rmilhous wrote:
My only reasoning to this is simple:
I am guessing that EA may have planned on initially placing them on there. However, with the fear of being bombarded with noob complaints they left them off.
Why you ask? Because on this map, compared to the others, it is flat with a long view. With an experienced gunner- a pilot would have to just rise up above the horizon a little bit in order for the gunner to send a missle clear across the map. This could be used any time there was opposition (tanks, AA's) at other locations on the map. All of this done without leaving the comfort of the home base. That would be "unfair" to those who cannot jump in an AA vehicle to defend themselves upon attack. This is just a guess and the only basis for this assumption is what I have seen them do to make the game "fair" in the past.
Argue with me or against me on this- but, that was the case with a similar element before. Remember, there used to be 16 missles on the helicopters as later it was reduced to 8 rounds. All in efforts to make it "fair" for inexperienced players that are on the ground during game play.
Just my perspective, feel free to add your two cents......
that would make sense, but because the range on the TV missiles is relatively short i dont really see a problem with attack choppers on road rage
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