Hello all,
This post is just a little advice to people involved in a "clan". Watch your backs! People you think you know and trust can be the first to try to stick you in the ass. What would you think if a couple of long time group members solicited members behind your backs to form a new group while they represented your tags(these would be the same members that you and your family invited into YOUR home for a week). A couple of weeks or so after there departure they say they are leaving the group and going to go there seperate way.
Soon after that your "so called friends" delete your websibsight and message boards and manage to get a few of your newer recruites to follow them. They even continue to try to access area's that are limited to group members only, like a server manager and what not. I would venture to say you would get a little pissed by now. Then they would have there members log into your new websight under other BF2 players game names to help get information so that they could screw you even harder. Even after banning those bogus names they return under other assumed names and IP's. To top it all off they create a server(under the same name and old IP as the one you and your group had just to try to get a following. Pretty weak huh!
I am not much for posting. Infact I think this is my 1st post in here since I originaly made my account. I Just think that I should remind you all of all the assholes like this that are out there. I hope there server gets no play and would hope that other loyal members of a group feel the same way. At this point I hope you all understand what a low life |rM| Ravenwolf is and joining many people on the boycott of the |rM| Gauntlet 24/7 Iron Gator server.
This post is just a little advice to people involved in a "clan". Watch your backs! People you think you know and trust can be the first to try to stick you in the ass. What would you think if a couple of long time group members solicited members behind your backs to form a new group while they represented your tags(these would be the same members that you and your family invited into YOUR home for a week). A couple of weeks or so after there departure they say they are leaving the group and going to go there seperate way.
Soon after that your "so called friends" delete your websibsight and message boards and manage to get a few of your newer recruites to follow them. They even continue to try to access area's that are limited to group members only, like a server manager and what not. I would venture to say you would get a little pissed by now. Then they would have there members log into your new websight under other BF2 players game names to help get information so that they could screw you even harder. Even after banning those bogus names they return under other assumed names and IP's. To top it all off they create a server(under the same name and old IP as the one you and your group had just to try to get a following. Pretty weak huh!
I am not much for posting. Infact I think this is my 1st post in here since I originaly made my account. I Just think that I should remind you all of all the assholes like this that are out there. I hope there server gets no play and would hope that other loyal members of a group feel the same way. At this point I hope you all understand what a low life |rM| Ravenwolf is and joining many people on the boycott of the |rM| Gauntlet 24/7 Iron Gator server.