Through my experience on pubs on forums such as these I feel that many non-competitive players (also referred to as "pubbers") know very little about CAL and may have some misconceptions about the nature of it. As a former CAL player for many years, I would like to "bust" some of these myths and give the general community a little more insight into this league.

CAL stands for the Cyberathlete Ametuer League. It is an organization that has existed for many many years and has supported tons of different games. It is known as the little brother of the CPL (Cyberathlete Professional League) which hosts live tournaments for big bucks. This is the league Fatality plays in. CAL is a league conducted much like any sort of sporting league. During the off-season any team that wants to can sign up. When the league starts the teams are divided into divisions and they play matches once a week. The teams record's are kept and at the end of the season the teams with the best record make the playoffs.

CAL-BF2 currenty has two divisions, Open and Main. The open division is the lesser of the two divisions. This is the division all new teams are put in and the division all CAL-M teams ultimately came from. At the end of each season the best CAL-O teams are moved up to the CAL-M division. The divions function as two completely seperate leagues and never play against one another in matches.

CAL currently uses BFpro. BFpro is a mod created by Ginc, a CAL administrator (like a league official) and leader of 20id. The mod was designed to make very minor tweaks to BF2 in order to make it more competition worthy. The main changes in the mod are that the random deviation is lowered. BFpro was created a very long time ago but was not adopted until last season. If you would like to try the mod you can download it here:
It is a small file and installation only requires two clicks of the mouse. The CAL players have a BFpro pub that is frequented daily by some of CAL's best players that I think you may have a fun time playing on.

Here are some of the most common assumptions I have seen made by pubbers.

CAL is full of super uber leet players who are much better than me and I could never play in CAL.

This is most certainly not true. In CAL-O most of the teams are made up of players whom I doubt are any better than the average player on these forums. Only the best CAL-O teams are all that good. The majority of CAL teams are not very good at all, it is only the top CAL-M teams who are so talented and renown. I am sure that if you wanted to you could join a CAL team, or if you are in a clan that does not play in leagues you could have a lot of fun in CAL. I

If you are interested in joining a CAL team look at this thread: … mp;page=33
There are always teams looking for more players. Usually all you have to do is add someone to your Xfire and request a tryout. Not all teams are hard to get into, some are rediculously easy.

CAL is full of a bunch of arrogant assholes.

There is no denying that some of the CAL players can be very hostile towards pubbers in particular, but many of them are not. The competition CAL creates is very intense, and one has to be very self-confident in order to play at the highest level. Intimidation can be a big factor in the outcome of matches. Not all CAL players think they are god's gift to gaming, and many of the very very best players are not outwardly arrogant at all (like Joe from HOT). That being said, many of these players who act arrogantly are very very talented and if anyone has the right to say the things they say, it is them. The competitive atmosphere can be very hostile. **** talking and grudge matches are common and on the CAL forums opinions are hard hitting.

A lot of the players in CAL hack.

Another completely wrong assumption. This is not to say that there aren’t cheaters in CAL, but there are very few and they often get caught. The ones who do cheat are almost always the bad wannabees trying to hang with the big dogs. CAL has an entire group of Admins devoted to catching cheaters. They create custom Punkbuster configs that have caught many the cheater in the past. Besides that, many of the best CAL players play on LANs, which are offline competitions taking place in a single building were cheating is obviously not a possibility. The CAL players in general, being as good as they are, are good at spotting cheaters. A player named Gifted! was recently busted by a few CAL players who were able to obtain videos of some interesting shots and a convicting screenshot. A couple of weeks ago a player from a CAL-O team many CAL players noticed had mysteriously gotten a lot better named MiQ was busted for an aimbot after getting 2 headshots simultaneously on players considerably far part. The CAL players made a recording from a demo of this shot and were able to get him banned from CAL and Punkbuster. The majority of CAL players have a lot of respect for the game and would never think of hacking.

I hope this answers some questions people may have been having. I encourage everyone on these forums to play in CAL. It is at least a 100 times more fun playing in matches than it is pubbing. If you are curious what the skill level of CAL can be I urge you to download BFpro and play on the pub with the other CAL players.

[Post written by: Predator]
Playing and getting used to different game engine mechanics wont help the vanilla player get any better, I'd still say is a better place, take your buddy and do 2v2 Armor/Choppers

Last edited by p3lvicthrust (2006-11-13 11:48:33)

Fantasma Parastasie
Yeah we found about BF2pro recently, it seems great, especially as it makes the guns more accurate.

Just about everything what ^ said about CAL applies for European leagues (ClanBase, ESL) too.
+15|6726|Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I used to be in cal for dod, cs, and bf1942 and it was a very fun experience.  I was in a cal-m clan for 1942.
Tank Troll
+71|6999|London, UK
The people who get caught hackin on a league should be publically humiliated

Last edited by bullit (2006-11-13 12:14:45)

Copenhage master

steveloven wrote:

A couple of weeks ago a player from a CAL-O team many CAL players noticed had mysteriously gotten a lot better named MiQ was busted for an aimbot after getting 2 headshots simultaneously on players considerably far part. The CAL players made a recording from a demo of this shot and were able to get him banned from CAL and Punkbuster. The majority of CAL players have a lot of respect for the game and would never think of hacking.

[Post written by: Predator]
haha that was us [DAWGS] and it wasnt just one MiQ player it was like 3 i think.....weve played them a few times and everytime they would get some crazy ass head shots outta no where on us, so we decided to investigate it a little more than after our most recent match with them we watched the demos from it for hours on end and were convinced they hacked. so we passed along our evidence and they ended up gettin suspended from cal
(just for good ole times i looked at the cal forum topic on this and they got suspended for smurfing not hacking but they were without a doubt hacking) GG scrubs

heres one of them aimbotting:

needless to say they got theirs (

p3lvicthrust wrote:

Playing and getting used to different game engine mechanics wont help the vanilla player get any better, I'd still say is a better place, take your buddy and do 2v2 Armor/Choppers

Last edited by sharpshot19 (2006-11-13 12:44:04)


p3lvicthrust wrote:

Playing and getting used to different game engine mechanics wont help the vanilla player get any better, I'd still say is a better place, take your buddy and do 2v2 Armor/Choppers
Some of TWL BF2 Leagues will be using BFpro in thier up coming seasons.
Cal players > BF2s
+40|6895|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U
Nice to see some1 trying to bring CAL to the public forums.  If we get enough teams to join maybe we could create that intermediate division and lessen the skill gap between Open and Main.
This topic seems to have no actual posts
werd! nice post steve. if only everyone in CAL took the time to get more info like this to the public, CAL would have many more teams and a lot more competition. if you are currently in a clan that plays in TWL, i highly recommend you talking to your clan leader or whoever to get them to sign your team up for next season's 8v8.

also, if you clicked on steve's link and realized that there were no league-wide files, you need to go to the drop-down menu at the top, click battlefield 2 8v8 open and then click files. download the bf2pro v1.43.exe file and voila!
i shoulda posted somethin like this a long time ago... oh and hey steve.
+1 Great post man.
Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
I'm a pubber, I have no problems pubbing. Matter fact we are doing quite well.
set your body ablaze
Pubber 4 Lyfe
I admit, I like to pub too.  But dude, Actually having a point to playing other than, OH LOOK AT MY RANK AND POINTS!!! I'M SO COOL! is a lot more rewarding.  It gets better cuz they guys you play in CAL with can easially make your pubbing even more enjoyable as well.
Why do CAL members need to change stuff in the game to suit them? Why not play the game as it is and follow along with the updates. Its not hard to adapt to new changes and guess that version still has bunnyjump and shoot while jumping in. If so I'm not gonna bother with it.
less busy
+586|7145|Kubra, Damn it!

Am I the only one here who's never heard of CAL or CPL?
Copenhage master

Zukabazuka wrote:

Why do CAL members need to change stuff in the game to suit them? Why not play the game as it is and follow along with the updates. Its not hard to adapt to new changes and guess that version still has bunnyjump and shoot while jumping in. If so I'm not gonna bother with it.
not sure how to respond, i thought about flamming but i just dont know......first off shit in the game isnt changed to "suite" us....we've had to adjust to the game just like everyone else. alls that was changed was the accuracy of the weapons and some spawn points i believe. thats all ive noticed!
Cal players > BF2s
+40|6895|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U

Zukabazuka wrote:

Why do CAL members need to change stuff in the game to suit them? Why not play the game as it is and follow along with the updates. Its not hard to adapt to new changes and guess that version still has bunnyjump and shoot while jumping in. If so I'm not gonna bother with it.
Because everytime you headshot someone, you get a fuckin facefull of dust.  The hitreg on vanilla is the suck.
set your body ablaze

ToXiC888 wrote:

Zukabazuka wrote:

Why do CAL members need to change stuff in the game to suit them? Why not play the game as it is and follow along with the updates. Its not hard to adapt to new changes and guess that version still has bunnyjump and shoot while jumping in. If so I'm not gonna bother with it.
Because everytime you headshot someone, you get a fuckin facefull of dust.  The hitreg on vanilla is the suck.
I don't think BFPro changes anything about hit registration.

The changelist is here:

After reading the changes, I think I might want to play this mod more than regular BF2. Unfortunately it's the end of the semester and I have a lot of shit to do Are there public servers playing this mod?
Snipa Fox
+21|6708|Brisbane, Australia
A few questions...

Can i enter a team from Australia?

Where are the servers located?

Are there handicaps for high pings?/Overseas players?
Infantry Whore

Snipa Fox wrote:

A few questions...

Can i enter a team from Australia?

Where are the servers located?

Are there handicaps for high pings?/Overseas players?
High pings, is there a Command in BF2 like there is in CSS in which can make ur ping WAY low, or WAY high?
the ping controls are accessed by holding down alt and f4 at the same time ive heard
BF2s US Server Admin
+91|6698|Vancouver, BC, Canada
Pro is a very fun mod, and the people who play it are very talented for the most part. The only server which is open to anyone is the Spun and Swifty server, if you have never played it you are in for a hell of a learning experience.

montypythizzle wrote:

the ping controls are accessed by holding down alt and f4 at the same time ive heard
Fucking Joe, never revives.
Kiss my ass Joe.

BFpro can make any noob a good player.

And anyone who takes gaming seriously is a dumb idiot. Unless it puts food on the table, stfu and play, stop playing the whole serious hostile super leet player card cause it doesnt work. Gaming is supposed to be a thing on the side, sadly for most its not.

half the CAL players are fat ugly tards stuck at home. Look at team warchild, have you seen this fat disgusting idiots?

I wont even get started with the way you idiots bitch about unlocks in pubs...make it seem like they shoot laser beams.

CAL players have a history of being complete assholes, and BF2 a perfect example. But then again being an asshole is fun and gets u into clans, so ya...i cant win in this area.

Unless you make a living off games like Team 3D and other truely gifted clans, then stop taking it so seriously because at the end of the day its a game, and you still wake up in the same house with the same BS in life.

Games dont change life...take life changing events seriously..not games.

Last edited by OliTz (2006-11-14 00:14:12)

Death StatPadder
+228|7079|Human Meat Shield
Awesome. OliTz. Awesome.

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