*******THE "REAL" TRUTH********** (VERY VERY LONG)
Well, it all started a little something like this:
On November the day after thanksgiving in 2005, i bought Bf2 from a store in Wisconsion, at the time i didn't have DSL so i played in Single Player for a while, until the day came that i got DSL, and thats when it all started, on April 30, 2006 i signed up for my Very first account "AdamShannon8"
With this new account i played on a few servers for a while, until i found this server that was run by [CMx] ([CMx] Kubra Dam U ALL).
This seemed like a great server and a even greater clan, and well it was, it was, i learned how to play, how to fly jets and choppers, how to command, this clan tought me every thing i needed to ever know.
I owe My Love for Jets to This Man, a Great man who i will never forget, even with his one eye, he was still the greatest man ive met.
45,000 Kills in Jets.
And His WingMan, another Great guy and with these 2 in the sky over Kubra nothing was impossible.
43,000 Jet Kills

In [CMx] There were so many great times, great places and Great Scores.

This was before i joined CMx
As you can see, i was able to get "fairly" good scores even thought i was at a low rank.
Now this clan [CMx]?

Amazing membership, they were a great bunch of guys that i could depend on to ask questions with and to have a great time.

Now with all these great jet pilots in [CMx] i was naturally introdiced into the world of Jets and the world Of Very Good Jet Pilots:
So i flew with them all the time:

And, after learning from the "Best" i became a good Pilot:

Daniel1212, ah Dan, he was good, and he knew it,

Now with this "expertise" I Learned even more tricks of the trade:

So, many tricks that the [CMx] Server grew to be full most of the time and it even attracted some Pilots, lol....

Top Right.
Now that i had gotten First Sergant:

Even with the gaining of popularity we also got the popularity of Some Well Known People:

Note the Name of the 4 Star.
You may not belive me, as i didn't belive it, but there were Name Hacks Well before any one thought there were, this Screen shot was taken in 2006, and the first "Public Name Hacks" Came out in 2007,

TopGun is Illusion.
This was my Very first notion of what a Hack for BF2 would do or look like.
Now with The I/o Starting to gain Strength, i decided(with a few of my Clan Mates) that we would start to play Some i/o every once in a while, well, i guess this was both good and Bad, Good Because i got to learn i/o and bad, well because its what has gotten me banned.

My Very First triple Kill in I/o this round and Screen shot is what i believe to be the defining moment in my BF2 Carrer.
Same Round.

End of Part 1
*******THE "REAL" TRUTH********** (VERY VERY LONG)
Well, it all started a little something like this:
On November the day after thanksgiving in 2005, i bought Bf2 from a store in Wisconsion, at the time i didn't have DSL so i played in Single Player for a while, until the day came that i got DSL, and thats when it all started, on April 30, 2006 i signed up for my Very first account "AdamShannon8"
With this new account i played on a few servers for a while, until i found this server that was run by [CMx] ([CMx] Kubra Dam U ALL).
This seemed like a great server and a even greater clan, and well it was, it was, i learned how to play, how to fly jets and choppers, how to command, this clan tought me every thing i needed to ever know.
I owe My Love for Jets to This Man, a Great man who i will never forget, even with his one eye, he was still the greatest man ive met.
45,000 Kills in Jets.
And His WingMan, another Great guy and with these 2 in the sky over Kubra nothing was impossible.
43,000 Jet Kills

In [CMx] There were so many great times, great places and Great Scores.

This was before i joined CMx
As you can see, i was able to get "fairly" good scores even thought i was at a low rank.
Now this clan [CMx]?

Amazing membership, they were a great bunch of guys that i could depend on to ask questions with and to have a great time.

Now with all these great jet pilots in [CMx] i was naturally introdiced into the world of Jets and the world Of Very Good Jet Pilots:
So i flew with them all the time:

And, after learning from the "Best" i became a good Pilot:

Daniel1212, ah Dan, he was good, and he knew it,

Now with this "expertise" I Learned even more tricks of the trade:

So, many tricks that the [CMx] Server grew to be full most of the time and it even attracted some Pilots, lol....

Top Right.
Now that i had gotten First Sergant:

Even with the gaining of popularity we also got the popularity of Some Well Known People:

Note the Name of the 4 Star.
You may not belive me, as i didn't belive it, but there were Name Hacks Well before any one thought there were, this Screen shot was taken in 2006, and the first "Public Name Hacks" Came out in 2007,

TopGun is Illusion.
This was my Very first notion of what a Hack for BF2 would do or look like.
Now with The I/o Starting to gain Strength, i decided(with a few of my Clan Mates) that we would start to play Some i/o every once in a while, well, i guess this was both good and Bad, Good Because i got to learn i/o and bad, well because its what has gotten me banned.

My Very First triple Kill in I/o this round and Screen shot is what i believe to be the defining moment in my BF2 Carrer.
Same Round.

End of Part 1
Last edited by Adamshannon8 (2007-12-30 10:54:40)