2142th Whore
i usually give people a 3 shot to the chest aka "snap shot"
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7120|Marathon, Florida Keys
bad touch

The easiest way to combat aimbot is to make sure you are in a vehicle at all times
Its possible he had his Wheaties that morning.

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Anything plus aimbot = massacre
General Breetai
I often use my SVD in rapid fire and commonly every shot is a hit. Simply because this is not difficult in a distance of 30 or 40 meters. When used correctly the SVD is even in close combat as effective as an assault gun.
When I did my Sniper Expert I had some 48-x or something on an IO Server with about 30 people on it (Mass Destruction if I remember it right). If there would have been 20 on it, maybe I would have made 60. So 96 is not totally unbelievable to me, since there are far better snipers than me.
Could be an aimbot, could also be a very lucky day or the perfect match. These things happen.  People complain a lot about aimbots, other boast about their famous skills and talent, but when you really look into it, its also a lot about luck. And bad luck. Even if you increase you chances by training, face it that you are still facing chances. And chances are that he is lucky and you are not. Next time you may own him. Even without an aimbot.

General Breetai wrote:

When I did my Sniper Expert I had some 48-x or something on an IO Server with about 30 people on it (Mass Destruction if I remember it right). If there would have been 20 on it, maybe I would have made 60. So 96 is not totally unbelievable to me, since there are far better snipers than me.
Yeah, the total number isn't completely ridiculous, since there's also grenades and claymores that might account for some of them. Same with the KDR, easily doable for a good player.

This all hinges on how long the round was, how fast he got them; that's why I asked for more detail... was he shooting bang, bang, bang, bang at what sounds like the max fire rate for the SVD and getting four headshots?
+84|6797|Newcastle Upon Tyne.

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

If hes using the SVD, shooting veryy fast (like, all 10 bullets in 2 seconds) and still hitting people, most likley hacking. Doesn't come around much though, I've only seen one in the year ive played
Ive seen this before, someone on my BF2 server was killing people all over the map with ease, i think he was 47=5 before i banned him. Then again in a clan match not so long ago we had someone use this against us after we beat them hard in the first round.


thats the clan we played against right there^ thevillian69 was the guy who was hacking.
+100|6810|State of RETOXification
Many rapid shots on one person:

If you hear any noticeable pauses in the shooting pattern then the gamer is just good.  If the shots are perfectly spaced then it's likely a key macro.  The same software used to automate windows key presses and mouse moves can be used transparently with BF2.  You can write a script to shoot, move the mouse to adjust for recoil, and shoot again.  Set it to a key in the macro software and make sure BF2 doesn't use it and you're off the races.  Make no mistake, this is still cheating.

Many rapid shots to many rapidly dying people = aimbot.
hide your terrorists ^,^
+94|6987|Ft. Drum, NY
jesus christ....listen to you guys. I LOVE the svd and get nice scores like this guy in question all the time. Stop playa hating and just play the damn game. If you cant handle getting owned then hit "Esc". Problem solved and you can go inflate your ego sandbagging some little noobs in a SF server (since every SF is 97% noobs). Ive been accused alot of rapid firing with the svd. If your decent enough you can judge the time it takes for the weapon to level out from the recoil and can snap another shot on target.

Many rapid shots to many rapidly dying people = skill
people who don't believe that this guy was a hack and think that the scenario described in the original post is possible with skill are just plain ignorant. Theres always those people that cry hack at the smallest things and we all know how annoying these people are. But what nobody seems to care about is the people who NEVER aknowlege that ANY CHEATING goes on whatsoever. In my opinion, these people are just as ignorant and annoying as the people that cry hack ALL THE TIME.

What was described in the original post was the classic case of the SVD aimbot. Tell tale signs are:

1.) Rapid fire: NO this isn't just someone clicking fast... this is the SVD firing faster than a person can click.
2.) Firing off bullets without taking any time to reload clips.
3.) Person is typically lonewolfing so that no one can directly observe the cheating
4.) Person happens to be convienently camping next to a supply crate despite being lonewolf
5.) Killing players beyond maximum viewdistance on karkand with 1-2 shots max for each kill.
6.) Ridicolous consistency with headshots and general snap aiming, in otherwords no enemy can even get close.
7.) Teamswitching every round for the SVD

If I saw even two of the above signs I would ban on sight regardless of the guys score. I've personally seen an SVD botter that kept a low key by dying alot more due to lack of skill or an attempt to look inconspicious. It was obvious that he was botting however since he often got carried away and went on big sprees.
+86|7047|Somewhere near a shrub or rock
Funny that, I was playing with the villain the other day and was pretty much handing him some serious pwn. End of the round the guy "stepped up" about 1,000,000 knotches and handed me some back. Thought he was just a good sniper.... his stats are horrid so I guess that suggests otherwise...

Oh, well, i killed him alot more than he got me


yup, I see this ever so often on Jalalabad.  I can go 1 on 3 with the SVD, but not at the kill speed of the hacker.

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

People accuse me of hacking everyday.. Oh well.. for me results 45-0 or 50-0 are nothing special.. There always will be whiners out there..people born to be a meat.

EDIT: 95-7 looks to me like a very long round.
I agree with this guy....u need to know how to use svd.....thers no use of svd if it cant rapid fire....stop accusing of someone of hacking just because hes good....95-7 is possible on a 64 map with 20-25 people....

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

people who don't believe that this guy was a hack and think that the scenario described in the original post is possible with skill are just plain ignorant.... Tell tale signs are:
1.) Rapid fire: NO this isn't just someone clicking fast... this is the SVD firing faster than a person can click.
5.) Killing players beyond maximum viewdistance on karkand with 1-2 shots max for each kill.
6.) Ridicolous consistency with headshots and general snap aiming, in otherwords no enemy can even get close.
We don't know any of this from what the OP said.

About 1.), isn't the gun's shooting speed controlled server-side? In that case all guns are only capable of one max rate.

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

2.) Firing off bullets without taking any time to reload clips.
There's a hack for that?

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

4.) Person happens to be convienently camping next to a supply crate despite being lonewolf
Hehe, yeah, I love this one. 'Specially when you see it for the fourth or fifth time in the one round.

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

But what nobody seems to care about is the people who NEVER aknowlege that ANY CHEATING goes on whatsoever. In my opinion, these people are just as ignorant and annoying as the people that cry hack ALL THE TIME.
Agree completely. Early last year sometime there was some excuse for not believing there were working hacks that got past PB. Now? The visible hacks, like the mass car drops and the supply crates coming out of nowhere (and you're commander so you know you didn't drop it!) prove that the whole suite of hacks works just fine on servers protected by PunkBuster.

yuckfou09 wrote:

jesus christ....listen to you guys. I LOVE the svd and get nice scores like this guy in question all the time. Stop playa hating and just play the damn game.
Hang on a second; not ragging on you, but do you get 95 kills in a round "all the time"?
Well when the thread starter claimed the guy was making an unbelievable amount of kills beyond fog range, I believed him and thats what convinced me that this guy was a hack.

Last edited by DivineMomentofTruth (2007-02-05 14:52:24)

+53|7049|Omaha, Nebraska
There are macro programs out there that people code that adjust the deviation so the weopon auto adjusts and auto fires as much as you like without missing the target.  It has been a while since I seen the post about it but I do not think PB detects it.

Although some snipers are just that good. I had one last night that fired 4 shots and killed the 4 people in my squad 3 seperate times. All head shots. Crazy shot.

Last edited by splixx (2007-02-05 15:00:47)

General Breetai

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

people who don't believe that this guy was a hack and think that the scenario described in the original post is possible with skill are just plain ignorant. Theres always those people that cry hack at the smallest things and we all know how annoying these people are. But what nobody seems to care about is the people who NEVER aknowlege that ANY CHEATING goes on whatsoever. In my opinion, these people are just as ignorant and annoying as the people that cry hack ALL THE TIME.
Thats a logic problem. The caveat of "I believe that someone hacks" is not "I believe that nobody hacks" or "I believe that a specific someone doesn't hack". It is simple "I don't believe that someone hacks". This is not the same. To accuse someone of doing something you have to bring proof. And this should be a little bit more than the claim that he killed someone outside his viewing range, what is very difficult to tell, unless you can see his screen. How do you tell ? Because he killed you and you couldn't see him ? If I get one euro for every time this happened to me, I could buy a new rig. Or if he killed someone you couldn't see ? Now thats also not that special.
So the conclusion is simple: We don't know. As Todd Angelo said, more details would be needed. And if it would be so obvious, then why was the question put here in the first place ?

3.) Person is typically lonewolfing so that no one can directly observe the cheating
4.) Person happens to be convienently camping next to a supply crate despite being lonewolf
If I saw even two of the above signs I would ban on sight regardless of the guys score.
Now you must really be a great admin. A lone wolf camping next to a crate is worth banning. Wow.
+405|6774|A W S M F O X
Depends, im pretty friggin good with SVD, and i think 3 shots in 2 seconds you will get 80% all hit. Now if its rapid fire beyond fog, than thats rather suspect. Careful shooting with SVD over long ranges is viable, but rapid isnt.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7049|Great Wall

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

7.) Teamswitching every round for the SVD
I commit this crime I must say.. When I am in a mood for sniping and play Ghost Town or Warlord I usually join Spetsnaz or Inrugrents.. I just cannot help it.. at least I don't switch to winning team


DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

4.) Person happens to be convienently camping next to a supply crate despite being lonewolf
And btw.. sometimes I camp near a supply crate.. when it's on a roof... ouch... !b Drunk_Musketeer

Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2007-02-06 04:21:31)

+405|6774|A W S M F O X
Lol, me too!!!!! I <3 SVD so much, havent been using it enough recently, i think thats why my sniping isnt as good. But using bolt actions is my challenge to myself, using the SVD is like cheating for me lol......
We have has quite afew hackers on our server, There are quite afew about, but yeah you do need some proof.

We've had guys shooting you through walls and all sorts of crap, how about over the river and through the railcars on train wreak, Karky.

Most times people are reported quite fast, and once they are watched it is easy enough to spot if its a hack or skill, I'd say its about 75%-25% in favour of skill, from the ones I've been asked to watch.

splixx wrote:

There are macro programs out there that people code that adjust the deviation so the weopon auto adjusts and auto fires as much as you like without missing the target.  It has been a while since I seen the post about it but I do not think PB detects it.
You can program in X,Y movements to AutoHotkey, only thing is this won't work with the SVD or Type 88.

Go into singleplayer and check them by firing and looking at the new position for the reticle, you'll see what I mean immediately.

Doing it 'by hand' is actually better.

Slickfish wrote:

Most times people are reported quite fast, and once they are watched it is easy enough to spot if its a hack or skill, I'd say its about 75%-25% in favour of skill, from the ones I've been asked to watch.
Good to have some rough figures, thanks. How many do you reckon in total you've dealt with that were hacking?
Proud Born Loser
Well last night I met some "vodkadude" on a russian server and I must say it was the first time playing this game I was 100 % sure he cheated. Every time me or a mate faced him he would jump, dive and headshot you before you even knew what was going on. I saw him do it to three guys in a row. And i mean really fast! I didn't matter at what distance you faced him. 1 meter or 100 meter, he'd still headshot you in a second. So after like 10 minutes of playing, we left the server.
I'm sure as hell not giong to give those cheating bastards any kills from me!

klassekock wrote:

Well last night I met some "vodkadude" on a russian server and I must say it was the first time playing this game I was 100 % sure he cheated. Every time me or a mate faced him he would jump, dive and headshot you before you even knew what was going on. I saw him do it to three guys in a row. And i mean really fast! I didn't matter at what distance you faced him. 1 meter or 100 meter, he'd still headshot you in a second. So after like 10 minutes of playing, we left the server.
I'm sure as hell not giong to give those cheating bastards any kills from me!
If he was using the G36E, it wasn't a hack.

Last edited by Ilocano (2007-02-06 09:01:38)

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