SD-8 Accipiter
One of the most underpowered and un-used weapon used in 2142, and for good reason.
For the last 2 days, I’ve been using it, every round. And I’ve noticed quite a few things that are REALLY crappy about it.
It still kills you when you deploy it. Not every time, but enough to be annoying, as you die and lose 2 points. Also it deploys and knocks about 50-80% of your health off.
It should have the system like the out of bonds thing. You have 15 secs to get off it, or away from it. Then you die. (Or cut it down to 5 secs.) Instead of this BS instant death. Doing that would still prevent the drone surfing.
Another glitch with it is that it some times, just instantly self-destructs. Once it does that, don’t bother trying to use it for the rest of the round. Can’t seam to think of a way to stop it doing it. But next round it will work.
The Accipiter should not only work off net-bat (which it does rather poorly.) It should work on range too. I.E. if an enemy is sneaking up on you, it should start firing. Twice today I was able to knife a SL that had an Accipiter. It didn’t even know I was there.
Having a proximity fire range would make this a lot more enjoyable to use.
The net-bat doesn’t quite work. If I’m looking at an enemy, it doesn’t fire. I could kill the enemy with a pistol before it starts to fire. But if a squad member sees and enemy about a mile away, it’ll start firing.
It would also be nice if the Accipiter had a health bar that all squad members can see so you can repair it if it’s getting damaged. As I’ve tested that you can repair it. As I was in a walker with it deployed, and I was getting team Vehicle damage and repair points from the drone.
That way you’ll be able to keep it going for a lot longer. Waiting to re-arm with ammo to reboot the drone is a pain.
Any thoughts?
One of the most underpowered and un-used weapon used in 2142, and for good reason.
For the last 2 days, I’ve been using it, every round. And I’ve noticed quite a few things that are REALLY crappy about it.
It still kills you when you deploy it. Not every time, but enough to be annoying, as you die and lose 2 points. Also it deploys and knocks about 50-80% of your health off.
It should have the system like the out of bonds thing. You have 15 secs to get off it, or away from it. Then you die. (Or cut it down to 5 secs.) Instead of this BS instant death. Doing that would still prevent the drone surfing.
Another glitch with it is that it some times, just instantly self-destructs. Once it does that, don’t bother trying to use it for the rest of the round. Can’t seam to think of a way to stop it doing it. But next round it will work.
The Accipiter should not only work off net-bat (which it does rather poorly.) It should work on range too. I.E. if an enemy is sneaking up on you, it should start firing. Twice today I was able to knife a SL that had an Accipiter. It didn’t even know I was there.
Having a proximity fire range would make this a lot more enjoyable to use.
The net-bat doesn’t quite work. If I’m looking at an enemy, it doesn’t fire. I could kill the enemy with a pistol before it starts to fire. But if a squad member sees and enemy about a mile away, it’ll start firing.
It would also be nice if the Accipiter had a health bar that all squad members can see so you can repair it if it’s getting damaged. As I’ve tested that you can repair it. As I was in a walker with it deployed, and I was getting team Vehicle damage and repair points from the drone.
That way you’ll be able to keep it going for a lot longer. Waiting to re-arm with ammo to reboot the drone is a pain.
Any thoughts?