+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

SplinterStrike wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

jason85 wrote:

I'm not taking advantage of anything, because like I said, I don't really care about my stats.

jason85 wrote:

Besides, the reason we even have those servers for the most part is because EA was stupid when they made the requirements for pistol and kinfe badges so ridiculously hard to achieve.

Another thing about the pistol. It can be one of the most accurate rapid fire weapons in the game. At my best, I manage 7 clicks per second. That's 7 shots, flying into flesh, in ONE second. How tough would it be to put a few more in him? I took three entire rounds to complete the achievement, and it was well worth it, and quite satisfying to pull out one's primary again.

And now the knife. The only "hard" part about the knife badge is nailing 7 guys in one round. Now we know you play as a sniper, so you should know that snipers' are probably the easiest thing to stab in the game, with the possible exception of the guy who isn't at his computer but keeps respawning. Go to Ghost Town, Warlord, or any map with easy rooftop access, and voila, snipers completely oblivious to you inserting your knife into their prostate.

jason85 wrote:

Chess is a completely different type of game. Its all about strategy. You could always choose to NOT use your knight, in fact, some games I've played, I never had to use them. All I did was decide that I wanted to use a sniper rifle on a sniper server. I'd have played the sniper mod, but there is usually one other person playing on the server, so I played the sniper pistol knife server. I still don't see what the issue is. Like I said earlier, I used other kits to kill the aimbotters a few times when they were shooting others, and I didn't get kicked for that. And again, as I said before, you and these other guys are probably the same guys that think putting claymores and c4 on a flag is stat padding. Just because I choose to use a certain kit, and everyone else does, doesn't mean we are padders. Some of us just like sniper battles. Some of use hate turning a corner when we are sniping and getting mowed down by some asshole with an RPK. Is it going to be padding now when I use an unlock on a noobie when he doesn't have the same gun next? It makes no sense. If I so choose to play a round with nothing but a knife for instance, one that isn't a k/p server, I can. It makes shit a lot more difficult. But if you do go to a k/p server, it is also more balanced.
I don't think you caught my analogy too well. You say you pick to be a sniper. I said you're told to be one, without any voice in it. That's the difference between PK and regular play. In a game designed to make use of the many kits and vehicles available, I'd like to able to shoot an AT rocket when I feel like it, and not be limited to capturing certain bases with certain weapons and leaving the rest alone. If you feel like running around a regular server with a knife, be my guest, but to go on a KP server and do it, that's just too easy.
Now explain to me how BF2 could NOT be strategy game. Many players decide to rambo the game, and end up dead or succeed. Others feel it's makes for a better game if they flank around the opponent and shoot them in the back, or go steal valuable equipment. Tell me that isn't strategic. Or better yet, tell me there's absolutely no use for tactics in a FPS of this scale.
Yea, I'm sure you might want to nail someone with an AT rocket if you want. I just think its more fun and balanced when it is just snipers. I don't have to worry about support or assault kits or any of that. Just other snipers. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think it is more fun that way. And I mean, isn't that you know....kind of the point of a game? To be fun?
B3ing u P4in
Assault Task Force ATF

pub hero!
+603|6700|the land of bourbon

BlackKoala wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

jason85 wrote:

I'm not taking advantage of anything, because like I said, I don't really care about my stats.

jason85 wrote:

Besides, the reason we even have those servers for the most part is because EA was stupid when they made the requirements for pistol and kinfe badges so ridiculously hard to achieve.
hes talking about bf2 as a whole, not himself.
he was justifying why he plays on p&k servers... he wants those badges.

I went in figuring I could do some quick CQC practice and noobkilling. Turns out this guy was spawnraping, and he wouldn't stop. Left, switched accounts, and apparently pressed the Demon button or something - after a good killing streak (on my part), he was accusing me of bigtime hack (I can easily understand - any noob would do that :lol ). Irony is, he was hacking. Screens and all.

Some googling -> http://www.badsquadron.com/modules.php? … amp;t=1029

And no, I am not padding. This was on my "Like I give a s**t?" account. I just wanted to show hacking = fail.

Last edited by IHateHitboxes! (2008-04-22 16:46:19)

+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

steelie34 wrote:

BlackKoala wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

jason85 wrote:

I'm not taking advantage of anything, because like I said, I don't really care about my stats.
hes talking about bf2 as a whole, not himself.
he was justifying why he plays on p&k servers... he wants those badges.
Are you a new breed of idiot? Did I not say that I had those badges already? Go look at my stats and think before you "open your mouth". Quit being stupid, all you had to do was comprehend what I said, what Koala said, and check to see IF I had those badges already, but no, you didn't do that, and proved yourself to be a moron. Good job.
+572|6977|BC, Canada
seems to me only one person in the last couple pages has proven themselves to be a moron... and it wasnt steelie.
Boat sig is not there anymore

jason85 wrote:

Yea, I know all about that. What took me so long was that most of the time while I was trying to get those badges was that I played 1.03. I guess they didn't have it on that patch, because I remember bitching to my friends that I would get 20 pistol kills in a round and got no badge. I started playing 1.41 and I got it pretty quickly, at least compared to before. Took me a few days, because I'd get about 15 or 16 kills and someone from my team would kill the guy I shot.
The pistol badge requires 500 kills global. I'm guessing that earlier in the game, you didn't have 500 pistol kills, but by the time 1.41 came out, you did.

But Koala is right. I meant its really hard for BF2 as a whole. If they didn't make it that difficult then there probably wouldn't be any k/p servers.
Thats the point. It's supposed to be hard. Thats why it's called an "expert" badge, to show that the person with the badge is good at that aspect of the game.
And P/K servers would still exist if the require ments were lower. In fact, they would still exist if there were no badges at all. P/K servers are stats padding servers - so as long as there are stats, as long as there are leaderboards, people will play them to give themselves an e-penis enlargement. If you read through this forum, many people state that BF2 would have been so much better if stats were not recorded. That way, there would be no stats padding and teamstacking/TKing for vehicles would be a far smaller problem.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

seems to me only one person in the last couple pages has proven themselves to be a moron... and it wasnt steelie.
Actually, it was. If he had read my post, then he would have found that I already had those badges. He could have also looked at my stats and seen I had those badges. It isn't my fault if he doesn't care to read.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Yea, I know all about that. What took me so long was that most of the time while I was trying to get those badges was that I played 1.03. I guess they didn't have it on that patch, because I remember bitching to my friends that I would get 20 pistol kills in a round and got no badge. I started playing 1.41 and I got it pretty quickly, at least compared to before. Took me a few days, because I'd get about 15 or 16 kills and someone from my team would kill the guy I shot.
The pistol badge requires 500 kills global. I'm guessing that earlier in the game, you didn't have 500 pistol kills, but by the time 1.41 came out, you did.

But Koala is right. I meant its really hard for BF2 as a whole. If they didn't make it that difficult then there probably wouldn't be any k/p servers.
Thats the point. It's supposed to be hard. Thats why it's called an "expert" badge, to show that the person with the badge is good at that aspect of the game.
And P/K servers would still exist if the require ments were lower. In fact, they would still exist if there were no badges at all. P/K servers are stats padding servers - so as long as there are stats, as long as there are leaderboards, people will play them to give themselves an e-penis enlargement. If you read through this forum, many people state that BF2 would have been so much better if stats were not recorded. That way, there would be no stats padding and teamstacking/TKing for vehicles would be a far smaller problem.
I'm pretty sure I had the 500 pistol kills first. Same thing actually happened with the Veteran Explosive Ordinance badge. I easily had more than 50 kills total with explosives and actually had 26 kills with it in a round. Same with my Veteran Aviator. I actually got both the first time I played 1.41. I hadn't even done anything yet, spawned on the carrier on Wake, was in for about 5 seconds, got both badges instantly.

I'll concede your next point. I guess I was wrong to say that there would be no k/p servers. But most people I have talked to about it have said once they get their badge, they leave. There would be a lot less people on those servers anyway. At least that's my thought anyway. I just think its fun to change up the stuff in the game. Makes it more interesting. Some of the funnest times I've had with BF2 were having these massive knife battles, ones that had me laughing my ass off. That's why I don't think its padding. I'm sure most do go padd there, but I just go on there for kicks. I'm not there to raise my stats, so I don't think I'm padding.

I'll also concede your next point as well. I think the stats were fun for a while, I always loved the drums being played when I ranked or got a badge, still do like the sound. But it got old. Besides, if there were no stat tracking, then we wouldn't be having this conversation, and k/p servers would just be for fun.
+572|6977|BC, Canada

jason85 wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

seems to me only one person in the last couple pages has proven themselves to be a moron... and it wasnt steelie.
Actually, it was. If he had read my post, then he would have found that I already had those badges. He could have also looked at my stats and seen I had those badges. It isn't my fault if he doesn't care to read.
Actually.... i dont think anybody cares what you really have to write anymore, your to easy a target and all you do is whine so you can pretty much glacne at your posts and see," whaaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  whaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm right, your wrong! blah blah moron, blah blah idiot, blah blah so many shots, blah blah you cant read!"

In reailty after the second or third time you came around bitching about the multiple hackers you seem to see every round you play, most of these people assumed correctly that it you who is to blame, not the "hackers" who happen to kill you. And all your arguing has done nothing but reinforce that belief, so while you call everyone names for doubting you.... well its just funny... you've played the game for how long, and still havent figured it out.
pub hero!
+603|6700|the land of bourbon

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

seems to me only one person in the last couple pages has proven themselves to be a moron... and it wasnt steelie.
Actually, it was. If he had read my post, then he would have found that I already had those badges. He could have also looked at my stats and seen I had those badges. It isn't my fault if he doesn't care to read.
Actually.... i dont think anybody cares what you really have to write anymore, your to easy a target and all you do is whine so you can pretty much glacne at your posts and see," whaaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  whaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm right, your wrong! blah blah moron, blah blah idiot, blah blah so many shots, blah blah you cant read!"

In reailty after the second or third time you came around bitching about the multiple hackers you seem to see every round you play, most of these people assumed correctly that it you who is to blame, not the "hackers" who happen to kill you. And all your arguing has done nothing but reinforce that belief, so while you call everyone names for doubting you.... well its just funny... you've played the game for how long, and still havent figured it out.
tell me something jason, i look at your victim and enemy list and wonder if you would bother doing those kinds of things on unranked servers?  you would certainly enjoy the mindless kill revive kill revive routine no matter what kind of server you were on, since of course you don't care about stats right?

btw, im sure you earned your pistol and knife badges on a p&k server.  if you didnt care about stats, you wouldn't have purposely tried to find an environment where you could easily earn those badges.  and i was talking about the past tense when you didnt have those badges dumbass, not now.

Last edited by steelie34 (2008-04-23 20:42:38)


jason85 wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Yea, I know all about that. What took me so long was that most of the time while I was trying to get those badges was that I played 1.03. I guess they didn't have it on that patch, because I remember bitching to my friends that I would get 20 pistol kills in a round and got no badge. I started playing 1.41 and I got it pretty quickly, at least compared to before. Took me a few days, because I'd get about 15 or 16 kills and someone from my team would kill the guy I shot.
The pistol badge requires 500 kills global. I'm guessing that earlier in the game, you didn't have 500 pistol kills, but by the time 1.41 came out, you did.

But Koala is right. I meant its really hard for BF2 as a whole. If they didn't make it that difficult then there probably wouldn't be any k/p servers.
Thats the point. It's supposed to be hard. Thats why it's called an "expert" badge, to show that the person with the badge is good at that aspect of the game.
And P/K servers would still exist if the require ments were lower. In fact, they would still exist if there were no badges at all. P/K servers are stats padding servers - so as long as there are stats, as long as there are leaderboards, people will play them to give themselves an e-penis enlargement. If you read through this forum, many people state that BF2 would have been so much better if stats were not recorded. That way, there would be no stats padding and teamstacking/TKing for vehicles would be a far smaller problem.
I'm pretty sure I had the 500 pistol kills first. Same thing actually happened with the Veteran Explosive Ordinance badge. I easily had more than 50 kills total with explosives and actually had 26 kills with it in a round. Same with my Veteran Aviator. I actually got both the first time I played 1.41. I hadn't even done anything yet, spawned on the carrier on Wake, was in for about 5 seconds, got both badges instantly.

I'll concede your next point. I guess I was wrong to say that there would be no k/p servers. But most people I have talked to about it have said once they get their badge, they leave. There would be a lot less people on those servers anyway. At least that's my thought anyway. I just think its fun to change up the stuff in the game. Makes it more interesting. Some of the funnest times I've had with BF2 were having these massive knife battles, ones that had me laughing my ass off. That's why I don't think its padding. I'm sure most do go padd there, but I just go on there for kicks. I'm not there to raise my stats, so I don't think I'm padding.

I'll also concede your next point as well. I think the stats were fun for a while, I always loved the drums being played when I ranked or got a badge, still do like the sound. But it got old. Besides, if there were no stat tracking, then we wouldn't be having this conversation, and k/p servers would just be for fun.
I'm pretty sure anyone who doesn't agree with you is an idiot.

Go out and get laid, kthnx.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6318|Aberdeen, Scotland
Lol...this is funny.

And Jason, learn to use a pistol properly, they kick ass

Steelie is not a moron...he may be a hacker, teabagger, padder, and all around pain in the ass...but moron he is not...lol 
Boat sig is not there anymore

jason85 wrote:

I'm pretty sure I had the 500 pistol kills first. Same thing actually happened with the Veteran Explosive Ordinance badge. I easily had more than 50 kills total with explosives and actually had 26 kills with it in a round. Same with my Veteran Aviator. I actually got both the first time I played 1.41. I hadn't even done anything yet, spawned on the carrier on Wake, was in for about 5 seconds, got both badges instantly.
Fair enough. I've had shit like that happen with my awards. Not with the jet/explosive awards though, but with the mid east ribbon and MECSF ribbon.

I'll concede your next point. I guess I was wrong to say that there would be no k/p servers. But most people I have talked to about it have said once they get their badge, they leave. There would be a lot less people on those servers anyway. At least that's my thought anyway. I just think its fun to change up the stuff in the game. Makes it more interesting. Some of the funnest times I've had with BF2 were having these massive knife battles, ones that had me laughing my ass off. That's why I don't think its padding. I'm sure most do go padd there, but I just go on there for kicks. I'm not there to raise my stats, so I don't think I'm padding.

I'll also concede your next point as well. I think the stats were fun for a while, I always loved the drums being played when I ranked or got a badge, still do like the sound. But it got old. Besides, if there were no stat tracking, then we wouldn't be having this conversation, and k/p servers would just be for fun.
Again, fair enough. It is classed as statspadding, and you would get reset if someone reported you. But it's your stats, you can do what you want.
You could always play unranked you know. All the fun without the stigma of P/K.....
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

seems to me only one person in the last couple pages has proven themselves to be a moron... and it wasnt steelie.
Actually, it was. If he had read my post, then he would have found that I already had those badges. He could have also looked at my stats and seen I had those badges. It isn't my fault if he doesn't care to read.
Actually.... i dont think anybody cares what you really have to write anymore, your to easy a target and all you do is whine so you can pretty much glacne at your posts and see," whaaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  whaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm right, your wrong! blah blah moron, blah blah idiot, blah blah so many shots, blah blah you cant read!"

In reailty after the second or third time you came around bitching about the multiple hackers you seem to see every round you play, most of these people assumed correctly that it you who is to blame, not the "hackers" who happen to kill you. And all your arguing has done nothing but reinforce that belief, so while you call everyone names for doubting you.... well its just funny... you've played the game for how long, and still havent figured it out.
Go die, moron. I don't think anyone does care what I have to say anymore. But that doesn't mean I can't call him a fucking idiot because he decided to speak up on something that he had no information on. And to be honest, that makes him an idiot. And it makes you one for defending him. What would you call someone that was in say, a history class, and the teacher askes who won the Revolutionary War. And the kid next to you screams "the British!!!". What would you call that person? A genius? No, you'd call them a fucking moron, because chances are, they have a goddamn history book in their bag that they could have opened. That is the same thing that kid did. He opened his mouth without knowing what he was saying. That makes him an idiot.

And I really don't care whether you think they are hacking or not. I have given evidence, its up to you to believe it or not. It's none of my fucking concern.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

steelie34 wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Actually, it was. If he had read my post, then he would have found that I already had those badges. He could have also looked at my stats and seen I had those badges. It isn't my fault if he doesn't care to read.
Actually.... i dont think anybody cares what you really have to write anymore, your to easy a target and all you do is whine so you can pretty much glacne at your posts and see," whaaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  whaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm right, your wrong! blah blah moron, blah blah idiot, blah blah so many shots, blah blah you cant read!"

In reailty after the second or third time you came around bitching about the multiple hackers you seem to see every round you play, most of these people assumed correctly that it you who is to blame, not the "hackers" who happen to kill you. And all your arguing has done nothing but reinforce that belief, so while you call everyone names for doubting you.... well its just funny... you've played the game for how long, and still havent figured it out.
tell me something jason, i look at your victim and enemy list and wonder if you would bother doing those kinds of things on unranked servers?  you would certainly enjoy the mindless kill revive kill revive routine no matter what kind of server you were on, since of course you don't care about stats right?

btw, im sure you earned your pistol and knife badges on a p&k server.  if you didnt care about stats, you wouldn't have purposely tried to find an environment where you could easily earn those badges.
Since you don't really feel like reading, you just wanna open your cock hole, I'll tell you what I said, or at least the gist of it.

I never said that I never padded. I never said that I didn't used to care about stats. What I did say is that I padded some of my knife and pistol kills, I admitted that. I admitted that I padded my GD badge, my AA badge, and my Exp Explosive badge. I'll admit that I padded my Exp Pistol badge, and I gave my reason why I did it as well. My knive badges I got legit.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

I'm pretty sure I had the 500 pistol kills first. Same thing actually happened with the Veteran Explosive Ordinance badge. I easily had more than 50 kills total with explosives and actually had 26 kills with it in a round. Same with my Veteran Aviator. I actually got both the first time I played 1.41. I hadn't even done anything yet, spawned on the carrier on Wake, was in for about 5 seconds, got both badges instantly.
Fair enough. I've had shit like that happen with my awards. Not with the jet/explosive awards though, but with the mid east ribbon and MECSF ribbon.

I'll concede your next point. I guess I was wrong to say that there would be no k/p servers. But most people I have talked to about it have said once they get their badge, they leave. There would be a lot less people on those servers anyway. At least that's my thought anyway. I just think its fun to change up the stuff in the game. Makes it more interesting. Some of the funnest times I've had with BF2 were having these massive knife battles, ones that had me laughing my ass off. That's why I don't think its padding. I'm sure most do go padd there, but I just go on there for kicks. I'm not there to raise my stats, so I don't think I'm padding.

I'll also concede your next point as well. I think the stats were fun for a while, I always loved the drums being played when I ranked or got a badge, still do like the sound. But it got old. Besides, if there were no stat tracking, then we wouldn't be having this conversation, and k/p servers would just be for fun.
Again, fair enough. It is classed as statspadding, and you would get reset if someone reported you. But it's your stats, you can do what you want.
You could always play unranked you know. All the fun without the stigma of P/K.....
I may be reset, but EA doesn't do anything about that anymore.
+572|6977|BC, Canada
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Hakei wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Yea, I know all about that. What took me so long was that most of the time while I was trying to get those badges was that I played 1.03. I guess they didn't have it on that patch, because I remember bitching to my friends that I would get 20 pistol kills in a round and got no badge. I started playing 1.41 and I got it pretty quickly, at least compared to before. Took me a few days, because I'd get about 15 or 16 kills and someone from my team would kill the guy I shot.
The pistol badge requires 500 kills global. I'm guessing that earlier in the game, you didn't have 500 pistol kills, but by the time 1.41 came out, you did.

Thats the point. It's supposed to be hard. Thats why it's called an "expert" badge, to show that the person with the badge is good at that aspect of the game.
And P/K servers would still exist if the require ments were lower. In fact, they would still exist if there were no badges at all. P/K servers are stats padding servers - so as long as there are stats, as long as there are leaderboards, people will play them to give themselves an e-penis enlargement. If you read through this forum, many people state that BF2 would have been so much better if stats were not recorded. That way, there would be no stats padding and teamstacking/TKing for vehicles would be a far smaller problem.
I'm pretty sure I had the 500 pistol kills first. Same thing actually happened with the Veteran Explosive Ordinance badge. I easily had more than 50 kills total with explosives and actually had 26 kills with it in a round. Same with my Veteran Aviator. I actually got both the first time I played 1.41. I hadn't even done anything yet, spawned on the carrier on Wake, was in for about 5 seconds, got both badges instantly.

I'll concede your next point. I guess I was wrong to say that there would be no k/p servers. But most people I have talked to about it have said once they get their badge, they leave. There would be a lot less people on those servers anyway. At least that's my thought anyway. I just think its fun to change up the stuff in the game. Makes it more interesting. Some of the funnest times I've had with BF2 were having these massive knife battles, ones that had me laughing my ass off. That's why I don't think its padding. I'm sure most do go padd there, but I just go on there for kicks. I'm not there to raise my stats, so I don't think I'm padding.

I'll also concede your next point as well. I think the stats were fun for a while, I always loved the drums being played when I ranked or got a badge, still do like the sound. But it got old. Besides, if there were no stat tracking, then we wouldn't be having this conversation, and k/p servers would just be for fun.
I'm pretty sure anyone who doesn't agree with you is an idiot.

Go out and get laid, kthnx.
I should say the same thing to you. I don't know you, you don't know me. Don't presume shit.
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6318|Aberdeen, Scotland
Lol Jason, what are you hoping to get out of this?

The more you post, the more people will reply, the more you get wound up...vicious circle...

'Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics....yadda yadda...'
+188|6475|Anaheim, Mexifornia

pub hero!
+603|6700|the land of bourbon

jason85 wrote:

I should say the same thing to you. I don't know you, you don't know me. Don't presume shit.
i should say the same thing to you.  just because you cant kill someone in bf2 doesnt mean they are hacking.  Dont presume shit
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

steelie34 wrote:

jason85 wrote:

I should say the same thing to you. I don't know you, you don't know me. Don't presume shit.
i should say the same thing to you.  just because you cant kill someone in bf2 doesnt mean they are hacking.  Dont presume shit
omg. really? i never said that everyone that kills me must hack. never said it at all you fucking tool. but when i repeatedly get rpk sniped 10 times in a row, from a hell of a long distance away, yea, i'll call hack. if i see someone with an autofire svd, and they get a bunch of kills out of it, i'll call hack,  (by the way, there is a thread somewhere on this site, about auto svd killers, that quite agree with me). if i get shot one time in the fucking leg with a 9mm smg from a long fucking distance, i'll call hack there too. if i get killed by some aimbotter with a pistol when my friend just told me they were out of range of sight on Karkand, i'll call hack again.

if you just plain get a kill on me, no i won't like it. but i won't call just anyone a hacker. like i told that asshole nick, i gave my evidence of these bastards with screenshots. i don't need you to fucking believe me, you stupid pile of horse shit. i just posted because i thought others should watch out for their shit, you know, like the fucking thread says to do, again, btw, your a fucking idiot. if you don't want that information, fine, but don't sit there and a be a fucking ass because you don't believe me.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ
Wow your funny. Go run into your kitchen, grab a knife, and stab yourself to death.

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