+163|6966|Odessa, Ukraine

Snake wrote:

FAMAS > AK-47. I love the ROF, damage and just the sound of it. Once you get used to the sights (its not central) it rocks at everything but extreme range.... and makes it by far my most favourite weapon in the game
Damage > ROF. Once you begin to score headshots with AK...should I go on?
pub hero!
+603|6701|the land of bourbon

packetloss wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

packetloss wrote:

welll, packet loss is running another euro server again
i just played a few rounds there, and i'll tell you exactly why EF is hardly played.  everyone teamswitches to the euro team, and then the server empties because of the asskicking.  admins really need to set autobalance on, and make it so you can't switch.  i also make sure i let all the teamswitchers know what i think of them too.  and they always talk shit back like "i bet you did the same when you needed the medal."  wrong motherfuckers, look at my euro time versus my total EF time.  so if i call you a loser for teamswithcing, stfu and take it.
well let me tell you, i never team swithced to get my medal, and i got my medal many moons ago. and i still play euro.
yea there is a problem with the team switching with i am going to start banning for. auot balance is on, most of the time people squads and they will not be switched, thats why the teams stack. if there was a way to config the server so people could not switch teams that would already be done. i am adding server admins to the server to start enforcing the rules.

Hopper Chore

steelie34 wrote:

and the EF weps do rock.  the famas is amazing, and the hk21 is sweet.  my favorite by far is the spec ops gun, but i forget what it is...
Too true.  The EU full weapons kit is going to waste!  I love that support weapon.

HK-21 https://wiki.bf2s.com/_media/weapons/euro_hk21.gif?w=500&amp;h=&amp;cache=cache Even sounds great! 

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Most people probably see it as not worth the extra money for three maps.  Same with AF.

Really, sadly, it's probably about awards.  There are no new awards (well, besides two forgetable ones) to get with these boosters.  If you just want new maps ONLY.  try out one of the many free mods out there.
Thats why I think they should release maps specifically for the addons.  It would generate more intrest in them and severs could do more of a rotation.
I would just like to revive this thread to say... that teamstacking on EU servers is more rampant than ever and there is no way to get a game going with 30 EU and 2 MEC/PLA.

I suffered thru 2 rounds of Great wall and Op Smoke Screen and Tarraba Q on MEC/PLA to give them someting to fight and I love sticking up for the underdog but it totally sucks that no one WILL EVER PLAY ON THE OTHER FUCKING TEAM FFS! (granted i did score 157 points with the SU on Tarraba THANKS budwhite1108) Oh and one more thing PL servers are officially crap. Thanks for listening
Boat sig is not there anymore

eaglecorps wrote:

Oh and one more thing PL servers are officially crap. Thanks for listening
They aren't crap, they just need more admins:



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