not since i gave up peyote.
Dream 1
Was in a futuristic building, with white walls and massive windows that showed much of the city around it. It was a friends party, and we were all mingling around, chatting. Someone I went to school with comes up to me, and introduces me to some hottie French chick - dirty blonde hair, black dress, tallish, beautiful. We hit it off, and and end up chatting for ages. We then make our way to the roof of the building, going through various parts of the building that are used for maintenance. Though electrical switchboard rooms, through kitchens. We reach the roof/penthouse of the building and end up making out/doing it.
We then decide to go for a walk down on the city streets, but she ends up being distant, and ends up sobbing. I ask whats wrong, and she replies that she had set up some ambush for me to get mugged later on, but didnt want me to get hurt. Then she starts walking away quite quickly, I follow and end up at some dump of a place, where this man opens this door, kisses her. I then realise that she had organised her husband and his friends to mug me. Nothing comes of it and I wake up.
Dream 2
We dock as part of a spaceship onto a Russian/Soviet spacecraft (again, in the future sometime), meeting up with people from the ISS. Meeting with the commander of the Russian/Soviet craft, we exchange pleasantries and begin to get on with work.
Somehow the Commander of the Russian/Soviet spacecraft orders us to leave, and return to earth as he is going to kill us if we dont. He makes his intentions clear - he wishes to destroy something on earth with some form of space-based weapon.
Seemed a lot like that last Archer episode.
Dream 3
Eerily much like the minecraft world, I explore some abandoned mine shafts, blocking water and fixing the place up. Its still pretty dark, and have no way of lighting the place up. Suddenly, hordes of minecraft zombies begin to approach from various shafts that branch off the main mine shaft, and I go back to the exit.
Quite strange of me to have three dreams I remember in one night.
Was in a futuristic building, with white walls and massive windows that showed much of the city around it. It was a friends party, and we were all mingling around, chatting. Someone I went to school with comes up to me, and introduces me to some hottie French chick - dirty blonde hair, black dress, tallish, beautiful. We hit it off, and and end up chatting for ages. We then make our way to the roof of the building, going through various parts of the building that are used for maintenance. Though electrical switchboard rooms, through kitchens. We reach the roof/penthouse of the building and end up making out/doing it.
We then decide to go for a walk down on the city streets, but she ends up being distant, and ends up sobbing. I ask whats wrong, and she replies that she had set up some ambush for me to get mugged later on, but didnt want me to get hurt. Then she starts walking away quite quickly, I follow and end up at some dump of a place, where this man opens this door, kisses her. I then realise that she had organised her husband and his friends to mug me. Nothing comes of it and I wake up.
Dream 2
We dock as part of a spaceship onto a Russian/Soviet spacecraft (again, in the future sometime), meeting up with people from the ISS. Meeting with the commander of the Russian/Soviet craft, we exchange pleasantries and begin to get on with work.
Somehow the Commander of the Russian/Soviet spacecraft orders us to leave, and return to earth as he is going to kill us if we dont. He makes his intentions clear - he wishes to destroy something on earth with some form of space-based weapon.
Seemed a lot like that last Archer episode.
Dream 3
Eerily much like the minecraft world, I explore some abandoned mine shafts, blocking water and fixing the place up. Its still pretty dark, and have no way of lighting the place up. Suddenly, hordes of minecraft zombies begin to approach from various shafts that branch off the main mine shaft, and I go back to the exit.
Quite strange of me to have three dreams I remember in one night.
Kept having a recurring dream the other night, basically like a broken record. Kept coming back to my Mom dying, was really fucked up.
Anybody else enjoy having nightmares. Think I only ever had one nightmare that bothered me. The rest were like movies.
I haven't had a significant dream in years, and not a nightmare either. Does this mean I'm a robot?
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?ROGUEDD wrote:
I haven't had a significant dream in years, and not a nightmare either. Does this mean I'm a robot?
He say you Brade Runner13urnzz wrote:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?ROGUEDD wrote:
I haven't had a significant dream in years, and not a nightmare either. Does this mean I'm a robot?
NVM, dreamed of preventing a nuclear catastrophe last night, we're good.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Was playing with a little music sampler at a party and was making some awesome music. Kanye West showed up and started acting like he was the one who made it. Stupid prick.
I was being chased by a sand tornado. Then I jumped into it and it disappeared. Something else happened, but I don't remember that part.
So last night I had a dream where at one point I picked up a glock and had to shoot it at really huge guys. Judging from how much taller they were than me, they'd have to be no less than 8 feet tall. At first I was missing them all the time, but then I remembered this post Dilbert made in the gun thread about proper pistol shooting stance and I began killing them. Granted it took several shots to the face to kill them, but I managed.
So thanks Dil, you saved my ass in this dream.
So thanks Dil, you saved my ass in this dream.
youre dreaming about dilbert
Tu Stultus Es
It was weird, I picked up the glock, shot it a few times and each time I missed. Then the image of Dilbert's post flashed in front of me and I was all like "oh yeah, that's how you're supposed to shoot" and I did that and then I killed all the bad guys.eleven bravo wrote:
youre dreaming about dilbert
pew pew yea dead bad guyz
Had a lucid dream within a dream. Second level was lucid; I was at school, controlling what happened in the dream because I knew it was all in my mind. I then "woke up" at home, and thought I was really awake. After a few dream minutes of quizzically wondering why I was able to go home in the middle of a semester, I woke up for real, sadly still on the East Coast.
BWOOOOOOOMnukchebi0 wrote:
Had a lucid dream within a dream. Second level was lucid; I was at school, controlling what happened in the dream because I knew it was all in my mind. I then "woke up" at home, and thought I was really awake. After a few dream minutes of quizzically wondering why I was able to go home in the middle of a semester, I woke up for real, sadly still on the East Coast.
My friends dared me to do a backflip. The last time this happened in a dream, I realized it was a dream and I was able to do it. This time I didn't. I said a prayer to god to make sure I don't get injured ( ) and then I tried it and landed on my head and twisted my neck sideways. In real life it would've killed or paralyzed me, but instead I just got up and everything was fine. God protected me!
Ed O'Neill was invading my dream the other night. Was a cool guy.
I keep thinking this thread is the "BF2s Dream Team"
dream team
I'm on the dream team because I dream a lot.
matty for dream team badge
dream team