Our admin made this vid while his internet was down for a week. It was from are TWL match and after the match one of there players came forward and asked if we had hacks. We are all legit and told him no, the then told us that he turned his msx on half way through because he was pissed at loosing. Heres the vid. We won also.
High quality is better, 77 MB, takes 5 minutes to DL. Can see who is who.
First player is Not, from bf2s forums 1:30-2:20, then me a 2:20-3:30, and 3 of are other member, Trza, Bad Andy, and Tripslick for the rest.
High quality is better, 77 MB, takes 5 minutes to DL. Can see who is who.
First player is Not, from bf2s forums 1:30-2:20, then me a 2:20-3:30, and 3 of are other member, Trza, Bad Andy, and Tripslick for the rest.
Last edited by Mr.Casual (2007-04-25 15:18:59)