going on in the map. There are always those flags with just a couple of spec ops or anti tank guys running around to be killed. The map is so big that even with all the armor you can just flank them to get to the flags without.
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6995|West Yorkshire, U.K
I havnt even downloaded it

Snake wrote:

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

I found that every 5 minutes i'd get killed by a jet. Hardly saw any enemy armour when i played. Just constant bombing, or standing around in spawn points waiting for a jeep to spawn. It's also far too big.
What fucking map were you playing? Unless theres a good jet pilot in the air, a single bombing run should not be taking out your tank that often. And if they are bombing you alone that often, be an engineer and repair up. Jets get most kills from DPV's and transport helis on the map.
Considering the distance to the airfields...jets have a long return time for bombing runs compared to most maps, so its not as bad as you make out.
And if you hardly saw any enemy armour you clearly are driving near the water or need a pair of glasses.

Seriously, how many people were in the server where you were playing? Lowest Ive played is 10v10 on it, and even then , there was a lot of armour about.
Play it on a full 64man server and you cant fail to find, engage and take out enemy armour - and convoys too. And its a damn sight more fun.
Tampa wasnt designed for "High points servers" where you have 6v6 for hours upon end. Oh no, it was designed for massive tank battles in huge player games. And it does just that. Very well.
You simply have not found it. Yet.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Not a fun map at all.
Then learn to play it. Tank convoys, 5 strong vs an enemy column of 5-6 tanks...is that not fun and unique?
It is fun, you have just had a few bad rounds on it. End of.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Oh yeah, and every time I played, the MEC got raped real bad. Incredibly unbalanced, downright boring map.
Yes, MEC have it harder on the map...but they dont get raped real bad all round, every round.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

I think that removing the jets completely and greatly increasing the number of trans heli's and jeeps would have made the map far more enjoyable.
Removing that lone jet per team? Seriously, what the fuck. ONE fighter jet and you are complaining? Tell you what, lets stick some F-15's and SU-34's on the map and see how you like that. No wonder you can hardly play the booster packs.
Transport helis...is 2 per team not enough? Ok, theres a third pad...but would that really make it that much better? No.
Increasing the number of jeeps...
1) they have done, and there are enough of them - its how people use them thats the problem
2) there would be no defense at the flags. At all. Stranding people at flags forces you to use the AT kit and take out enemy armour. And at those kind of ranges, that is a serios threat. You can see the tank, he cant see you. Wonderful.

(Yes, Im in a bad mood and, yes, this topic is full of fail of TBF2 proportions)
Well, firstly, i'm fairly sure i was playing Highway Tampa. Just because it takes them a while to reload doesn't make them less deadly. One bombing run kills my tank, i respawn, get in again, drive away again to find the other friendly tanks again and get bombed. Again. They have ample time to reload.

Secondly, i'm well aware that bombers would make it worse. They are the single reason I don't play any maps that have bombers on. They are the very meaning of imbalance. The jets are bad enough, but the bombers are just stupidly powerful. There is a reason why people always say 'use a bomber' when people want to know how to get high scores on those levels. 4 people in 2 bombers, and 60 other players have to live through hell until the map changes again.

Thirdly, I 'can hardly play the booster packs' because 1. I'd not had them long before i pretty much completely stopped playing BF2 (mostly because BF2s went down so i had no-one to play with), and 2. They are all very vehicle heavy, and low settings machines cannot cope with that very well (ever tried flying with low 'objects'? Vehicles and buildings appear about 20 feet in front of your plane/heli, and the fps drops to almost zero whenever you point at the ground from high up. Using the scout heli's is also far more difficult than it should be, because you have to get very very close before you even start seeing infantry (also, having a resolution of 800x600 doesn't help). I quite like them both for your information. I just don't play them often because i get much less hassle from my computer on other maps.

So I don't not play them because just they have jets on. I'm very good at adapting to different map conditions. I'm not just playing to get a high spm. It is mostly the poor specs of my machine that have kepts me as a ground pounder for almost all my time playing.

Fourthly, like i said, CTD's. I can't stay on long enough to have a good game. I join, get killed by those bloody jets about 5 times while waiting for a jeep to spawn/get killed by jets while driving my tank/get killed by jets while i'm in AA/get killed by a huge armour convoy while my completely useless team are being completely useless and then i get a CTD.

I can't really speak from experience for obvious reasons. All my time playing the map is from the beta (aside from 2 or 3 five minute games before it crashed on the final version).

However, during the beta i did enjoy having Armour convoys. I also enjoyed.. Well thats it really. Most of my time playing the beta was spent waiting for a jeep to spawn. Stranded people at flags might be good for defense, but it is also boring. Nothing happens, except you wander back and forth looking at the complete lack of scenery. Suddenly, a jeep spawns, but you were waiting for the wrong one, and the 10 second run to the new jeep is all the other guy needs to get in it himself, and go speeding away without waiting for anybody. The AT kit may be deadly, but it is completely useless if you're the only one using it.

The one time i remember defending a flag on Tampa, i was AT, one other guy was AT, and of course there was a completely useless sniper, medic etc. The kind of people who really can't adapt to different maps. 3 Tanks appeared on the horizon, and after a few minutes we were completely out of rockets, and all 3 tanks were still on the horizon (only a lot closer by now) and all still at full health. They of course came into the flag and destroyed everything.

I would like to play the map to be honest. Blackhawking with a full squad sounds like great fun. That never happened when i played. I know why as well. I joined a server on my own, which meant i wasnt going to get a single drop of teamwork on the servers.

I'm also well aware that my post reeks of someone who had a few bad games and then gave up. Which is true. I had nothing but bad games in the beta, and the full release doesn't work on my computer.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-01-21 10:07:17)

Missing, Presumed Dead

Firstly...excuse my "state of mind" when making that post

Secondly, you must have a very very poor machine in that case. I used to play, everything on low with 100% draw distance on 800x600 with an average of about 50fps at the most, and could still fly jets/helis just as well as I can now. Before it degraded, I could even play Sharqi on a full 64man server. Only difference now, other than graphics, is that I have higher fps but thats about it.

Thirdly...CTD's. I used to get that, I uninstalled BF2, reinstalled (for other reasons) and now I only get them on Tampa when taking screenshots with xfire, BF2 or fraps, and only after Ive taken about 2. Something weird about it, but that also might be to do with vista...

I still find it hard to believe a fighter to be that effective. A single bombing run, no damage from any other sources and he was getting you every time? If thats the case, hes was a damn good pilot that you dont often come across. Usually you'll end up with half to a quarter armour left, so pop out and wrench it back up.

Join us sometime when we whore up the map, me/behe used to do armour "convoys", but the last load of times we whored up the BH and Mi-17 with AT-mine bombardments. Great fun
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6310|Aberdeen, Scotland
I just started jetwhoring on Tampa again...there are so many targets!

And while it is possible to consistently kill tanks in 1 strike, it's pretty rare to keep hitting the same guy considering the size of map and number of tanks

1 fighter is nothing to worry about.

Had a couple of excellent rounds last night on =SF=, 1st in the F-18, there was a group of 4 clanmembers doing the heli thing but the MEC chopper is such an easy target I kept shooting them all out of it

Next round I was on the ground, our Mig pilot was hopeless so we kept having mines dropped on us, eventually one of the guys in my squad started hitting back with AA while I gunned 'em down with the jeep, got them a few times that way too
damn ain't it great to be a laxer
i love the map it just crashes to the desktop for me every time i play it
O' HAL naw!
+470|6889|Columbus, OH

Wallpaper wrote:

Like it but its too laggy
why do you think DICE/EA allow Intel to paste "extreme core2-duo" logos every where on the map, so you can play lag free. /sarcasm

I love the map but it was a root of a "no stats updating" problem and haven't played it ever since.

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