+250|6718|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
I dont think the last three can possibly be implemented but the first one(impact sound) might be possible. It would be a lot more realistic(seriously, if thumb sized holes were appearing inside your ship I think you would hear something.)
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7136|Grapevine, TX
I agree with all that, hope EA/ DICE/ who it concerns, because it concerns all of the community is reading this!
dont know if this is reported yet but i found a bug...

tv missle screen in chopper... if you press Q for the quick menu, you see need medic in stead of need repair...
FIX PUNKBUSTER. Seriously, I'd be happy with just that.

1. Stop doing PB checks at the beginning of every round in SF and every map in regular BF2. I have a gig of RAM and a SATA drive, you DO NOT need to be lagging me. Find it, check it, and get the FUCK off my hard drive.
2. No more "You were kicked by an admin for teamkilling or as the result of a successful kick vote." Give a real reason.
3. All kicks and bans must have a reason that comes from a pre-built list (tking, baseraping, forcing tks, etc.). No more "!b nor fuck off bitch noob". Text is replaced with a number (corresponding to an item on the list) and the game must know if a TK has been committed before it can kick/ban for that.
4. No kicking to make room for an admin unless the server is full. When a kick DOES occur, the person who has the lowest score or lowest rank (chosen by server operator) gets kicked. This will help eliminate kicking good players.
5. When kicked/banned, the dialog box must present all this information, along with the name of the person who kicked/banned. No more stealth lamer admins.

The rest is for the game itself.

6. All admins are identified on the scoreboard by a special symbol.
7. Players must be able to see their kick/ban history and see the reasons for it.
8. All area inside a building is defined as solid ground. Every three seconds, the game checks the positions of every player. Anyone detected inside a building...insta-kick for glitching. Players may not spawn on a squad leader until the server checks the leader's location. This will eliminate honest mistakes when you glitch into an area.
9. No more capping the Lower Dam flag on Kubra Dam by walking through the pipes underneath.
10. Airfield on Dragon Valley is now an uncap.
11. Fix the firing and tracking on LGMs. Seriously.
12. Lower accuracy on G36E. Too many super-medics pwning the G3/F2000 people, when it should be more of the opposite. WHY NO LOVE FOR ASSAULT?
13. Assault gets two smoke grenades.
14. G3 has slightly better accuracy on full auto.
15. Fix the wash-out on USS Essex phalanxes so you can actually SEE targets and the horizon.
16. AA stations have longer tracking ranges. As it is, a J-10 will paint a site before the AA gun can even see it or start to lock on. No more high-altitude strafing with aircraft.
17. All AA and USS Essex sites have a little more armor points.
18. Engineer wrench can disarm mines, C4 and claymores. That wrench really needs to be more useful.
19. SpecOps can disarm enemy C4 using knife alt-fire.
20. Snipers can disarm enemy claymores using knife alt-fire...if they can survive getting close enough.
21. Engineers, SpecOps and Snipers do not "acquire" enemy explosives after disarming them.
22. USMC gets a bomber on Gulf of Oman to make up for the Su-34 and the large stretch of water, which makes boats easy picking for anyone.
23. USMC vs. PLA urban map.
24. MEC vs. PLA map, based at the China/Afghanistan border.
25. AK-101 does 29 or 30 damage. It fires the same ammo as an M-16 and has a shorter barrel. Why should it do more damage?
26. F2000 has lower recoil.
27. Tunguska and the PLA AA vehicle have that annoying dome in front removed, or pilot view is altered. Those can't compete with a Linebacker in urban settings like Ghost Town.
28. Buddy list. Fo' reals.
29. Actual EA enforcement, not canned responses to player reports. Add ability to report on Community tab.
30. BattleRecorder is forced on, and has a 6 hour minimum life for recordings. This will GREATLY help catch glitchers, cheaters, abusers, lamers, etc.
31. Make BattleRecorder files actually retreiveable.

EDIT: Forgot two things.

32. Kick votes are forced on. Too many people are making the game miserable for decent players when admins aren't around.
33. Add server option (not filterable on severs list) to prevent commanders from entering ANY vehicle, including AA and ground defense. I was on a LoD server just today, and the enemy commander was armor whoring and carrier artying with six LoD watching him. I protested, but no one said or did anything.

Last edited by NordsternMN (2007-02-17 19:38:39)

1. Take out that damn delay when getting up from prone. It makes the game seem really slow-paced for some reason.

2. I also like the idea of USMC vs. PLA and PLA vs. MEC.

3. Put the C4 tossing back in (I'm pretty sure you could throw it in real life), but make it so it can't be triggered until it sticks to something or hits the ground.

4. Make AT rockets have a little bit more range and speed.
1.Engineers can move mounted guns or tow and aa's to anywhere needed.
2.Engineers can disarm C4 and claymores.
3.PLA vs MEC city map.
4.Custom maps- able to change game rules: make flags uncaps, move flags, able to pick which vehicles spawn on maps, able to pick which weapons are usable (pnk), able to pick which kits are usable (snipers only or no medics), no commander option or no uav.
5.Tank gunner can get into the tank so nades don't hurt him.
6.Bring back C4 tossing.
7.Bring back nade blowing up claymores.-change to direct hit only ..maybe.
8.Add new kit javelin mobile AA personnel or just add a new unlock to anti tank (Starstreak missile or javelin) for balance they could only have a pistol ....maybe.
9.And of course fix the bugs: kit switch game crash, jalalabad rock glitch karkand building glitch,jalalabad building glitch, favs refresh deleting games, mounted guns and tows don't spawn, ladders don't spawn.
10.More points for fixing stuff with wrench.
11.Bring back spawning with no flags on squad leader.
12.Bring back squad joining when dead.
13.Medics get less points for revive and heal.
14.Add zip line and grappling hook to the regular game just like the unlocks.
15.All things in the game should be able to turn on or off: kits , unlocks,cmd.
16.Suicide bomber ..C4 can be placed on other people or self.
17. Ribbin checking.

The game it self is good even with the bugs now all i really want is more stuff added in. Or you could just make another MODERN COMBAT MMO (MMORPGFPS) not a futuristic world like bf2142.


Last edited by downthehatch (2007-02-17 23:31:19)

+269|6891|Marlton, New Jersey.

ljason8eg wrote:

1. Take out that damn delay when getting up from prone. It makes the game seem really slow-paced for some reason.
Just tap the crouch key.
I didnt relize that this is a bug report thread not a what you want to see in 1.5 sorry.

Couple more
1. pick up nades and throw them back
2. suiside nade .
3. pull pins on all nades and throw it in one big ass explosion.
4. Sound bug on kit switch repeats healing and resupply sound and gun sound.


Last edited by downthehatch (2007-02-17 23:49:15)

Most of those sound good.

Another small fix I would like to see.......Is fix the amount of ribbons viewable in BFHQ.

With the expansion and booster packs, there have been more ribbons awarded than just the 20 limit shown.
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

@ NordsternMN

Alot of those requests (1-7) are not up to dice, but mainly to BF2cc which is the admin tool that is used with the game.  This tool was made by an external group and for most of this to work you would need a lot of co-operation between the creators and DICE (which wont happen).

My 2 cents
404 - Not Found
Again I must say:


Thank you.
Fix the crash to desktop when picking up another kit.
Nerf the G36E.
Make claymore destroyable with nades.
Revert back to the old infantry movement. (It seemed more fast paced and fun back then IMO)

I'll be happy if they just did the last one.
I´d like to make the air assets more realistic. theres no helo or plane that survives one stinger or IGLa hit in real life. Why do they survive in BF2? Its nearly impossible to takedown planes with aa, due to lock on range and speed... thats just not realistic.

A kit with  short-distance AA-ability would put an end to this hovering-spawn-whoring over flags with no fixed AA sites.

That would end the infinite power aircrafts represent on some maps and the game would be more fun for more than just 4 pilots per map...
It's a game, it's not meant to be realistic...
+0|6587|Melbourne, Australia
I didn't read all posts so I might be repeating some ideas here.
1. All planes and choppers should have to land and come to a complete stop and then be rearmed by somebody with a support kit and damage fixed by an engineer. They should get bonus points for this.
2. Each player should have ONE GRENADE per round. This would stop the rampant grenade whoring at the start of each IO round.
3. PB should run random sweeps to catch out more cheats. Its becoming unbearable lately.
4. Claymores should have a visible tripwire and take much longer to set up.
5. Turrets on Tanks and AP C's should swivel much slower, regardless of the players mouse speed setting.
6. Each map should have an uncap for both teams, especially Road to Jalalabad.
7. Commanders should be kicked if they drop artillery on an uncap or the last cappable flag or it should be impossible for them to target these areas.
8. Aircraft or vehicles that enter uncaps should be rendered inoperative if they approach within weapons range.
9. Anybody who calls a kick vote on the same person more than once should himself be kicked.
10. Engineers should receive more points for fixing equipment.
11. Med packs should take longer to heal.
12. AT mines and AT rockets should be able to knock out a tanks turret or tracks without destroying it.
13. It should be possible to climb onto an enemy tank and drop grenades into the turret hatch and kill the crew without destroying the tank.
14. Helicopters should only be able to be approached from certain angles. If you approach from the rear, the tail rotor should kill you.
15. Mounted MG and TOW emplacements should be rearmed by a support player.
16. There should be an option to turn off game chatter but leave the text.
17. The American voice over should be replaced with somebody not so annoying.
18. The commander should be able to reposition the carrier.
19. Frigates, battleships and submarines should be introduced.
20. Sea battles should be included.
21. All vehicles should need to be refuelled.
22. There should be a recon class that is lightly armed and can laser paint targets for aerial smart bombs.

Madman wrote:

I didn't read all posts so I might be repeating some ideas here.
1. All planes and choppers should have to land and come to a complete stop and then be rearmed by somebody with a support kit and damage fixed by an engineer. They should get bonus points for this.
2. Each player should have ONE GRENADE per round. This would stop the rampant grenade whoring at the start of each IO round.
3. PB should run random sweeps to catch out more cheats. Its becoming unbearable lately.
4. Claymores should have a visible tripwire and take much longer to set up.
5. Turrets on Tanks and AP C's should swivel much slower, regardless of the players mouse speed setting.
6. Each map should have an uncap for both teams, especially Road to Jalalabad.
7. Commanders should be kicked if they drop artillery on an uncap or the last cappable flag or it should be impossible for them to target these areas.
8. Aircraft or vehicles that enter uncaps should be rendered inoperative if they approach within weapons range.
9. Anybody who calls a kick vote on the same person more than once should himself be kicked.
10. Engineers should receive more points for fixing equipment.
11. Med packs should take longer to heal.
12. AT mines and AT rockets should be able to knock out a tanks turret or tracks without destroying it.
13. It should be possible to climb onto an enemy tank and drop grenades into the turret hatch and kill the crew without destroying the tank.
14. Helicopters should only be able to be approached from certain angles. If you approach from the rear, the tail rotor should kill you.
15. Mounted MG and TOW emplacements should be rearmed by a support player.
16. There should be an option to turn off game chatter but leave the text.
17. The American voice over should be replaced with somebody not so annoying.
18. The commander should be able to reposition the carrier.
19. Frigates, battleships and submarines should be introduced.
20. Sea battles should be included.
21. All vehicles should need to be refuelled.
22. There should be a recon class that is lightly armed and can laser paint targets for aerial smart bombs.
1. No. You're not going to have people willing to sit around as sitting ducks, waiting to rearm/repair.
2. No.
3. It already does.
4. Blinking light, maybe, but otherwise leave them alone.
5. Maybe just a little.
6. Absolutely not. The popular Conquest Overrun Mode (as I call it) makes people fight harder. With uncaps, people get lazy.
7. No arty on uncap? Good idea. Rest of idea is shit.
8. No.
9. No.
10. Yes.
11. No. Besides, most people just drop them.
12. No. That would require a HUGE rewrite in code, and BF2 is nearing end-of-life.
13. Good idea.
14. Hmm, possible to do.
15. No. See response to #1.
16. Ehh...personal taste more than anything.
17. It's fine the way it is.
18. No, but you can do that in BF2142.
19. No. Too complex.
20. No. See above.
21. Most vehicles won't survive long enough to be refueled. Even a tank can go more than 100 miles.
22. Ah, yes. This was originally an ability for the SpecOp class during development, but it got yanked, ostensibly for "coding issues". It would just turn SpecOp into laserwhores.

Long story short, most of your ideas suck.
404 - Not Found

Madman wrote:

I didn't read all posts so I might be repeating some ideas here.
1. All planes and choppers should have to land and come to a complete stop and then be rearmed by somebody with a support kit and damage fixed by an engineer. They should get bonus points for this.
Now this would be nice, once the jets are off and away, then they go to re-arm and get blasted away by enemy jets. This would make nice baseraping.

2. Each player should have ONE GRENADE per round. This would stop the rampant grenade whoring at the start of each IO round.
Stop playing karkand.

3. PB should run random sweeps to catch out more cheats. Its becoming unbearable lately.
PB already scans you at every 20 seconds! (This can be set to 500 seconds, even PB recommends it.) What do you want, freaking every 10 seconds?

4. Claymores should have a visible tripwire and take much longer to set up.
Hmm ok but this isn't very big thing. (Stop playing karkand?)

5. Turrets on Tanks and APC's should swivel much slower, regardless of the players mouse speed setting.
Why? If you try to make the game more realistic, forget it. The game isn't realistic. (Go play your karkand as IO?)

6. Each map should have an uncap for both teams, especially Road to Jalalabad.

7. Commanders should be kicked if they drop artillery on an uncap or the last cappable flag or it should be impossible for them to target these areas.
To quote someone: Army who let's it's enemy live is not good army. (Stop karkand?)

8. Aircraft or vehicles that enter uncaps should be rendered inoperative if they approach within weapons range.
What I said above.

9. Anybody who calls a kick vote on the same person more than once should himself be kicked.

10. Engineers should receive more points for fixing equipment.

11. Med packs should take longer to heal.
Remember, the game is not realistic.

12. AT mines and AT rockets should be able to knock out a tanks turret or tracks without destroying it.
This is too difficult and unnecessary, we're trying to fix bugs!

13. It should be possible to climb onto an enemy tank and drop grenades into the turret hatch and kill the crew without destroying the tank.
Same as above.

14. Helicopters should only be able to be approached from certain angles. If you approach from the rear, the tail rotor should kill you.
Difficult to make, and why this? Because you can't enter the helicopter from rear.

15. Mounted MG and TOW emplacements should be rearmed by a support player.
We're trying to fix the bugs, not make the game as realistic as it could be!

16. There should be an option to turn off game chatter but leave the text.
Agreed, but not very important.

17. The American voice over should be replaced with somebody not so annoying.
I don't know about this because I don't play with VO.

18. The commander should be able to reposition the carrier.
Think about it on wake island. Chinese wouldn't stand a chance.

19. Frigates, battleships and submarines should be introduced.
They said no new stuff is going to be added into the game.

20. Sea battles should be included.
Same as above.

21. All vehicles should need to be refuelled.
You really love realism, eh?

22. There should be a recon class that is lightly armed and can laser paint targets for aerial smart bombs.

Realism would make the game slow and stupid. And they aren't going to make it realistic by adding stuff. Find some kind of simulator please.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Ummm, reading a good few posts on this page, people are asking for engineers to be able to disarm enemy mines.
They already can disarm AT mines and claymores with the wrench
You can also repair supply damaged supply crates.

Try exploring outside of karkfuck for once.
Since day One.
Then i want to get 2 repairpoints instead of 1 if i repair something from 0% to 100%

eagles1106 wrote:

ljason8eg wrote:

1. Take out that damn delay when getting up from prone. It makes the game seem really slow-paced for some reason.
Just tap the crouch key.
Even that causes the same delay now. What patch are you playing on?
Usually the UAV has two Helfire missles attached on it.  It would be pretty cool if the commander could fire the Missels everytime he/she placed the UAV some where.
There should also be like a limit for the UAV.  Instead of it just appearing where ever you click, there should be like a 10 - 15 second delay for it to acually fly there.  Then it flies away after its limit instead of just going BOOOM!! unless the enemy destroies it.  And instead of haveing the UAV fly away, you can click on the map again and the UAV will stay there for the next 30 sec of so.  Allow this for 3 times untill it has to go back for mare gas which takes 20-30 sec.  So it flies back to base and u have to summon it again.

There is also a glitch on karkand.  When you are drivivng a tank from the USA base to hotel, and you hit the first intersection, nothing happens but when you hit the second intersection, the tank RARLY Jumps up in the air about 50 feet.  Really cool but have no idea what triggers it.

Life mode.  Once you die you can't respawn until the next round.  Last man/men standing wins it for his team.

Last edited by K-milk (2007-02-18 17:41:56)

Check out my new Modern Warfare 3 Website!  http://mw3network.com
Parcel of ol' Crams
the last man standing is a good idea, but everyone will just spawn medics lol

love to see it in action though
paintball > bf2
+48|6822|montreal, quebec

F-35B is supposed to be an awsome plane with the capability to be stealth. would be nice to make it invisible to the commander's scan, but visual via UAV.  kinda hard to disapear in fornt of different hi-tech sensors. at least it could give that avantage in the sky

Last edited by PvtStPoK (2007-02-18 19:48:35)

404 - Not Found

PvtStPoK wrote:

F-35B is supposed to be an awsome plane with the capability to be stealth. would be nice to make it invisible to the commander's scan, but visual via UAV.  kinda hard to disapear in fornt of different hi-tech sensors. at least it could give that avantage in the sky
Usually the enemy pilots spot them. Just fix the F-35B missile magnet and I'm happy.
+0|6587|Melbourne, Australia
What stupid responses.
How many times does some total dickhead try a kick vote on a person who he suspects is hacking or because he shot him more than once and gets no more than 3 or 4 votes and will call the vote continuously?. Some servers even threaten you with a kick if you continue to call failed votes but they never do.
And how many times does somebody try a mutiny on the commander with less than 10 tickets to go? spite or stupidity?
I realise I missed the point when the object was to suggest fixes rather than improvements but to be shat on that badly?. We all know the game is not that realistic but it wouldn't be too hard to make it that way would it?
For example, a lot of people piss and moan about the time it takes to stand from prone but we all accept that we can only sprint so far before slowing down. The time it takes to prone is totally ridiculous. Dropping to the ground and firing the PKM in under a second.. what crap. You'd break your jaw!.
The game was never perfect and never will be but I'd say in future games will be more realistic.
Maybe I should have said that only Planes should be refuelled. How often do we get these 'Top Guns' that just fly loops and do continuous bombing runs and totally ruin the game? The AA defences are useless. Check the stats of some of the good flyers and you'll see they have kill streaks of up to 70 or more. If they landed and came to a stop, at least you'd have a chance to take them out.
Also, nobody complained when they addressed the issue of commanders being able to drop cars on runways or on people.
The object of the game should be for everybody to have a good time playing it. These rounds that go for 5 minutes because of cap-outs are a total waste of time. You end up spending more time waiting for a map or round change than you do playing it. How are you supposed to work on medals? I suppose we only complain when we're on the losing side or the side with the most inexperienced players.
I'll shut up now so all you experts can flame away.
btw, I'm not some 15 y.o virgin noob with thick glasses and 20 pens stuffed in my pocket who thinks he's General Schwartzkopf.
over and out....

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