Hello again noble movie watchers at BF2s
This is xGx|Gotos first movie ever. Which makes it really impressive, as he never had used Vegas, Fraps or Adobe before!
Footage is from the Eurocup and some pcw's (for the unknowing: Practice Clan War).
Gotos is for you who don't know xGx's chopperwhore. And xGx are one of the top clans in the world, which they proved with their 2nd place in the Eurocup. This means that the competition from this movie is absolutely top class!
This is really one of the best BF2 movies I've seen, and definately the best chopper movie!
You will (at least I did) actually feel a bit disappointed that it doesn't last longer.
Notice: I got nothing to do with this video, just thought I should show it to you (I searched and noone else had). The video was really out in February but whatever. I guess you will also notice that in the video it says The Rapeist, but don't care about it, it doesn't matter if you call it Rapist or Rapeist..
D/L and STREAM at Filefront
Size (if you download): 350 mb
Length: Ca. 10 min
Now have some awesome 10 minutes like me and many other have had!
Cya, Emil
This is xGx|Gotos first movie ever. Which makes it really impressive, as he never had used Vegas, Fraps or Adobe before!
Footage is from the Eurocup and some pcw's (for the unknowing: Practice Clan War).
Gotos is for you who don't know xGx's chopperwhore. And xGx are one of the top clans in the world, which they proved with their 2nd place in the Eurocup. This means that the competition from this movie is absolutely top class!
This is really one of the best BF2 movies I've seen, and definately the best chopper movie!
You will (at least I did) actually feel a bit disappointed that it doesn't last longer.
Notice: I got nothing to do with this video, just thought I should show it to you (I searched and noone else had). The video was really out in February but whatever. I guess you will also notice that in the video it says The Rapeist, but don't care about it, it doesn't matter if you call it Rapist or Rapeist..
D/L and STREAM at Filefront
Size (if you download): 350 mb
Length: Ca. 10 min
Now have some awesome 10 minutes like me and many other have had!
Cya, Emil