+73|7045|Perth, Western Australia
From the man who brought you The Claymore Song ( and 10000 Claymore Kills ( Here is his most important work yet. Soon, many who could only wish to be a claymore whore will have the knowledge to become the most skilled killer on the battlefield. Follow these rules like they are the bible. Everyone is a claymore spammer trapped inside an assault rifle users body. It's time to let your true self shine. I am here to help.

1. Claymore spamming works better on an Infantry only server. WRONG. Through my extensive experience it is the exact opposite. The slow pace of IO compared to vehicle servers means that claymore spammers is better suited to vehicle servers. The infantry here tends to be more gung-ho and rush straight in, leading to more kills.

2.The dead body bait. Kill someone with a grenade or rifle, than stick a claymore on top of or in front of the dead body. The foolish medic will revive him and you will be the happy recipient of 2+ kills.

3. Spawn camping with claymores. Don't put your claymore immediately behind the spawn point, it will blow up as the enemy spawns and you will
be left with no kill. Put your claymore at least a few metres back, or just around the corner. Don't let your precious claymores go to waste.

4. To clay or not to clay? That is the question. Shakespeare would be rolling in his grave right now. As a claymore spammer it's up to you to use your better judgement as to whether or not you should put the claymore down. Look on the minimap. Are there 6 enemies in front of you on the UAV and only 3 teammates behind you? Chances are you should place that clay. Is it the other way around? Hold off and see first what happens to those teammates. Wait for them to die first and then place the claymore. This will see you avoid a lot of unnecessary teamkills. Secondly, be aware of the skill level of both your teammates and the enemy. If your teammates suck and the enemy is pro it's advisable to put the claymores down straight away. If its the other way around then show more restraint.

5. Claymore seppoku. If a mistake has been made and you have placed a claymore where there is a 100% chance of getting a teamkill, it's better to walk into it yourself. The -2 is better than the -4 and it is alot better than the kick for excessive teamkilling. This should obviously be avoided but be prepared to fall on your sword if you have to.

6. Kamikaze ammo rush. (2 Japanese references in a row for some reason). Here is where you have run out of claymores, there are 5-10 enemies in front of you, as well as a number of ammo packs. Run straight into the huge gathering of enemy soldiers, bunnyhopping in between them all. They should be too afraid to shoot at you being afraid to TK. Don't stop until you reach an ammo bag. Immediately press 5, drop those 2 clays and watch the kills come up on your death screen. The Kamikaze ammo rush works every time.

7. The perfect spawn camper remedy. Are five PKM'ers prone behind a spawn point raping? This is what you should do. As soon as you spawn immediately do a 180 jump whilst pressing 5 and left mouse click. There should be just enough time to get one claymore down. Just as they begin to laugh at the silly sniper all 5 of them will be filled with ball barrings.

8. The enemy is over running us. If a huge group of enemy infantry is about to over run one of your flags but you know you can respawn just before the flag goes neutral do this. Switch to sniper kit. Immediately run to the flag spamming your clays and then grenades. If your lucky you will stop the enemy from capping the flag. At worse you will rack up 5+ kills. As an aside, don't put your clays on a flag at the start of a round. This is a big TK magnet, and it's much better to kill the enemy before they reach the flag, rather than once there in it.

9. Off the glass. Throw your claymore at an angle against a wall. It should hit the wall, turn in the air and face the direction in which you desire. This is especially helpful when a group of enemy soldiers are around a corner. Instead of exposing yourself to the enemy, throw the claymore off the wall and then run.

10. Don't forget that you still have other kit equipment. If someone is off in the distance by all means shoot him with your rifle. A prone noob? Knife him. Throw your 4 grenades, use your pistol if you have to.

11. Above all, be sure to anger the enemy as much as possible. Use a clan prefix like "CLAYHO". Type things like "You love my claymores don't you baby" and "I'm so pro with clays". This will see the enemy distracted, here they will forget about killing you and your teammates and concentrate on talking smack and initiating vote kicks.

12. Claymores can easily destroy the smaller transport vehicles such as the DPV and the FAV. If you see a car charging it's lasers towards you put ypur claymores down and save yourself. And don't forget to jump up and down on the wreakage to mock your foolish victim.
I hope that you find my guide both useful and rewarding. Aim to be the best that you can be, become a claymore whore.

For all those who want the expert explosive ordinance, this is what I believe is the best way to do it. Karkand-MEC. At the start of the round on your first spawn jihad jeep from the square. If you're lucky you will get 5 kills on the first rush. This is important because for the first minute or 2 there will be no one to kill with claymores as everyone is still just spawning. If you see a large group of enemy infantry take them out with C4, but if it's only 1 or 2 try to run them over and go for the enemy armour instead. Now, after the first jihad switch to sniper and claymore whore, taking advantage of as many tips as you can from my OP. Another tip is to actually pick when to spawn. By this I mean look at your minimap and UAV. If there are just a couple of enemy soldiers close to the hotel, but the rest are up the hill hold off spawning for a little bit. Wait until the 2 full squads of 6 are within striking distance of the hotel and then spawn. This will maximise your kills and limit your chances of dying through artillery etc. And don't simply give up after a couple of rounds. Stick at it until you succeed.

Last edited by Ssandstorm (2007-07-19 20:52:05)

Good to be back.
Who's gonna follow a guide from someone with fucking horrible stats?
I'm English, not British!
+113|7082|Rotherham, England

Jameseyy wrote:

Who's gonna follow a guide from someone with fucking horrible stats?
Pot, kettle & black spring to mind :S

Edit: And before you attack mine, don't! I know there shit, they always will be, the difference is I used to play for fun.

Last edited by pedigreeuk (2007-06-04 05:33:48)

+73|7045|Perth, Western Australia

Jameseyy wrote:

Who's gonna follow a guide from someone with fucking horrible stats?
I would have expected much better mockage from you Jameseyy. Are you slipping or just plain tired? You could have at least questioned my sexuality or something.
Real Хорошо
+826|6830|Adelaide, South Australia

Jameseyy wrote:

Who's gonna follow a guide from someone with fucking horrible stats?
Anyone wanting their Vet/Expert explosive ordinance.

I could learn from him.
+73|7045|Perth, Western Australia
I got the reqs for expert explosive ordinance well over 20 times now. If theres anything specific you want to ask I'd be happy to help.
Did someone say tea?
+112|6546|S.A. Australia
Serious Flex
+515|6966|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
BF2s' little helper

Ssandstorm wrote:

5. Claymore seppoku. If a mistake has been made and you have placed a claymore where there is a 100% chance of getting a teamkill, it's better to walk into it yourself. The -2 is better than the -4 and it is alot better than the kick for excessive teamkilling. This should obviously be avoided but be prepared to fall on your sword if you have to.
lol, oh the worries of a claymore spammer..

thats.. kind of sad..

Ssandstorm wrote:

2.The dead body bait. Kill someone with a grenade or rifle, than stick a claymore on top of or in front of the dead body. The foolish medic will revive him and you will be the happy recipient of 2+ kills.
Well we all know you cant hit shit with a rifle so i dunno how u came up with that little gem.....

Ssandstorm wrote:

10. Don't forget that you still have other kit equipment. If someone is off in the distance by all means shoot him with your rifle. A prone noob? Knife him. Throw your 4 grenades, use your pistol if you have to.
obv the higlighted text being a last resort, lets be clear about this eh Ssandstorm
+519|6932|Gold coast, Aus.
i love you.
Say wat!?

Jameseyy wrote:

Who's gonna follow a guide from someone with fucking horrible stats?
lol and the fact that you can only play with medic means what? He atleast can keep a KDR over ALL kits. You can only do it over one. Thus i deduce your a skill less nub.
+572|6970|BC, Canada
umm. I dont know what to say.... but wow.... umm...... ok....
sophisticated slacker
+334|6635|Graz, Austria

Jameseyy wrote:

Who's gonna follow a guide from someone with fucking horrible stats?
Well, he obviously gained some experience with claymore mines.
the horror...the horror
+73|7045|Perth, Western Australia

Vilham wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

Who's gonna follow a guide from someone with fucking horrible stats?
lol and the fact that you can only play with medic means what? He atleast can keep a KDR over ALL kits. You can only do it over one. Thus i deduce your a skill less nub.
Yes, the medic only noob vs the one who just a couple of days ago received the Sharpshooter Infantry Medal.

Last edited by Ssandstorm (2007-06-04 06:05:07)

scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6868|Brisbane, Aus

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

Who's gonna follow a guide from someone with fucking horrible stats?
Anyone wanting their Vet/Expert explosive ordinance.

I could learn from him.
thats me! I might have to give it a wirl
BF2s' little helper

Ssandstorm wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

Who's gonna follow a guide from someone with fucking horrible stats?
lol and the fact that you can only play with medic means what? He atleast can keep a KDR over ALL kits. You can only do it over one. Thus i deduce your a skill less nub.
Yes, the medic only noob vs the one who just a couple of days ago received the Sharpshooter Infantry Medal.
well, he is only a master sergent and you are a colonel...

and besides if it comes down to paddles and claymores (only those two regardless of any other stats and so on..) paddles help players/the team.. where the claymore, as you so nicely put it in "5." tk's...

my sence.. and still no flame intended
+630|6955|The Netherlands
damn claymore spammers... like there aren't enough of them out there, you just infected some more fool with the idea that claymorespamming is "skilled" and "cool"....

you're a tool, you really are...
stephen brule

Jameseyy wrote:

Who's gonna follow a guide from someone with fucking horrible stats?
I don't see any fucking horrible stats.

I like this guide alot and I will be sure to use it.
Please , someone give him the forum title of "expert claymore spammer".
+15|6559|United States
I thought you could only have 2 claymores deployed at the same time. Like if you laid two, got ammo, and laid another two, the first two disappeared.
+73|7045|Perth, Western Australia

']['error wrote:

damn claymore spammers... like there aren't enough of them out there, you just infected some more fool with the idea that claymorespamming is "skilled" and "cool"....

you're a tool, you really are...
Come over to the dark side, you will join me or die.
Back from the Dead.
I may not like the tactic (nor use it too much myself), but this is a through guide.

I'll never use it, but like others have said, it could serve well as a way to attain your explosive ordinance badges.

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