Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6685|Inside the AR Rockets.
Killing 2 clan members almost right after I get in. They banned me for "Stealthly destorying teammates vehicles."

Pistol knife server: Put a shell into an APC who was killing our defenceless guys. Backs up onto a roadblock and dies. Banned for statpadding.

My friend is flying an air transport. The Admin crashes into (with gunship) him and he gets the teamkills. They both punish him. They ban him for ramming the admin. Then ban me for "Daddy wants his comp back"

The list goes on and on.
BF2s Nublet
+71|6748|somewhere other then here
i got baned for leaving titan to cap silos when no one was caping silos and everyone was defending titan
admin nubs
Phorum Phantom
I dont think i have ever been banned, but ive been kicked for ping, and to make room for a clan member of the server.
Evils Bammed Sex Machine
I don't know how I do it.

But I've never been kicked yet..
Madness has now come over me
+20|6746|Brisbane, Australia
yesterday my first ban  " bunny hopping fag"

yeah i was bunny hopping...... when a walker, tank and 3 guys surrounded me in the  open, what else can you do. i got 2 philm shots of, got tank to half health, walker to 1/4 health. i was practically underneth the walker. they killed me in the end easily and i got banned..... y?

well i think the reason was we were getting serverly baseraped, but when i entered the server, first few minutes i was top on my team, i was giving them a hard time with my EMP and philm combo, i think they got pissed that i was owning them hard

just to note the server is called   Vancouver Island[Canada]
abusive language:
I caught an admin abusing his position, plus there was some sort of bug abuse or hack going on with him (REALLY!), I stuck it to him, and I'm about as subtle as an angry bull on a Texas rodeo...

So basically I get kicked for confronting that pubescent little prick on a power-trip...

My fault, I know, should have simply left the server and join a new one....
i was the commander and caught an admin and a few of his pals padding...i could care less about what they were doing but they were doing it right beside an enemy silo where the bad guys were staging their assault on the titan

all i said was "wanna stop padding for a minute and cap that silo?" and poof i was gone
Before it was patched,i kept destroying the ammo crates the admin kept leaving by the titan guns,he stabbed me so i stabbed him next came up "kicked for teamkilling"
i hate n00b admins who kid=ck u 4 killing them
Commanding 12 maps in a row.
Over the line!
+70|7058|Mark it zero.
planting RDX on a tank, then blowing it, and not realising that you already planted RDX and killed 5 teammates

Kamikaze17 wrote:

planting RDX on a tank, then blowing it, and not realising that you already planted RDX and killed 5 teammates
hahahahahaha thats funny iv done that many time but the bad guy get out of the tank and my gus jump in it and i kill them hahhaha
Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6905|Michigan, USA
Almsot all mine are from Tks(mostly accidental )

Being a server admin I dont know how many times ive been tempted to kick people for raping a spawn to hard, or just being asshats, but since its not my server, and the rules are basically nonesistent i have no grounds on which to do so.  Now the christian servers have always pissed me off.  Yeah they act mature on the forums, second you get into a game it changes.  havent played any christian servers on BF but on AA made me wanna stab someone.  im catholic and i dont see anything wrong with some of the behavior those people find "ungodly", to each their own I suppose.
+7|6836|raahe finland
it´s kinda harsh that ea sells products what are unfinished , and let the ranked servers admins do what they want their server whit out any controlling or supervising...
because we have paid to play enjoyable online game ,the covers of the game didin´t say anything about 30% being total smactards and team killers, part of clan servers  admins being so corrupted that  only their clan and clan members friend´s get decent help from admins and not being victim of them whit out any good reason.

bf2 is still buyable in store´s , i just pity one´s who buy them one and happends to be good player from start lot´s ban´s, kick´s , flaming being a cheater,team killed for vehicles and ppl who are just sadistic, and the list goes on.... i think  ea should fix game that cheaters cannot cheat and supervice the servers lot better then now ,and get the game enjoyable ppl who pay the product...

i have been banned 2 times for a reason ,hars lanquage and couple payback team kills....and 20 times whit out any reason because owning or getting in to vehicle before admin couple of rounds straight. most of times
the admins give in the kick box reason what would justify from kick or banning me ,if i would do any of them
but i haven´t.  admins have done in server force moving me team to team 2-4 times in a one row many times , the player count stays same i´m in a squad ,what means there´s no autobalance moving then ,but still i got moved and never the admins replys when i´m asking why he´s moving me.
maybe some of the admins have forget  that it´s just videogame and all the pll coming there is because of fun ,and they should have fun to ,and not being so pricks.

Last edited by soalfa (2007-01-13 20:54:01)

+519|6930|Gold coast, Aus.
68 kicks and no bans....

what am i doing wrong

edit: wait, 2142 forum, nvm....There  my BF2 kicks

Last edited by gene_pool (2007-01-13 21:11:54)

2 bans so far - all C4 related

One was for C4ing an enemy tank and an admin was inside it and the other was blowing up the enemy's titan core, told everybody to move but 3 teammates didn't react and, guess what, I was insta-punished by all 3.

I hate the punish system, it's always abused (99% of players trigger-happy on punishing).

EDIT: The titan ban was also on a 1.4b server as well

Last edited by Zigmat (2007-06-27 14:40:36)

Got loooollllll ?
+853|6948|Montreal, Qc, Canada
this had been made before !!!
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
For using the Bianchi on K&P servers
Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6905|Michigan, USA
Im Dead serious on this, "WHY IS IT I READ YOUR NAME AS PENIS SMASH"  That was on the Waffle House servers, couldnt believe it, used to be a great server, certinaly the most original kick ive ever had!
Ambitious but Rubbish
For killing the Admin more than once.
The other kid
i got banned today because...the game had just started and i was PAC on Belgrade i grabbed the hovertank (im not the best at moving yet) and i accidently run over my teammate and i run into a wall. a teammate medic revives the person i killed and im backing up at this moment and i run over both of thing i know "Admin Decision: You have been banned from this server for tank whoring and teamkilling" tank whoring??????

EDIT: oh and another one that was on BF2 which this 1 is hilarious (i made a post about it) i was in F35B and my friend in the J10...we had an enemy following me in another F35B my friend is shooting at him and hits me as soon as the enemy does and we r over the plane blows up it goes down and an admin takes off in an attack helo and makes a barrel roll to dodge it but hits the carrier.


Last edited by elite3444 (2007-06-28 06:56:10)

aka [DBS]Mitch92uK
+192|6544|United Kingdom
"Banned for having too many clan members in one server" - on Multiplay:TTM Conquest

Baby Spinach you aren't a hacker, you are a fucking titan gun whore.  Look at your stats sometime, they are really quite sad.  You have nearly twice as much time in titan guns as you do in the next vehicle with the most time...

you seem to think you are all that, but all you do is camp in a titan gun and shoot someone who is unlucky enough to drive underneath you.
Defeating your warriors.
+116|6718|Espoo, Finland
- Admin wanted to have the gold star. <- My favourite.
- Admin crashed his gunship into my gunship (TK).

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