In addition to the intranets I invented spam too.
No, you did it wrong you're supposed to put the potato in the front of your underwear dumbass!
Wanna go camping?
So the father winked at his son says, "Hey, fuck you clown!"
"But honey, this one's eating my popcorn!"
Laughing she says "he's been making his own sandwich for years!"
"Did I say sandwitch? I meant to say bowl of lime Jell-o." the doctor says, "It's not crabs, it's fruit flies. Your cherry is rotten."
As a jogger jogs by going the opposite direction, my conversation went something along these lines, "And that's when I told the bitch to suck it"
"It came to me in a dream," she said. " I just need to have vaginal laser rejunination."
so the talent agent says, what do you call yourselves and the father responds 'The Aristocrats!'
orange you glad I didn't say banana?
She's got worms, and I like to fish!
And so I said, "why don't we just EAT the cake?"
But then Tony Blair says to GWB i forgot my lube!
And the hunter says: "Ok, he's dead. Now what?"
I need around tree fiddy.
I remember that one, lol.DonFck wrote:
And the hunter says: "Ok, he's dead. Now what?"
"Oh wait, I made a mistake back at the start there... It was Chechen, not chicken, why did the CHECHEN cross the road?"
Actually can't remember the joke because it's pretty long (like 3 mins... actually from a standup show) but it's hilarious....
Actually can't remember the joke because it's pretty long (like 3 mins... actually from a standup show) but it's hilarious....
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Oh you meant but I can't come.
And she said, " Did I mention I have herpes?"
LOL!{DGC}{jr.}Blitzkrieg wrote:
And the cop says...."Magic wooden dildo my ass!"
"Those aren't tomatoes, those are last weeks abortions!"
The bird is fine, it's just he has no feet and holds onto the perch with his penis, so when you make him excited he loses his grip and falls off.
Allright allright I will taste the soup.... Now where's the spoon?
so the kid says "You were getting mayonnaise all over me!"