c'mon guys... be at least a little fair.
Our server hit the max players earlier this evening after the 1.41 patch, so there has to be a massive amount of people who are NOT having problems after this patch.
I'm no EA lover, but I've read three posts stating they've had problems.. yet there's five PAGES of replies...
(and who's to say the problems they're having ARE the patch? - I was having the sticky spawn screen BEFORE 1.41 every once in a while!)
and so what if the patch is 500mb? really....
EA have said that an incremental is on it's way, but because of an issue in post testing, they have to delay it so they can fix it.
No offense, but you can't have it both ways. You complain that they don't release decent patches and you complain when they hold back one release type of a patch because it isn't decent enough....
Also, don't forget that the people who host your ranked servers are the ones responsible for applying the new patch to the servers. THEY are the ones who should let you know it's coming.
THEY are the ones who should agree on a time / date for the patch to be installed | let you schedule a time / date to install it.... not EA...
Like I say... I HATE EA... but fair's fair...
Our server hit the max players earlier this evening after the 1.41 patch, so there has to be a massive amount of people who are NOT having problems after this patch.
I'm no EA lover, but I've read three posts stating they've had problems.. yet there's five PAGES of replies...
(and who's to say the problems they're having ARE the patch? - I was having the sticky spawn screen BEFORE 1.41 every once in a while!)
and so what if the patch is 500mb? really....
EA have said that an incremental is on it's way, but because of an issue in post testing, they have to delay it so they can fix it.
No offense, but you can't have it both ways. You complain that they don't release decent patches and you complain when they hold back one release type of a patch because it isn't decent enough....
Also, don't forget that the people who host your ranked servers are the ones responsible for applying the new patch to the servers. THEY are the ones who should let you know it's coming.
THEY are the ones who should agree on a time / date for the patch to be installed | let you schedule a time / date to install it.... not EA...
Like I say... I HATE EA... but fair's fair...