It's A State Of Mind
+399|6901|Your attic

SilentscoutIX wrote:

Pro is a very fun mod, and the people who play it are very talented for the most part. The only server which is open to anyone is the Spun and Swifty server, if you have never played it you are in for a hell of a learning experience.
Damn straight, played an hour or so last night, the difference in the way weapons handle is nice and some of the people on there where quite good, makes a nice change from the 90/10 mix of idiots to decent players that you find in most servers.

It's a shame that CAL is mainly an american thing, unless they do a european league as well.
Team NHB
+35|6965|Los Angeles, CA
So far it's only North America and South America (mainly)
**Side Note**

No offense to any former or present members of this "CAL."  But anyone belonging to a gaming group with an acronym referring to athletics, is just plain asking to be made fun of.  Seriously!  Does anyone in their right minds actually think they're proper athletes by playing these video games.  Please.  In any case, appreciate the info nontheless steve.

Last edited by Herackles (2006-11-14 01:54:43)

Pfft changing the configs to suit your own needs. If you really wanna earn the title of pro player you play with the default configs.

What you people made was made this game more noob friendly.
Seriously, you lowered the recoil on most weapons and said "Less randomness". Pfft cant play with default rates because you can't aim?

And adding a crosshair on the snipe rifle? O_O Dude that's for NOOOBS. Sniper ain't meant to be in Close combat but on looooong distance. And even if snipers are in close combat it still requier more skill to use it though now with a crosshair it's noob friendly.

Anyway I'm thinking of testing this "noob" version of BF2. And gee I wonder, can I snipe with the Support weapons once again?

Last edited by Zefar (2006-11-14 02:29:21)

M24 Abuser
+99|6811|Valley of the Dragons
Forum Crossposting dont clix meh for the win I guess

Last edited by Jemme101 (2006-11-14 02:42:44)

Snipa Fox
+21|6708|Brisbane, Australia
Anyone want answer me questions? :s
Copenhage master
wow a lot of hate for bf2pro and towards cal...
Fantasma Parastasie

Zefar wrote:

Pfft changing the configs to suit your own needs. If you really wanna earn the title of pro player you play with the default configs.

What you people made was made this game more noob friendly.
Seriously, you lowered the recoil on most weapons and said "Less randomness". Pfft cant play with default rates because you can't aim?

And adding a crosshair on the snipe rifle? O_O Dude that's for NOOOBS. Sniper ain't meant to be in Close combat but on looooong distance. And even if snipers are in close combat it still requier more skill to use it though now with a crosshair it's noob friendly.

Anyway I'm thinking of testing this "noob" version of BF2. And gee I wonder, can I snipe with the Support weapons once again?
Oh look, a retard.

hmmm... aiming with random deviation.. nope. ITS A GODDAMN RIFLE. IT'S MEANT TO BE ACCURATE.

f*ck off zefar, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.
Liquidat0r's Neuro Surgeon.....

imdead wrote:

Awesome. OliTz. Awesome.
+917|6928|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Drexel wrote:


There is 2 views on everything.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
+50|6953|Some where near you

montypythizzle wrote:

the ping controls are accessed by holding down alt and f4 at the same time ive heard

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Zefar wrote:

Pfft changing the configs to suit your own needs. If you really wanna earn the title of pro player you play with the default configs.

What you people made was made this game more noob friendly.
Seriously, you lowered the recoil on most weapons and said "Less randomness". Pfft cant play with default rates because you can't aim?

And adding a crosshair on the snipe rifle? O_O Dude that's for NOOOBS. Sniper ain't meant to be in Close combat but on looooong distance. And even if snipers are in close combat it still requier more skill to use it though now with a crosshair it's noob friendly.

Anyway I'm thinking of testing this "noob" version of BF2. And gee I wonder, can I snipe with the Support weapons once again?
Oh look, a retard.

hmmm... aiming with random deviation.. nope. ITS A GODDAMN RIFLE. IT'S MEANT TO BE ACCURATE.

f*ck off zefar, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.
When Anti Air got more powerfull people screamed it was noobified.
When PKM was overpowered everyone screamed it was noobified.

Now when you people make a mod that buff most weapons it's suddenly L33T. Keh

Zefar wrote:

Pfft changing the configs to suit your own needs. If you really wanna earn the title of pro player you play with the default configs.

What you people made was made this game more noob friendly.
Seriously, you lowered the recoil on most weapons and said "Less randomness". Pfft cant play with default rates because you can't aim?

And adding a crosshair on the snipe rifle? O_O Dude that's for NOOOBS. Sniper ain't meant to be in Close combat but on looooong distance. And even if snipers are in close combat it still requier more skill to use it though now with a crosshair it's noob friendly.

Anyway I'm thinking of testing this "noob" version of BF2. And gee I wonder, can I snipe with the Support weapons once again?
Retard alert. How is this a noob mod? The players who made this mod and every player who regularly uses it could whip your ass at BF2, don't start talking shit when you don't know what your on about faggot. Zefar I doubt you've ever been in a competitive clan and I doubt you ever will, just spot making an ass out of your self and go play with your action man. mkay?

And Olitz why do you feel the need to post so angrily if you hate every aspect of professional gaming? Why post in the first place?
when Hell is full...

Zefar wrote:

Pfft changing the configs to suit your own needs. If you really wanna earn the title of pro player you play with the default configs.

What you people made was made this game more noob friendly.
Seriously, you lowered the recoil on most weapons and said "Less randomness". Pfft cant play with default rates because you can't aim?

And adding a crosshair on the snipe rifle? O_O Dude that's for NOOOBS. Sniper ain't meant to be in Close combat but on looooong distance. And even if snipers are in close combat it still requier more skill to use it though now with a crosshair it's noob friendly.

Anyway I'm thinking of testing this "noob" version of BF2. And gee I wonder, can I snipe with the Support weapons once again?
thats absolut BS!!
you can buy configs in counterstrike from players of SK or mouz for hundreds of €!
the personal config, mousespeed, crosshair and whatever is the most important thing in a FPS!
with my heloconfig ill blast ur ass down from the sky before u can say "holyshitwhyimsostupid"

sry but next time reask ur opinion a bit better!
Usque Ad Finem
+17|6982 … 8#poststop

These guys are trying to organize a 32v32 pick up game, here you can see what its like. Could be a ton of fun.

Snipa Fox wrote:

A few questions...

Can i enter a team from Australia?

Where are the servers located?

Are there handicaps for high pings?/Overseas players?
You can enter a team from anywhere. Just the match time would be suited for North american teams, since its a north american league. Servers have to be from North america. I dont believe thiers handicaps. There used to be a euro league in Cal but it got dropped. Brazil teams used to compete with a ping disavantage before they started thier own south american league. There are similar australia leagues out ther. Just do a seach on google. You will see some.

Last edited by steveloven (2006-11-14 11:13:40)

TeK before posting you should read his before post, now its you who look like an idiot. He was talking about the change they made for the BF2pro mod its not even BF2 any longer its just a mod. Read them and you will se how many changes they did to suit them.
Simon: The reason why I find the mod noob friendly is because it takes away most of the recoil and make things accurate. So more spamming with weapons instead of few accurate shots.
The Support thou that it only give 50% ammo is one thing that I find better. Medics to. But making all the guns accurate, sorry but you guys are just making it easy for yourself. I'd like to test this mod by myself and see if I can snipe with Chinese Support gun.

TeK||drake666: Actually I was talking about the game configs, not the options and such. Plus In CS/CSS you can ASK for a CAL config for FREE so whoever spend hundreds of £ on one of those is an idiot.
And in CSS/CS they actually stick to the DEFAULT setup and don't remodify the whole game to suit their own needs.

Also it's true I never been in competitive play but I got my reason.

1: Most people that come from the competitive side are
A) Bragging on how good they are
B) Trashtalking about anyone who dares to post anything againts them.
C) Thinks his voice is more important than those in pubs.
D) Generally assholes

My second reason is.
2: I don't have time for that, I'm bloody sure I could get a team because I gotten clan invites and that was when I was on the loosing team and still got the best round score. And for those who say that doesn't matter I'm gonna have to decline that. If I'm fast, accurate and deadly I can take out several people before I get killed.
3: I'm not the best so I won't be able to get to the top 1 because some people don't really wanna do anything else than play the game and thus making them freakingly good at this.

All thou I have played with friends and using Vocie com so it's next to Competitive play without glitch abusers, noobs and generally hard people to play againts.
So I'm not missing anything good there.

But have fun and play a nerfed version of BF2. Though I still wanna get the hands on it, the link in the first post leads to nothing and it says there are no files here.

STIXX wrote:

"Pro Pug"I am running them every night. I got a Vent and Server. Just hit me up on Xfire = stixxchicago <-- I usually dont respond to Xfire messages till after 5 cst. When I get home from work. Or track me down on IRC during the day.

My Pug server will remain private, and run a rotation of maps from Midnight till 7 pm daily.

All the information is in my vent.

We have had good turnouts everynight so far. 25-30 per night. Max will be 30 per night. (my server size)

::note:: The server is not on pro right now, I'll be changing everything in a few hours.
Check this out aswell
set your body ablaze

Zefar wrote:

Simon: The reason why I find the mod noob friendly is because it takes away most of the recoil and make things accurate. So more spamming with weapons instead of few accurate shots.
I don't think you understand the accuracy modifications included in BFPro. Yes, the weapons are modified to be more accurate, and that rewards good players, not bad ones. The more random a weapon's deviation is, the more likely it will be that the weapon, when not aimed directly at the enemy, will still hit the enemy because of the randomness of the bullet spread. And when a weapon has a high minimum deviation, it's more likely that the bullets will not hit the target despite the crosshairs being placed exactly on the target, and this punishes people who can actually aim.

You say that the accuracy modifications result in fewer accurate shots, but that's exactly the opposite of the truth.
is this "cal" thing dying??

cos youve been spamming everywhere about it

are you planning on making it an olympic sport or calling it a world series??

Snipa Fox wrote:

A few questions...

Can i enter a team from Australia?

Where are the servers located?

Are there handicaps for high pings?/Overseas players?
Thought I'd be nice and answer his q's

1.  You can enter a team from anywhere in the world, it's just not very logical to enter a team if you can't play any matches because of ping.

2.  Servers are provided by the Home team for that week.  This week my clan is a home team, so we decide what server to play on,  Either the opponent's or ours. (typically teams normally pick their own server)

3.  There aren't any handicaps per say.  Rules are if a player has a ping of less than 10 you have to find a different server.  Also, if the average ping of one team is over 100 of the other team, you have to find another server also.  If you can't find a server that meets both of these requirements, then you cannot play that match.
Snipa Fox
+21|6708|Brisbane, Australia

steveloven wrote:

Snipa Fox wrote:

A few questions...

Can i enter a team from Australia?

Where are the servers located?

Are there handicaps for high pings?/Overseas players?
You can enter a team from anywhere. Just the match time would be suited for North american teams, since its a north american league. Servers have to be from North america. I dont believe thiers handicaps. There used to be a euro league in Cal but it got dropped. Brazil teams used to compete with a ping disavantage before they started thier own south american league. There are similar australia leagues out ther. Just do a seach on google. You will see some.

Yeah, we are already in a few ladders..

Australian competition is good and very competitive.
This just proves that no matter what you do, people will single you out and call you assholes or noobs.  No one is never not one of them.

* All people in Cal or other leagues are assholes
* All server admins are assholes
* All people who use unlocks are noobs
* All people who use a tank/jet/chopper are noobs
* All people who don't use unlocks are assholes because they think they're better than you
* People in clans are assholes
* Pubs are noobs

Fact of the matter is: No matter what you do, people will call you out because they don't think the way you do.  How many posts can you find on this forums that don't have at least one person in it saying you're a noob, you don't know what your talking about, shut up you're wrong?  If you can find any, you'll find a rare gem.

The thing is, BF2Pro is a MOD.  Because of that, all servers must be unranked.  (if there are ranked ones out there, tisk, tisk)  Because it's unranked who cares what they do to it?  I've seen mods where people can knife 300 yards and have AT guns like MG's.  Does that make thoes players noobs?  No.  It's just something different that people enjoy.  BF2Pro is no different in concept than POE.  So are POE players noobs for modding BF2?

In conclusion:

Don't listen to anyone.  Make your own choices.  If playing in Cal makes you an Ass, so be it.  Flying in a jet make you a noob?  Who cares?


Asshole asshole asshole noob.
(CAL member, Admin, clan member, Armor)

*Edit - I no spel goood

Last edited by Drexel (2006-11-14 18:25:34)

No they call themself good on BF2 when they play a mod of BF2 wich has changed a lot in BF2 even the maps are changed. Sure they are good on that mod but coming here and say they are good in BF2 just because they are in CAL and play a modified version is just wrong.

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