+5|6300|Worcester, MA

Rubix-Cubes wrote:

both games have noobs, both games have idiots.
+244|7008|arica harbour
2142 sucks balls you noobs... drop it into a trash can and play cod4
Dead Meat
I enjoy both games equally.
It's nice to change up once and a while.
The game-play is different in both so having both games provides variety.

Both games still annoy me equally too. Main reason being...... when I aim at someones head and fire, I expect the bullet to make contact. There are times where I'll fire 4-5 times w/ any gun and miss no matter how close or far away I am. That is bullshit.
+163|6966|Odessa, Ukraine

specialistx2324 wrote:

2142 sucks balls you noobs... drop it into a trash can and play cod4
Thats just you...don't you understand you sound pathetic? lol, you make me laugh every time I read this bullshit about almighty cod4 which pwn BF2, no, it doesnt. It is just bulked up CSS, and CSS sucks.
Grow up, or die

Longbow wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

2142 sucks balls you noobs... drop it into a trash can and play cod4
Thats just you...don't you understand you sound pathetic? lol, you make me laugh every time I read this bullshit about almighty cod4 which pwn BF2, no, it doesnt. It is just bulked up CSS, and CSS sucks.
Sooooo true. High-Five and +1
I Am McLovin!!!!

Longbow wrote:

Thats just you...don't you understand you sound pathetic? lol, you make me laugh every time I read this bullshit about almighty cod4 which pwn BF2, no, it doesnt. It is just bulked up CSS, and CSS sucks.
First off it's not the "Bf2 series" it's the Battlefield series. And Tbh 2142 is dying since COD4 came out. I stopped playing it because it got boring for me anyways. It doesn't really remind me of CS:S either you can zoom in, more weapon variety, no kids. It's really different imo.

Last edited by Johnny_Extremer (2008-01-13 20:27:28)

+25|6458|BEHIND YOU!
I just hate that its set in the future.....dunno why......
Parcel of ol' Crams
to the people who say 2142 has more teamwork

cos i don't reckon it does, yea, it's meant to be more teamwork oriented but really, i get more voip squads/squads working as a team in bf2 then 2142 (it just feels like 2142 has teamplay, but that is only cos of the team rewards imo)
Grow up, or die

Tehremos wrote:

to the people who say 2142 has more teamwork

cos i don't reckon it does, yea, it's meant to be more teamwork oriented but really, i get more voip squads/squads working as a team in bf2 then 2142 (it just feels like 2142 has teamplay, but that is only cos of the team rewards imo)
"Yea, waiter! Can I get some more spelling and grammar please?"
Long ago I was an avid BF2 player myself. I was never really good, but I had my moments and I had fun playing.  I entered a contest with GameInformer Magazine to win a copy of BF2142.  I was never really interested in 2142 because, like most BF2 players, I thought it looked like a dumb futuristic expansion to BF2.  But I'm glad I won the game, because I would have missed out on a lot of fun.  The differences are not noticeable until you go back to 2 after playing only 2142 for a long time.  2 just doesn't seem as refined, you spend too much time running around trying to find where all the action is, and the weapons and movements don't feel as responsive. I just can't go back, not matter how many times I try. I look forward to the next game in the series.  Any BF game is better than Crysis, COD4, Halo IMO. Nobody does MMOFPS better.
Parcel of ol' Crams

xBlackPantherx wrote:

Tehremos wrote:

To the people who say 2142 has more teamwork,

because i don't reckon it does, yea, it's meant to be more teamwork oriented but really, i get more voip squads/squads working as a team in bf2 then 2142 (it just feels like 2142 has teamplay, but that is only cos of the team rewards imo).
"Yea, waiter! Can I get some more spelling and grammar please?"
Grammer is fine except for capital letters and a full stop at the end, so if you can't read that you have issues.

But I'll change it just for you.
Grow up, or die

Tehremos wrote:

xBlackPantherx wrote:

Tehremos wrote:

To the people who say 2142 has more teamwork,

because i don't reckon it does, yea, it's meant to be more teamwork oriented but really, i get more voip squads/squads working as a team in bf2 then 2142 (it just feels like 2142 has teamplay, but that is only cos of the team rewards imo).
"Yea, waiter! Can I get some more spelling and grammar please?"
Grammer is fine except for capital letters and a full stop at the end, so if you can't read that you have issues.

But I'll change it just for you.
Theres some punctuation stuff but, w/e, I'm too tired to care anymore.
Da Dirty Man!
+66|6971|Spokane, Washington

I played 2142 for a good 3 or 4 months I think. I have been playing BF2 for a total of 2 years. The main reason I stopped playing 2142 is that it just got boring to me. When I went back to BF2 after playing 2142 one day, it just felt so much more exciting and fast. I guess another reason is that I am a mod whore. At one time I had 30+ BF2 mods totally almost 50GB. How many good mods has 2142 have? I can really only think of first strike...

Overall, yes, 2142 is more team oriented; but personally I still have fun with 64 player Karkand grenade fest with my clan mates.
+244|7008|arica harbour

Longbow wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

2142 sucks balls you noobs... drop it into a trash can and play cod4
Thats just you...don't you understand you sound pathetic? lol, you make me laugh every time I read this bullshit about almighty cod4 which pwn BF2, no, it doesnt. It is just bulked up CSS, and CSS sucks.
go talk to any pro gamer out there, chat rooms, and they will tell you that 2142 is nothing more than a Bf2 MOD, plain and simple. i played 2142 at a friends house, and i just threw up. did not like it one bit.  weapons are soo inaccurate. map color= ugly.

ill tell you 5 reasons why cod4 is much better than the BF2 series.. and if you cant understand, wow you must be a retard

1) Bf2 has a crap load of vehicle whoring idiots, all they do, steal a tank or a heli and spawn kill every time. why did you expect you lost good players in Bf2 like bushviper, or firestorm. bushviper in my opinion is one of the best players--he can use vehicles well and do an awsome job via ground pounding
2) COD4 is all about infantry ground warfare, Bf2 is a bunch of fools stealing and tking people for vehicles
3) there is no teamkilling in COD4 except in hardcore mode i think.
4) the kill cam elimitates is very good at showing people who obviously hack.
5) martydom and last stand perks= stops teabaggers. i see a crapload of teabaggers in Karkland. makes me sick.

you said that CSS sucks. heres why= its a hack fest.

COD4 does one thing poorly that BF2 games do well at= Squad and teamwork, ill agree to that point.

Longbow, i think you dont like COD4 because of its features. yeah i know people that just dont like COD4 because of weapons, map being small, fast ranking, and all that crap. if that is the case, than i understand, there a lot of things i dont like too about COD4. the truth is m8, you dont like cod4, because you obviously realize that a lot of the exploits you do in BF2, you cant do in COD4. just be honest m8. i seen your stats, and your rank. from online FPS experience , you dont get high ranks unless you a) play Bf2 24/7 b) you have a way to exploit the system.

i have played Bf2 since it came out. i stopped because 1) im in school full time 2) im sick and tired of asshats messing up my experience and cod4 is a welcome change of pace for me.

just think, why do you think alot of good players left Bf2 or 2142?  try that for a food for thought.
+1,010|6605|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

specialistx2324 wrote:

Longbow wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

2142 sucks balls you noobs... drop it into a trash can and play cod4
Thats just you...don't you understand you sound pathetic? lol, you make me laugh every time I read this bullshit about almighty cod4 which pwn BF2, no, it doesnt. It is just bulked up CSS, and CSS sucks.
go talk to any pro gamer out there, chat rooms, and they will tell you that 2142 is nothing more than a Bf2 MOD, plain and simple. i played 2142 at a friends house, and i just threw up. did not like it one bit.  weapons are soo inaccurate. map color= ugly.

ill tell you 5 reasons why cod4 is much better than the BF2 series.. and if you cant understand, wow you must be a retard

1) Bf2 has a crap load of vehicle whoring idiots, all they do, steal a tank or a heli and spawn kill every time. why did you expect you lost good players in Bf2 like bushviper, or firestorm. bushviper in my opinion is one of the best players--he can use vehicles well and do an awsome job via ground pounding
2) COD4 is all about infantry ground warfare, Bf2 is a bunch of fools stealing and tking people for vehicles
3) there is no teamkilling in COD4 except in hardcore mode i think.
4) the kill cam elimitates is very good at showing people who obviously hack.
5) martydom and last stand perks= stops teabaggers. i see a crapload of teabaggers in Karkland. makes me sick.

you said that CSS sucks. heres why= its a hack fest.

COD4 does one thing poorly that BF2 games do well at= Squad and teamwork, ill agree to that point.

Longbow, i think you dont like COD4 because of its features. yeah i know people that just dont like COD4 because of weapons, map being small, fast ranking, and all that crap. if that is the case, than i understand, there a lot of things i dont like too about COD4. the truth is m8, you dont like cod4, because you obviously realize that a lot of the exploits you do in BF2, you cant do in COD4. just be honest m8. i seen your stats, and your rank. from online FPS experience , you dont get high ranks unless you a) play Bf2 24/7 b) you have a way to exploit the system.

i have played Bf2 since it came out. i stopped because 1) im in school full time 2) im sick and tired of asshats messing up my experience and cod4 is a welcome change of pace for me.

just think, why do you think alot of good players left Bf2 or 2142?  try that for a food for thought.
specialistx2324 you are such a prick....

CSS a hack fest?
Almost none of the good servers with VAC enabled has hackers, simply because of the high risk of hacking (VAC ban = bye bye steam account usage)...
I have seen aimbotting in COD4 (101% sure that he was aimbotting) and Punkbuster did nothing to stop that retard...

COD4 is a great game, but it just does not have the lasting appeal of any Battlefield game, it grow old on you, quick....

Battlefield is far more diverse but you really can't compare the two! COD4 is much more of a fast-paced shooter with little teamwork outside of competitions while BF2 & 2142 are more strategic and squad based FPS shooters with RTS elements...

Two completely different games....

The COD4 & CSS comparison is far better because they are the same kind of game.... and i just don't see COD4 surviving for as long as CSS has/will...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+244|7008|arica harbour

FloppY_ wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

Longbow wrote:

Thats just you...don't you understand you sound pathetic? lol, you make me laugh every time I read this bullshit about almighty cod4 which pwn BF2, no, it doesnt. It is just bulked up CSS, and CSS sucks.
go talk to any pro gamer out there, chat rooms, and they will tell you that 2142 is nothing more than a Bf2 MOD, plain and simple. i played 2142 at a friends house, and i just threw up. did not like it one bit.  weapons are soo inaccurate. map color= ugly.

ill tell you 5 reasons why cod4 is much better than the BF2 series.. and if you cant understand, wow you must be a retard

1) Bf2 has a crap load of vehicle whoring idiots, all they do, steal a tank or a heli and spawn kill every time. why did you expect you lost good players in Bf2 like bushviper, or firestorm. bushviper in my opinion is one of the best players--he can use vehicles well and do an awsome job via ground pounding
2) COD4 is all about infantry ground warfare, Bf2 is a bunch of fools stealing and tking people for vehicles
3) there is no teamkilling in COD4 except in hardcore mode i think.
4) the kill cam elimitates is very good at showing people who obviously hack.
5) martydom and last stand perks= stops teabaggers. i see a crapload of teabaggers in Karkland. makes me sick.

you said that CSS sucks. heres why= its a hack fest.

COD4 does one thing poorly that BF2 games do well at= Squad and teamwork, ill agree to that point.

Longbow, i think you dont like COD4 because of its features. yeah i know people that just dont like COD4 because of weapons, map being small, fast ranking, and all that crap. if that is the case, than i understand, there a lot of things i dont like too about COD4. the truth is m8, you dont like cod4, because you obviously realize that a lot of the exploits you do in BF2, you cant do in COD4. just be honest m8. i seen your stats, and your rank. from online FPS experience , you dont get high ranks unless you a) play Bf2 24/7 b) you have a way to exploit the system.

i have played Bf2 since it came out. i stopped because 1) im in school full time 2) im sick and tired of asshats messing up my experience and cod4 is a welcome change of pace for me.

just think, why do you think alot of good players left Bf2 or 2142?  try that for a food for thought.
specialistx2324 you are such a prick....

CSS a hack fest?
Almost none of the good servers with VAC enabled has hackers, simply because of the high risk of hacking (VAC ban = bye bye steam account usage)...
I have seen aimbotting in COD4 (101% sure that he was aimbotting) and Punkbuster did nothing to stop that retard...

COD4 is a great game, but it just does not have the lasting appeal of any Battlefield game, it grow old on you, quick....

Battlefield is far more diverse but you really can't compare the two! COD4 is much more of a fast-paced shooter with little teamwork outside of competitions while BF2 & 2142 are more strategic and squad based FPS shooters with RTS elements...

Two completely different games....

The COD4 & CSS comparison is far better because they are the same kind of game.... and i just don't see COD4 surviving for as long as CSS has/will...
floppy your such a prick....( ill begin the same way you treated me)

i have played BF2 ever since it came out in june 2005.  i stopped playing it 18 months ago with the rank 1st Lt. you may be right, COD4 may not have the lasting taste as a Battlefield game, but every one in the BF community, including myself knows that BF is not the same game it was when it made its debut. playing COD4 is a fresh start for me, at least for a while. im giving the MP part of it a spin, but after this month,im not playing anymore COD4, largely to other responsibilities .

im going to give you an annotated, revised history lesson just for you.  keep up because im not going to say this anymore.

Bf has a great depth, vehicles, classes and kits, air to air combat, ground vehicle combat, and infantry combat. the awards system is really nice, as i got a few gold badges here and there. what gave the game real life is ultimately its greatest fall. 6-8months later i have seen a crap load of haxs, explloits on every level you can think of. the worst is the commander haxs i have seen. me and my best friend used to play CSS quite a bit, although he is the veteran.  truth is that there will always be noobs and haxors, i never though they would be an exponential number of these species in BF2 or 2142. I got him into BF2, he only played it for 4-5 months reaching the rank of Master Gun sgt.

i used to play on servers like: =CBBF= , ROX, A2G, HBD, =RXR= , HG, TXA , and yours truly TOP. Ill emphasize TOP right now because at one time i played there on a daily basis, had lots of respect for them. until they became to be smacktards themselves. and i have seen in some form or another some type of hack, and based on my research, i see the same guys hacking that PB , EA, and those shitheads at DICE fail to pick up. i have seen it all, and done it all m8.

my friend and myself were upset seeing the same amount of douchebags in Bf2 that is in CSS.

ill answer your question: ill play COD4 over CSS anyday. i threw away my CSS game along with the HL2 package. My BF2 game is collecting 3 feet of dust and its getting bigger since i last played. I will always love BF2, the very first Online Shooter that i dedicated my time to learning, and i will never ever forget the noobs and idiots that destroyed it. My best friend was upset for a while because i got him into WoW and Bf2. i have only played online  COD4 here and there, beyond that i think its a awsome MP game equal if not better than BF2. Unfortunately my hardcore online gaming days are over.

im sorry my story is a bit long, but thats the truth m8. i dont understand how you said CSS will last longer than COD4, when after a week i threw away CSS, with all the speed haxs, and what not.
Grow up, or die
Dude, Specialistx, just shut the fuck up already. You've been called out for being a prick on three different threads I've seen. Just go away and grow up. Jesus fucking Christ bro.

EDIT: You did make me laugh my ass off after looking at all your karma and seeing that 60-70% of it is from you bashing 2142. Some people were calling you a noob for saying what you said and saying that even while though they themselves don't prefer 2142, they still wouldn't be so immature as to just come out and bash it and cuss people out over it like you have done with un-reasonable arguments.

Last edited by xBlackPantherx (2008-01-15 16:31:34)

+3,936|6819|so randum

specialistx2324 wrote:

Longbow wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

2142 sucks balls you noobs... drop it into a trash can and play cod4
Thats just you...don't you understand you sound pathetic? lol, you make me laugh every time I read this bullshit about almighty cod4 which pwn BF2, no, it doesnt. It is just bulked up CSS, and CSS sucks.
go talk to any pro gamer out there, chat rooms, and they will tell you that 2142 is nothing more than a Bf2 MOD, plain and simple. i played 2142 at a friends house, and i just threw up. did not like it one bit.  weapons are soo inaccurate. map color= ugly.

ill tell you 5 reasons why cod4 is much better than the BF2 series.. and if you cant understand, wow you must be a retard

1) Bf2 has a crap load of vehicle whoring idiots, all they do, steal a tank or a heli and spawn kill every time. why did you expect you lost good players in Bf2 like bushviper, or firestorm. bushviper in my opinion is one of the best players--he can use vehicles well and do an awsome job via ground pounding
2) COD4 is all about infantry ground warfare, Bf2 is a bunch of fools stealing and tking people for vehicles
3) there is no teamkilling in COD4 except in hardcore mode i think.
4) the kill cam elimitates is very good at showing people who obviously hack.
5) martydom and last stand perks= stops teabaggers. i see a crapload of teabaggers in Karkland. makes me sick.

you said that CSS sucks. heres why= its a hack fest.

COD4 does one thing poorly that BF2 games do well at= Squad and teamwork, ill agree to that point.

Longbow, i think you dont like COD4 because of its features. yeah i know people that just dont like COD4 because of weapons, map being small, fast ranking, and all that crap. if that is the case, than i understand, there a lot of things i dont like too about COD4. the truth is m8, you dont like cod4, because you obviously realize that a lot of the exploits you do in BF2, you cant do in COD4. just be honest m8. i seen your stats, and your rank. from online FPS experience , you dont get high ranks unless you a) play Bf2 24/7 b) you have a way to exploit the system.

i have played Bf2 since it came out. i stopped because 1) im in school full time 2) im sick and tired of asshats messing up my experience and cod4 is a welcome change of pace for me.

just think, why do you think alot of good players left Bf2 or 2142?  try that for a food for thought.
You're a tool.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I Am McLovin!!!!

FloppY_ wrote:

The COD4 & CSS comparison is far better because they are the same kind of game.... and i just don't see COD4 surviving for as long as CSS has/will...
Don't you mean Counter Strike? That would sound better because people still play 1.6 and hate source depends though. I just think saying Counter Strike in genereal sounds better. COD4 has been called the Source killer in comp in case you didn't know.
+1,010|6605|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Johnny_Extremer wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

The COD4 & CSS comparison is far better because they are the same kind of game.... and i just don't see COD4 surviving for as long as CSS has/will...
Don't you mean Counter Strike? That would sound better because people still play 1.6 and hate source depends though. I just think saying Counter Strike in genereal sounds better. COD4 has been called the Source killer in comp in case you didn't know.
No i mean CS Source, because those who still play CS 1.6 are so dedicated that they are much less likely to start playing COD4....

That and CS 1.6 is MUCH older than COD4, so I'd rather compare it to a new(er) game...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+40|6975|Land of the Very Cold
Me it is as simple as I am not really into that futuristic war thing.
+16|6685|Sydney, Australia
Good to see the argument here has descended to tool talk.

I haven't played BF2 for months due to real life, but miss it. Been trying to get back into it for a while.

I thought about buying 2142 (and QW:ET) and have both demos but never played them. The modern warfare is what I prefer. As someone said, I already know a lot about all the weapons and vehicles. 2142 I would have to work out what is what from scratch.

COD4 attracted me, but the lack of vehicles does put me off. Yes you do get vehicle whorz which leads to TK (amongst other reasons). But last time I checked it is called BATTLEFIELD. Not "squad based IO with no mean metal things". Jets rape you because they do in real life. 64 player chaos with tanks is the real deal.

Having said that, it doesn't mean BF2 doesn't need a grease and oil change. It sounds like they should have taken the 2142 engine and taped the BF2 skin on it again.

Lots of people love BF2, because EA and Dice for all their faults created a very addictive game, in engine, gameplay and stats format. No other game comes close. They aren't all stats padders, noobs or hax that are still playing it. At its core its a good game, and nothing else recently has kcocked it over (although some look sexy).

I suspect BF3 or 4 or whatever they release next will have us all back here bitching about it, but also spending stupid hours playing it.

Plus BF produces this great community of smack talkers we keep coming back to .....
Both games where good at the start of the time, now its just flooded with people who know how to fly nonstop with the damn jet and stay alive for the entire round. They complained about about being easy to kill but they never though it from OUR veiw. BF2142 is still fun and maps are ok.

I think the biggest reason why people hated 2142 was because they couldn't get easy kills like in bf2, no easy way to rape bases or spawn points. No invicible jets or choppers. Sure Walker could get loads of kills at some spawnpoint but as soon the loller mines where near you, you where helpless against it and all you could do was sit still and wait for people to remove them. That's a fat chance since they where to busy to rape. This barely happen in the game people could always move forward and not get stuck on the first point.
Cool member
2142 was a good solid game. New ideas of customising kits for different needs, improved features to encourage teamwork, but it just got boring really quickly.

Ranking up was a pile of piss, gaining awards was also very easy, and even with the features to encourage teamwork, there were still soo many noobs who didn't know how to work in a team.

There were a couple of nice maps in Conquer mode, but the rest were either two big with people continually going from flag to flag and not seeing the enemy because you were all going round in circles, or they were too unbalanced if you didn't get the correct start to the game.

Titan mode was ok for a while, but got REALLY boring once everyone was on the titan. All you needed to do was camp the corridors and wait for people to get their asses kicked.

Going back to BF2 after this just wasn't the same and soon I stopped playing both.
No jets,no Helis (like in BF2)
Weapons suck+gaining points is slow

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