I don't know why people choose the Zeller over the stock sniper guns. I mean with the Zeller you get three in your clip instead of five like the stock, the few times I have used this gun I always run out of ammo at a time where I would have been able to get a kill. Also the Zeller's scope covers a larger potion of the screen than the stocks, while not much more than the Park's scope the Zeller's scope probably covers almost 50% more screen than the Morretti's scope. While the Zeller does do more damage, it still takes two hits to kill a healthy target as with the stock snipers. The only real superiority the Zeller has over the stocks is that the Zeller can set off mines, however this function is extremely situational. With APMs you are way better off just crouching past them, motion mines are always spammed all over the place so shooting them would consume to much time and ammo, and with RDX, your best bet is just to get out of its radius.
So can someone please tell me why anyone would want to use the Zeller over the stocks
So can someone please tell me why anyone would want to use the Zeller over the stocks