Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Recently there has been an influx of people visiting the AU section/server, so Ive decided to make a thread where everyone can get to know the rest of the community.  I also encourage those AU/NZ'ers who have never posted here before to speak up and introduce yourself to the team.

Ill start

BF2s Nick:  ~Smokey~

BF2 Nick:  KaoS69

Clan (if any):  <{AU}>

Other Games Player:  Company of Heroes, Special Forces, CS:S

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Project Reality

Name (only if you want):  Nathan

Location:  BrisVegas, Australia

Fav Artists/Songs:  Anything pre 2000 (though there are some exceptions)

Fav Food:  Chinese, Italian

Xfire:  summit2

MSN:  [email protected]

Post up people, especially the non-posters out there.

Last edited by ~Smokey~ (2007-06-24 01:45:51)

+25|6879|Brisbane, Australia
OK, I'll bite!

BF2s Nick:  Maxxxie74
BF2 Nick:  Maxxxie74
Clan (if any):  None, but I do run Aussie Clans, which helps put players in touch with clans
Other Games Player:  Sam and Max, and coming soon - Command and Conquer 3, Supreme Commander
Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Haven't really tried any apart from POE2
Name (only if you want):  Max
Location:  BrisVegas, Australia
Fav Artists/Songs:  I like most music except hip hop/rap
Fav Food:  Sushi, sushi, sushi!
Xfire:  maxxxie

Work-wise, I am in the IT industry and also run Games Depot, a small PC/video game sales business.  I'm also most of the way through a masters degree (masters of networking and systems administration, if anyone cares).  Most of my time these days is spent developing new ideas for Aussie Clans and playing Battlefield 2

Can't think of anything else to say about me because I am fundamentally boring.  Everyone else, let's hear about you!

Me next, alot of info

BF2s Nick:  NOGGIN


Clan (if any): [iB]

Other Games Player:  all BF series, CoD2+CoD,

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Vanilla

Name (only if you want):  Billy

Location:  NSW, Cronulla, Australia

Fav Artists/Songs:  alot

Fav Food:  alot

Xfire:  sgtson

MSN:  [email protected]
We shall beat to quarters!

Sup Folks! 
Heres my Contribution:

bf2s Nick: R3v4n

BF2 Nick: [bf2s] R3v4n

Other Games Played:  Company of Hero's, Just Cause, NFS Carbon, Call of Duty 2 & MS Flight Sim X

Favorite BF2 Mod:  Project Reality, Forgotten Hope 2 (Look'n good!)

bf2s AU Relation: Founder/ bf2s AU  Head Admin 

Name: Jared

Location:  Rural Victoria (Middle of no where!)

Favorite Music: Anything Pre 90's  (Also a few exceptions)

Favorite Food: Gourmet Style Pizza!

Favorite Sport:  Swimming

Website: www.scgi.org.au

Xfire: goodywicks

Thats me. 
Now lets see some more of you guys post!

Last edited by R3v4n (2007-02-14 02:01:32)

~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
+617|6714|NSW, Australia

BF2s Nick:  <<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven

BF2 Nick:  <<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven

Clan (if any):  <<<FTDM>>>

Other Games Player:  call of duty 1,2 , lotr: rise of thw witch king, 2142

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  dont play mods

Name (only if you want):  suds mcduff

Location:  Parramatta, Australia

Fav Artists/Songs:  taking back sunday(thats a band, the killers(also a band)

Fav Food:  Chinese, chip sandwhiches

Xfire: bf2genraven

thats me
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6973|NT, like Mick Dundee

BF2s Nick:  Flecco

BF2 Nick:  Flecco

Clan (if any):  None. Ever.

Other Games Player:  CS: Source thanks to R3v, CoD2, 2142, Oblivion, SF... Hoping to get HL:2 Ep 2 (TF:2!). I have trouble finding the time to play PC games though.

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Project Reality, Forgotten Hope 2 is looking great as well...

Name (only if you want):  Richard. My nick name is Dick or Dicko before anybody asks...

Location:  Gove, NT, Australia. Small mining town on the tip of the top end...

Fav Artists:  Rammstein, Oomph, Eisbrecher, Megaherz, Kraftwerk... Alot more but can't be stuffed writing them all. Into alot of different styles of music, german metal is where it's at though for me.

Fav Food:  Umm... If it's edible I'm good. I do have a caffine addiction though. Helps with the insomnia.

Average sleeping hours a night (just for fun, heh): About 4. As low as 1/2 hour but sometimes I get really lucky and get like 6 hours.

Xfire:  flecco

MSN:  [email protected]

In Year 12 (fucking study) and hoping to complete my black belt training this year. Also trying to teach myself some Parkour (not so much freerunning, as I don't see the point to freerunning...). These and a social life are taking up most of my time at the moment. Oddly enough, recently I've been playing more because I'm being treated for clinical depression.... Mmm, druuuugs. Alot of my gaming time is in the early hours of the morning though thanks to my insomnia.

Last edited by Flecco (2007-02-14 11:24:30)

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+153|6948|Manchester UK
BF2s Nick:  -EcS-Blade

BF2 Nick:  Mr.Speakman

Clan (if any): was in -EcS- but left (not allot of free time on my hands:/)

Other Games Player:  BF2142, BF1942, BFV and Medieval 2 total war.

Fav BF2 Mod : Point of exsistance

Name : Mike

Location:  Manchester, England

Fav Artists/Songs:  Pink Floyd, razorlight, the kooks, arctic monkeys, the doors, queen, Johnny cash ect ect.

Fav Food:  Ermmmm......curry, beer

Xfire: -

MSN:  [email protected]
errm is this Aussie htread or worldwide?
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Its ment to be an Australia thred for all those who regulary/non-regulary post here.

Back on topic.  Now.
+405|6771|A W S M F O X
BF2 Nick: JET_G

Clan: self made JET_G

Other Games: MGS series, KOF, Pinball, GunGrave, COD and Hacky Sack.

Fav bf mod: SF i guess

Name: John

Location: Canberra ACT (We g0ts teh pr0n concerns!!!!)

Fav artists: Guitar Wolf, Teengenerate, MC5, Prodigy, Puffy AmiYumi, DJ Sharpnel, Kinks etc etc etc

Fav food: Ramen, pizza and cured plums.

MSN: [email protected]

Last edited by JET_G raidensen (2007-02-15 07:08:02)

BF2s Nick:  xtrem3_4c3_4

BF2 Nick:  lanceolot8

Clan (if any):  [OL] and SAS_ before that...

Other Games Player:  CS:S

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Pro

Name: Zac

Location:  Far North Coast, N.S.W, Lismore (near byron bay)

Fav Artists/Songs:  Atreyu, bullet for my valentine, and some kinds of techno.

Fav Food:  Chinese, Italian

Xfire:  lanceolot8

MSN:  [email protected]
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Ty to those who have posted.
Melbourne Shuffler
+214|6934|Gold Coast, Australia
BF2s Nick:  TerrorisT²

BF2 Nick:  The.[T]errorsT.1 (But you only see The.[T]errorisT. (so no 1))

Clan (if any):  =RAAF=

Other Games Player:  Gmod10 and Sid Meiers' Railroads Demo (lol)

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Project Reality, (2 nights to download).

Name (only if you want):  Blake

Location:  Gold Coast, Australia

Fav Artists/Songs:  Hilltop Hoods

Fav Food:  Mexican, Italian

Xfire:  theterrorist1

MSN:  [email protected]
Property of BF2s©
+112|6890|Brisbane Australia
OK I guess its my turn, but I have a few extras to add:

BF2s Nick:  4_Phucsache (I'll let you decide how to pronounce it but a healthy tip: think of the first thing you say when killed by arty)

BF2 Nick:  As Above

Clan (if any):  None, None and None, although when not being a lazy bum (and working on sideline projects) I try to assist Maxxxie74 with Aussie Clans

Other Games Player:  Total Annihilation (the oldest yet longest surviving RTS game ever), Dawn of War.

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Australian Allied Forces (thanks Spooky)

Name (only if you want):  Adam

Location:  BrisVegas, Australia

Fav Artists/Songs:  I was a nightclub DJ (Metro, Burke St Melbourne, Joey's of St. Kilda and various others) for 12 years so pretty much anything goes for me when it comes to music.

Fav Food:  Thai and anything else with chilli thats HOT AS HELL!!

Xfire:  4_Phucsache (but I never use it)

MSN:  Dont use this either...too many people hassle me.

Age: 32

Reason for not being as active as i should: Im lazy and have FAR too many side projects going (One day I might even complete one of them)

I work for the same company as Maxxxie74 however I am in the finance/purchasing field so I get to spend other peoples money (always amusing).
Other than my PC my only other passions are my wife and Tournament Paintball (thanks to my sponsors Planet Eclipse and REDZ Clothing)
Chicken wing?
+49|6757|Newcastle NSW Australia
BF2s Nick:  invaderzim

BF2 Nick:  1NV4D3RZ1M69 or invaderzim69

Clan (if any):  A$$| (Australian Strike Soldiers)

Other Games Player:  Company of Heroes, Special Forces, CS:S, DOD:S Cs 1.6, pirates vikings and knights or just what ever the rest of the clan is into at the time

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Aus Forces fking rocks

Name (only if you want):  Nick/ Butters

Location:  Newcastle NSW Australia

Fav Artists/Songs:  Mostly heavy stuf- Korn, Shadows fall, Rammstein,system of a down

Fav Food:  Italian

Xfire:  xfire has to be the gayest thing ever

MSN:  [email protected]

Just finished high school and am starting a degree in construction managment. Also love bike riding

Last edited by Invaderzim (2007-02-24 23:37:33)

+43|6700|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
BF2 Nick: JuanMendoza

Clan: my Mendoza mates (4 or 5 of 'em)

Other games: Interstate '76, Richard Burns Rally (online), Bf42

Fav Mod: waiting for XWW2 on BF2

Location: Wollongong, NSW

Fav Music: Everything, but grew up on punk

Fuck MSN.

Anyone wanna guess my age?
Fresh NoobCaeks Here
+118|6698|Penrith,Nsw, Aus
BF2s Nick:  Zer0fus10n

BF2 Nick:  B00MH3ADSH0T

Clan (if any): [GUN]

Other Games Player:  F.E.A.R , BF2

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Play unlocks singleplayer mod sometimes.

Name (only if you want):  Matt

Location:   Penrith, NSW Australia

Fav Artists/Songs:  Disturbed, korn , mudvayne, slipknot, godsmack, system of a down and heaps more that i cant remember lol.

Fav Food:  kfc , mc donalds lol

Xfire:  b00mlegsh0t

MSN:  [email protected]

Post up people, especially the non-posters out there.

Last edited by B00MH3ADSH0T (2007-05-10 01:27:00)

BF2s AU Server Admin
+49|6707|Perth, Australia
BF2s Nick:  DA|2KSL4Y3R

BF2 Nick:  DA|2KSL4Y3R

Clan (if any):  [GUN]

Other Games Played:  COD, NFS:C  (hardly ever play them)

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Project Reality

Name (only if you want):  Rhys

Location:  Perth, Australia

Fav Artists/Songs:  Rise Against, System of a Down

Fav Food:  Chinese, Italian

Xfire:  d4rk5l4y3r

MSN:  [email protected]

Last edited by DA|2KSL4Y3R (2007-06-13 16:44:17)

Fresh NoobCaeks Here
+118|6698|Penrith,Nsw, Aus

DA|2KSL4Y3R wrote:

BF2s Nick:  DA|2KSL4Y3R

BF2 Nick:  DA|2KSL4Y3R

Clan (if any):  [GUN]

Other Games Played:  COD, NFS:C  (hardly ever play them)

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Never played one

Name (only if you want):  Rhys

Location:  Perth, Australia

Fav Artists/Songs:  Rise Against, System of a Down, Seether, POD

Fav Food:  Chinese, Italian

Xfire:  d4rk5l4y3r

MSN:  [email protected]
Was playing with you the other day pretty good. (think you knifed me once lol)
BF2s AU Server Admin
+49|6707|Perth, Australia

B00MH3ADSH0T wrote:

Was playing with you the other day pretty good. (think you knifed me once lol)
BF2s Nick: Doms

BF2 Nick:  Ashlite

Clan (if any):  Currently M7

Other Games Player:  PoE, PR, Special forces (mostly)

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  SF

Name (only if you want):  Dom

Location:  Sydney

Fav Artists/Songs:  Nine inch nails

Fav Food:  El Mecico

Xfire:  domsbf2

MSN:  [email protected]

Last edited by Doms (2007-05-21 14:43:45)

Radioactive Glo
+130|7146|A Small Isle in the Tropics

A revive is necessary..

Since I play a bit on the BF2S.AU server..here goes:

BF2s Nick:  mikeshw

BF2 Nick:  mikeshw

Clan (if any):  None that is official, other than [FtB], a clan of three.. F*** the Bearz. Fill in F as you please Not sure polarbearz will be appreciative of that

Other Games Player:  Company of Heroes, C&C3, Sim City 4 (when I dont enjoy getting pwned by you all)

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Kind of liked PoE2 but stopped playing it.

Name (only if you want):  Mike (and it is not Mike Shaw)

Location:  Singapore (I hate the pings to Node much as I like those servers)

Fav Artists/Songs:  Classical, Musicals, Pop, New Wave, Ambient, Jazz, Acapella, etc etc..as long as it sounds good, genre doesn't count for much.

Fav Food:  Japanese, Italian

Xfire:  mikeshw

Been on this forum longer than most
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7027|Melbourne, Australia
Ok guys heres the info you all needed to know complete with a pic of my delicious self

BF2s Nick: I.M.I Militant

BF2 Nick:  I.M.I_Militant

Clan (if any): A$$|

Other Games Player:  CSS (only cuz its a change from competition gaming) , 1.6 , cz , c&c generals , occasionally cod 2

Fav BF2 Mod (if any):  Project reality looks nice.. aient played it though

Name (only if you want):  Barry

Location:  Melton (m-town) , melbourne , victoria

Fav Artists/Songs:  breaking Benjamin , Coldplay , Fall out Boy , Disturbed , Killswitch Engage , TooL

Fav Food: Seafood

Xfire:  Had (not anymore)

MSN:  [email protected]

Myspace: www.myspace.com/ulteriors_motivate   <--- yes thats me in the pic (the ravishing guy )

Last edited by I.M.I Militant (2007-07-10 09:52:30)

Did someone say tea?
+112|6543|S.A. Australia
Ok ,why no...

BF2s Nic: eskimo_sammyjoe

BF2 Nic: kelly_boys

Clan (If any) Nil

Other Games Player: CoD+CoD2, Max Payne 2 (Yeah Booyyeee)

Fav BF2 Mod (If Any) Nil

Name (only if you want) Sam

Location: Mildura (Groan..)

Fave Artist/Songs: The Living End, Green Day, Hilltop Hoods, Sum 41, plus other bits and pieces

Fave Food: Schnitzel (either variety)

Xfire: Nil

MSN: [email protected]
Serious Flex

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