Someone already had KimJong, so....
Who the hell elected you leader of this outfit?
MaddOps comes from Madd Operator which I started using back around 2000 when I worked for the phone company as an operator.  I kept it because it was unique and I've never seen anyone else with the handle.

I think it may have been because I was disgruntled at the company at the time too.
Well, at a large school banquet my coach was speaking and he called me a "rolypoly" (aka fat) person... *sniffle. Thinking back to those distant years still makes me cry
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7117|Marathon, Florida Keys
ronin is my clan name, which means "samuri without a master".
for the story...... http://www.samurai-archives.com/ronin.html

Patton was the US army tank commading general of WW2 in the european/north african theatre of operations.

My freind came up with the name ronin when we all played counterstrike, they went off to world of warcraft and i went off to BF2, and i thought the name was good and not something meaningless like [BAK]= bad azz killers, i liked it because it had a story behind it. Everyone thinks its the front of my name so i get called "ronin" on every server i go on.

and for some reason i put underscores in my name which looks rly gay

Last edited by .:ronin:.|Patton (2006-04-10 18:36:35)

i got mine when i was back playing C&C Red Alert, just sat there thinking need a name and thought i might aswell use my own so its just James or in teh 1337 hax form, JaM3z still pretty pissed i couldnt have JaM3z for my BF2 account because some noobtard registerd it and never played on it, so its just JaM3z_18 (18 being my age when i started playing)
+14|6971|Garden City, KS. USA
Its my last name

Mine is simple, 1337 Jarhead.
+5|7049|Clinton, MD, USA
I used to like digimon apparently. And I don't feel like changing my name so if you see a ST19AG_WGreymon or a WarGreymon in any other multiplayer games, it's me.
I thought my cat was always a big ball of orange fuzz. Therefore Fuzzball. I used to use Fuzzball, but it was usually taken, so i just added the shooter.

JaM3z wrote:

i got mine when i was back playing C&C Red Alert, just sat there thinking need a name and thought i might aswell use my own so its just James or in teh 1337 hax form, JaM3z still pretty pissed i couldnt have JaM3z for my BF2 account because some noobtard registerd it and never played on it, so its just JaM3z_18 (18 being my age when i started playing)
rofflcakes C&C RA2 kicked major ass man, I love you for just saying you played that!!!
Hell yea keep on keepin on

The-Ahriman wrote:

I started out as Ahriman, but I couldn't use that for bf2. I used to introduce myself online to people as Mark Ahriman (a character from one of my favourite author's books "False Memory" by Dean Koontz), and so I use Mark_Ahriman.
I got Ahriman originally from another book, dunno what it was called, but it sounded cool, and I have since discovered that it's the Persian's version of Satan...

... which pisses my best mates (Shard04)'s parents off to no end, since they are Pastors of a church lol
Read the Orion series by Ben Bova.
Mines simple.

I desert race a Kawasaki KX500.

Rygar wrote:

Here - I used to mud a lot (ShadowGate) and this was my char's name - stuck ever since.
Incidentially I came up with the name on my own, about 2 years before someone pointed out there was a Nintendo game called the same.
IG - Someone who never plays nabbed the name before me (as well as my other 10 or so choices) so I went with Rygar_Nine for no apparent reason.

I was playing Rygar on the Amiga 500 in the 80's! I'm fairly sure it was a c64 game as well.
Metal gear solid series?

12 for my fav QB on teh pats

Last edited by SolidusSnake12 (2006-04-10 23:00:46)

Black Panzer Party
+184|7030|Eastern PA
Masque is french for mask...masques is the plural of that, as in masques à gaz or the Brand X album Masques.
The New Johnnie Cochran
I've been elamdri for about 5 years now. I originally wanted to to be Eladamri (was a big Magic player), but I spelled it wrong. However, because it's misspelled, yet phontecial as well, its never taken when I go to make a username for a game, yet people can say my name and be in the ballpark when they do it.
See Viz.

Hmm.. Sturmpanzerjager..

Well, because German as a language sounds military enough, my friend and I decided to use german army names (or modifications of those) as nicks, consisting of at least 3 words and as angry-sounding as possible. I chose my nick to be Sturmpanzerjager (Assault-tank-infantry)  because:

a) I received AT-training in the military (Although the nick might suggest I'd be tank-crew instead)
b) It wasn't taken, as I bought the game late
c) Teamwork with my buddy is easy, because other players realize quickly that we work together (similar names, OK, we use [FF] Prefixes also now..)

One definite downside to this, and what we really couldn't anticipate, is:

The assumption that we would be neo-nazis.. WE'RE NOT!! Goddamit! My friend "Ubersturmbannfuhrer" and I have occasionally been kicked for the nicks' sake.. But hey, what can you do.. Reminds me of that all-christian server that banns you for saying "damn", or something..

Maybe our sense of humour is only understood by us, twisted Finns...
I need around tree fiddy.
+3|7045|Toronto, Canada
I'm an Undertaker....
Karma whore
It's an anagram of my full name. Daniel Robin May = Lemony Brain Aid
cyborg ninja from metal gear solid, since sum1 used my name for bf2... 117 is my iq
Tank Troll
+71|6997|London, UK
from 2 fAst 2 furious & the film Bullitt

quite original aint it as i couldnt register the name on a bf2 account and the names not even taken

Last edited by bullit (2006-04-11 06:19:58)

It's not a bug, it's a feature
+38|6936|Muenster, Germany
The original german spelling has to be "todernst" and means deadly serious.

My first name is Ernst !!!

And i have been in the gothic scene for a long time and worked as a gravedigger for several years.

So this are several reasons for my nick.
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6945|Wigan. Manchester. England.
scottomus comes from my name being scott and 2 of my mates middle names were thomas and my was anthony. so my g/f decided to change myne to scott thomas...= Scottomus. near enough lol.

and the 0 i just added on lol
A nick I invented at early single player BF1942 days (I capitalized it to make it easier to distinguish from the computer names, I regret capitalizing it again when creating the BF2 account). Couldn't ever imagine that other liked it too, but I have a screenshot from BFHQ with 20 or so people who seems to have wanted that name (instead picking voltage12345, volt4age and so on). Luckily I was the one who got it.

bullit wrote:

from 2 fAst 2 furious & the film Bullitt

quite original aint it as i couldnt register the name on a bf2 account and the names not even taken
It's probably taken but not used, BF2S wont show the profile unless it got a minimum score of 100 or something. That's why EA should do an account purge of sorts, especially since many signed up when trying the demo but didn't buy the full game later. I bet a lot of good names are locked by persons who only played the demo for a few days and never again.

Last edited by voltage (2006-04-11 06:37:19)

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