and to think all this time I thought it was Americans that didnt include the British army in BF2 and its the Swedes!
+2|7008|Birmingham, UK

Erkut.hv wrote:

On japanese twin porn stars? Spasiba-balshoi, mucho-gracias, merci-beaucoup, and all that.

Hey, to be honest, sometimes, I look at the people around me, and I hope they get hit by cars. The Americans that give us bad names.

I've got nothing against you all, but lighten up a bit. Trust me, Americans are the first to look around and see we've got a lot of fuckers around here who need to be slapped. But let us do the smacking around huh? It's bad enough I have to walk the streets after a hard days work, and stare at fucking mutants. Then I have to turn on the news and hear it from you fawks? Ease up ya bastids.
Erkut.hv, that has to be the most sensible post on here. Nice one m8.
+10|7088| Going Feral

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

God bless America and nobody else.
At least you got part of it right. Fugg off, I hope you choke on co2, in a garage somewhere, lonely and depressed, thinking aobut all the pollution us Americans are letting go. I'll be driving in my SUV that gets 200 feet to the gallon, while I drive over baby seals, and tap to the beat in my whaleskin shoes.
It's actually funny how you automatically assume I'm an enviromentalist hippy.
I couldn't care less about clubbing baby seals, or whaleskin shoes. Neither about pollution.
It's about the American WAY OF THINKING.
"Let everybody else adjust, we'll even help them do it, but we won't EVER adjust ourselves"
Yeah.  We've never had to adjust.

We adjusted to a monarchy back in the 1770s.
We had a war over state's rights and slavery back in 1860.
We adjusted our isolationalism back in 1918.
We adjusted to a stock market crash and a dustbowl back in the late 20s and 30s.
We adjusted to Nazis and The Rising Sun back in the 1940s.
We adjusted to Communism throughout the Cold War.
We adjust our wallets and give more humanitarian aid than any other country.
We adjusted to wave after wave of immigrants - which other country in the world has such a diverse population?  And, those immigrants can actually rise to positions of great power.  Even those descended from the horrible practice of slavery have risen to great heights.  Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Eastern Europeans... we have welcomed all and they have all succeeded here.

God hoping we won't adjust the way we think about government's intervention in the economy.  I'd hate to end up like those socialist countries in Europe (France, Germany) with their wonderful employment rates.

Are we arrogant?  I don't know.  Maybe our positive "can do" attitude is a little naive and can be construed as arrogance, but it sure beats the heck out of bending over, taking it in the butt, and whining like a little baby.

Do I like everything about our culture?  Heck, no.  I don't like hip-hop, I don't like most of the movies we generate, and I am not exactly excited about the fact that reality TV is so popular.  But you know what?  That's just a small part of what we're about, so I take the good with the bad.

The guy that looks like he has everything is always subject of a lot of envy.  They team that is a dynasty in one of the largest cities (i.e. NY Yankees in baseball) is always public enemy #1 for any baseball fan other than a Yankees fan. 

USA will always have its detractors because we are big, we are successful, and as a result, we are the straw that stirs the drink - for better or for worse.

Oh yeah.  And mindless drones that prattle on about hating America... KMHA!
Horseman 77

B.Schuss wrote:

isn't it strange that

some will look down on Bill Clinton for being the only president in a long time not to go to war * ( xxxxxx )?

I think that says a lot about the american mentality towards war and violence in general.
* Add ( after being Repeatedly and Savagely attacked )

World Trade Center 1993 Blown to shit

Keneya Embassie Blown to shit

Tanzinia Embassie Blown to shit

Mogadisho Somalia Massacer during a "Feed the staving" mission. PS ( where was your country for that one? )

Pan Amm Flight 007 Blown to shit

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Khobar Towers complex Blown to shit

DD USS Cole Blown to shit

All seven events had a massive loss of life. All seven events were perpatrated buy the same people.
He had 3 THREE chances to take out ( Kill ) the leader of this group.
He turned a blind eye with the sole purpose to end his tenur in a ( state of peace ? ) and secure his failed legacy. It back fired. He is the American Neville Chamberlian or Quisling.

He also sluaghterd his own citizens without a trail in Waco Texas in an effort to look tuff !
So the man had no qualms about taking lives.

He is also the Forgotten President. when Americans say clinton they mean ( Save Viqeus )* Hillary
*What about viceus? did she forget?

When China Rammed our lumbering C130 Herculese Intel plane* with a MiG 21 fighter. Then Enterned the Crew and pirated the Air Craft, Bush didn't go to War then.

*You can call it a spy plane but at best its passive spying. It only records RADAR emisions that it can detect in international air space. Dont want it to hear? simple Dont Turn on your set. 

Also you may noticed the Attacks on the USA Stopped on a Dime.

a simple case of " Fucked with the Wrong Man "

I think it says that you didn't really consider the series of events,

I think you wanted to put fourth your opinion and wanted to sneek it in anywhere you could.

I won't insult you as I think it shows cowardice at best but Clearly I take great issuse with your opinion.

ThomasMorgan wrote:

this is a topic just waiting to get flamed.

people are entitled to their own opinions.  as an american, you of all people should know that since its one of your basic rights and freedoms.  with the actions the US has been taking recently (read: by the bush administration), i really don't blame people for not liking the US.

oh, I, too, am an American.
you stated that 2x bub.

People who criticize americans are just jumping the hypocritical bandwagon. That's all it is. "Cause the cool people are doin it."

wooly-back-jack wrote:

and to think all this time I thought it was Americans that didnt include the British army in BF2 and its the Swedes!
they included everything they needed to in the British army. The L85A1. Nothing more comes out of the Brits that isn't represented by the USMC.
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7058|I'm worldwide, beotch

7h3647h32in6 wrote:

wooly-back-jack wrote:

and to think all this time I thought it was Americans that didnt include the British army in BF2 and its the Swedes!
they included everything they needed to in the British army. The L85A1. Nothing more comes out of the Brits that isn't represented by the USMC.
What does it say for the British Amry when its the Swedes that are deeming that you're not significant enough to be included in the game.. laf.

Once upon a time a few Brits tried to argue with me that the British could spank America in a war.. once again, laf. Their reasoning? Oh, well America is having trouble in the Middle East!
I hate everyone equaly, regardless of what country they come from. Although Americas stance on pretty much everything is extrememly poor.
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7058|I'm worldwide, beotch

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

I hate everyone equaly, regardless of what country they come from.
Fuckin' A. I think the same thing, and I'm an American.

See, we really do have more in common than we all think!

Last edited by Aegis (2005-12-31 11:00:59)

Horseman 77

7h3647h32in6 wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

this is a topic just waiting to get flamed.

people are entitled to their own opinions.  as an american, you of all people should know that since its one of your basic rights and freedoms.  with the actions the US has been taking recently (read: by the bush administration), i really don't blame people for not liking the US.

oh, I, too, am an American. But a gutless libral scum that i am I blame others
you stated that 2x bub.

People who criticize americans are just jumping the hypocritical bandwagon. That's all it is. "Cause the cool people are doin it."
Any other country have a better track record on things that actually matter? anyone anyone? ??
Horseman 77

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

I hate everyone equaly, regardless of what country they come from. Although Americas stance on pretty much everything is extrememly poor.
Any other country have a better track record on things that actually matter? anyone anyone? ??

No not one. We all knew that though.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

Horseman 77 wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

isn't it strange that

some will look down on Bill Clinton for being the only president in a long time not to go to war * ( xxxxxx )?

I think that says a lot about the american mentality towards war and violence in general.
* Add ( after being Repeatedly and Savagely attacked )

World Trade Center 1993 Blown to shit

Keneya Embassie Blown to shit

Tanzinia Embassie Blown to shit

Mogadisho Somalia Massacer during a "Feed the staving" mission. PS ( where was your country for that one? )

Pan Amm Flight 007 Blown to shit

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Khobar Towers complex Blown to shit

DD USS Cole Blown to shit

All seven events had a massive loss of life. All seven events were perpatrated buy the same people.
He had 3 THREE chances to take out ( Kill ) the leader of this group.
He turned a blind eye with the sole purpose to end his tenur in a ( state of peace ? ) and secure his failed legacy. It back fired. He is the American Neville Chamberlian or Quisling.

He also sluaghterd his own citizens without a trail in Waco Texas in an effort to look tuff !
So the man had no qualms about taking lives.

He is also the Forgotten President. when Americans say clinton they mean ( Save Viqeus )* Hillary
*What about viceus? did she forget?

When China Rammed our lumbering C130 Herculese Intel plane* with a MiG 21 fighter. Then Enterned the Crew and pirated the Air Craft, Bush didn't go to War then.

*You can call it a spy plane but at best its passive spying. It only records RADAR emisions that it can detect in international air space. Dont want it to hear? simple Dont Turn on your set. 

Also you may noticed the Attacks on the USA Stopped on a Dime.

a simple case of " Fucked with the Wrong Man "

I think it says that you didn't really consider the series of events,

I think you wanted to put fourth your opinion and wanted to sneek it in anywhere you could.

I won't insult you as I think it shows cowardice at best but Clearly I take great issuse with your opinion.
most ( if not all, I cannot remember all the dates, sorry ) of the incidents you describe happened way before 09/11, during times when the US was still making a difference between attacks by NGO terrorist groups and attacks by other nations.

Obviously, that attitude has changed greatly since then. It is always a question of definition, what is a threat to US soil or the integrity of the US and what isn't. I wasn't there myself ( and I suppose you weren't either ) but Clinton probably decided that terrorist attacks like the ones you named don't justify attacks on other nations.
And I am pretty sure he took the steps he felt appropriate to take to get to whoever was behind the attacks.

That may not have satisfied the hardliners in the administration or the country. I am pretty sure even back then some advisors were pushing for military actions. Still, those were his decisions to make.

then again, I am not an US citizen, and neither of the guys was ( or is ) my president. Therefore I probably have a different approach when looking at the US than you do. that is only natural.

as far as your gunslinger argument ( "you fucked with the wrong guy, bitches" ) is concerned, I think you know yourself that this approach on foreign policy ain't working so well on the global stage. attacks on US soil have stopped, true, but at what prize ? terrorist attacks on US soldiers are still carried out everyday in iraq. More US troops have died after Bush declared Victory ( "end of hostilities", call it what you like ) months ago.

I believe Bush went to iraq without having a clear strategy what to do once the military victory had been achieved. And now he is stuck. prominent politicians in the US are now demanding a clear exit strategy for iraq, and all Bush is telling you is "we'll stay until the job is done".

Personally, I think he owes you a better answer.

So tell me, do you really think the war on terror can be won like that ? Last time I checked, the marines were no anti-terrorist unit.

With all that said, I don't hate america or americans. Most americans I have come to know here on the forums are nice guys, and I have nothing against the US as a nation.

I happen to disagree with later US foreign policy, but that is my right. And I will take the liberty to share my opinion, wether you like it or not. You speak your mind, I speak mine. there is no final word on this anyway.
Your opinion is not better than mine, and mine is not better than yours.

I am glad you refrained from insulting me, as insults generally won't help much in a serious discussion and surely won't support your arguments either. I didn't insult you, did I ?

I assure you, nothing I said was directed against you personally.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

Horseman 77 wrote:

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

I hate everyone equaly, regardless of what country they come from. Although Americas stance on pretty much everything is extrememly poor.
Any other country have a better track record on things that actually matter? anyone anyone? ??

No not one. We all knew that though.
so what, in your humble opinion, are things that actually matter ?

And if you were planning to compare US intervention in WWI and WWII to the current situation ( war on terror, for example ), please don't. Those are two very different things.

I will happily agree that the US did rightly intervene in WWI and WWII, but those were very different conflicts, and it surely doesn't mean the way the US is conducting the "war on terror"  or handling the iraq affair must be right, too.

Just because someone has a good track record doesn't mean he is always going to be right, whatever he does.
Horseman 77
As a citizen here in The USA I can tell you that in NYC USA yes the Gunslinger,

( I will hunt you down and kill you and yours where you  live )

works, as it did against Japan and Germany.

War on OUR terms on YOUR soil.

day and night 12 months 24/7

" We will be back again at noon tomorrow and there is nothing you can do about it but hold up a white Rag."

         Works every fuckin time, dont believe it? Try us.
I dont have much agenst americans its jUst BuSh
yea Bush does suck.  dont y ppl elected him
Base Rapist

juanito wrote:

yea Bush does suck.  dont y ppl elected him
Because there wasn't a better candidate to choose?

Think of it like being lactose intolerant and your choices of drink are Milk and Chocolate Milk....

freebirdpat wrote:

juanito wrote:

yea Bush does suck.  dont y ppl elected him
Because there wasn't a better candidate to choose?

Think of it like being lactose intolerant and your choices of drink are Milk and Chocolate Milk....
true, i just hope that it aint like that next time we have to elect a president >_<
Mass Media Casualty

Hmm. Although Michael Moore-on rantings may have swayed my views of America a bit, I think I have my own opinion on this one thing.

What I don't like about America:

The only thing that really pisses me off, is the fact that sure, America is the biggest most powerfull country in the world, but they know it, and frequently talk about/try to show it.
My message to jingoistic Americans: "WE KNOW!" We realise that if you really wanted, you could fart and my country would have been wiped of all but the oldest of maps. We know that America is wealthy, and many people live there, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!
If other countries were like that we'd have Chinese constantly remind us that they have the most people, or Australia always saying 'land of the formerly captured, home of the world's only poisonous mammal.' they don't, but we know these things anyway.

American's are always saying things like the famous "the land of the free, home of the brave," type drivel that is not only a half-truth, but almost a put-down of any other country. America is 'a land where a few brave and free people live.' it is not the pinnicle of all society and never will be. It is far from this image it so blatently puts out there.

This belief that America is this pinnicle of society leads them to enforce their ideals on everyone else, wether their targets like it or not. A prime example of this is the fucken Vietnam War. Sure, a form of government was enforced on a group of people, but no more than capitalism is enforced on other people of the world. My government system is enforced on me. America thought it was right and Communism was wrong, simple as that, and they couldn't handle that another form of government was being used somewhre else, so they envaded, and quite rightfully lost,
(A side note, since many American's did believe the Vietnam war was a farce and protested about it, it may not be the best example of the American public's role in my America annoyance.)

No-one in the world, save maybe John Howard, want's their country to be another America, yet America continues to think that everyone wants to be like them. That's not true. I like the fact that my small country of about 4 million will never be a world power, and will never have nuclear weapons, (we are completely nuclear free.) I like that we have small cities, our capital takes about 10-15 minutes to walk through. If we were to be more like America, all of that would be wrecked.

So and that's my little annoyance. I by no means consider myself an "America Hater," but that one thing just grinds my gears.

This is somewhat a badly structured rant by me. I apologise for that, but I'm not bothered to go back and fix it. I also apologise to anyone I may have offended, I mean no disrespect.

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Let me start with saying that I am an American. First thing I wanted to state is, America is a country of many different origins, we have so many different cultures in this country that it could make your head spin. I myself am of German and Irish heritage. I have no complaints about people from other countries. I do however think countries like Iraq and other countries that are lead by diplomats that think they have the right to take a persons life away from them because it wasn't suiting to them should be taught different. I have friends from many different origns also. I respect those who respect me, pretty simple.  On the part mentioned about us in Iraq, The main cause of American deaths on Iraq's soil is cause of suicide bombers, I hear about it on the radio at work every day. By the way, I work for Cannondale Bicycle Corp in the U.S.A.
On the subject about Bush........ We had the choice between him and some other idiot that supported everything America stands against. Even so, at the end of the election, we really didn't even have a choice on who was going to be our next president. That Kerry idiot droped the run and we were stuck with another f'n Bush. Like it or hate it, we gotta deal with it I guess. By the way, Vietnam wasn't ever even considered a war, It was mearly stated as a conflict.


Last edited by KillerCreation (2005-12-31 23:05:10)

[blaq] plague

Horseman 77 wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

isn't it strange that

some will look down on Bill Clinton for being the only president in a long time not to go to war * ( xxxxxx )?

I think that says a lot about the american mentality towards war and violence in general.
* Add ( after being Repeatedly and Savagely attacked )

World Trade Center 1993 Blown to shit

Keneya Embassie Blown to shit

Tanzinia Embassie Blown to shit

Mogadisho Somalia Massacer during a "Feed the staving" mission. PS ( where was your country for that one? )

Pan Amm Flight 007 Blown to shit

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Khobar Towers complex Blown to shit

DD USS Cole Blown to shit

All seven events had a massive loss of life. All seven events were perpatrated buy the same people.
He had 3 THREE chances to take out ( Kill ) the leader of this group.
He turned a blind eye with the sole purpose to end his tenur in a ( state of peace ? ) and secure his failed legacy. It back fired. He is the American Neville Chamberlian or Quisling.

He also sluaghterd his own citizens without a trail in Waco Texas in an effort to look tuff !
So the man had no qualms about taking lives.

He is also the Forgotten President. when Americans say clinton they mean ( Save Viqeus )* Hillary
*What about viceus? did she forget?

When China Rammed our lumbering C130 Herculese Intel plane* with a MiG 21 fighter. Then Enterned the Crew and pirated the Air Craft, Bush didn't go to War then.

*You can call it a spy plane but at best its passive spying. It only records RADAR emisions that it can detect in international air space. Dont want it to hear? simple Dont Turn on your set. 

Also you may noticed the Attacks on the USA Stopped on a Dime.

a simple case of " Fucked with the Wrong Man "

I think it says that you didn't really consider the series of events,

I think you wanted to put fourth your opinion and wanted to sneek it in anywhere you could.

I won't insult you as I think it shows cowardice at best but Clearly I take great issuse with your opinion.
Look at your sources again.

It wasn't a C-130 that was hit, it was a Navy EP-3.  And it's a little more than radar collection, one of it's primary missions is communications interception in enemy territory.  It collided with a Chinese F-8.

The Pan Am 103 (not 007...that was a KAL flight shot down by a russian MiG in 1983) bombing was organized and supported by Khadafy.  There weren't any ties to bin Laden.

juanito wrote:

freebirdpat wrote:

juanito wrote:

yea Bush does suck.  dont y ppl elected him
Because there wasn't a better candidate to choose?

Think of it like being lactose intolerant and your choices of drink are Milk and Chocolate Milk....
true, i just hope that it aint like that next time we have to elect a president >_<
well kerry was kinda wierd... he was a war vetty in vietnam, and he wanted to pull out troops out of iraq? bush is a terrible speech man, he shouldnt said: iraq has wmd, what he should say was: iraq is under a dictatorship control, if they have WMD's they would not hesitate to use them. now tahts a hell lot better speech aint it?
Bush should have said:

1 4m t3h 1337 I-I4x0r5!
w47ch m3 k1ll t3h 1r4q15!

]V[Stinks_at_this wrote:

I'm from the UK and live in the US and a good place it is too, but its true there is alot of Anti US feeling, I think it just people hating what they can't have themselves.
Can someone explain why AU,JP, and some (very few) euro server say that only there own country men are allowed to play on them, and they kick anyone from out side those countrys ?
Surely this is racist? the Contract we we signed says we won't do this so how come so many Ranked servers do?
I was a little upset by these servers at first but then someone said its cos of pings and the lag it causes servers....when i play on AUS or USA servers my ping is way high...so i leave cos i dont want to ruin the game for everyone else by causing lag....not all the servers are like this, guess its down to what ur running....anyway it dont matter what country your from we can all act like jackasses at times...national pride and patriotism is one thing...but common decency and manners are another....no i dont hate the USA..ps i live across the pond!!!...Happy New Year everyone!!
Horseman 77
Bush Sux?? He is doing everything that deperatly need to be done in the previuos 8 years.

He can make a decision he dos't cave in. Very nesecary trait for a leader.

He puts The wellfare of the USA ahead of other ambitions.

" WAR on Terror a JOKE " Harm our citizens now and see what happens to you asshole.

PS (Pan Am 007) should read (TWA Flight 800)

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