Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6621|The | Netherlands

jason85 wrote:

I am probably going to get shit for this, but I don't care.

Was on a server called "sniper knife and pistol" The first round was okay. Except for one guy that was getting the most bs SVD kills, firing it like an M16 on burst fire. He was getting repeatedly voted to get kicked, by everyone, even the guys on his own team. I didn't take any screens that round.

Next round started about the same, my squad was behind the row of buildings just to the East of the hotel and square on Karkand. We were getting some good kills. Next thing we know, we had all died about 8 or 9 times, getting revived each time. I asked who the admins were, and these two said they were. DoraTheExsplorer http://bf2s.com/player/127442301/ and 13MrSMokE http://bf2s.com/player/129102194/

My screenshots of the activity

These two had far higher scores than anyone, except one guy on my team who was reviving everyone like crazy.
http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e236/ … eport2.jpg

Upper left hand side shows 3 SVD kills, which happened within a second.
http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e236/ … eport1.jpg

Eventually I got kicked for "Racial Slurs" when I didn't even say a single one.
Omg why would you even join such a server while you are always whining about playing BF2 the right and fair way?
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

3lmo wrote:

jason85 wrote:

I am probably going to get shit for this, but I don't care.

Was on a server called "sniper knife and pistol" The first round was okay. Except for one guy that was getting the most bs SVD kills, firing it like an M16 on burst fire. He was getting repeatedly voted to get kicked, by everyone, even the guys on his own team. I didn't take any screens that round.

Next round started about the same, my squad was behind the row of buildings just to the East of the hotel and square on Karkand. We were getting some good kills. Next thing we know, we had all died about 8 or 9 times, getting revived each time. I asked who the admins were, and these two said they were. DoraTheExsplorer http://bf2s.com/player/127442301/ and 13MrSMokE http://bf2s.com/player/129102194/

My screenshots of the activity

These two had far higher scores than anyone, except one guy on my team who was reviving everyone like crazy.
http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e236/ … eport2.jpg

Upper left hand side shows 3 SVD kills, which happened within a second.
http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e236/ … eport1.jpg

Eventually I got kicked for "Racial Slurs" when I didn't even say a single one.
Omg why would you even join such a server while you are always whining about playing BF2 the right and fair way?
What about it is not fair? I was sniping.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

He means you went to a padding server, yet you critisize people for using the G36E. He thinks its funny, and so do I.
I'd love to know how it is a padding server. I felt like practicing my sniping against other snipers. And I don't see how you compare that to my criticism of G36E. I mean, wtf is so wrong about a sniping server? If everyone comes together in the server, agrees to only use the sniper kit, how is that wrong? Am I taking advantage of the stat system? No. I have my sniper badges, which I earned fairly, albeit in a heli, I still got it fairly. I didn't use the pistols or the knife. I just was sniping. I'd also appreciate it if you shut the hell up and quit fucking arguing with me all the time.
+250|6729|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
You're sniping. Ok. You want other snipers to shoot at. Ok. You play IO. Where the heck are you going to find more snipers than there? Go to a Road to Jalalabad server, and you might just have to ask yourself who the hell put all these bushes out there.

And if I remember correctly, many, many snipers swear by  the scope-less G3.

Also, you are taking advantage of the stats system. Servers cant enforce kit/weapon restrictions, in any form or way. So by limiting the playing field, they give themselves an advantage and can easily boost their scores. How does that not strike you as padding?
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

SplinterStrike wrote:

You're sniping. Ok. You want other snipers to shoot at. Ok. You play IO. Where the heck are you going to find more snipers than there? Go to a Road to Jalalabad server, and you might just have to ask yourself who the hell put all these bushes out there.

And if I remember correctly, many, many snipers swear by  the scope-less G3.

Also, you are taking advantage of the stats system. Servers cant enforce kit/weapon restrictions, in any form or way. So by limiting the playing field, they give themselves an advantage and can easily boost their scores. How does that not strike you as padding?
Goddammit. I swear to god.....I don't like Jalalabad, most of them are 64 person servers, and my ping is always horrible there. I love trying to snipe people when they warp forward every other second because half the people there have ping twice as high as mine.

The reason I had the G3 was because of those asshole aimbotters. They turn a corner i get killed instantly. A few times from them using a pistol when there was no way they could have seen me, my friend on my squad told me they just killed him all they way at the end of the path. Way to far to be seen because of Karkand's dust storm.

I still think its not padding. If you were to go into any server...and everyone in there decides to have a knife fight, is that padding? No. They are having fun. If everyone does the same thing but everyone is a sniper, how is that padding. I don't see any advantage. You'd have a sniper rifle too, just like you would on any other server. Or better yet, what if everyone just, by chance, decided to play sniper. I bet you'd think that was padding too, huh? If you do, you're a damn fool. There is no advantage, whatsoever. And just for your information, my whole squad eventually went and started using other kits only to kill those two guys because they kept aimbotting. We actually killed them a few times, and not one person was kicked for it. So, its not like they were enforcing kit restrictions. Next thing I know, you are going to say that servers that don't allow C4 or Claymores on flags are padders too. And as for that absolute effing nonsense about boosting stats that way....I already said, I have my sniper badges, I have my pistol and knife badges as well. I don't really care about my k/d ratio for each weapon category. So who's effing stat am I boosting? Mine? Sorry, sport, but I doubt I'm going to get a platinum sniper badge or anything. Not to mention that if I got reset, I really wouldn't fucking care. Stats don't equal life for me. I just play this shit on nights where I don't have anything going on. I don't see why it matters at all to you what server I play on, unless my stats somehow shrink your fragile ego or something.

You people really must have nothing better to do than argue with me on every post I make, do you? If what I say pisses you off that bad, don't read it. If you don't like what I have to say, feel free to turn you freaking computer off. Or maybe....make another point, instead of repeating yourself and what others say. I'm only going to repeat my side so many times, its getting really old. If you don't get it through your head, your argument shouldn't be with me but rather with your parents and your school system for sending an uneducated person into society. I'm going to say this now, for the last time, this conversation, is fucking over. I don't want to hear anymore from you about this, it's an endless fucking cycle of me saying something, you being stupid and not taking in a word of it, and me having to repeat myself, over and over and over and over and over.
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6621|The | Netherlands
Have fun with thinking it's not padding jason, but SplinterStrike is completely right.
jason are you like 50?

you whine like the 50 year old bf2 players that run around with saws shooting standing up.
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6237|Minneapolis, MN
Any enforcement of what kits you can use is against the EA Rules of Engagement.  It's that simple.  A sniper only server is against the ROE.

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Any enforcement of what kits you can use is against the EA Rules of Engagement.  It's that simple.  A sniper only server is against the ROE.
and the roe is a group of third party wannabe e-security guards who have nothing better to do than to whine to ea because people are having fun playing a game.
Vagina face
+167|6317|London ㋛

*ATG* are cunts.

Thanks for listening
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

BlackKoala wrote:

NUNYA! Bluecow003 wrote:

Any enforcement of what kits you can use is against the EA Rules of Engagement.  It's that simple.  A sniper only server is against the ROE.
and the roe is a group of third party wannabe e-security guards who have nothing better to do than to whine to ea because people are having fun playing a game.

BlackKoala wrote:

jason are you like 50?

you whine like the 50 year old bf2 players that run around with saws shooting standing up.
Wow, 50 year olds play this shit? Meh, whatever. It's their life. I know better than to fire that piece of crap standing up. I know better than to use that gun period.

Last edited by jason85 (2008-04-21 00:58:21)

Boat sig is not there anymore
Whether you think it is padding or not is irrelevant. It's what EA thinks that counts. And EA thinks that those sorts of servers are padding servers, and playing on them can get you reset.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Whether you think it is padding or not is irrelevant. It's what EA thinks that counts. And EA thinks that those sorts of servers are padding servers, and playing on them can get you reset.
As I said before, I don't give a damn. They could reset me, and I really wouldn't care. I mean, I'd be annoyed for about 5 minutes, but then I'd just play POE2 or the Wookie Sniper mod, cuz both are more fun than vanilla or SF. So feel free to report my "stat padding", you aren't getting one over on me or anything.

BTW, I love how this thread went from the "vent about players thread" to "everyone argue with Jason thread".
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6621|The | Netherlands

jason85 wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Whether you think it is padding or not is irrelevant. It's what EA thinks that counts. And EA thinks that those sorts of servers are padding servers, and playing on them can get you reset.
BTW, I love how this thread went from the "vent about players thread" to "everyone argue with Jason thread".
Like epic d0h, you are the one being incorrect all the time.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

3lmo wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Whether you think it is padding or not is irrelevant. It's what EA thinks that counts. And EA thinks that those sorts of servers are padding servers, and playing on them can get you reset.
BTW, I love how this thread went from the "vent about players thread" to "everyone argue with Jason thread".
Like epic d0h, you are the one being incorrect all the time.
You're an dipshit on an "epic" level (listen to yourself, you sound retarded). Do you REALLY think I care whether I am right or wrong? Honestly? No. EA was the bunch of retards that make it so fun servers and ideas are suddenly evil and bad. I'm not taking advantage of anything, because like I said, I don't really care about my stats. If I did, I'd play every single day and for more than an hour or so at a time.

Last edited by jason85 (2008-04-21 13:45:52)

+250|6729|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

jason85 wrote:

3lmo wrote:

jason85 wrote:

BTW, I love how this thread went from the "vent about players thread" to "everyone argue with Jason thread".
Like epic d0h, you are the one being incorrect all the time.
You're an dipshit on an "epic" level (listen to yourself, you sound retarded). Do you REALLY think I care whether I am right or wrong? Honestly? No. EA was the bunch of retards that make it so fun servers and ideas are suddenly evil and bad. I'm not taking advantage of anything, because like I said, I don't really care about my stats. If I did, I'd play every single day and for more than an hour or so at a time.
If you didn't care about being correct, you wouldn't be answering us. But, here you are.

The general rule behind "Ranked" play, is that you should be playing the game according to the rules. You seem to think it's alright to play ranked K/P servers, ok, that's your thing. To me, that's like playing a game of chess and my opponent saying I'm not allowed to use my Knights. I think I'll find others to play with, thanks.

Now for the last part. You dont care about stats, and if you did, you'd play every single day and for more than an hour or so at a time. What do we find when we follow the nice little stats link?

Hours per Day
Players ranked the number of hours per day they play     14,689 →     3,622 →     1.7577
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

SplinterStrike wrote:

jason85 wrote:

3lmo wrote:

Like epic d0h, you are the one being incorrect all the time.
You're an dipshit on an "epic" level (listen to yourself, you sound retarded). Do you REALLY think I care whether I am right or wrong? Honestly? No. EA was the bunch of retards that make it so fun servers and ideas are suddenly evil and bad. I'm not taking advantage of anything, because like I said, I don't really care about my stats. If I did, I'd play every single day and for more than an hour or so at a time.
If you didn't care about being correct, you wouldn't be answering us. But, here you are.

The general rule behind "Ranked" play, is that you should be playing the game according to the rules. You seem to think it's alright to play ranked K/P servers, ok, that's your thing. To me, that's like playing a game of chess and my opponent saying I'm not allowed to use my Knights. I think I'll find others to play with, thanks.

Now for the last part. You dont care about stats, and if you did, you'd play every single day and for more than an hour or so at a time. What do we find when we follow the nice little stats link?

Hours per Day
Players ranked the number of hours per day they play     14,689 →     3,622 →     1.7577
Yep, that's called an average. You see it is when you add up all the time I've played and divide by how many days I've played. It's quite simple really. I used to play a lot more, just like I used to care about stats.

Chess is a completely different type of game. Its all about strategy. You could always choose to NOT use your knight, in fact, some games I've played, I never had to use them. All I did was decide that I wanted to use a sniper rifle on a sniper server. I'd have played the sniper mod, but there is usually one other person playing on the server, so I played the sniper pistol knife server. I still don't see what the issue is. Like I said earlier, I used other kits to kill the aimbotters a few times when they were shooting others, and I didn't get kicked for that. And again, as I said before, you and these other guys are probably the same guys that think putting claymores and c4 on a flag is stat padding. Just because I choose to use a certain kit, and everyone else does, doesn't mean we are padders. Some of us just like sniper battles. Some of use hate turning a corner when we are sniping and getting mowed down by some asshole with an RPK. Is it going to be padding now when I use an unlock on a noobie when he doesn't have the same gun next? It makes no sense. If I so choose to play a round with nothing but a knife for instance, one that isn't a k/p server, I can. It makes shit a lot more difficult. But if you do go to a k/p server, it is also more balanced. Besides, the reason we even have those servers for the most part is because EA was stupid when they made the requirements for pistol and kinfe badges so ridiculously hard to achieve.

Oh, and like I said, I really don't care about being right. I care about winning. There is a big difference. And I am stubborn as well.
Boat sig is not there anymore

jason85 wrote:

Besides, the reason we even have those servers for the most part is because EA was stupid when they made the requirements for pistol and kinfe badges so ridiculously hard to achieve.

I believe that sentence explains why you think you're always surrounded by hackers.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Besides, the reason we even have those servers for the most part is because EA was stupid when they made the requirements for pistol and kinfe badges so ridiculously hard to achieve.

I believe that sentence explains why you think you're always surrounded by hackers.
Really now? Like I am the only person to ever think that? Actually, every person I have EVER spoken to about it, agrees, except you apparently. I mean 18 pistol kills for expert? You pretty much have to use only that, and then some luck is involved, because it takes a lot longer to kill with a pistol than with an M16 or something. Not to mention you only have 15 round clips as opposed to a 30 assault rifle.

Now, please, go play on a freeway and quit talking.
pub hero!
+603|6699|the land of bourbon

jason85 wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Besides, the reason we even have those servers for the most part is because EA was stupid when they made the requirements for pistol and kinfe badges so ridiculously hard to achieve.

I believe that sentence explains why you think you're always surrounded by hackers.
Really now? Like I am the only person to ever think that? Actually, every person I have EVER spoken to about it, agrees, except you apparently. I mean 18 pistol kills for expert? You pretty much have to use only that, and then some luck is involved, because it takes a lot longer to kill with a pistol than with an M16 or something. Not to mention you only have 15 round clips as opposed to a 30 assault rifle.

Now, please, go play on a freeway and quit talking.
its not hard to get 18 pistol kills.  play a long round of krackland or whorelord.
Boat sig is not there anymore

jason85 wrote:

Really now? Like I am the only person to ever think that? Actually, every person I have EVER spoken to about it, agrees, except you apparently. I mean 18 pistol kills for expert? You pretty much have to use only that, and then some luck is involved, because it takes a lot longer to kill with a pistol than with an M16 or something. Not to mention you only have 15 round clips as opposed to a 30 assault rifle.

Now, please, go play on a freeway and quit talking.
1. Jump in front of enemy and shoot him with the L96
2. Before he realises he's just lost 95% of his health, pull out your pistol
3. Fire a few rounds
4. repeat 18 times
5. Profit!

And you don't even have to do that. I've faced of many a medic with my only handgun and won, from CQC to sniping distance. Surely you, pwnerer of aimbotters, killer of hackers, should find 18 kills an easy feat.
pub hero!
+603|6699|the land of bourbon

jason85 wrote:

I'm not taking advantage of anything, because like I said, I don't really care about my stats.

jason85 wrote:

Besides, the reason we even have those servers for the most part is because EA was stupid when they made the requirements for pistol and kinfe badges so ridiculously hard to achieve.

Last edited by steelie34 (2008-04-22 10:03:51)

+250|6729|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

steelie34 wrote:

jason85 wrote:

I'm not taking advantage of anything, because like I said, I don't really care about my stats.

jason85 wrote:

Besides, the reason we even have those servers for the most part is because EA was stupid when they made the requirements for pistol and kinfe badges so ridiculously hard to achieve.

Another thing about the pistol. It can be one of the most accurate rapid fire weapons in the game. At my best, I manage 7 clicks per second. That's 7 shots, flying into flesh, in ONE second. How tough would it be to put a few more in him? I took three entire rounds to complete the achievement, and it was well worth it, and quite satisfying to pull out one's primary again.

And now the knife. The only "hard" part about the knife badge is nailing 7 guys in one round. Now we know you play as a sniper, so you should know that snipers' are probably the easiest thing to stab in the game, with the possible exception of the guy who isn't at his computer but keeps respawning. Go to Ghost Town, Warlord, or any map with easy rooftop access, and voila, snipers completely oblivious to you inserting your knife into their prostate.

jason85 wrote:

Chess is a completely different type of game. Its all about strategy. You could always choose to NOT use your knight, in fact, some games I've played, I never had to use them. All I did was decide that I wanted to use a sniper rifle on a sniper server. I'd have played the sniper mod, but there is usually one other person playing on the server, so I played the sniper pistol knife server. I still don't see what the issue is. Like I said earlier, I used other kits to kill the aimbotters a few times when they were shooting others, and I didn't get kicked for that. And again, as I said before, you and these other guys are probably the same guys that think putting claymores and c4 on a flag is stat padding. Just because I choose to use a certain kit, and everyone else does, doesn't mean we are padders. Some of us just like sniper battles. Some of use hate turning a corner when we are sniping and getting mowed down by some asshole with an RPK. Is it going to be padding now when I use an unlock on a noobie when he doesn't have the same gun next? It makes no sense. If I so choose to play a round with nothing but a knife for instance, one that isn't a k/p server, I can. It makes shit a lot more difficult. But if you do go to a k/p server, it is also more balanced.
I don't think you caught my analogy too well. You say you pick to be a sniper. I said you're told to be one, without any voice in it. That's the difference between PK and regular play. In a game designed to make use of the many kits and vehicles available, I'd like to able to shoot an AT rocket when I feel like it, and not be limited to capturing certain bases with certain weapons and leaving the rest alone. If you feel like running around a regular server with a knife, be my guest, but to go on a KP server and do it, that's just too easy.
Now explain to me how BF2 could NOT be strategy game. Many players decide to rambo the game, and end up dead or succeed. Others feel it's makes for a better game if they flank around the opponent and shoot them in the back, or go steal valuable equipment. Tell me that isn't strategic. Or better yet, tell me there's absolutely no use for tactics in a FPS of this scale.

steelie34 wrote:

jason85 wrote:

I'm not taking advantage of anything, because like I said, I don't really care about my stats.

jason85 wrote:

Besides, the reason we even have those servers for the most part is because EA was stupid when they made the requirements for pistol and kinfe badges so ridiculously hard to achieve.
hes talking about bf2 as a whole, not himself.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Really now? Like I am the only person to ever think that? Actually, every person I have EVER spoken to about it, agrees, except you apparently. I mean 18 pistol kills for expert? You pretty much have to use only that, and then some luck is involved, because it takes a lot longer to kill with a pistol than with an M16 or something. Not to mention you only have 15 round clips as opposed to a 30 assault rifle.

Now, please, go play on a freeway and quit talking.
1. Jump in front of enemy and shoot him with the L96
2. Before he realises he's just lost 95% of his health, pull out your pistol
3. Fire a few rounds
4. repeat 18 times
5. Profit!

And you don't even have to do that. I've faced of many a medic with my only handgun and won, from CQC to sniping distance. Surely you, pwnerer of aimbotters, killer of hackers, should find 18 kills an easy feat.
Yea, I know all about that. What took me so long was that most of the time while I was trying to get those badges was that I played 1.03. I guess they didn't have it on that patch, because I remember bitching to my friends that I would get 20 pistol kills in a round and got no badge. I started playing 1.41 and I got it pretty quickly, at least compared to before. Took me a few days, because I'd get about 15 or 16 kills and someone from my team would kill the guy I shot.

But Koala is right. I meant its really hard for BF2 as a whole. If they didn't make it that difficult then there probably wouldn't be any k/p servers.

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