Today i was playing PoE2 and the only sever with more than 20 guys on it was a German sever so I had 180 ping most of the time. We really need to play PoE2 more, I mean all of you claim to love it so much so why aren't you playing it?
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I dunno. It fizzled out quickly somehow after its release. I'll go DL it again.
i play occasionaly...and i <3 pistolz want to duel sometime gunsmoke? im working for my 18 killz IAR for expert badge..
Nobody plays because PR is out
pr????bobby177 wrote:
Nobody plays because PR is out
project reality = pr
Project Reality seriously kicks ass.Ki][mE wrote:
project reality = pr
I dont play any mods because no points and there not ranked, waiste of time for now,maybe later when i dont care about bf2 or rankings anymore
It's much more fun when your having a laugh...bootsy wrote:
I dont play any mods because no points and there not ranked, waiste of time for now,maybe later when i dont care about bf2 or rankings anymore
PR just keeps crashing to desktop on me, and what little chance I have had to play it, it really isn't pub friendly imo, think i'll just stick with POE in the mean time - there are still plenty of people playing it in Europe..
i find games to be much more fun when you arent playing for stats. stats make people play for themselves. but then in PR people will actually work as a team to try and win the round.bootsy wrote:
I dont play any mods because no points and there not ranked, waiste of time for now,maybe later when i dont care about bf2 or rankings anymore
i guess some people are just different...
would love to try the mods but there is no point in downloading a shitload of a file that noone plays. there were 3 servers playing the other day and my best ping was 200. sounds like a blast
The problem with modss are not the mods themselves.
It is just that there aren't enough servers, and maybye it's better if they have ranks and unlocks.
It is just that there aren't enough servers, and maybye it's better if they have ranks and unlocks.
The single player seems to crash on lots of maps, but multiplayer is much more stable.IG-Calibre wrote:
PR just keeps crashing to desktop on me, and what little chance I have had to play it, it really isn't pub friendly imo, think i'll just stick with POE in the mean time - there are still plenty of people playing it in Europe..
I have been very impressed with it so far, and definitely recommend it.
if POE2 had a stats/unlock system, more people would be playing it than vanilla. How do I know this? I played POE2. Its leaps and bounds better than vanilla (not that there's anything wrong with vanilla).
Duh...poe2 does have stats n00bz you have to go to the website..../\/008z
wow... I'm glad project reality isn't ranked, I don't ever have to worry about playing with people like this.Noobpatty wrote:
Duh...poe2 does have stats n00bz you have to go to the website..../\/008z
uh, doesnt PR also have its own ranking system set up?
only on like one, maybe two servers. It's not global.
its not global for poe2 either :\
which is really, REALLY good.... usualy i find when playing without stats people play for their team to win, not so they get a higher virtual number
which is really, REALLY good.... usualy i find when playing without stats people play for their team to win, not so they get a higher virtual number
I HATE stats period. They ruin gameplay.
back on topic, I just d/led POE2 again so I'll probably be on sometime tonight.
I miss the German voice overs.
back on topic, I just d/led POE2 again so I'll probably be on sometime tonight.
I miss the German voice overs.
Last edited by ssj3barua (2007-02-23 07:55:02)
\/\/r0|\|6 $747$ ftw n00bzz00rRRR *irony*ssj3barua wrote:
I HATE stats period. They ruin gameplay.
back on topic, I just d/led POE2 again so I'll probably be on sometime tonight.
I miss the German voice overs.
Im DL'in POE again now, cant stand PR, its just boring.
:'( ouch, my pride.Afrika_18 wrote:
\/\/r0|\|6 $747$ ftw n00bzz00rRRR *irony*
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- God wants you to play PoE2