sophisticated slacker
+334|6631|Graz, Austria
I'm not feeling obliged to read the whole thread (check my forum title), so just pick the stuff that hasn't been posted before.

  • Force friendly fire on mines & claymores.
  • Make artillery team kills count again.
  • Make claymores and mines be destroyable by 2 direct hits with grenades (or 2 AT rockets) and 1 direct (or very, very close) hit with an artillery shell.
  • Allow engineers to defuse C4.
  • Allow snipers to defuse & pick up their own claymores (much slower than the engineer though).
  • Allow SpecOps to pick up their own C4.
  • Fix ribbon viewing bug in BFHQ
  • Add a ground vehicles only option (ability to turn off only aerial vehicles).
  • add the European Service Ribbon
  • New maps:--a PLA city map for BF2--a night map for SF (night attack on the White House maybe?)--a city map for AF (something like San Francisco, New York or Washington DC)--a city map for EF (located in Europe; Berlin perhaps)
As tired as I am, I will not read past page 2. But, I would like to include some suggestions. DO NOT MAXIMIZE THE SPLASH ZONE ON THE GRENADE LAUNCHER. The Grenade Launcher is PATHETIC! I don't care if I get flamed, from you Grenade Launcher loving people, I love it to, but it's so cheap. Yesterday, when I was playing Bf2 just for the hell of it (as I don't usually do) I decided, alright, I'm going to learn this stupid thing. I went 14-2 or something like that, shooting ONLY GL. I got a couple kills with the M16, but not many. It's already easy enough to use. Splash zone is fine, although I have to admit, it is annoying when it hits 3 ft away, and the people don't die.

Secondly, I would LOVE to see a PLA V USMC map. I LOVE THE PLA'S AK! It's awesome. Pwns the MEC AK, M16, F2000, or G3 anyday (not stat wise of course).

I read, on the first page, a guy suggested, that the M95 should not be able to hit team vehicles. That would be a good idea...just do like what they did in Call of Duty or something, where it was impossible to shoot your teamates...

Oh, and the suicide for a force tk on a plane, is a GREAT IDEA! I would love it since I have not mastered backing up and taking off yet....

And this is probably the most annoying thing I get in the game. It's happened a couple of times. I play sniper a lot, go into battle, and pick up a support kit really fast, and start to shoot, and it makes that sound like the clip is empty, but you aim it, and it can still kill the guys. I know for some of you this may not be a problem, but 1) it is a little wierd to shoot a gun like that 2) you can't see where the bullets are going 3) it takes FOREVER for the gun to actually show the clip information 4) since you can't see the bullets, you don't know for sure if it's empty or, just that glitch again; very dangerous.

Lastly, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX THE PRIVATE BUG! I know it's been mentioned, but it really must be fixed. I used to get that ATLEAST 4 times a day, it really pisses me off. Thats why I've limited my play to 3 servers...and it still happens
404 - Not Found
Ok people if you read the first page you will see that they are NOT going to put any new stuff in there, so no new maps, no pistol unlocks, just focus on the bugs and glitches.
+53|6777|Little Rock, AR
Which do you guys think will come first, BF2 patch 1.5, or Duke Nukem Forever?  My money's on the Duke...
+405|6770|A W S M F O X
Id say Barbies Biggest Adventure 5, The Pinking.
General Breetai
Great ideas, the collection on the first page is impressive and covers most of my own thoughts.

Considering that EA/DICE is already working on the first booster to 2142, I wouldn't dream of a new map to bf2. But maybe they could give an already existing one ? SF is (sadly) not very popular but has some (not all) very nice maps to it. Since they don't sell too much SF these days, they could easily include some maps (Warlord for example, maybe Iron Gator) to vanilla.

As for balance issues I would strongly recommend not to nerf any weapon or vehicle, enough damage was done in the past. People got used to the weapons as they are. It will be much better to increase some unpopular/underpowered weapons in their strength. As stated by other SAM Sites as the Essex AA should be improved. Why do you think is IO so popular these days ? Because ppl. are tired of being raped again and again by these UBER J-10/AZ10/AZ12 etc. whores. (It's pretty easy to kill the opponent if he can't fight back, but believe in your UBER-1337 skillz.....) The logical answer would be to include a stinger-kit (like in 2142), but since EA is already one game ahead, this will never come. So increasing the lock and damage of AA might do the trick. Improving the F35B is in my opinion a false friend. Consider Wake: There wouldn't be really an improvement if the chinese jets rape the island/carrier and the american jets rape the airfield without fighting each other. And fighting ground targets gets more points.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6901|Las Vegas, NV USA

TrueArchon wrote:

=Karma-Kills= wrote:

....  PS you also have 16 hours in a chopper....
You completely missed my point.  Here it is again:

TrueArchon wrote:

I see that you have all those hours in a chopper, so I've gotta ask.

If solo-choppering were allowed, but all the AA were capable of locking on to a heat target at the same range as the TV missile (and they don't), would that be alright?

Because honestly, the biggest problem I have against solo-piloting is that 97% of what's left on the map for a equipment resource is ineffective against choppers hovering so high out of range.  The remaining 3% make up a fighter jet (if there is one), the flak gun on mobile AA (if there is one), and another chopper.

So, in the end, the only person enjoying solo-choppering is the solo-pilot.  The opposing team is constantly being killed with little ability to do anything about it, and the same team has a player hogging the chopper with little chance to gun for it, or getting an opportunity to get the chopper themselves when the previous pilot isn't dying.
It's not the point of having 16 hours in a chopper.

It's a point of game balance.

Solo-chopper pilots hover out of AA lock range, but are more than capable of attacking targets below them.

It's a matter of fairness.

Solo-chopper pilots are NOT being fair by:

1.  Hogging the chopper to themselves, and not letting teammates gun for them.
2.  Exploiting the fact that they are all but untouchable to enemy fire, yet they have an instant, one-hit kill weapon at their finger tips.

In a different way of thinking...

Why is the M95 not an automatic kill, no matter where it hits?  Why doesn't it damage engine blocks in vehicles to the point of being disabled/destroyed completely?

The answer is simple.  It disrupts game balance, and is, quite possibly, not fair to the other players.  Why would anyone play assault with an M16, when a M95 can do the job better at a safe distance?

As I've said, it's not a matter of the number of hours anyone has in the chopper.  It's a matter of the number of times MANY players have been flattened by a TV missile, got pissed, jumped into an AA vehicle, seen the culprit that flattened them, tried to get an impossible lock on them without ANY success, then tried to fire their flak gun at the culprit, get flattened AGAIN by a TV missile, and then watch as the solo-pilot returns to base to fix his three bars of flak damage.

And that's the AA vehicles!  The rest of the vehicles are even worse off than that!

Obviously solo-choppering is a big enough issue to be brought up patch, after patch, after patch...  and typically, the only players that don't have a problem with it, are the solo-pilots themselves.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

That's all nice and dandy but explain how a duo chopper combo can't do the exact same thing better.  ....
Explanation?  Simple. 

Communication between the gunner and pilot must be maintained (and thus, teamwork).  A solo-pilot doesn't need to worry about this minor annoyance.

On top of that.

Most chopper pilots don't want to sit around hovering, while their gunner gets the kills, and they get the driver kill assists (unless... maybe their going for their ribbons or badges).

There's nothing exciting about hovering, looking at the skyline, and listening to the gunner telling them to turn left or right to line up a shot.  Most pilots want to be out there "yanking and banking", firing their hellfires to satysfying completion, and ending up with a score similar too (and not half of) the score of the gunner by the end of the round.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

....  You sound more annoyed by choppers than by anything else.

There's a distinct difference in my level of annoyance with choppers.

Annoyance Level 0:  No Seat Switching... Balanced Game Mechanics.
Not annoyed when I'm flying or gunning in a chopper, because I'm not solo-choppering, and using both the TV missile and gun as a gunner, or letting the gunner gun away while I'm shooting off hellfires.  I'm almost always at this level, because just about everyone else is doing the exact same.

Annoyance Level 1:  No Seat Switching... Unbalanced Game Mechanics.
Mildly annoyed sitting in an AA vehicle, and trying to get an impossible missile lock on a chopper I can plainly see, but the game refuses to let me use those missiles.  TV missile flattens me.  Oh well, at least it was done with teamwork between the gunner and pilot.

Annoyance Level 2: Mild Seat Switching.
Firing a M95 at a chopper that's been raping a spawn point, getting a VERY difficult headshot on the chopper pilot, watch the chopper briefly spin out of control, gunner takes over piloting, flies back to homebase to pick up the pilot again, and  returns to spawn-rape again.

Annoyance Level 4:  Continuous Seat Switching.
Watching a solo-pilot continually hover out of missile lock range, rack up a bunch of TV missile kills, and fly back to base only to rearm in preparation for another killing spree.  Little to no possible means of retaliation, or little chance to get a turn in the chopper yourself.

Annoyance Level 5:  Continuous Seat Switching... Greedy Teammate.
Same as Level 4, but now the solo-pilot is carrying a M95 to shoot teammates out of the chopper they want, OR continually yelling "Bail out!", "Get out!", OR promptly flies to the border and "redlines" the gunner, OR some combination of all three of the aforementioned asshole remedies for greedy solo-choppering.

In Conclusion:

Justify it all you want, but just about the only persons having fun with solo-chopper piloting are the solo-pilots themselves.  Thankfully it's rare in the grand scheme of things, but it also almost always ends with a frustrated disconnect from the server when it does occur.
+54|6905|Newfoundland, Canada
Not sure if this was posted, but on the map Operation Clean Sweep when somebody spawns in the hanger at the end of the big island and doesn't move, nobody else can spawn there, it's blocked out with a big red dot, REALLY sucks, I died in my jet multiple times and couldn't spawn back there to get it, also sucks that the fuckin thing respawns in like 5 seconds, so the asshat that was blocking the spawn point runs up and takes it, by then there's no point in spawning there!

Somebody mentioned to "Force friendly fire Claymores/Mines" and "Make artillery teamkills count" ... umm... that's the two worst opinions I've read on here yet, that would COMPLETLY suck for commanders for the artillery bit since Idiots just LOVE to run into artillery whenever the fuck they get a chance.. "HEY LOOK BIG RED CIRCLE THINGY! I WANNA GO IN IT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!" ... then for the Mines/claymores being friendly fire - I could seriously pound the shit outta the admins that put that on their servers, it's fuckin stupid, since right now about 90% of BF2 server run Claymores/Mines friendlyfire off, so I get a shitload of teamkills from them, and yup you guessed it, the asshats hit Punish right away. (They must think that the small red skull icon is a pickup of some sort.)

I hope DICE does the right thing and finally just fixes this game once and for all, the game has GREAT potentional, and I doubt there'll ever be a game as good as it in a while, BF2142 doesn't cut it and BF2 can be a perfect game if it's fixed with some of the suggestions that have been mentioned in this topic.
+18|6856|Sydney, Australia
then for the Mines/claymores being friendly fire - I could seriously pound the shit outta the admins that put that on their servers, it's fuckin stupid, since right now about 90% of BF2 server run Claymores/Mines friendlyfire off, so I get a shitload of teamkills from them, and yup you guessed it, the asshats hit Punish right away.
Friendly fire clays/mines = good.  It forces you to not be a brainless, skilless, retarded cunt.  People like you are what caused it to be re-enabled on the Aussie BF2S server.  They were fucking everywhere.
+54|6905|Newfoundland, Canada

MetalChont wrote:

then for the Mines/claymores being friendly fire - I could seriously pound the shit outta the admins that put that on their servers, it's fuckin stupid, since right now about 90% of BF2 server run Claymores/Mines friendlyfire off, so I get a shitload of teamkills from them, and yup you guessed it, the asshats hit Punish right away.
Friendly fire clays/mines = good.  It forces you to not be a brainless, skilless, retarded cunt.  People like you are what caused it to be re-enabled on the Aussie BF2S server.  They were fucking everywhere.
Brainless?  I lay claymores in places where flags are and in doorways that enemys walk through, what's wrong with that?... With FF Claymore/mines ON the people that are Brainless just walk straight into it and then most of the time Punish for it, it's really annoying.

It's the fact that turning them ON only causes more bullshit from people punishing TK's and asshats running into them to only get TKed! It's annoying as fuck, with FF Claymores/mins ON you only kill more teammates than anything else!

Anyway it was only what I thought of it, don't have to get your panties in a bunch and point the "IT'S PEOPLE LIKE YOU!" bullshit at me over something I said.
Make squad jumping possible again!!!
BF2 is just boring now when it isn't possible to squad jump.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6631|Graz, Austria
  • Disable seat-switching in attack helicopters and jets while flying.
  • Disable seat-switching in transport vehicles & choppers while driving or flying for the driver/pilot seat. Passengers can always switch.

Really, solo-chopper flying with seat-switching is the single most ridiculous thing in this game.
Think about it.
Would you be able to switch the seats on a tandem bicycle while riding and shoot with a sling shot while not stearing?

Not to mention that all those attack helicopters have 2 separate entrances for pilot and gunner.
Heck, it's not a corridor coach in the subway!

Last edited by globefish23 (2007-02-07 14:40:48)

+9|7145|6,000 ft & falling......weeeee
make a fix where u cant jump more than once within a 5 second period and put a stop to the bunny hopping faggots...other than that...i'll get my coat!!!
How about giving us the rest of the guns from SF and EF that are available to the armies as unlocks? Theres a few good guns especially for the EU.

Also if your not going to give us new maps, how about making the booster packs free since anyone who was going to buy them will have them buy now. Making the booster packs free would add new content and maps to a lot of people and hopefully jump start the good maps like road rage, midnight sun,  and great wall.

Id be happy with those 2 things plus the list of fixes on the first page.
To stop spawnkilling make it when your spawning at a flag you spawn anywhere around the flag so the dang spawnkillers dont know where exactly you will spawn
+50|6950|Some where near you
Make the Commander a Squad point for Squad Leaders only in IO servers.

Players have found building mesh glitches that can gain access inside. Maps include but not limited toKarkand Hotel and Market, Mashtur South Gas, Jalalabad rocks, Wake Airfield, and Warlord Palace. The building mesh needs to be examined and the holes fixed.

Sniper rifle scope is on a delay timer when reloading. If you force the use of the scope after reloading (before the alloted time) you will zoom out of scope view. You must wait a few seconds after reloading and the sniper will return to scope mode. However, the time delay is way to long and needs to be shorten back to version 1.0.

Update your code to accept the changes in the most recent version of DX 9.0c. Or, tell the players to stick with a specific version. The code of BF2 is getting old with each DX 9.0c update and you either need to make adjustments or advise the players to no update as there is really no real advantage to update dx 9.0c

Shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles – also known as man- portable air defense systems (MANPADS) are a must for air asset maps. For example:
FIM-92 Stinger
FIM-43 'Redeye'
RBS 70
9K34 Strela-3
Blowpipe missile
Type 91
As you can see there is a version for each nation.

This option is my most strongest appeal to date.  It makes no sense why you have no recourse but to say, "oh crap" whenever a jet or helo comes towards you.  Air asset maps MUST and i do mean MUST be balanced to incorporate a new kit or weapon load out.  To make it easy give the AT kit an additional option to turn from AT to AA (Anti Air assets) and use a new set of weapons  such as (MANPADS).  This is NOT and I do repeat, NOT complicated. If you pilots get mad then tuff!  Deal with it, you've had an unfair advantage long enough, time for a change.

Last edited by ECH (2007-02-10 12:11:03)

+46|6916|DFW, Texas
*sigh* Guess what AT stands for. Anti Tank? Good Job!
sophisticated slacker
+334|6631|Graz, Austria
I totally agree with the portable AA weapons.
In the mods PoE and OPK they implemented those as respawning pickup kits, which a player can swap with the current kit.
conservative hatemonger
portable AA kits would make it so everyone would spawn AA and make it impossible to fly

it works in mods because the noobs don't play mods.  If it got implemented regularly the moment a jet enters range it has 20 missiles going after it

helicopters would be impossible to fly
sophisticated slacker
+334|6631|Graz, Austria

Blehm98 wrote:

portable AA kits would make it so everyone would spawn AA and make it impossible to fly

it works in mods because the noobs don't play mods.  If it got implemented regularly the moment a jet enters range it has 20 missiles going after it

helicopters would be impossible to fly
Not if it is made respawning like a vehicle. It only respawns at the start location when the current user dies and noone picks the kit up.

That way, you can limit the AA kit to a small number per map.
404 - Not Found
Can't you read the first post?

"Also, try to not request new weapons and the like; in an interview a while ago DICE said they couldn't put in more unlocks due to memory constraints or something. The main focus of this patch should be to fix all the balance issues and glitches that happen in the game, rather than new content."

So don't try to suggest putting any new content, we're trying to fix the bugs and glitches that are know!
No pistol unlocks, no new maps (they already gave us Road to Jalalab) and no AA kit. Well I'm not going to list all the ideas what aren't going to be done...

Just focus on the bugs and glitches, the game is good as it is now.
+46|6834|Middle of nowhere, California
screw BF2, im waiting for the Forgotten Hope 2 and Eve of Destruction mods
No I didnt read all of these posts.  I don't read these forums daily or even weekly, so there is no way I'm reading 13 pages to get caught up. 

My 2 cents:

1. Make the F35 less prone to getting hit with missiles.  The only real problem with the jet is the fact that the majority of missiles, regardless of distance between jets, hit it.  Turning down missile accuracy for everything would only make the J10 more of a pain in the A than it is now.

2. Fix the tank shell hitreg!  I never had any probs hitting things with tank shells before 1.4.  After that patch, at random times tank shells will hit, will cause whatever was hit by the shell to hear the hit, but the vehicle takes zero damage? 

3.  Get rid off the "fall off something" shooting delay. Cause there is nothing better than getting into a heated battle with or chasing someone on the ground, only to be unable to shoot for about five seconds after you touch ground.  There really is nothing better than trying to stare your enemy to death while they use automatic weapons. 

4. Shock paddles should be ready to go when you pull them out.  Not this "clear, clear ,clear" bs on the first try.  A better choice for dumbing down reviving would be to make the paddles have to recharge after ever shock.  Hello reality! 

5. Fix the tv and all other hitregs probs.

Last edited by I-=C-A-V-E-M-A-N=-I (2007-02-14 06:39:27)

Why did they mess with stuff that wasn't broken? And make promises about stuff that will be fixed in a patch that where not? Keep it simple. and stop nerfing stuff.
well i've also not read the 13 pages, so my apologies if its allrdy posted

add a sound whel .50 cal hits copters dont just drain health

also i think the aa-vehicles guns should do more damage than .50cal

and make pistol bullets fall down, or at least less acurate, its rediculess that you hit a guy once with sniper rifle and then finish him off all across the map with pistol

and to the tv-missile aim, instead of darkening the sky, just make the crosshairs contrast, as in when on bright ground make em black, and on dark grounds make em white

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