To be fair, if you see 2 people who you know will want to fly together, let them.  Nothing more annoying than some jumped up noob who decides he wants the heli half way through the round when you and a friend/clanmate are working together well...
this is the the thing i hate the most about bf2, noob gunners that cant tv, and dont get out, luckily for me, i have a trick...

do a flip and bail out over the pad, the noob dies, and when he spawns, he bitches about that, the second time you do a flip, dont bail out but keep flying, watch as a the noob bails out thinking he is smarter then you and not going to die this time, then you can solo tv all you want...

TRY IT, it rly works
i love it when someone parks the heli on the bottom of the carrier.. like "oh noz i wont be able to get it out...." hahaha

preaty much a monkey can get the chopper out of the bottom of the carrier.

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

If someone says Bail Out, then bail out....

syndicat111 wrote:

To be fair, if you see 2 people who you know will want to fly together, let them.  Nothing more annoying than some jumped up noob who decides he wants the heli half way through the round when you and a friend/clanmate are working together well...

Last edited by geNius (2007-07-29 16:26:53)
+163|6957|Odessa, Ukraine

geNius wrote:

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

If someone says Bail Out, then bail out....

syndicat111 wrote:

To be fair, if you see 2 people who you know will want to fly together, let them.  Nothing more annoying than some jumped up noob who decides he wants the heli half way through the round when you and a friend/clanmate are working together well...
High Angle Hell
+182|6505|Schofield Barracks
i allways fly with a buddy
but i amke sure ehs a good gunner
If I have the gunners seat and the pilot's girlfriend is outside shooting at me, I just shoot them. My gun is bigger than theirs.
I usually die soon after with an intentional crash by the pilot but at least I have the satisfaction of a deserved TK.

I did it the correct way. I spent time practising on singleplayer and lan with my mate to improve my TV skill. I didn't climb into the gunners seat without a clue.

Now shut up and fly! 
Yea redlining happens a lot.. when someone tells you to hop out .. hop the fuck out.. id rather go solo than have a noob gunner that doesnt know how to shoot the tv... they just get you killed because on most dragon servers there are a bunch of ppl who own you with a tv on the first shot.. so who the fuck would want a nooob who cant even hit on the fucking 5th shot.. i say get to kno a few ppl.. and get good in a chopper.. if not the hop the fuck out
Favorite Weapon? Pistol
+29|6980|Everett, WA, US

Sabr1y0 wrote:

I don't know if this has been discussed before... I went through the first 5 pages of 194 the search engine gave me for the word "chopper". Well, here is my problem.

Any of you guys play alone? I mean, without any friends? Just you and a bunch of unknown players on the server. Well I do that most of the time. And I think it's very annoying when you try to get in a vehicle, especially the choppers.

I'm sure many of you have already experienced that before and you've probably felt the same frustration as I always do when it happens to me.
The thing is when you luckily get a place in a chopper (the gunner position in this situation), if the pilot has a friend or knows someone who's a good gunner, he will stand at the edge of the map, waiting for you to die, then he goes back to pick up his friend/good gunner. I understand they want to play together, but when the choppers are monopolised by 2 idiots for several rounds, I think other players deserve to get some times in the choppers, don't you agree?

It happened to me several times before. But today, I just couldn't keep my thoughts for myself. I was playing Dragon Valley 64 players map. You probably know that map has 2 choppers on each side. Usually, there aren't any big problem to get some times in the choppers. but the choppers of my team (both of them) were monopolised by 4 guys. The first one was monopolised by some guys from the clan SWISS*. If you get in the chopper as the gunner, the other remaining guy from SWISS* kills you with his sniper then he takes the gunner position. Very annoying to get killed by a "teammate" because you wanted to play as a gunner. The second chopper was monopolised by two guys... and they were killing the "gunner position's intruders" by doing what I described above. I was very annoyed to think that both choppers were inaccessible to any guys of our team except these 4 idiots.

Little screenshot to reminds me how some guys are so sweet with you when you try play with them. /sarcasm … 037nm4.jpg

What do you guys think? How do you feel about that? Do you do that aswell?
I let them kill me twice before I kill the pilot and take his spot.  I then hover in a far corner of the map just trying to stay alive.  My Saitek controller allows me to simply hover in place without correction so I can argue with the former owners about their control over the chopper.  I'll just sit like that for the round until they calm down or forget about the chopper.
+36|6486|North Carolina
If i say bail out and they don't i usually red line them or m95 them out. Whats the point of having a gunner who can't even figure out how to shoot the tv?

NemeSiS-Factor wrote:

I let them kill me twice before I kill the pilot and take his spot.  I then hover in a far corner of the map just trying to stay alive.  My Saitek controller allows me to simply hover in place without correction so I can argue with the former owners about their control over the chopper.  I'll just sit like that for the round until they calm down or forget about the chopper.
Ya, I did that once on Daqing. Just to piss off the loving couple.
Doesn't help the team but makes you feel better.
I give them a chance and then if they suck i try and my own gunner in
Germans did 911
+427|6992|Disaster Free Zone
I will never get out for anyone, I don't care how good you are or how much you want to fly with someone else. Tough luck. I also never expect people to get out for me or for one of my friends so we can fly together, If I or one of my friends misses out on a spot in either chopper or plane, you walk away and find something else to do.

I also if I'm the pilot I wont fly for anyone who TKs to get the gunners position. I'll just sit on the heli pad till the guy gets out. I'll really don't give a shit about stats or points and will not encourage or help anyone who purposely TKs for any reason. On Daqing as PLA I sat on the heli pad for a good 4-5 minutes when someone TKed to get the chopper, before he got out and tried to TK me, at which time I flew away, found the guy he had TKed and gave him the gunners spot (the guy sucked, but its not the point).

Also I only play on well administered servers, so if you TK or redline me for the chopper, and easy SS sent to the admins will result in a ban for the offending player, as such the regulars hardly ever break the rules and most games are tard free.

If you really don't want to fly with someone because they suck so much. The real simple solution is to just get out yourself and find something else to do. Just because you are the pilot does not make the chopper yours or give you the right to choose your gunner.
+947|6822|Gold Coast
If its a bunch of clan homos that TK, Id punish, wait till the chopper blows up, respawns and jump on top of the chopper to get TKed again, punish and repeat. Fun fun fun.
+519|6932|Gold coast, Aus.

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

If someone says Bail Out, then bail out....
When I'm aliasing i spam negative to people who tell me to bail, when they finally give me a try there like "olol wut?" when i TV a jet or barrel rolling chopper :>
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
No, I never do it. You are always better off with a gunner anyway. The penises who think the chopper is a one seat vehicle need to go fuck themselves.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6634|Graz, Austria
Most of the time if I see 2 people who are in the same squad, standing around at a helipad, I don't even bother going there and just let them fly.
Although, if it's only one guy who doesn't want anyone in the chopper to just fly solo I get annoyed.

If someone even teamkills me, redlines me, turns over chopper or runs me over with an empty car at the helipad, that's the time when I spawn as spec-ops and strap some C4 on their beloved heli.
Sometimes I even manage to not destroy the heli directly, but to just damage it so much, that the slightest hit of an enemy sends the jerks respawning.

Well said.

Last edited by markzed (2007-07-29 23:20:27)

french canadians suck

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

No, I never do it. You are always better off with a gunner anyway. The penises who think the chopper is a one seat vehicle need to go fuck themselves.
99,78654% gunners suck anyway, so why should I fly with some clueless noob instead of goin solo and actually kill stuff?
Germans did 911
+427|6992|Disaster Free Zone

TrashBlinD wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

No, I never do it. You are always better off with a gunner anyway. The penises who think the chopper is a one seat vehicle need to go fuck themselves.
99,78654% gunners suck anyway, so why should I fly with some clueless noob instead of goin solo and actually kill stuff?
To not be a dick who needs to go fuck himself.
french canadians suck

DrunkFace wrote:

TrashBlinD wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

No, I never do it. You are always better off with a gunner anyway. The penises who think the chopper is a one seat vehicle need to go fuck themselves.
99,78654% gunners suck anyway, so why should I fly with some clueless noob instead of goin solo and actually kill stuff?
To not be a dick who needs to go fuck himself.

TrashBlinD wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

No, I never do it. You are always better off with a gunner anyway. The penises who think the chopper is a one seat vehicle need to go fuck themselves.
99,78654% gunners suck anyway, so why should I fly with some clueless noob instead of goin solo and actually kill stuff?
why dont you kill stuff while having a gunner then? i dont think he would hold you from shooting anyone down with ur missels.
french canadians suck

nachosandcheese09 wrote:

TrashBlinD wrote:

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

No, I never do it. You are always better off with a gunner anyway. The penises who think the chopper is a one seat vehicle need to go fuck themselves.
99,78654% gunners suck anyway, so why should I fly with some clueless noob instead of goin solo and actually kill stuff?
why dont you kill stuff while having a gunner then? i dont think he would hold you from shooting anyone down with ur missels.
Lol. Just lol.
Find your center.

"Because I'm better then you."

"No, I'm better then you."

"NO! I'm better then you."

"Oh ya? Well I'm better then YOU."

"Omg No wai! I am the better!"

"Pfff, GTFO I AM the BEST!"


I just wanted to summarize what this thread is about for anybody who didn't feel like reading the whole thing.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

I just wanted to summarize what this thread is about for anybody who didn't feel like reading the whole thing.
I read the whole thing, and it pretty much represent what you see in the game. Two mates flying the helicopter, not letting anyone else go near "their" heli. Or, one guy, refusing passengers, so he can use the tv missiles on his own.

Then there are a few exceptions, and I would like to consider myself as one. I always let anyone be my gunner, no matter what his skills are. Sure, it's the most fun - and effective - if you have a really good gunner. I am always willing to set him up for an easy armour or heli kill. Should he miss, I am there to finish what he started. But even if your gunner is someone who is sitting in a heli for the first time, I will let him be as good as he can. It gets frustrating sometimes, like when I set him up for a perfect shot on a heli, who is not aware of our presence, and he decides that the chain gun would be the better option for that situation. But, it is only a game, and I am trying to enjoy it, while I play it. Being rude to others based on their skill in certain aspects of the game, does not contribute to that.

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