The Evil´s of EVIL Sl4y3r
Evils:Evils wrote:
the Evil´s are looking for human beings willing to give their blood, sweat and tears to claim the final reign in chaos!
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to death. Death leads to glory!
We dont need any creed, we´re just too evil and a bunch of badasses. We dont take shit from anybody!
You arent afraid? You will be! You will be![/b]
1) Sl4y3r--->Evil Squad Leader
2) RunDje (^*AlphA*^)
3) Mike
4) Negerkungen
5) Varegg
6) Echo
7) Knightnifer
8) AnarkyXtra
9) LastBlackWinegum
10) Bernadictus
11) doctor fruitloops (promoted from maggots)
12) Gillenator (promoted from maggots)
13) Doperwt. (promoted from maggots)
The Delta Squad of DELTA Dude5b
Delta Squad:DELTA SQUAD wrote:
The 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), commonly referred to as Delta, or as Delta Force by the general public and officially recognized by the Department of Defense as the Combat Applications Group, is a Special Operations Force (SOF) and an integral element of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).
The unit's primary tasks center around counter-terrorism, although it is an extremely versatile group and is fully capable of taking on any number of mission profiles.
Delta are hardcore, elite, highly skilled soldiers, who are ready for any situation. They are bad ass MoFo's who do not pretend to be Evil
1) theDude5b--->Delta Squad Leader
2) JahManRed
3) B3
4) Superfly_Cox
5) NooBesT
6) kmjnh aka Hallvard
7) K30
8) gvers
9) jenspm
10) trentnorris
11) aardfrith (promoted from maggots)
12) Frotz (promoted from maggots)
13) Omnideath (promoted from maggots)
How Do You Like Them Apples?
Last edited by superfly_cox (2007-01-21 04:15:15)