+5|6629|Washington DC
they probably deleted it, and i wouldnt know since they ip banned me.  that's how they roll.  you better bring a couple buddies then, please make jub one of them, he will never venture off of the slaughter house though.   you know what all of this is about right?  we wouldnt let him in so like a bitter little child he created problems for us on your server when he joined you.

you can find me anytime guy, i am usually on head hunter or fub.

Last edited by Martin_Frobisher (2008-06-15 11:34:45)

Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6624|The | Netherlands

Bull3t wrote:

Martin_Frobisher wrote:

You know who are some faggots?  HOG, they will ban you for no reason, other than owning them.  They will cry hacks all day, but of course there is no proof.   I wish i could find those punks on another server, but they are too gay and stay in their nice little insulated world where they can ban anyone that kills them a few too many times.
You'll find me on another server, And you can try to pad me if you want.

Yes, We do have some admins that get excited and act stupid ( we all get frustrated and make mistakes duh )

There has been a lot of crying about hacks, And mostly everyone who does cry hacks it seems they are hacks.

And we do not ban anyone who kills them just because 1 =HOG= does that does not mean all of the rest of us do.

So get your shit together buddy.
lol u fag get ur own shit together plex
+5|6629|Washington DC
keep thinking you are good bullet, please bring earthshaker though.   English isn't your first language is it?
stephen brule
I'll stop now, I do not want to cause anymore trouble than their is.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

Martin_Frobisher wrote:

they probably deleted it, and i wouldnt know since they ip banned me.  that's how they roll.  you better bring a couple buddies then, please make jub one of them, he will never venture off of the slaughter house though.   you know what all of this is about right?  we wouldnt let him in so like a bitter little child he created problems for us on your server when he joined you.

you can find me anytime guy, i am usually on head hunter or fub.
Their site doesn't come up just a blank page. Oh wells.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
they are pretty lame.
they probably either deleted it or put it where only there members can see it so they can circle jerk each other.
and Stubbee make sure your putting in the right url for there website.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

This is the link I have and it leads to a blank page ( at least it does for me)
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
that is the site, but who cares the forum is gone and there a wack ass clan anyway.
I got banned just like martin we are in the same clan.
its bs the only reason is because we have 5 or 6 skilled medics in our clan that roll together so we never die.
there just a bunch of pussys that cant take a challenge so they try and stack the teams. which does not work and we still win.
so since they cant beat us they ban us,
stephen brule

Keith0020 wrote:

that is the site, but who cares the forum is gone and there a wack ass clan anyway.
I got banned just like martin we are in the same clan.
its bs the only reason is because we have 5 or 6 skilled medics in our clan that roll together so we never die.
there just a bunch of pussys that cant take a challenge so they try and stack the teams. which does not work and we still win.
so since they cant beat us they ban us,
So you say, Because you got owned ( scrub, both you and martin )

We are shit now?

I guess that is why we manage to keep 1st-2nd place in the world for bf2 servers and that motherfucker is always full kkthxbai

lelz scrubs
+5|6629|Washington DC
oh you got brave again, and decided to come back.  why did you delete your other posts stud?  Keith would face rape you 1v1 all day, so i don't know what you are talking about.  Walmart is the biggest retail store in america, that doesn't mean its good, that just means americans are stupid.

Its funny how horrible the hit reg is on the slaughter house, i never noticed it because i always played there, go play anywhere else and you will see what i mean.  how come you didn't come play last night?  oh, thats right, you hid out on  your kubra dam server.

Also, just so you know, i am not actually banned and i still hop on from time to time on another name just to rape you guys.  Coeman was dumb enough to put the word out to ban on sight on a public forum.  So next time you are getting teabagged you will never know if its me or not.

scrubs?  nice, where did you learn that word?  from the whole couple of weeks you guys were in twl and couldnt even get a positive record, so you just gave up?  We are talking recently too, not a couple of years ago when there were a lot of good teams playing. 

you guys were ready to ban mobilize for hacking until i stood up for him, and explained to you guys that sometimes there are just people that are actually legitimately good at this game.

whats also hilarious to me is that there was an RBK guy who ended up on the MBL , no one talks about that do they?  Or how about how the leader of SS was also on there yet those guys are still welcome regulars?  How come you guys were so willing to accept commando_unit when he is obviously using the l85 glitch every round?

it looks like you may have actually used a spell checker this time because those couple of posts that you deleted were akin to something a retarded fifth grader would have written in crayon.  at first i thought maybe you were foreign or something, now i see that you are from georgia so i guess that makes sense, it just makes me sad thinking how badly our public school system failed you, and for that i am sorry.

Last edited by Martin_Frobisher (2008-06-16 09:42:32)

stephen brule

Martin_Frobisher wrote:

oh you got brave again, and decided to come back.  why did you delete your other posts stud?  Keith would face rape you 1v1 all day, so i don't know what you are talking about.  Walmart is the biggest retail store in america, that doesn't mean its good, that just means americans are stupid.

Its funny how horrible the hit reg is on the slaughter house, i never noticed it because i always played there, go play anywhere else and you will see what i mean.  how come you didn't come play last night?  oh, thats right, you hid out on  your kubra dam server.

Also, just so you know, i am not actually banned and i still hop on from time to time on another name just to rape you guys.  Coeman was dumb enough to put the word out to ban on sight on a public forum.  So next time you are getting teabagged you will never know if its me or not.

scrubs?  nice, where did you learn that word?  from the whole couple of weeks you guys were in twl and couldnt even get a positive record, so you just gave up?  We are talking recently too, not a couple of years ago when there were a lot of good teams playing. 

you guys were ready to ban mobilize for hacking until i stood up for him, and explained to you guys that sometimes there are just people that are actually legitimately good at this game.

whats also hilarious to me is that there was an RBK guy who ended up on the MBL , no one talks about that do they?  Or how about how the leader of SS was also on there yet those guys are still welcome regulars?  How come you guys were so willing to accept commando_unit when he is obviously using the l85 glitch every round?

it looks like you may have actually used a spell checker this time because those couple of posts that you deleted were akin to something a retarded fifth grader would have written in crayon.  at first i thought maybe you were foreign or something, now i see that you are from georgia so i guess that makes sense, it just makes me sad thinking how badly our public school system failed you, and for that i am sorry.
Never did go to public school bubba.

And I am ready to go 1v1 with Keith.

And FYI, Commando-Unit was banned last night for the l85 glitch.

So whatever server you may be on, Let me know and we will go head to head not that I already know what is going to happen.

Last edited by Bull3t (2008-06-16 10:25:45)

+5|6629|Washington DC
Well, then you must not have paid a lot of attention in school, or maybe you were an athlete that they let slide or something because you are retarded. 

I already told you where to find me.   Stop thinking you are good, you are just going to leave with your tail between your legs.

"not that I already know what is going to happen."  What? You do realize that what you just said there makes no sense whatsoever right?  You probably shouldn't try to use the internet when you are angry.   It just makes you look more stupid than you already are.

Bubba?  You are the one that lives in hillbilly land, so i can only assume that is what you rednecks say to each other.
alright bullet.
go to red hot server, its ranked and you can use unlocks.
no one ever goes in there, so you wont be embarrassed when you lose.
tonight at 6pm my time 9pm your time.
stephen brule

Keith0020 wrote:

alright bullet.
go to red hot server, its ranked and you can use unlocks.
no one ever goes in there, so you wont be embarrassed when you lose.
tonight at 6pm my time 9pm your time.
Meet you there.
+5|6629|Washington DC
u gonna get raped!  And for the record, i like emp, and tenman, the rest of the hog and rbk guys can eat a bag of dicks.
stephen brule

Martin_Frobisher wrote:

u gonna get raped!  And for the record, i like emp, and tenman, the rest of the hog and rbk guys can eat a bag of dicks.
I am not a bad guy either, It is just I do not like the fact that people talk shit about the rest of my clan when 1 or 2 people make a mistake the rest of the clan is shit.

And if I get raped I get raped, But in the sky it is a different story.

Last edited by Bull3t (2008-06-16 17:26:39)

+194|6674|West NY
Congratulations on 2222 replies!...well...not anymore =/
+5|6629|Washington DC
I think it was a lot more than 2 people bullet, you probably aren't a bad guy, but the leaders of your clan are douches.
stephen brule

Martin_Frobisher wrote:

I think it was a lot more than 2 people bullet, you probably aren't a bad guy, but the leaders of your clan are douches.
Good Game, Keith.

It was pretty much even, I just got it handed to me when my hit reg went out of control when you picked that west coast server.

I know what you mean Martin, Coeman is kind of out of control with it I mean it is just the way he is.

If I could do something about it I would but he has more control over me and ever time I go to him, He just says that is the way it is and it pisses me off on many levels.

But it is not just coeman it is a lot of the other guys to, They went from cool cats to constantly whining about hackers.

Every time they get killed, It is a hacker.

I do not know what it is, If they are paranoid I do not know but I can not do anything about it.

Every time I go to coeman about it he kind of just throws it back in my face and just tells me that is the way it is.

Last edited by Bull3t (2008-06-17 12:03:58)

+5|6629|Washington DC
I know man, it just kind of sucks, because i thought i was cool with all of those guys, and now all of a sudden i am a hacker, i mean come on, you just played with me for a while and you see that i am far from a hacker. 

You are probably one of the better players they have, if they didn't know you, you would have probably already been banned for hacking.

stephen brule

Martin_Frobisher wrote:

I know man, it just kind of sucks, because i thought i was cool with all of those guys, and now all of a sudden i am a hacker, i mean come on, you just played with me for a while and you see that i am far from a hacker. 

You are probably one of the better players they have, if they didn't know you, you would have probably already been banned for hacking.

Yeah, Exactly.
Good Game bullet.
+5|6629|Washington DC
ok, my new amended list of cool people on HOG

just played on the buzz 24/7 wake server to come across a blatant hacker snapping etc. -[CROW]-Sniper he was shooting infantry not under UAV and were in water etc, plus he is admin, shame.

EDIT: just searched pbbans and he has 5 banned GUID's LOL. He is an admin too! blatantly he has not been namehacked as all the prefix's and stuff revolve around he real nick -[CROW]-Sniper.
yea so warning dont play there!

Last edited by yogi_is_bare (2008-06-18 10:45:28)

+58|6317|Mesa, AZ
So I took a few weeks off playing BF2 to do other things, play other games. Decided I'd play a round or two on my new account just to rank up, and within a few minutes it was pretty obvious what kind of crap was going on. I was on the 2crew Karkand server. I was sniping, and doing really bad, was only 7-3. Spawned at one of the US uncaps and got spawn raped. I was annoyed, but whatever. Then a guy on my team, who is in the same clan as the guy spawn raping, revived me. Got killed like 15 fucking times and I couldn't do dick because I was sniping and he was support. If I shot him at all, the guy on my team would heal him.

On the screenshots, my name is blacked out, cuz I'm tired of idiots who think it's real funny to PID hack someones account because they need to vent their nerd anger.

Then this willkrass guy decided to get in on it, after they finally let me die.

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