So I'm sitting here, playing some 2142 to unwind from my day. I say to myself, "Self, Lets play titan tonight and see how that goes".  I search for a nice 32 man titan server, join, load, and get an instant loss. Perfect way to start the night, right? It gets better.  Within the first minute of the next round (3 players, including myself on my team were spawned) all 5 silos were red. Towards the middle we started getting super housed and eventually just lost, due to a complete lack of  teamwork, a commander who had no idea what a UAV was, and just plain stupidity.

What I'd like to know after explining all this, is why do I (and in no way am I saying that I'm amazing at this game, but i have my head on straight) always end up on the team with the kids who have no idea how to run as 1 unit, and feel the need to shoot at EVERYTHING moving? I look at the other team, and more than half the time its like they've all played together for years, working like a well oiled machine.

I play sporatically at best with my 1(one) other "clan mate" in our 2 man squad (whoever else joins usually just does whatever anyway) but we stick together, watch eachothers backs, and do fairly well.

Ultimately, I need people, who play EST nights to add me to their "buddy list" so that I can enjoy the game in the way it was meant to be played. That being, a Team Based Game. I'm just growing tired of being that "lone sniper no one cares about", or the "medic whore that gets shot through walls going to revive his freshly fallen retarded team mates.

My name in game is CMoshdotcom, and I'd love to squad up and actually enjoy the game for more than 30 seconds at a time.

p.s. sorry for the long rant/bitchfest

edit: i spel gud

Last edited by Mosh (2007-04-04 22:36:49)

Roflcopter Pilot
People want to pad their win-loss ratio, and who wants to be on the team that's getting raped? All the good people that join on your team see this and switch to the other, and all the people who cant switch to their team just quit, leaving the only free spots on your team. Then the privates come along with their "how i mine for fish?" noob questions. Then the other team beats you viciously, steals your girlfriend, and kills your dog.

p.s. sorry for my rant too
but.. my puupy
You laughin' at me, bitch?
+44|6958|Hong Kong
Yesterday, I played a Gibraltar round, and while defending the second last flag, some idiot by the name of xchocox started throwing grenades at a wall, hoping that they would teleport through the wall and kill the enemy on the other side. Teamkilled more than once by him, I was.

p.s. sorry for my rant three
lol that was me haha

.robzored. wrote:

People want to pad their win-loss ratio, and who wants to be on the team that's getting raped? All the good people that join on your team see this and switch to the other, and all the people who cant switch to their team just quit, leaving the only free spots on your team. Then the privates come along with their "how i mine for fish?" noob questions. Then the other team beats you viciously, steals your girlfriend, and kills your dog.

p.s. sorry for my rant too
Hehehe!  +1
Stop reading this and look at my post
So I'm sitting here, playing some 2142 to unwind from my day. I say to myself, "Self, Lets play titan tonight and see how that goes".
95% of people who play Titan do it for the points. Play Conquest. Add me to buddy list if you want some teamwork. Talon1579.
If only people in the Titan were doing a god job, the other night I play on a server and all the clan members were on my side... I said to myself, yeah, easy win.

How wrong I was, almost everyone stayed on the Titan, only a few try to cap the silos (me being one of them). After getting my but kick I decided to spawn on the Titan... everyone was there!!! And they couldn't defend the consoles, 2 were already destroyed

(That's the part I brag a little), well from being at almost the bottom all the round, I decided to show them how a Titan is defended.... I finished the round with the gold medal (almost no one got pass the vents ), but we still lost
Not to toot my own horn or anything buuuuut, I can't even count how many times I have joined a Titan server mid-way through the match and ended the round being first on my team and getting the gold because I am the only one taking/defending silos while ALSO returning to my own titan to defend from time to time.

Here's my pet peeve: People who run to the transport on the titan and instantly take off even though there are people behind them waiting for it to spawn and you KNOW that asshole isn't going to fly it around while people are spawning into it. He's just going to bail out of it as soon as he's over where he wants to go. I hope he gets cancer.

Last edited by NoGodsNoMasters (2007-04-05 11:52:54)

Most of the time a lone player goes into a clan server. People are paying basically to play on the same side as their buddies. SO you get all the clan members (who usually know what they are doing) on one side and the noobs on the other side. I think that's what's happening. Usually my buddy and I can turn the tide, but sometimes, your noob teammates just work against you. We end up capping all the silos and then are the only ones that actually defend the titan. It's sad. I'll look you up Mosh, next time I log in.
Switch Teams!!!!
i agree sometimes its hard to find people who actually wanna use teamwork lol
add me if u want i play every night
sn is Theraphosidae
I like to play in a squad.  Sometimes you get a good server where everyone plays together and has a lot of fun, sometimes you get a server where everyone is either half-retarded or comatose in a hospital and doesn't do anything the whole game.  My name is jamiet757 if you wanna find me sometime.
Maybe you should start hacking then you will never die or lose a game ever again and everyone will <3 u! (EA/BFROE needs more PB GUIDS and CD KEYs to ban they are hungry for Thanksgiving already)

Last edited by †[AøT]§tèálth† (2007-04-06 12:12:33)

+354|6568|Basel, Switzerland

†[AøT]§tèálth† wrote:

Maybe you should start hacking then you will never die or lose a game ever again and everyone will <3 u! (EA/BFROE needs more PB GUIDS and CD KEYs to ban they are hungry for Thanksgiving already)
I hear people complain about hacking/cheating in BF2 and BF2142 yet i have never seen a single hacker.

Actually commanding on conquest has bolstered my wlr.
if you complain about not finding teamwork ... add me to your buddy list.

Last edited by jsnipy (2007-04-06 12:53:27)

I hear people complain about hacking/cheating in BF2 and BF2142 yet i have never seen a single hacker.
Didn't you mention glitching in another thread? Doesn't that constitute "cheating"?

"I always seem to be put on the crappy team the game was over so fast some of the badges are almost impossible unless u do the transport glitch." You.
Stop reading this and look at my post

†[AøT]§tèálth† wrote:

I hear people complain about hacking/cheating in BF2 and BF2142 yet i have never seen a single hacker.
That's because they're invisible.
+106|6691|UMass Amherst
*sigh* the juvenile delinquents are at it again.  Best bet to start pwning is get a clan organized, or even some regular buddies on a separate VOIP system and communicate.  Words aren't enough to describe how much combat effectiveness increases if you can coordinate with other players; even if you can't get a Ventrilo server or TS2, use the regular in-game VOIP...lot faster than typing out messages.
+4|6718|BLO(Buffalo), NY
Two reasons I play Titan mode:
1)    Gunships
2)    Severe lack of conquest servers with good map rotations that include Gunships.
I’m not a Gunship whore, I don’t mind waiting in line for them half the time no one wants them anyway.  I’m damn good with the TV guided missiles I think I’m ranked like 429.   Most of the conquest maps are 24/7 city maps, now I don’t mind playing fall of Berlin and stuff but it gets old playing the same damn maps.  I’m a decent player and would like to play on a team that actually works together.  Look me up my main account is D.T.J.C. (it’s a dual account but mostly mine) or A_Deity my own account.

My stats: … ;Profiles=
aka Nekrodamus
+52|7041|Germany, near Koblenz
Since BF is about points and awards, I play to get them and I think this is true for most of the players out there. People often say they don't bother for shiny medals and they only play for fun, but I can't believe this since we have so many ranked P/K or "all the good for us" clan servers. In fact a lot of FPS are way better than BF (engine, team play, etc.) - but they miss the ranking system.

Fortunately I have all the Commander awards allready and dont have to think about the W/L any longer. So I'm very happy to join the loosing team in Titan mode since this means easy points and medals. (Of course you have to leave clan servers after the second medal voluntarily, otherwise you will be kicked / banned.)

A_Deity wrote:

Two reasons I play Titan mode:
1)    Gunships
2)    Severe lack of conquest servers with good map rotations that include Gunships.
I’m not a Gunship whore, I don’t mind waiting in line for them half the time no one wants them anyway.  I’m damn good with the TV guided missiles I think I’m ranked like 429.   Most of the conquest maps are 24/7 city maps, now I don’t mind playing fall of Berlin and stuff but it gets old playing the same damn maps.  I’m a decent player and would like to play on a team that actually works together.  Look me up my main account is D.T.J.C. (it’s a dual account but mostly mine) or A_Deity my own account.

My stats: … ;Profiles=
Not sure if being 429 is good enough to worth mentioning. personally, maybe top 20 or something in any vehicle or weapon is a better indication of leetness.
+4|6718|BLO(Buffalo), NY

lobo76 wrote:

A_Deity wrote:

Two reasons I play Titan mode:
1)    Gunships
2)    Severe lack of conquest servers with good map rotations that include Gunships.
I’m not a Gunship whore, I don’t mind waiting in line for them half the time no one wants them anyway.  I’m damn good with the TV guided missiles I think I’m ranked like 429.   Most of the conquest maps are 24/7 city maps, now I don’t mind playing fall of Berlin and stuff but it gets old playing the same damn maps.  I’m a decent player and would like to play on a team that actually works together.  Look me up my main account is D.T.J.C. (it’s a dual account but mostly mine) or A_Deity my own account.

My stats: … ;Profiles=
Not sure if being 429 is good enough to worth mentioning. personally, maybe top 20 or something in any vehicle or weapon is a better indication of leetness.
429 out of 357,492 people playing the game.  That's still nothing to scoff at dude, by the way I never said I was leet all I said was I'm damn good with the tv guided missiles.

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