+1,153|6940|Washington, DC

CAL is very fun. 12v12 is ftw

Anybody trash talking it is just trying to make themselves feel better. Warchild has played for cash, as have 20ID. If I gotta pick between making money playing video games and making money delivering mail, I'll take the video game.

BFPro isn't "noob friendly". If your aim was shit before, you'll be even worse off. If your aim was good before, you'll be better off. Olitz, for a guy who says he played for iLL and got lots of invites from some real good clans, you sure seem to sound like the embodiment of what they call a "pub nub". And imdead, why do you have to act like not playing competitively is the god-blessed way to play

edit: Zuba you're pretty dim too. I'd cancel my internet subscription if I were you. BFPro is not a major modification. If you had good aim in BF2, you'll be fine in BFPro. If you had bad aim in BF2, you'll suck in BFPro. The spawnpoints are slightly modified to make the gameplay slightly faster/less retarded. If the top teams from the NFL suddenly left and started their own football league, with some different gameplay rules, you couldn't say "They arent good at football cause its modified". Well, you could, but you'd look like an idiot.

Last edited by Hurricane (2006-11-14 12:59:15)


Hurricane wrote:

edit: Zuba you're pretty dim too. I'd cancel my internet subscription if I were you. BFPro is not a major modification. If you had good aim in BF2, you'll be fine in BFPro. If you had bad aim in BF2, you'll suck in BFPro. The spawnpoints are slightly modified to make the gameplay slightly faster/less retarded. If the top teams from the NFL suddenly left and started their own football league, with some different gameplay rules, you couldn't say "They arent good at football cause its modified". Well, you could, but you'd look like an idiot.
Hehe very ture Hurricane. BFpro is a competition mod. EA made BF2 for stats and for pubbing. But its a teamwork based game. Competition creates a better more fun teamwork environment. The modifications in BFpro were made to make better matches.  The main map changes are to fix bugs EA didnt care to fix. Example, in the 16 player map of mashtur the USMC main construction site spawn only has 2 spawn points and if you sit a tank on the flag the spawns are turned red and the USMC team cant spawn and defend thier flag. So with BFpro they added a spawn point by the UAV to give the USMC team a chance to keep fighting. Just about all the changes are made to improve where EA dropped the ball. The game is still the same with BFpro.

Last edited by steveloven (2006-11-14 13:18:40)

+1,153|6940|Washington, DC

Indeed. Like the Mashtuur change steveloven pointed out, most pub players would not have noticed that, and would simply pass off BFPro as "not BF2". Thankfully, someone caught this exploit and BFPro addressed it.

I hope my team grows so we can enter CAL. I have great memories of 12v12. My team I was on, we got our asses handed to us regularly, but we had such a blast. One of the best matches was on Karkand, we decimated them the first round as USMC (we snuck to the Gatehouse, or whatever the back base is called) then second round was an intense stalemate but ultimately loss for us as MEC, on the river. We held them off till it was about 12 tickets us, 26 tickets them. But they got some good arty strikes on us and we lost narrowly. Then the final round was also close but a strong victory (we were USMC).

If you can find a fun team to be on, CAL can be some of the greatest gaming of your life. I remember my first match, Mashtuur on 1.12. Oh dear we got massacred. Then I think it was Dalian Plant (Dalian Planet!). Then at some point we had Daqing. Then the great Karkand match. Good times...
They changed more in BFpro than EA has made updates and the updates they came with.
+1,153|6940|Washington, DC

Zukabazuka wrote:

They changed more in BFpro than EA has made updates and the updates they came with.
Then maybe DICE should hire Ginc and his team of brainstormers.
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
Play POE2.. its a better mod, and more people like it than CAL's mod.
Copenhage master

imdead wrote:

Play POE2.. its a better mod, and more people like it than CAL's mod.
The CAL mod is meant for CAL players/ matches...not really meant for pub scrubs.......

Last edited by sharpshot19 (2006-11-14 19:38:40)

M24 Abuser
+99|6811|Valley of the Dragons
POE2 is a real mod, that CAL thing is just some tweaks.

Jemme101 wrote:

POE2 is a real mod, that CAL thing is just some tweaks.
Learn first what the word Mod mean,geezz
M24 Abuser
+99|6811|Valley of the Dragons

Krysiss wrote:

Jemme101 wrote:

POE2 is a real mod, that CAL thing is just some tweaks.
Learn first what the word Mod mean,geezz
Been on Devteams myself so you better back of.
Pro, is others have said it just makes bf2 more comp/skill/teamwork friendly... I enjoy competing against other clans for kicks...and ultimately have found it hundreds of times more rewarding than simply pubbing with my clan against a bunch of disorganized people and then yelling about how 1337 I am.

Jemme101 wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

Jemme101 wrote:

POE2 is a real mod, that CAL thing is just some tweaks.
Learn first what the word Mod mean,geezz
Been on Devteams myself so you better back of.
ROFL OH NOES. You better back off !!1!!!1!!! This guy is srsly 1337

Korpen wrote:

Pro, is others have said it just makes bf2 more comp/skill/teamwork friendly... I enjoy competing against other clans for kicks...and ultimately have found it hundreds of times more rewarding than simply pubbing with my clan against a bunch of disorganized people and then yelling about how 1337 I am.
Very well said.
First off......if you haven't tried BF2Pro, don't bash it.  Atleast gain some knowledge on the subject before you start trying to sway the public opinion.

As for everybody in CAL, we can all play Vanilla just as well as BF2Pro.  But the weapon accuracy is much like CSS with BF2Pro.  You point the gun, pull the trigger and the bullet goes fairly straight.  Not as much random spray from a perfectly good weapon.

In fact to make BF2Pro even worse for noobs, grenades have been reduced to 3.  BF2Pro is awesome for competition, because now the better player will get the kill.  CAL has been using Pro all season and we love it.  TWL is starting to use it now, and TWL has always been noob friendly.

In Season 3, my first season, there were about 130 teams signed up for week 1.  A lot of the lower teams drop, as well as other teams with e-drama.  But we still ended up with more than 90 active teams at the end of the season.  In Season 4, we started with 30 teams in Main, and 100+ in open.
We'd like to contiue to see around 130 teams each season even though new games like BF2142 are coming out.  The best way is to spread the word to new teams, and help current teams recruit players that want to try competitive gaming.  For those of you in clans, just think of the friendships you have made.  You can make more friends from a larger group

To make the CAL league fun for new teams there are two divisions.  Main for the top teams that pretty much roll any teams that aren't in Main.  Open is for new teams, or teams that don't want to put in the time and effort that the top teams do. 
This is our second season in Open.  We had a 4-4 record in Season 3, and so far we're 10-0 in Season 4 and are in the semi-finals.  Team Binary, my team, was started with a lot of good pubbers that had played in TWL a little.  We feel that we did well our first season, and now we think we're getting pretty good.

The biggest problems most teams have with CAL are:
They don't know about CAL yet
They've heard about it and think its full of hackers
They want to join but don't know where to start
They are worried that they won't do well

The biggest problems new players have with CAL are:
They don't know about CAL yet
They've heard about it and think its full of hackers
They want to join but don't know where to start
They are worried that they won't do well

We're trying to spread the word that we are actually nice guys.  I don't think I have that many people in CAL that do not like me.  As long as people are honest, respectful, and not cocky everybody will get a long in CAL.  A lot of new players shy away from the CAL forums from fear of being flamed.  If any of you post something and you get flamed, just blow it off.  I've been flamed before, its no big deal.  Just don't try and flame back, thats where I see most problems.  Just ignore people you don't like, there aren't that many D heads compared to nice guys.

We usually help each other out as much as possible.  Loan a team a server for a night, help somebody get their server going, send links to files to download, heck I've even helped teams with their webpages.  I'd have no problem letting somebody ring in a scrim to see what its like.

Hit me up if you need any help joining CAL, finding a team to join that plays in CAL, info on where to start, or just want to shoot the shiz.

xfire: caveman8fb
email: [email protected]

Last edited by caveman8fb (2006-11-15 11:32:10)

Take off, hosers
+24|6726|Ontario, Canada
Being in competitive play has been the best experience I ever had while playing bf2. You get hooked on it once you try it. I wish my current clan could join CAL but most of them aren't active enough and only show up 5 mins before game time, or they play bf 2142. Although we did make a stepup and joined season 4 5v5 ladder, great times and I can say its made me a better player in pubs
This topic seems to have no actual posts
caveman is the master of the forum post
gl next week boys

Tro0per wrote:

Being in competitive play has been the best experience I ever had while playing bf2. You get hooked on it once you try it. I wish my current clan could join CAL but most of them aren't active enough and only show up 5 mins before game time, or they play bf 2142. Although we did make a stepup and joined season 4 5v5 ladder, great times and I can say its made me a better player in pubs
Any clan can come and play. Just takes one person that wants it bad enuff and you can work wonders.
I'm sorry but playing the same map over and over and getting medals for it NEVER gets old...
+1,153|6940|Washington, DC

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

I'm sorry but playing the same map over and over and getting medals for it NEVER gets old...
The scary thing is that he says it with a straight face.

Hurricane wrote:

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

I'm sorry but playing the same map over and over and getting medals for it NEVER gets old...
The scary thing is that he says it with a straight face.

imdead wrote:

Awesome. OliTz. Awesome.
Couldn't have said it better.
bad touch

The term "Cyberathlete" Just makes me break down with laughter.

As I have stated on numerous occasions, You DON'T get pussy playing a video game.

And if you win $1,000, big fucking deal! $128 bucks for each of the 8 man team, doesn't even begin to cover travel, lodging for said tournaments, electricity, etc.

I've tried my hand at CAL many years ago when it was first getting momentum. Aside from the fact that almost everyone that plays it is a prick, It wasn't fun. And in the case of BFPro, if you like CS style weaponry, then fucking play CS! Makes sense to me.

I enjoy the company of laid back pubbers much more, because they dont flip out when you dont cap a flag, or revive, things of that nature.
BF2s US Server Admin
+91|6698|Vancouver, BC, Canada

stryyker wrote:

The term "Cyberathlete" Just makes me break down with laughter.

As I have stated on numerous occasions, You DON'T get pussy playing a video game.

And if you win $1,000, big fucking deal! $128 bucks for each of the 8 man team, doesn't even begin to cover travel, lodging for said tournaments, electricity, etc.

I've tried my hand at CAL many years ago when it was first getting momentum. Aside from the fact that almost everyone that plays it is a prick, It wasn't fun. And in the case of BFPro, if you like CS style weaponry, then fucking play CS! Makes sense to me.

I enjoy the company of laid back pubbers much more, because they dont flip out when you dont cap a flag, or revive, things of that nature.
Most people play competitively because they enjoy it not for any monetary rewards ect...

If you think most people in CAL flip out for one mistake I think you were just playing with the wrong team and bunch of players.

CAL has it's bunch of loudmouths and unfortunately they make people form assumptions of everyone in CAL because they are the only ones who flaunt it, most others are modest and like any other player.

In the end it comes down to personal preference and not one way of playing is better than another.

@Hurricane unfortunately CAL has discontinued the 12v12 league

*Edit* <3 for Caveman

Last edited by SilentscoutIX (2007-01-13 21:27:25)

+1,153|6940|Washington, DC

BF2 without 32 man maps is not BF2

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