I rape the whole damn map.  You think those 89 kills were all uncap raping?  You're lame.  And just wait for my video.....while there is some uncap raping, there is a ton of other kills.  The fact of the matter is, I can and will kill targets all over the map with ease.


PS- I apologize if you were being serious....but I got the distinct impression that you were being sarcastic.  I dunno...something about being congratulated for spawn killing suggests insincerity to me.

Last edited by FeedUsYourFetus (2007-05-21 17:21:07)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6851|Texas - Bigger than France
I said congrats.  89 kills is tough even if you are only uncap raping.  Sorry you took it that way.

My experience with you on the other team was with me in the froggie, trying to shoot you down because we had all the flags.  You'd strafe run the uncap three or four times b4 turning back to reload, shooting other targets on the way. 

I know this because I was on your ass in the froggie trying to shoot you down, even though trying to shoot down the other jet in AF is retarded - you run out of ammo before the plane goes down.  I spent a few mintues behind you and you did it over and over again.  By the time I got shot down, the tide turned a bit and we were 50-50 on the flags for the rest of the round.

You went 45-10 or something like that, but your team lost by about 20 tickets.  You're a good pilot, no one said any different.  Besides there's no rule against attacking the uncap on the LAW/DHH server, so if you are standing in line waiting for the plane/chopper whatever, you get cooked...especially on that map.

So it wasn't a cheeky "way 2 go", 89 is tough.

And PS - you "PS'd" in the middle of me writing this.  See you on that server, I hope one day to smoke you out of the sky...

Last edited by Pug (2007-05-21 17:34:01)

Hah.......well.......sorry to misinterpret then.  All is well.

Here is another great clip on how to perform and control the aerial physics of the A10 in-game.

VERY good watch.


raxen wrote:

Here is another great clip on how to perform and control the aerial physics of the A10 in-game.

VERY good watch.

Wow that was insane he is very skilled.

Awesome guide! I've tried using the A-10 recently and found that it is actually quite easy. Only problem for me is getting a hold of one, which is usually in small servers, which means hardly any kills.

But in regards to the spotting vehicles, it's nice to know that there's a pilot out there who actually makes the efforts to help out his teammates! I consistently spot vehicles, especially armor and AA, and I even type in the team chat where it is and that I need assistance, yet the jackass pilot finds a way to ignore all that and go after some other target and gets himself shot down in the process.

raxen wrote:

Here is another great clip on how to perform and control the aerial physics of the A10 in-game.

VERY good watch.

All I see is a vid of some douche dancing and singing.


Pug wrote:

You went 45-10 or something like that
Damn......I was having a really shitty round then.  Musta been drunk as hell.

Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6932|Camp XRay

FeedUsYourFetus wrote:

Pug wrote:

You went 45-10 or something like that
Damn......I was having a really shitty round then.  Musta been drunk as hell.

or thinking about mr limpy

Marlboroman82 wrote:

FeedUsYourFetus wrote:

Pug wrote:

You went 45-10 or something like that
Damn......I was having a really shitty round then.  Musta been drunk as hell.

or thinking about mr limpy
That's usually what gets me GOOD scores.


mtb0minime wrote:

Awesome guide! I've tried using the A-10 recently and found that it is actually quite easy. Only problem for me is getting a hold of one, which is usually in small servers, which means hardly any kills.

But in regards to the spotting vehicles, it's nice to know that there's a pilot out there who actually makes the efforts to help out his teammates! I consistently spot vehicles, especially armor and AA, and I even type in the team chat where it is and that I need assistance, yet the jackass pilot finds a way to ignore all that and go after some other target and gets himself shot down in the process.
Yes...I'm usually quite good at taking out vehicles when the rest of my team is actually spotting them.  I'm usually in the best position to help.  I've seen situations where there's a whole convoy of armor rolling in on one of our flags, that's only being defended by a handful of infantry.  It looks hopeless....but the guys on the ground were smart enough to call out the vehicles, and in a couple passes they're all smoking rubble, and the flag is still ours.

I actually get a lot of people thanking me throughout the round because I try to be Johnny On the Spot whenever possible when it comes to killing things that team mates call out.

Also, I always start my own squad so that I'm squad leader and can communicate w/ the commander.  This way, if there are other squads that are actually utilizing the means of communication that are available to them, the commander can let me know if they need assistance.  For instance, sometimes I'll hear the commander say something like "Hey Lou, squad 3 needs some help at the truck stop."  Better to go help them than to bomb some random tank in the middle of the road that doesn't pose an immediate threat to anyone.

Of course, so few people play with any sort of concept of teamwork.......it's kinda sad.  But when they do, it's always more fun. 


Last edited by FeedUsYourFetus (2007-05-22 16:34:49)

+1,153|6939|Washington, DC

Too bad only the USMC has cool air vehicles in AF. I hate trying to steal their stuff as MEC or PLA because as sure as the sun, there will be 10 dipshits standing around for the fucking chopper/jet. And even a boorish group such as the Armored Fury planecampers will form a brief unholy truce in order to keep the OTHER guy from getting THEIR jet.

Hurricane wrote:

Too bad only the USMC has cool air vehicles in AF. I hate trying to steal their stuff as MEC or PLA because as sure as the sun, there will be 10 dipshits standing around for the fucking chopper/jet. And even a boorish group such as the Armored Fury planecampers will form a brief unholy truce in order to keep the OTHER guy from getting THEIR jet.
You should like my vid then.....it's Midnight sun, me on PLA........at the beginning of the round you see me take the Fantan, bail over the US main, and steal the A10.  I keep it the whole round.  Surprisingly, there was NO ONE waiting for it.  I just ran up and got in.  Which, honestly, I wish there was at least someone so that I could kill him before taking the A10, and make it look like stealing it was some kinda challenge.    But oh well.....it was a good round, and I think it all made for a cool vid.

Sorry to talk it up and not post it.  Like I said, I'm holding off until the much larger video that it's supposed to be a part of is finished.  Also, I hope I don't make anyone think that it's the best thing since sliced bread......cause then you'll probably be disappointed.  It's an "ok" video......but I was happy w/ it for the most part as a first vid.  I've seen people make worse, so.....

Why stealing!?! Not as manoeuvrable as A-10, both SU and Fantan are decent jets and one could score well enough with these.

Last edited by Gaston (2007-05-22 17:08:35)


Gaston wrote:

Why stealing!?! Not as manoeuvrable as A-10, both SU and Fantan are decent jets and one could score well enough with these.
Cause the A10 is my thing.......DUH! 

That, and......if I have the A10, and they don't, they have no jet support.

I think me having their jet was the advantage we needed to win the round.....because my team was sucking most of the round.  We ended up winning 2-0.


Last edited by FeedUsYourFetus (2007-05-22 17:50:28)

+1,153|6939|Washington, DC

Yeah, I figure a good A-10 pilot on the PLA or MEC side can really turn the tide of the battle. The USMC pretty-boys would never touch the Su-39 or Fantan (to be fair, you could call the PLA and MEC pretty-boys too for not wanting to use their own jets either =p) so they better shoot down that A-10.

You know what would kick ass? Operation Harvest being slightly larger, with an A-10 I'd play it 24/7.
pics or it didn't happen
hey FeedUsYourFetus,

nice QUADRUPLE post on the first page of this thread...n00b.

CoronadoSEAL wrote:

hey FeedUsYourFetus,

nice QUADRUPLE post on the first page of this thread...n00b.
It was FIVE times...n00b.

Former Karkand Addict
+32|6892|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
KiL, what is the most you have killed in one bombing run with an A-10?  Mine is 8 when people were all fighting over 2 FAVs (wtf?!?!?)
Just played a couple rounds of AF..
man its fun bombing in the A10. most fun ive had playing BF2 in awhile, i think. its hard to find things i havent totally overplayed in this game, but the A10 is one.

Reject_Wolf wrote:

KiL, what is the most you have killed in one bombing run with an A-10?  Mine is 8 when people were all fighting over 2 FAVs (wtf?!?!?)
Not sure.....I think maybe 10 or 11?  Bombing the helipad on Road Rage.

Wannabe Heli Whore
I dream of being a good aviator one day....
Feed you're an excellent pilot and I love your guide. Very imformative. I used many of the tactics you mentioned before reading this guide, but also learned a few things I didnt know. Thank you for posting this guide.

I invite you to play at |HBD| 24/7 Road Rage 64 at the IP listed below in my signature.

(I would karma you if I had enough posts )
Thanks to "The Guide" I also have been 'killin  charlie wholesale" with the A10, and I do recommend the HBD servers but usually there is a line for the A10's on there.  The HBD admins do a good job of kicking the TK for jet tards when they are on there and you might even get to fly with the JesusHChrist!
Hey unit, remember you playing regularly on our servers. I can't help the line though. Just the way pubs work.

My most kill bomb is 8. I bombed the shopping mall on road rage. I got 2 dmged tanks and 4 infantrymen.

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