Cool. That is my birthday.
Its a different game altogether though...(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:
Bad CompanyJord I think you are correct...I have Battlefield 2: Modern Combat for my 360. It is a 5/10. BF2:pc is 8.9/10..Cyrax-Sektor wrote:
Omg, Bad Company better kick ass then if it's on PC! BC is alright on a console, whaddya expect? But PC? Good lordie lordie ding-dong day.jord wrote:
I've got a theory.
It's called Battlefield Bad Company on the consoles. And Battlefield 3 on the Pc. Yay.
And how do you know that. It looks like it could be one of the best games coming out next year.Flyjetandkill wrote:
Bad company is shit!!
Read down, no XP supportCyrax-Sektor wrote:
Dude, sexy article. Hope it's true!
Custom clothes, combining Sims with the Modern War. XD
MAC OSX eh? kool
No XP support?Airwolf wrote:
Read down, no XP supportCyrax-Sektor wrote:
Dude, sexy article. Hope it's true!
Custom clothes, combining Sims with the Modern War. XD
MAC OSX eh? kool
Oh well... i guess i will have to wait untill windows 2009 to play then.. cuz there is no way i am getting Vista...
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Maybe their going to do what Activision did(COD4), with anouncing the game 3 months from release.
Personally, I think they should do this with all games. What a pain in the ass it is hearing about a game early and having to wait through repeated push-backs and delays(Crysis).
Personally, I think they should do this with all games. What a pain in the ass it is hearing about a game early and having to wait through repeated push-backs and delays(Crysis).
Will feature 34 different weapons (17 for each faction) and another 22 unlocks (for both factions), in total 56 different weapons.
yay more weapons, just hope that some don't get to overpowered
yay more weapons, just hope that some don't get to overpowered
Read the article. It doesn't mention supporting XP or not. More than likely they're saying that they'll support Vista and OS X because XP is a given.Airwolf wrote:
Read down, no XP support
MAC OSX eh? kool
how would you know that?Flyjetandkill wrote:
Bad Company is shit!
you can probably pre-order the patch before the game hahaha
I'd totally dig Gucci ammo bags.Cyrax-Sektor wrote:
Dude, sexy article. Hope it's true!
Custom clothes, combining Sims with the Modern War. XD
I wouldn't mind Versace either.
i'm not gay

how about a burburry print ghilly suit??cowami wrote:
I'd totally dig Gucci ammo bags.Cyrax-Sektor wrote:
Dude, sexy article. Hope it's true!
Custom clothes, combining Sims with the Modern War. XD
I wouldn't mind Versace either.
i'm not gay
chavs onlytthf wrote:
how about a burburry print ghilly suit??cowami wrote:
I'd totally dig Gucci ammo bags.Cyrax-Sektor wrote:
Dude, sexy article. Hope it's true!
Custom clothes, combining Sims with the Modern War. XD
I wouldn't mind Versace either.
i'm not gay

Im going to laugh at anyone who buys this.

If they support it for macs and not XP I will laugh.
look at 2142. it was shit.
bf2 is like counter strike, the game is kickass....and with technology becoming cheaper everyday more people will have the specs required for bf2 and that will mean more bf2 players.
cya on the battlefield soldier.
bf2 is like counter strike, the game is kickass....and with technology becoming cheaper everyday more people will have the specs required for bf2 and that will mean more bf2 players.
cya on the battlefield soldier.
I can't see Battlefield 3 being released.
Maybe in 2010 at the earliest.
Think about it.
For the past 2 years EA/Dice have been making there first BF HD Game.
They are pushing hard for it to be out in Q1 2008.
I really doubt they have had time to start making Battlefield 3.
And if they start making now i can't see anything but a 2010 Release.
Maybe in 2010 at the earliest.
Think about it.
For the past 2 years EA/Dice have been making there first BF HD Game.
They are pushing hard for it to be out in Q1 2008.
I really doubt they have had time to start making Battlefield 3.
And if they start making now i can't see anything but a 2010 Release.
lol, dander is dead skin. you mean gander.M.O.A.B wrote:
After a random dander on TBF2 I found this link that brought me straight to the GAME website,
The site with the link, first box beneath the two pics,
Same word, but different meanings over here.Marinejuana wrote:
lol, dander is dead skin. you mean gander.M.O.A.B wrote:
After a random dander on TBF2 I found this link that brought me straight to the GAME website,
The site with the link, first box beneath the two pics,
Where are you from, Remedial English? lol, just teasing, but in what language is it a homophone?M.O.A.B wrote:
Same word, but different meanings over here.Marinejuana wrote:
lol, dander is dead skin. you mean gander.M.O.A.B wrote:
After a random dander on TBF2 I found this link that brought me straight to the GAME website,
The site with the link, first box beneath the two pics,
Last edited by Marinejuana (2008-01-11 10:59:54)