You laughin' at me, bitch?
+44|6957|Hong Kong
In game name: Gav1n1sed=Gavinised

my name is gavin so i took the L from galvanised and it sounded cool
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
"Kaika" in japanese is mysterious fire.  I thought it sounded cool.

At least that's what the japanese-english dictionary told me

Last edited by [Ahazi] Kaika (2006-03-31 06:07:21)

skuko - plain and simple, from my surname -> Skukalek

cmotdibbler wrote:

C.M.O.T Dibbler = Cut Me Own Throat Dibbler: a dodgy street vender in the Diskworld books.
In game name Lt-Grumpy = Boss kept telling me i was a grumpy bastard and it just sorta stuck.
Terry Pratchett for teh win!
Just love his books.

Anymoo, my nick goes back a long way and it's originally from "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane".

It's not my BF2 name though.


Last edited by Sambuccashake (2006-03-31 06:06:50)

Pony Slaystation
+343|7017|Charlie One Alpha
I use LaidBackNinja, because it's always available and well, I'm a laid back ninja. There's a DJ around here who calls himself LaidBackLuke and that kinda gave me the idea. I also tend to use the nick Chocolate King a lot, anyone who watches scrubs might recognise this as I got the idea from that show. That one tends to be taken most of the time so it's laidbackninja.

I'd love to see someone use 'Slartibartfast'

Last edited by LaidBackNinja (2006-03-31 06:10:36)

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Kick His Ass!
+371|7002|Howell, Mi USA

JeSTeR_Player1 wrote:

Rainbow 6 - Rogue Spear 1998 playing on MSN Gaming Zone. Decided to go with the name Jester... not to long after became JeSTeR <---- Which I think looks really snazzy (Mathimatically balanced in all its majesty)

Then 90% of the things I sign up for that name is already be expected. Being a huge Nerd Fuck Gamer I added _Player1 to it. Everyone wants to be Player one... haha.

So anyway... I have been JeSTeR_Player1 for a VERY long time, and use it in almost everything I sign up for. If you Google it...I have no idea what would come up.
Hey i played RS back in the day too, u remember a clan named DsF? My callsign was SmOt PoKeR.

On topic, Cbass was given to me by a friend a while back. My names Chris but everyone called me C and after the movie dumb and dumber "kick his ass cbass" he started calling me cbass and it stuck. now no1 calls me by my name just hey cbass.
+11|6911|Swindon, UK
ShockTherapy.  From back when I used to play Unreal Tournament Instagib.  You use a Shock Rifle and I always thought shooting stuff was therapeutic.  Hence, ShockTherapy.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7053|Houston, TX
I went to Military High School (Boarding JROTC) Duringmy Junior yr, a Squad leader in 2nd Platoon, Head Quarters was trying to figure out my heritage. 

"1st Sgt Goldblum?  Sir, You confuse me.  You're Chinese and you're Jewish, I don't know what to call that sir.  It's kinda like Kung Fu but you're a Jew.  How about Kung Jew....."

After some PT for disrupting a formation, the name stuck. 

International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7039|Uhh... erm...
My name has a long history, dating back to mIRC. Ironically, I Googled my name for fun one day and discovered a Russian town named Tetrino.
Bringing Sexy Back


....I just want to see what some of your names mean.
The day I know i'll tell you. Random.
Actually I used to play black hawk down and any other online games with the name SemiSkimmed but seeings as I was late buying BF2 some cocks got the name SemiSkimmed and milk was gone so i just stuck this on the end. Thing is, I actually hate milk the thought of drinking it makes my stomach curdle. :X

Last edited by (2006-03-31 06:43:06)

+1,153|6938|Washington, DC

Your name kicks ass, I wish I had thought of it =/

ExecutionerStyle is some Linkin Park song. Not a whiny emo one, just a wierd DJ scratching thing. Pretty cool. I also just like the sound of it.
+7|7100|TN, USA
Because I'm usually DEADER than everyone else. Just look at my stats.
I am British!
+124|6991|England and damn proud
i have problems, thats where i got my name from
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7053|Houston, TX wrote:


....I just want to see what some of your names mean.
The day I know i'll tell you. Random.
Actually I used to play black hawk down and any other online games with the name SemiSkimmed but seeings as I was late buying BF2 some cocks got the name SemiSkimmed and milk was gone so i just stuck this on the end. Thing is, I actually hate milk the thought of drinking it makes my stomach curdle. :X
LOL - You should join Clan - Lactose Intolerance

+3,135|7046|The Hague, Netherlands

mine goes back some years........

use to play Medal Of Honor Allied Assault with a name like this -=<DrF>=-*AlphA*|RunD|CT|
well when i bought BF2 me and some clanmembers of that clan started our own clan: -=>cSc<=- : Cow Strike Corps lol, then i wanted to use RunD = A crazy Cow in Dutch/Retarted. but  BF2 didnt want to so it became RunDje a Smaller RunD so we have : -=>cSc<=-*RunDje and cT| is a squad in the clan : Cow Team, so its -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT|, clanmembers have the same : -=>cSc<=-*.........*cT| as me.

hope it helps its a mouth full LOL

Last edited by -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| (2006-03-31 06:58:19)
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7036|Honolulu, HI
[QXJZ], my clan tag, comes from when we first were brainstorming ideas for our clan name, without much success.  One day we're playing Scrabble (yes, I'm a dork, sue me) and I get stuck with the 4 hardest-to-use letters on my rack, the ones that happen to be worth the most points.  You guessed it--Q, X, J, and Z.  They just looked so damn cool, and it's certainly memorable.  Ours is probably the only clan where the acronym was created before the name itself.  We decided on "Quit Xeroxing Just Zeroes," a geeky binary reference--perfect, since we were geeky binary kind of people.

Capt_Kefra has been my name for a number of online games, including BF42, CS, even Starcraft.  I just like the rank of Captain, and "Kefra" is a portmanteau of the first letter of my first name, and the last letters of my last name.  In high school everyone liked my last name since it was so unusual, but hardly anyone got the pronunciation correct.  It's "Cefra" but people have a habit of pronouncing it with a "K" sound rather than an "S" at the beginning.  I liked the sound of "Kefra", the name stuck, and here I am before you, [QXJZ] Capt_Kefra.
Cool member
the dude kinda stuck with me after going bowling with my mates. In scotland, 10-pin bowling is not a major sport, so no one is ever that good at it. Anyway, me and my mates went along for a game. so we though we would just give ourselves names. I though hell i will just put down "The Dude" form the Big Lebowski since he plays 10-pin bowling.
After this, it kinda stuck. My flat mates all called me it all the time as well since i used to walk around the flat with long baggy PJ bottoms and flip flops all the time.

As for the 5B part, that stands for 5 Bagger. Now this part has different meanings and no one knows quite what it should be for. 5 strikes in a row in bowling, or 5 stikes in a row out on a night out.
i wanted a name which included master and i have a fetish with kangaroos so i went through all sorts of names but they were all taken so i ended up with Roomaster, though i wish you could change your name
+49|7001|Brunei Darussalam

Change first two letters from both words and you get Penis Jatke,which means in english penis extension. Janis Petke was the name of one character in finnish comedy show
My in game name Gaiscioch- Irish word for Warrior/Hero. Very cheesy, but I had a major lapse of imagination and i like the word. Not many people would understand so it works out well .
+2|6941|Austin, Tx
the name came from the nick for the USMC marines. jarhead is already used by some1 therefore ill just use Jarheadz (with 'z')

and i dedicate this name in the name of the Corps! Oorah~!
Thanks for the responses........ it clears up some of your names I have seen.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6981|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
1927 - The time the FA Cup (quoted as the greatest football / soccer cup competition in the world) left England.

The Football Association Of England hold there annual cup competition in England and Wales, open to all football clubs.  In 1927 my team CARDIFF CITY (capitol of wales) won the cup beating Arsenal 2-1 at Wembley.  It's the only time the cup has been taken out of England. Its the only time a Welsh club has won it.

The year 1927 is associated with Cardiff City FC and they use the year as a brand/logo etc. All of our feirce rivals know the year/logo. … ;id=168802  << copy paste for more information.

I have been asked twice now (ingame), "1927, wow was that when you was born"?.

I may feel that old but "no, im 30".
Citizen One
한국 공주
+338|6957|South Korea.
You just have to guess.

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