99 Problems . . .

TheSkrapper wrote:

T.Pike wrote:

TheSkrapper wrote:

SSandstorms ...  ADD THIS TO THE GUIDE

This is also useful for any other kit.

When low on health or out of claymores/ammo look for a medic or supply kit laying around (from a dead soldier).  You can change to that kit with "G" and throw down health or ammo.  Then press "G" again to get your Sniper kit back.

This is also useful for reviving a medic.  You will loose your sniper kit for a few moments but don't let that stop you from reviving your teammate.  You can always pick up another Sniper kit.  They are always laying around.  I've never had to go more than a minute to get a kit back.

Thinking outside the box .... if everyone would swap kits with a fallen medic and revive them then your team would never lose.  Aside from that ... the game would last longer and you could get even more kills overall with claymores or whatever.  Just remember "G"/"6"    that's   "Swap kit"/"Paddles"
Out-freaking-standing Soldier !

What I do is if someone revives me with MY medic Kit I'll pick-up whatever Kit is near-by, give the sniper/assault/whoever his kit back, then pick my Medic Kit back-up.  This is normal game-play for a lot of the people I play with.
Cool T.Pike ....  What server do you play on?  Sounds like it would be fun to visit.... most people don't comprehend kit swapping let alone a 3-way swap to get everything back to originals .....
I play (and now Admin) on Addicted-2-Games servers.  IMHO we get the best teamwork in the mornings and early afternoon Eastern Daylight Savings Time.  At night we have less "community members" and the amount of teamwork drops significantly.

If you join just squad up with someone wearing the Community member tag " =A2G= " or an ADMIN " =A2G=@ " and you can be pretty sure to have some good teamwork.  (PS  Teamspeak is a BIG plus, then you can ask someone specifically to pick up your kit.)   A couple people from there such as DSR Turtle & Unit120 post here and they're some of the best squad mates you could ask for, along with SCUBA Turtle, TsgtElliot, Guard157 & many others that don't post here.
+73|7046|Perth, Western Australia
Is there anyone who has tips to add to this guide?
+405|6774|A W S M F O X
IF you see a FAV or alike careening towards you, lay both clays to one side, they will either kill driver or blowup said FAV or alike. Dont try this with vodnik or hummer, or tanks like some remo's ive seen, as it doesnt work and just amkes people lol at your complete and utter stupidity.

This works 80% of the time, if BOTH clays go off.
+25|7071|Yorkshire, UK.

Ssandstorm wrote:

Is there anyone who has tips to add to this guide?
yep... quit using claymores for offence and learn to use other weapons, such as guns for instance
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6986|Canberra, AUS

senor_fulff wrote:

Ssandstorm wrote:

Is there anyone who has tips to add to this guide?
yep... quit using claymores for offence and learn to use other weapons, such as guns for instance

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+25|7071|Yorkshire, UK.
well there was advice asked for.... lol
be nice
+2,646|6764|The Twilight Zone
Ssandstorm your next guide should be: spawnkilling. And then you will be the guy with the most retarded threads. If u play sniper, play it with a sniper rifle, pistol and nades if u wish but dont whore with clays. Cos of people like you, bf2 popularity has gone down for 15%. And the fact that you are beeing proud on your 10.000 clay kills makes you an idiot.
+73|7046|Perth, Western Australia

>>SUPR3MACY<< wrote:

Ssandstorm your next guide should be: spawnkilling. And then you will be the guy with the most retarded threads. If u play sniper, play it with a sniper rifle, pistol and nades if u wish but dont whore with clays. Cos of people like you, bf2 popularity has gone down for 15%. And the fact that you are beeing proud on your 10.000 clay kills makes you an idiot.
Never before has a post failed as much as this one.

Ssandstorm wrote:

Never before has a post failed as much as this one.
Never before has a sniper failed as much as this one http://bf2s.com/player/57614837/

x x x
+73|7046|Perth, Western Australia

baggs wrote:

Ssandstorm wrote:

Never before has a post failed as much as this one.
Never before has a sniper failed as much as this one http://bf2s.com/player/57614837/

x x x
Who is it? The link isn't working. Could it be that Russian guy from Enemy at the Gates?
Sniper Rifles      94:18:34      4,081      5,608      0.7277sands  stats

Sniper Rifles      02:36:40      157      82      1.9146Jamesey stats

i like jamesey sniper stats, better atleast he can shoot the rifle
plus you got what 800 hrs more experience in this game
+25|7071|Yorkshire, UK.

wachtler83 wrote:

Sniper Rifles      94:18:34      4,081      5,608      0.7277sands  stats

Sniper Rifles      02:36:40      157      82      1.9146Jamesey stats

i like jamesey sniper stats, better atleast he can shoot the rifle
plus you got what 800 hrs more experience in this game
I agree with this assessment...
AKA Selkies ftw

senor_fulff wrote:

wachtler83 wrote:

Sniper Rifles      94:18:34      4,081      5,608      0.7277sands  stats

Sniper Rifles      02:36:40      157      82      1.9146Jamesey stats

i like jamesey sniper stats, better atleast he can shoot the rifle
plus you got what 800 hrs more experience in this game
I agree with this assessment...
Wow, he has two hours with it so it obviously means his better. My ratio sucks becuase of dick medics like him who won't heal a downed sniper.

Ssandstorm wrote:

Is there anyone who has tips to add to this guide?
I thought there were a few of us adding tips, but you don't want to take the time to update the guide.  Therefore people have to read through all the BS in this thread.  After 1-2 pages they probably give up unless they just want reasons to flame then they just add more BS.  (It seems that most successful guides are updated and all inclusive on the first post.)

My suggestion ...  update the guide with the good comments and ignore all the flamers that are trying to get a rise out of you.  Don't even post to the BSers.   If you included non-SPAMMING/HOPPING methods of clay usage like maybe ... tactical usage ... then it would probably go over better.
+429|6758|Chicago, IL

JET_G raidensen wrote:

IF you see a FAV or alike careening towards you, lay both clays to one side, they will either kill driver or blowup said FAV or alike. Dont try this with vodnik or hummer, or tanks like some remo's ive seen, as it doesnt work and just amkes people lol at your complete and utter stupidity.

This works 80% of the time, if BOTH clays go off.
It works, add it, it's saved me alot on oman when some tard in the FAV decides to run me down in the back alleys of the MEC base, I'd say almost 100% of the time, the claymore will kill the whole crew in the vehicle.
+73|7046|Perth, Western Australia

wachtler83 wrote:

Sniper Rifles      94:18:34      4,081      5,608      0.7277sands  stats

Sniper Rifles      02:36:40      157      82      1.9146Jamesey stats

i like jamesey sniper stats, better atleast he can shoot the rifle
plus you got what 800 hrs more experience in this game
After this quote I decided to go sniping the traditional way to see how "hard" it really is.

Kills and deaths after my 2 hour experiment- 4191 kills 5652 deaths

Before                                                        4081 kills 5608 deaths

Equals                                                          110 kills     44 deaths (at a ratio of exactly 2.5 with the sniper rifle)

For the last time, sniping is easy. Claymore whores naturally have a lower kdr with the sniper rifle. It's just the way it works. Now moving on, I will be adding to the guide will other peoples suggestions once the thread dies down a little. Thanks to those who have offered up suggestions.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7049|Great Wall
Nice guide.. I see you've got more experience with claymores than I have.. I'm sure people hate you for that.. I use claymores only for my protection.. People hate me enough for using sniper rifles.. and I like it that way.

Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2007-06-06 09:32:47)


Ssandstorm wrote:

Claymore whores naturally have a lower kdr with the sniper rifle. It's just the way it works.
Maybe if you used skill instead of jumping into the middle of groups of enemies you'd be able to get a good KDR with your rifle and your claymores and then you wouldn't be spouting crap like that.
Mr. Bigglesworth

>>SUPR3MACY<< wrote:

Ssandstorm your next guide should be: spawnkilling. And then you will be the guy with the most retarded threads. If u play sniper, play it with a sniper rifle, pistol and nades if u wish but dont whore with clays. Cos of people like you, bf2 popularity has gone down for 15%. And the fact that you are beeing proud on your 10.000 clay kills makes you an idiot.
Source please? Oh wait...I thought this was D&ST.
+73|7046|Perth, Western Australia

Jameseyy wrote:

Ssandstorm wrote:

Claymore whores naturally have a lower kdr with the sniper rifle. It's just the way it works.
Maybe if you used skill instead of jumping into the middle of groups of enemies you'd be able to get a good KDR with your rifle and your claymores and then you wouldn't be spouting crap like that.
Thats nice coming from someone who has been completely raped in this thread. Far more people have attacked your one dimensional game play than my claymore whoring. Why do you think that is?

Ssandstorm wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

Ssandstorm wrote:

Claymore whores naturally have a lower kdr with the sniper rifle. It's just the way it works.
Maybe if you used skill instead of jumping into the middle of groups of enemies you'd be able to get a good KDR with your rifle and your claymores and then you wouldn't be spouting crap like that.
Thats nice coming from someone who has been completely raped in this thread. Far more people have attacked your one dimensional game play than my claymore whoring. Why do you think that is?
They're jealous of my 4.08 SPM.

Nobody's jealous that you can press 5 and click while hopping.
+73|7046|Perth, Western Australia

Jameseyy wrote:

Ssandstorm wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

Maybe if you used skill instead of jumping into the middle of groups of enemies you'd be able to get a good KDR with your rifle and your claymores and then you wouldn't be spouting crap like that.
Thats nice coming from someone who has been completely raped in this thread. Far more people have attacked your one dimensional game play than my claymore whoring. Why do you think that is?
They're jealous of my 4.08 SPM.

Nobody's jealous that you can press 5 and click while hopping.
Yes, because having such an SPM is but the first step on the path to world domination. Women want Jameseyy, men want to be him. The champagne flows like beer, and money falls from the heavens due to such a remarkable feat. I forget, under which category are you being nominated for the nobel peace prize? Seriously, if anyone else here was to play Karkand IO as a medic they would have an SPM of 6+. It seems to me like 4.08 is failure, considering your game style.
aka S.J.N.P.0717
+21|6589|Mo Val, Cali
Alright Jameseyy spm isn't that great but you're an idiot for this guide, your 10k+ clay kills and thinking anyone can go on an IO server and get 6+spm.
This topic seems to have no actual posts
r u guys really bragging about claymore kills rofl, get some skill baddies

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