I think you shouldn't be allowed to give yourself ammo or meds, but instead collect it from others.  That'd slow medic and 'nade whoring tremendously.

Since this isn't the case, med/nade/unlock/claymore spam FTW.
+0|6290|Restaurant@End of the Universe

Skorpy-chan wrote:

1. Bring up unlock weapons on the forum. Observe the flames. Then you'll know. 'pros dont use unlocks noob'

2. I've been sniped off buildings with the thing on burst mode, after shooting the owner with an M95.

3. Get SF. Seriously. Some of the guns are reeeally fun, and the maps are awesome.

4. Realism feh, it unloads a clip into someone in less than a second. BamBAMBAMBAMURKBAMBAM.
Right... It's still got working prototypes which presumably fire as quick as it does in-game. Granted, I've never seen one of those rare working prototypes in action (video or otherwise), but I wouldn't put it past them. Again, 'few working prototypes'. And a real shotgun would presumably maim in one shot anyway, so the whole concept of auto-shotty sounds way beyond overkill. I'm used to any semi-auto shotgun being enough.

Hm. Apparently it has a pretty damn rapid fire rate.
"Rate of fire: 240 rounds per minute" Which is 4 rounds a second. Yeah, that'd squeeze out a whole in-game clip in under 2 seconds, which sounds about right, actually.

... Also... "Capacity : 10 rounds in removable revolver-type drum magazine" ... I guess the 7-per-clip limit in-game is for balance purposes?


geNius wrote:

I think you shouldn't be allowed to give yourself ammo or meds, but instead collect it from others.  That'd slow medic and 'nade whoring tremendously.

Since this isn't the case, med/nade/unlock/claymore spam FTW.
Wow, that'd actually be nice. Then somebody would actually get points every time an ammo or med is picked up, instead of selfish bastards essentially wasting them on themselves for no points whatsoever. You only get points as Support/Medic if someone besides yourself is resupplied/healed. That's technically the check and balance of the thing, but I suppose it's not much...

Last edited by alexpaladinstorm (2007-12-12 09:06:21)

+127|6653|Twyford, UK
Use some goddamn skill instead of a cheap gun.
+0|6290|Restaurant@End of the Universe

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Use some goddamn skill instead of a cheap gun.
...? ... oh, right. Responding to the guy at the bottom of the previous page... <.<

Yeah, I get the feeling that if I ever do get around to getting SF, I'm avoiding the G36E, and sticking with the L85 when I go Medic..
+127|6653|Twyford, UK

alexpaladinstorm wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Use some goddamn skill instead of a cheap gun.
...? ... oh, right. Responding to the guy at the bottom of the previous page... <.<

Yeah, I get the feeling that if I ever do get around to getting SF, I'm avoiding the G36E, and sticking with the L85 when I go Medic..
Having compared the two after ambushing some particularly annoying medic, I vastly prefer the L85. Not as accurate in bursts, but FAR more accurate in single shots. And it has a scope.

Don't I know you from some other forum?
Scope has indeed some advantages, also, because the L85 only needs one Headshot to kill the enemy.
So, if you hit that one shot, its a lot faster and better i guess, but if you miss that shot, ure (mostly) gone
+127|6653|Twyford, UK
Ah, but not if you're going for the headshot at range. Short range, I go for bursts to the upper chest area. On single-shot, the gun is BRILLIANT at medium ranges. It's like a rapid-fire SVD with full auto and crosshairs.
It has a relatively high deviation, one of the highest, so you need to pause between every single shot, sometimes ure lucky tho, and hit the enemy anyway. The G36E is just more reliable although it takes longer to kill the opponent. You know, that with every burst, you're going to hit the enemy (if you don't get nervous..). So, you need a maximum of 4 bursts (If you're unlucky, lol)
psn - do_one_ya_mug
yeh i unlocked the f2000, then some nubcake says that im a f2000 whore . it really grips my shit !!
Serial Jay-Walker
+52|6291|Perth, indian ocean
I don't have a problem with unlocks, I love the F2000 it has accuracy and power
But when i got medic and spec ops i always use the stock weapons because they are so much better in my opinion.
Just wow. If you really don't understand why people have a problem with unlocks, then seriously go play WoW. Guns like the E take almost no skill to kill people with. FFS guys, you point, no recoil, superb aim and its all over. There is NO skill involved. Try using an m16 or an ak or even a god forbid... L8. Now guns like f2000, L96 or almost anything else besides the E and sometimes the L8, I have no problem with. The unbalanced nature and retarded hitbox make everyone hate the E. L8 whores annoy a lot of people to, because all they do is sit behind a wall, crouching and shooting on single shot. Once again, not a lot of skill. The point I'm trying to make, is that fine use your unlocks, but if you want to be considered good or even skilled, then challenge yourself and use the original weapons.
+13|6285|St.Petersburg, Russia
I've played a lot and unlocked everything but engineer and antitank unlocks. And I think that all the weapons are quite balanced, I only don't like M16 but playing a MEC medic I sometimes prefer AK-74 to G36 or L. E irritates me a bit with its burst mode, but it is very accurate. I think all these complains "claymore whore", "flash bang noob" and "it's not realistic"...well guys go play Project Reality (a very nice mod, I like it), I know that mastering AK is more difficult than mastering G36 but the results will be equal. An instead of complaining just stab the guy in close combat that will piss him off more than stupid complaints)))

P.S. I had a funny case playing SF on Warlord I shot two guys on the roof with F2000 GL flying on parachute. They had the same prefixes, one of them called me GL noob. Then I got killed, the rebels captured the point and I saw enemy tank on radar. I took SF kit and threw 3 C4 from parachute near this tank and destroyed it. These guy called me "c4 noob". I didn't do well during that game but by the end of round I occasionally stabbed him in close combat (he tried to grenade spam me lol). Then he created a kick vote against me but it was late and I went to bed. Btw there were no any restrictions on this server.

Last edited by PZmohax01 (2007-12-19 06:11:47)

My $.02:

If you want to be "pro" or you just want to be good for TWL ... lol ... then look at people who use unlocks as a bonus. They help you get better. If you are so 1337 that everyone calls you a hacker then obviously you have a much bigger advantage over everyone else than they have useing the G36E. So stop whining about unlocks.

PZmohax01 wrote:

I think all these complains "claymore whore", "flash bang noob" and "it's not realistic"...
It's not about them being unrealistic,.. claymores going of without any triggering device or tripwire as soon as you move one inch aren't realistic in the first place. It's about them not being used for what they were intended to be used for and them being misused. I don't think anyone at Dice ever anticipated hoppy hop snipers that toss (yes toss, not place) claymores around prone enemies forcing them to remain frozen, or a guy with a shotgun getting owned because someone almost throws a bloody claymore in his face.

Lai wrote:

PZmohax01 wrote:

I think all these complains "claymore whore", "flash bang noob" and "it's not realistic"...
It's not about them being unrealistic,.. claymores going of without any triggering device or tripwire as soon as you move one inch aren't realistic in the first place. It's about them not being used for what they were intended to be used for and them being misused. I don't think anyone at Dice ever anticipated hoppy hop snipers that toss (yes toss, not place) claymores around prone enemies forcing them to remain frozen, or a guy with a shotgun getting owned because someone almost throws a bloody claymore in his face.
They could be mortion sensitive and/or laser trip
[FUB] kuspis.kAzZutin

rededition wrote:

What really gets my grips is peoples remarks in using unlocks.
I see the game as a game and if you have played enough zo achieve them then by all means use them.

Who gives a fuck when people say unlock knob,EA made them available so i will use them.
umm actually it was DICE who made the game including unlocks

anyway i'm with you

it's everyone's own choice
[FUB] kuspis.kAzZutin
They should drop G36E's accuracy or firepower

I don't have anything against unlocks but that G36E is somehow unfair unlock
+303|6301|The pool
I dont mind unlocks too much, as long as the person using the unlock isnt limited to say, the G36E for getting kills. The fucking claywhores and nadewhores who do this piss me off:

Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

Too many times I've seen folks chucking nades instead of using their main weapon, or even a pistol! They're only a few meters away and they just jump around like an idiot throwing explosive green eggs.

While they're jumping, don't they know they're prone to dying? A few focused L85 shots take them down most of the time, but it's always dangerous to stay in a spot too long.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6307|Aberdeen, Scotland
Exactly, you dodge their nades and shoot them.

If you can shoot you don't need to spam nades.

And claylamers are just pathetic.
+36|6550|Jennifer Connellys Pants
Meh, i can shoot better with the standard guns, but prefer to use the unlock sniper rifles. Its all in preference rather than skill imo. I'd be willing to bet i can take down a support/spec ops/anti tank/medic before they even see me.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6307|Aberdeen, Scotland
Ain't that the whole point of being a sniper?

Gamematt wrote:

I just think, why would MEC dudes use g36e over the AK. You're aiming must be really fail

Other than that, I like unlocks.
If it were my aiming that is fail, then why would changing guns change anything? Maybe the coding on the guns accuracy is fail. If your aim is better using a g36E, gasp....maybe it's the g36E that's coded that way? And so having established that, then why the f__ would you want to neuter your aim on purpose in a game by using a weapon you know has less accuracy coded in? To make the enemy happy? Something is fail alright...the rocks in the head of the whiners.

Listen: every game has a learning curve, this one's is partially based on learning which weapons are better for which situation and which one's have more accuracy. It's what separates you from a total noob. If you want to act like a noob and use a gun that has bad accuracy on purpose go for it. I'll be the one killing you with my g36e and laughing when you bitch about it.

IonYou wrote:

Gamematt wrote:

I just think, why would MEC dudes use g36e over the AK. You're aiming must be really fail

Other than that, I like unlocks.
If it were my aiming that is fail, then why would changing guns change anything? Maybe the coding on the guns accuracy is fail. If your aim is better using a g36E, gasp....maybe it's the g36E that's coded that way? And so having established that, then why the f__ would you want to neuter your aim on purpose in a game by using a weapon you know has less accuracy coded in? To make the enemy happy? Something is fail alright...the rocks in the head of the whiners.

Listen: every game has a learning curve, this one's is partially based on learning which weapons are better for which situation and which one's have more accuracy. It's what separates you from a total noob. If you want to act like a noob and use a gun that has bad accuracy on purpose go for it. I'll be the one killing you with my g36e and laughing when you bitch about it.
It's a game, I at least play games for fun. In order for a game to be fun, I think it should be competetive and fair. That means no G36E for me.
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob

IonYou wrote:

Gamematt wrote:

I just think, why would MEC dudes use g36e over the AK. You're aiming must be really fail

Other than that, I like unlocks.
If it were my aiming that is fail, then why would changing guns change anything? Maybe the coding on the guns accuracy is fail. If your aim is better using a g36E, gasp....maybe it's the g36E that's coded that way? And so having established that, then why the f__ would you want to neuter your aim on purpose in a game by using a weapon you know has less accuracy coded in? To make the enemy happy? Something is fail alright...the rocks in the head of the whiners.

Listen: every game has a learning curve, this one's is partially based on learning which weapons are better for which situation and which one's have more accuracy. It's what separates you from a total noob. If you want to act like a noob and use a gun that has bad accuracy on purpose go for it. I'll be the one killing you with my g36e and laughing when you bitch about it.
And months and months down the line, you'll be the typical below average skilled 3 star general still using a g36e, because there's no skill to using one, you won't learn how to control your weapon better and using the g36e will just scare you away from using the m16 and ak101 because you'll be stupid and decide they're less accurate so not worth using.

And then you'll be jumping around like a moron because you get crosshairs in the air and nobody else doesn't, and then you'll cry hacks when you get served over and over in midair by anyone who knows how to handle an ak101.
I suspect something is amiss
Since when was it hard to handle the AK? i find quite easy to handle and it´s easily one of the best weapons in game.

There´s really only one flaw i would like to change that´s nades make them capped to 3 throws a minute or something that would force you to use them with care instead of mindless spamming. Then of course claymores are stupid decrease the blowradius make them destroyable. Balance veichles more preferably decrease the number of armors on citymaps. Allow FAVs in Infantry only mode.

Note this is just my personal opinion i don´t care now just wish they learn from some of the mistakes they did.

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