B.Schuss wrote:
xanthpi wrote:
B.Schuss wrote:
well, I can see why a muslim might take offense here. pic no.2 is kinda nice, but no.1 and no.3 are just bound to make muslims angry
Which of course gives them the right to murder.
that is your interpretation. I have some faith in our justice system.
you are advocating a pre-emptive war on muslims, based on your interpretation of their scriptures. you demand ( if I remember correctly ) that they should be separated from the rest of the ( civilized ) world, and denied access to modern technology, as the muslim community poses a threat to the entire mankind, trying to achieve world domination.
I am sorry, but according to my value system, that would be violating the human rights of those people. you cannot enforce the law by breaking it.
I was being sarcastic. It is the MUSLIMS who think they have the right to murder whoever they think insults Muhammad.
Talking about human rights, seeing as [real] Muslims believe that all non-Muslims must be either forcibly converted or enslaved or killed, would you not say that their belief (and the fact that they must live by their beliefs) is a threat to the humans rights of the 5/6 of humanity who are not Muslim? Would you not say that the human rights of the 5/6 are collectively greater than the human rights of the 1/6? Would you not agree that since it is Islam which is at fault, it is Muslims who must clean their own house rather than the other way round?
In order to remove the unreasonable threat to the over 5 billion true non-Muslims in the world, we are left with several apparent courses of action, if we were acting pro-actively to protect ourselves.
We could:
a) Kill all Muslims. Not practical.
b) Continue to fight them bit by bit as we allow them to get stronger. Not on my nelly.
c) Give them Saudi Arabia to live in, wall it off, take away their weapons, technology, boats and transport and let them live as they wish, no threat to anyone else. Hmmmmm.
Any war I would advocate on Islam is not pre-emptive. War was declared on all the non-Muslims in existence the moment the Qu'ran was compiled and became a force for insanity in the world.
It Islam which is the problem, not us.
As for your "faith" in our legal sytem, I hope it is more than that.