haha new wepons love it!! but the whole bonus points in 2142 were if u follow order or give good orders u get exta points add somehting like tat to bf2 and ,my god u have a game there!! encourages team work and make for great squad play!!! wat more could u ask 4 really!!! im not a fan on ea have let me down a few time and have seen many ppl suffer!! but yeah they can always get me back on there site lets say by takin all this into account and doing somehting with it!!!! and maby add some female characters! haha!!
+2|6495|Tromsø, Norway
At Jalalabad it is two glitches.
1. You are able to get "inside" a building near Hotel. (using Parachute)
2. You are able to see and shoot through some rocks/stones "above" Outpost

Make the planes bombs less effective. The planes are very dominating!

Last edited by HaxyQ (2007-05-21 11:46:10)

+429|6754|Chicago, IL
Chinese urban map.

Shorter flare reload for bombers.

Wider spread/recoil on G36E.

No jump with depleted stamina (damn bunnyhoppers kill my accuracy)

USMC needs a semi-auto sniper (although i wouldn't use it)

And, above all, i wish for a patch 1.5
+2|6495|Tromsø, Norway
One more.

If a car is in speed, and you hit it with an Anti-Tank rocket from the side, the car doesn`t take damage.

If the commander sends a supply create, the wind (?) makes it land some feet away from where he chose. Make the create land where the commander chose. It is annoying when a sniper is on a crane (Or what it is called in english), asks for supply, the commander drops the create on the crane (?), but it lands down on the ground.

Last edited by HaxyQ (2007-05-21 12:21:09)

+244|6996|arica harbour
how about something you forgot on the wishlist.

the new patch should hardware ban every hacker, tker international, exploiter, stupid 13 year old ADMINS than are detected by punkbuster or  that is what blizzard does and there is barely any smacktards that play
+5|6541|South African
Sniper scope that has multi zoom distance like on 2142 would be great

Last edited by LX_Undertaker_LX (2007-05-21 16:01:00)


The glitches you commented on are because of the great 1.41 patch!  Nothing like getting more glitches with every new patch!  I never had a problem with actually hitting a vehicle until 1.41, and I agree with what you are saying.  Just remember who we are asking to fix said problems.  Remember v1.2 with the helos and jets without a pilot that never fell out of the sky?  What about v1.3 with the nonstop crashes?  If there is a new patch, it will probably only make things worse.


The G36e should be no better than the m16. This we agree on I am certain, but having an auto sniper is overrated. Any good sniper has no problem hitting with a single shot rifle then switching to the pistol, but I do hate the svd crosshair. The no jumping with stamina drained is rtarded.  It is already because of people like you that we can't jump and shoot at the same time.  Next thing you will be asking for is everyone on the other
team to be unable to move.  You'd get some good points there eh?  If you are so worried about your accuracy, learn how to aim, not try to dumb the game down to make up for your lack there of.


Tkers, exploiters, and stupid 13 year old ADMINS are all rtards playing/ making the game how they see it should be.  There is nothing that can be done about it.  Solution, play somewhere they aren't. Hackers on the other hand are a different story.  Thank dice for not allowing first person spec in the game.  This alone is the most effective way for admins to catch nubcake hakzorz.  Once again thank you dice!  The best alternative is to play on servers that stream to punkbuster. Every hackzorz caught will be banned from those servers, and you will know that the people that run those servers do not support hacks.
I think that this thread will only remain a wish list... … s-planned/

All these bugs are here to stay.
I don't come here a lot anymore.

They should make the blast ratio of the TV missiles and usual missiles of the BF2 Vanilla choppers bigger.

Balance the G36E drastically e.g full auto, 600RPM and 32 damage.

Fix the TV missile hitbox, and the laser guided missile bug. (The one that makes them go to hell instead of the target)

Decrease the number of grenades from 4 to two.

Make Claymores "wrench-away-able"

Fix the recent CTD's

And much more, can't remember at the moment...
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
Sir Killa4live
Shocking news to all of u: there won't be a new patch, and there won't be much BF2 anymore when Crysis, UT3 and ETQW release,

DX10 beem me up

Windows Vista Business                    DX10
8800GTS 320MB                               DX10
The chance there won't be a patch is equal to the chance that there WILL be a patch.

The guys saying "there won't be a next patch" have given up this game. It's still a good game!

When EA has given up this game then please tell us why they put the webstats online when there are so many 3rd party stats sites like,, or to name some!?

Last edited by Krupp23 (2007-05-24 20:57:41)

Why? Ea is probably getting ready to start charging for looking at your stats.  Not to mention that the stats have been updating really Fing slow lately.
Yes, I also experienced that issue - stats are updating very slowly the last 3 to 4 days.
A Patch Dont Come Anymore!!
+354|6566|Basel, Switzerland
Yeah, that's why it's called "wishlist".

I wish the m82.
+1,106|6597|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

BudyFX wrote:

A Patch Dont Come Anymore!!
Since day One.
Fix this:

-The boat cant kill u if you bail out fast after u reach the beach and its still moving it "roadkills" you.
-The same with cars like when you try to go trugh 2 cars which are close to each other. You got stuck and then the car is killing you so suicide. This is anoying and need to be fixed.
-If u fly with parachute and u hit a building and its wall you fall down as the parachute is closing and you die of course. Sometimes parachutes are not opening make it the way we can open it faster so we can jump down from houses.
-Sometimes 1 or 2 knife kills are NOT enough so there need to be fixings and no i stabbed him from 1 inch and i heard the noise and nothing.
-Supply box or vehicle drop can kill you as the cartillery is still in use by the enemy commander if im not on a roof.
Ersguterjunge there actually is an M82 in BF2 but it doesnt have any sound effects and isn't in any kits but there IS an M82... and my only wish is that there will be a patch with support with NO nades so they can't nade spam
+4|6716|BLO(Buffalo), NY

Ok, I have actually read the entire 23pgs in this post…and there are some good ideas and some unrealistic ones. Here is my wish list and suggestions.

IMHO is the worst kit in the game.  To difficult to gain points for repairing things, ineffective weapons.  Nothing like being caught in the open on a Gulf of Oman board with a CQB shotie, simple fix replace the pump action with an M16 or keep the pump action and lose the last piss poor sub-machine gun unlock and give them the G3.  They should get more points for repairs, I don’t know how difficult it would be to change the point system but if moders can do it why can’t EA/Dice?


I don’t know about some of you but I hate getting rocket sniped lol.  One it’s a waste of ammo meant for armored and unarmored vehicles.  Again I think this has to do with the weapons they have a bad default weapon and 3rd tier unlock almost useless in long range situations.  Love the Doa-12 in CQB, again replace one of the two crap weapons with the M-16.  Although I could be wrong about this maybe it’s just fun to rocket snipe.


is the best kit to get points with, I don’t usually play as this kit (Check my stats if you don’t believe me) so I have to take everyone’s word on increasing the deviation.  However I do have a suggestion for something that happens quite a bit, you’re critically wounded and there are 5 medics around you and none come to revive you.  If they are in range and don’t revive you they should receive a -1 for teamwork points.  Well maybe not it’s just a pet peeve and can’t be helped, also what if the medic can’t get to you because you’re in the open and everyone is shooting at them.


I don’t play as either so I leave that to someone else.


I think it is fine as is, again just my opinion.


(This is my kit) The most hated kit for some reason.  I do play as a loan wolf most of the time as I am useless in CQB and can’t really help my squad.  My specialty is long range 80-85% of my kills are over 250m and I’m nowhere near the squad leader.  I would like to be more effective in CQB, most of you want the clays gone.  How about this compromise, remove clays from the kit and give me the MP-5 .  Guile suit should change to match the board automatically.  I’d also like the tags to show up faster on long range shots, I’ve given up many potential kills because at a long distance all kits look the same and rather than hit a friendly I let them go.

F-35 vs. J-10-

EA said it would be to time consuming and difficult to fix the hit box, copout but ok.  Increase the armor so it can take like 4-5 missiles(Unrealistic but this game is not based on realism) and shorten the amount of time for the flares to reload.
Just yesterday I was playing on a 24/7 Dalian Plant and managed to evade not one but two J-10’s in the F-35.  But have been shot down easy plenty of times, this could balance the air to air and prevent the much lamented J-10 invincibility and uncap raping.


Lengthen the amount of time to reload flares and this should prevent them from evading Jets and static AA…I think.  The TVG’s range is fine as it 450m is good enough Debate on the range has come up several times. 
Redlining has got to go not only should the pilot receive damage but also being the one that controls the vehicle also receive team vehicle damage and a teamkill to round things out a bit.

although I don’t condone it, on rare occasions cannot be helped.  There are times when there are no gunners available or for some reason people just don’t want to gun.  I love to fly the chopper and help my gunner get that ridiculous K/D ratio, there is a certain amount of self pride in knowing you just gave that guy a great round, but it doesn’t happen all the time.  Don’t get rid of the single seating as many of you are suggesting, I’ve managed to get some good kills by doing so.


I don’t know how to fix this but if they don’t hit the target that gets the lock they should not track to another target any target, especially friendlies often times killing them and netting me a negative score for team vehicle damage and a teamkill followed promptly by several punished from a full BH and a kick for excessive teamkilling by the auto admin.


MUST HAVE BETTER ARMOR PERIOD.  Nothing like not being able to defend the carrier from the onslaught on Wake, Gulf of Oman.  If I wanted to get raped like that I’d go to prison lol.


OK this is the greatest thing ever…NOT! Arty should not be allowed to be placed on the spawn points in an uncap ANY UNCAP.  We all know the scenario 5-8 guys screaming mine at the chopper/jet spawn point in comes a well placed arty strike on people trying to get the two most powerful assets in the game which is hard enough to get in the first place.  Air raids Ok I can see keeping the enemy air assets on the ground, that being said ALSO SHOULD NOT HAPPEN THE WAY IT DOES.  The Essex has static armored (weakly)AA, so should land based airstrips.  The latter won’t happen but wishful thinking.

I can’t think of anything else right now, but some of these should be easy fixes I would think but could be wrong.  All this being said I play BF2 more than 2142, I feel it is the better game.

Last edited by A_Deity (2007-05-27 05:05:22)


Ersguterjunge wrote:

Yeah, that's why it's called "wishlist".

I wish the m82.


BudyFX wrote:

Ersguterjunge wrote:

Yeah, that's why it's called "wishlist".

I wish the m82.

Did u not read my post EA actually made an M82 its just not in any kits nor does it have any sounds when you fire it and also you can only shoot it from prone.
I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6706|6 feet under
the stuff that is mentioned here should be included:
Since day One.
Is EA going to read this topic ? It would be nice !
+1,106|6597|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

venom6 wrote:

Is EA going to read this topic ? It would be nice !
I think we all know the answer is no. If normal members can't be assed to read through 23 pages of posts, why would they?

Pity. There's some marginally good ideas in here.
'Light 'em up!'

E-mail the whole thread to some high ranking EA guy, but remember to remove any EA bashing

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