+572|6977|BC, Canada

jason85 wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

The real reason was probably that your a major complainer and the admins got sick of reading your whine....
I saw you on there last night... from your preformace, the reason you have trouble killing people is lack of ability on your part. Nobody besides you seemed to have trouble killing people, and if they did, they didnt feel the need to vocalize it like you did. You pretty much sat on top of the tv station relying on your claymores (on a FF off server at that, nothing lamer) even after it was capped, you made no attempt to recap it, or move to another flag.
Whatever. I'd have finished second or third, with well over a hundred points, if I hadn't been banned. Its just because of those goddamn medics all of the using that noob gun the G36E. That gun is just too powerful. And then you have them running around like they are the best players in the server. They need to come back from Fantasy Land and use a gun that has recoil, because I'm sorry, every time I have ever shot a gun, irl or in game, recoil was a big part of the gun. The G36E has the same recoil of any of the handguns, and to be honest, that is fucking bullshit.

I'm assuming that you were probably using that piece of shit gun too huh?
lol and you sticking to your claymores is the more skilled of the weapons? when you learn how to shoot you can talk to me about which guns to use.

edit: Oh and I'll respond for the above poster and say that from your 150 kills on one person and 60 on another, that yes it was padding you were doing... not to mention you let people kill you 151 and 103 times... I'd say youve actually done a fair amount of padding.

Last edited by Nicholas Langdon (2008-04-16 15:01:13)

+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

The real reason was probably that your a major complainer and the admins got sick of reading your whine....
I saw you on there last night... from your preformace, the reason you have trouble killing people is lack of ability on your part. Nobody besides you seemed to have trouble killing people, and if they did, they didnt feel the need to vocalize it like you did. You pretty much sat on top of the tv station relying on your claymores (on a FF off server at that, nothing lamer) even after it was capped, you made no attempt to recap it, or move to another flag.
Whatever. I'd have finished second or third, with well over a hundred points, if I hadn't been banned. Its just because of those goddamn medics all of the using that noob gun the G36E. That gun is just too powerful. And then you have them running around like they are the best players in the server. They need to come back from Fantasy Land and use a gun that has recoil, because I'm sorry, every time I have ever shot a gun, irl or in game, recoil was a big part of the gun. The G36E has the same recoil of any of the handguns, and to be honest, that is fucking bullshit.

I'm assuming that you were probably using that piece of shit gun too huh?
lol and you sticking to your claymores is the more skilled of the weapons? when you learn how to shoot you can talk to me about which guns to use.

edit: Oh and I'll respond for the above poster and say that from your 150 kills on one person and 60 on another, that yes it was padding you were doing... not to mention you let people kill you 151 and 103 times... I'd say youve actually done a fair amount of padding.
Ok first off, you asshole, I was sniping. They give you claymores. But I don't claywhore like you would see a lot of other people doing. I use my clays to defend MY position, rather than flags or hallways. Second of all, I can shoot. Too bad you were there for about 5 minutes, and left. Otherwise you'd  have seen it. In fact, I remember putting a few in you last night too. The only reason you would have ever killed me is if you managed to get close enough to where the odds are stacked in your favor.

You must be a retard huh? Did I say that I never padded? No. I just said that most of those knife kills were legit. I'll admit I padded most of my tank time, because I generally stay on IO servers. I'll admit I padded my Exp Ord Badge, the AA badge and the GD badge. I'll also admit that I let people kill me on padd servers. They were either people I know or people that they know. If people want help getting a badge, I'm more than willing to help, or even if they wanna get some quick points. I don't care.

I swear to God, you must have some kind of idiot the planet has never seen before. I've asked you once before, do you know how to read? If you really are that stupid to not read what I write and then after I point out to you to read what I write, so you don't appear as though you have an extra chromosome that lessens your ability to understand written language or just look like a damn fool, and still don't read it, and you still keep talking and adding things to what I say.....My only conclusion is that you are either the stupidest person I've ever met, or there really isn't a Nicholas Langdon, but rather a chimp that sits in front of that keyboard and manages to slam his hands on the keys to produce coherent language soley by luck.

No before you "read" what I write next and decide to respond, take those words, and let them sink in. Don't add other words, don't try and find omitted phrases, just read the words. After you have, understand their meaning. Then, you might sound like you know what you are talking about.
If you don't do that, then you really will be the dumbest person I've ever spoken to.
+572|6977|BC, Canada
we havent spoken to each other...
lol by the way.... you anger fast.
And yes I read all you have writen, and still come to the conclusion that it is your lack of ability, not others "enhanced" skill that leads to your oh so frequent complaints.
this is my proof, a round spent on the same server as you, of which you have already said I was not there for the whole of it:
Notice your way down at almost the bottom.
+250|6729|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

#1. Complain as you may about the G36E, realize that it is in the game, and people will use it. It. will. not. change. Either shoot them faster than they can shoot you, or take something that can wreak havoc on those medic squads. AT rockets, Grenades, LMGs, whatever you think works best. The G36E exists, is a very accurate SOB, and CAN be stopped. You just need to be faster, better, or just freaking outnumber them.

#2. Typing out your frustration. Sure, swear all you want at your screen, but typing it out for all to see your frustration is a deliberate act, and can be seen by admins along with players as a huge pain. I don't know many people who love listening to, or reading every single swear word known to man for the entirety of a match. Sure, a ban is harsh, a kick would have probably been more fitting for behavior like that, but remember, you took your time to write out your shit, so expect some form of return message.

#3. Argumentation. Pointing things out is the entire point. You said such and such thing, and I do/don't agree with it. Then you make a point or counter point. THAT'S HOW IT WORKS. If arguments or discussions are performed differently wherever it may be that you live, please let us know.

#4 Insults. As much as I have wanted to call you a rambling, moronic, whining, insulting, disagreeable, and generally tasteless person, I haven't. Why? Because making insinuations about people is just plain stupid. And it's making the person known as "Jason85" look like a damn fool. Just cut back on the insults, illustrate your point with as little cursing as you can possibly can, and move on.

jason85 wrote:

Ok first off, you asshole, I was sniping. They give you claymores. But I don't claywhore like you would see a lot of other people doing. I use my clays to defend MY position, rather than flags or hallways. Second of all, I can shoot. Too bad you were there for about 5 minutes, and left. Otherwise you'd  have seen it. In fact, I remember putting a few in you last night too. The only reason you would have ever killed me is if you managed to get close enough to where the odds are stacked in your favor.
Now for a few questions:
What if your position IS a flag or hallway? Hmmm...enemies are close, I'm at this base, and all I have is a sniper rifle, a pistol, and...Oh my God! Claymores!
You say you can shoot. Then why, oh why, are you complaining about those medics if you can supposedly shoot? They should be dead, not you.
The only reason he killed you was cause he was close enough to put rounds in you and the odds are stacked in his favor. Think of it this way: the only reason you managed to kill him was cause the odds were stacked in YOUR favor, no? Sniper, TV station roof....Don't know how he planned to gun you down from over 100 meters with a cruddy little rifle.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Nicholas Langdon wrote:

we havent spoken to each other...
lol by the way.... you anger fast.
And yes I read all you have writen, and still come to the conclusion that it is your lack of ability, not others "enhanced" skill that leads to your oh so frequent complaints.
this is my proof, a round spent on the same server as you, of which you have already said I was not there for the whole of it:
http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g294/ … een388.png
Notice your way down at almost the bottom.
Yea, I spent about 4 minutes in the server before the round ended.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

SplinterStrike wrote:


#1. Complain as you may about the G36E, realize that it is in the game, and people will use it. It. will. not. change. Either shoot them faster than they can shoot you, or take something that can wreak havoc on those medic squads. AT rockets, Grenades, LMGs, whatever you think works best. The G36E exists, is a very accurate SOB, and CAN be stopped. You just need to be faster, better, or just freaking outnumber them.

#2. Typing out your frustration. Sure, swear all you want at your screen, but typing it out for all to see your frustration is a deliberate act, and can be seen by admins along with players as a huge pain. I don't know many people who love listening to, or reading every single swear word known to man for the entirety of a match. Sure, a ban is harsh, a kick would have probably been more fitting for behavior like that, but remember, you took your time to write out your shit, so expect some form of return message.

#3. Argumentation. Pointing things out is the entire point. You said such and such thing, and I do/don't agree with it. Then you make a point or counter point. THAT'S HOW IT WORKS. If arguments or discussions are performed differently wherever it may be that you live, please let us know.

#4 Insults. As much as I have wanted to call you a rambling, moronic, whining, insulting, disagreeable, and generally tasteless person, I haven't. Why? Because making insinuations about people is just plain stupid. And it's making the person known as "Jason85" look like a damn fool. Just cut back on the insults, illustrate your point with as little cursing as you can possibly can, and move on.

jason85 wrote:

Ok first off, you asshole, I was sniping. They give you claymores. But I don't claywhore like you would see a lot of other people doing. I use my clays to defend MY position, rather than flags or hallways. Second of all, I can shoot. Too bad you were there for about 5 minutes, and left. Otherwise you'd  have seen it. In fact, I remember putting a few in you last night too. The only reason you would have ever killed me is if you managed to get close enough to where the odds are stacked in your favor.
Now for a few questions:
What if your position IS a flag or hallway? Hmmm...enemies are close, I'm at this base, and all I have is a sniper rifle, a pistol, and...Oh my God! Claymores!
You say you can shoot. Then why, oh why, are you complaining about those medics if you can supposedly shoot? They should be dead, not you.
The only reason he killed you was cause he was close enough to put rounds in you and the odds are stacked in his favor. Think of it this way: the only reason you managed to kill him was cause the odds were stacked in YOUR favor, no? Sniper, TV station roof....Don't know how he planned to gun you down from over 100 meters with a cruddy little rifle.
You realize that the pistol has what....15 rounds, and the G36E has 30, not to metion it shoots faster as well as the rounds to more damage. It takes two rounds to the face to kill someone, and that is just to the face. To the body its what....6 or 7, if not more? Its hard as hell to blast someone in the face with a pistol they are bouncing around like a super ball all over the place.

I don't defend flags or hallways with a sniper rifle, except from distance, otherwise I'd get plowed down by one support guy or anyone else that has burst fire or full auto, not to mention that with my luck I'd get two of them coming at me at the same time. The postions I use to put claymores defend my postion, as I said, not a flag, and as I don't defend them except at distance, they don't have to worry about that. I'll use them at the top of TV Station so I don't get people running up on me, or at the top of a ladder. I may, on occasion place one lower on the TV Station, but not to where they would get hit by it trying to cap the flag. Why do I do this? I find it really lame to get claymored trying to get the flag, and so it isn't my cup of tea.

So what you are saying about swearing is that they go around saying it, but have virgin eyes and don't wanna read it, because lets be honest, every person I have ever met, both irl and in game swear to some extent. Have you ever spoken to another player that plays BF2? I've been on so many servers playing with so many people, and they curse all day long. You make it seem like those people have never uttered a swear word. What a bunch of hypocrites, they can dish it out but they can't take it. Makes about as much sense as hearing someone say "no fucking cussing".

Yes, I know how an argument works. However, if someone starts putting words in my mouth, saying I said something when I clearly did not, then yes, I will be upset. And to be frank, they deserve to be called any sort of name I deem necessary. If you are going to argue and tell me I said something when I didn't, or assume facts you have no way of knowing, then you are an idiot, and I will say it until you admit you are wrong or until I am blue in the face.
+250|6729|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
I hope you don't run out of oxygen then.

Last edited by SplinterStrike (2008-04-17 07:59:16)

spank that azz.
+146|6176|Nibiru in a far away galaxy
Stop fighting and let it go , your both good players , lets just leave it that , and besides , use anything the game can provide, I switch up depending on the situation ,  and yes if I can have a good unlock to use by God I'm going to use it , remember it's only a GAME. plus who cares about l33tness and k/d ratio/accuracy ? I don't never did and never will , I play just like I played BF1942 , FTW , never cared about how many points I have , what good will it do you if you lose ? , so it's about TEAM work and winning the game. 

Last edited by doug1988 (2008-04-17 09:04:15)

Boat sig is not there anymore
Jason, I'm tempted to believe what others are saying - that is, it's not the extreme skill of others getting you killed, it's your lack of. The SMG sniper? The supporter in the palace? The CQC SVDer? All of those can be done without the use of hacks. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean that no one can.

If you truly believe that these people hack, then get the BR files and have them banned. Don't come onto here and start insulting anyone and everyone who thinks you might be wrong.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Jason, I'm tempted to believe what others are saying - that is, it's not the extreme skill of others getting you killed, it's your lack of. The SMG sniper? The supporter in the palace? The CQC SVDer? All of those can be done without the use of hacks. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean that no one can.

If you truly believe that these people hack, then get the BR files and have them banned. Don't come onto here and start insulting anyone and everyone who thinks you might be wrong.
So its skill you say. Skill that allows me to start shooting them from behind, and they have the time to smoke a cig, turn around, find where I'm shooting from, aim, and fire one shot.....all the while I'm hitting them. Right, whatever you say kid. When I go onto a server most people I don't have any issue killing. But there will usually be one or two people that are almost impossible to kill. I mean, I hit them more times, and I shoot first, yet with these few people, I always die. And its not from 4 or 5 rounds from their gun either, its ALWAYS one hit, no matter if I'm bunny hopping, or behind something. The SMG sniper you speak of....He was on the TV Station roof, I was behind one of those solar panels on a roof across the street. How then do you explain a head shot when I was under cover. I don't wanna hear that bullets can go through things, because on Ghost Town I had someone shooting a mounted RPK at me when I was behind a solar panel, and I didn't get hit. You explain that... As for a CQC sniper, I never said anything about that. That guy was shooting the SVD from the staircase in front of the Plaza on Warlord. I was about far back as I could be and still see him. He only killed me twice, but he killed my teammates a lot more. A couple of them were in the buildings at the US uncap. He would fire 3 shots, in the span of a second, from about 100m, and get 3 kills in a row. I don't know about you, but something is not right there.

Last edited by jason85 (2008-04-17 13:57:34)

+303|6312|The pool
Jason apparently has never heard of hitbox lag
pub hero!
+603|6699|the land of bourbon

jason85 wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Jason, I'm tempted to believe what others are saying - that is, it's not the extreme skill of others getting you killed, it's your lack of. The SMG sniper? The supporter in the palace? The CQC SVDer? All of those can be done without the use of hacks. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean that no one can.

If you truly believe that these people hack, then get the BR files and have them banned. Don't come onto here and start insulting anyone and everyone who thinks you might be wrong.
So its skill you say. Skill that allows me to start shooting them from behind, and they have the time to smoke a cig, turn around, find where I'm shooting from, aim, and fire one shot.....all the while I'm hitting them. Right, whatever you say kid. When I go onto a server most people I don't have any issue killing. But there will usually be one or two people that are almost impossible to kill. I mean, I hit them more times, and I shoot first, yet with these few people, I always die. And its not from 4 or 5 rounds from their gun either, its ALWAYS one hit, no matter if I'm bunny hopping, or behind something. The SMG sniper you speak of....He was on the TV Station roof, I was behind one of those solar panels on a roof across the street. How then do you explain a head shot when I was under cover. I don't wanna hear that bullets can go through things, because on Ghost Town I had someone shooting a mounted RPK at me when I was behind a solar panel, and I didn't get hit. You explain that... As for a CQC sniper, I never said anything about that. That guy was shooting the SVD from the staircase in front of the Plaza on Warlord. I was about far back as I could be and still see him. He only killed me twice, but he killed my teammates a lot more. A couple of them were in the buildings at the US uncap. He would fire 3 shots, in the span of a second, from about 100m, and get 3 kills in a row. I don't know about you, but something is not right there.
pics or it didn't happen

jason85 wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Jason, I'm tempted to believe what others are saying - that is, it's not the extreme skill of others getting you killed, it's your lack of. The SMG sniper? The supporter in the palace? The CQC SVDer? All of those can be done without the use of hacks. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean that no one can.

If you truly believe that these people hack, then get the BR files and have them banned. Don't come onto here and start insulting anyone and everyone who thinks you might be wrong.
So its skill you say. Skill that allows me to start shooting them from behind, and they have the time to smoke a cig, turn around, find where I'm shooting from, aim, and fire one shot.....all the while I'm hitting them. Right, whatever you say kid. When I go onto a server most people I don't have any issue killing. But there will usually be one or two people that are almost impossible to kill. I mean, I hit them more times, and I shoot first, yet with these few people, I always die. And its not from 4 or 5 rounds from their gun either, its ALWAYS one hit, no matter if I'm bunny hopping, or behind something. The SMG sniper you speak of....He was on the TV Station roof, I was behind one of those solar panels on a roof across the street. How then do you explain a head shot when I was under cover. I don't wanna hear that bullets can go through things, because on Ghost Town I had someone shooting a mounted RPK at me when I was behind a solar panel, and I didn't get hit. You explain that... As for a CQC sniper, I never said anything about that. That guy was shooting the SVD from the staircase in front of the Plaza on Warlord. I was about far back as I could be and still see him. He only killed me twice, but he killed my teammates a lot more. A couple of them were in the buildings at the US uncap. He would fire 3 shots, in the span of a second, from about 100m, and get 3 kills in a row. I don't know about you, but something is not right there.
This is something I hate people moaning about, and it shows to me that you like to exaggerate and it makes anything you say questionable.

There is NO bullet hack that allows you to shoot through walls, either everyone can shoot through, or no one can shoot through.

If you are shooting first, then there is pretty much no chance in hell that you are up against a hacker, the reason being redtags, enemy colours, guided minimap and an auto-lock on feature, you'd have to be pretty special on an IO server to get first shot on a hacker.

Aim for the head, with a lot of weapons it's an instant kill (that means they can't fire back). And yes, it IS skill to be able to turn around and kill someone when they get first shot, don't even dream of telling me you haven't done it before. I'd like to reply to the SVD shooter but I don't believe that you're being totally honest, and at 100m how would you even hear how many shots he was firing?
+572|6977|BC, Canada
Well the bullets did not go around the solar panel to hit you, aimbots dont curve the flight path of bullets, they aim the gun for you. The bullets still fly straight. And as I said before, there is no invincibility hack.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

steelie34 wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Jason, I'm tempted to believe what others are saying - that is, it's not the extreme skill of others getting you killed, it's your lack of. The SMG sniper? The supporter in the palace? The CQC SVDer? All of those can be done without the use of hacks. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean that no one can.

If you truly believe that these people hack, then get the BR files and have them banned. Don't come onto here and start insulting anyone and everyone who thinks you might be wrong.
So its skill you say. Skill that allows me to start shooting them from behind, and they have the time to smoke a cig, turn around, find where I'm shooting from, aim, and fire one shot.....all the while I'm hitting them. Right, whatever you say kid. When I go onto a server most people I don't have any issue killing. But there will usually be one or two people that are almost impossible to kill. I mean, I hit them more times, and I shoot first, yet with these few people, I always die. And its not from 4 or 5 rounds from their gun either, its ALWAYS one hit, no matter if I'm bunny hopping, or behind something. The SMG sniper you speak of....He was on the TV Station roof, I was behind one of those solar panels on a roof across the street. How then do you explain a head shot when I was under cover. I don't wanna hear that bullets can go through things, because on Ghost Town I had someone shooting a mounted RPK at me when I was behind a solar panel, and I didn't get hit. You explain that... As for a CQC sniper, I never said anything about that. That guy was shooting the SVD from the staircase in front of the Plaza on Warlord. I was about far back as I could be and still see him. He only killed me twice, but he killed my teammates a lot more. A couple of them were in the buildings at the US uncap. He would fire 3 shots, in the span of a second, from about 100m, and get 3 kills in a row. I don't know about you, but something is not right there.
pics or it didn't happen
the normal net response......ignored
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Hakei wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

Jason, I'm tempted to believe what others are saying - that is, it's not the extreme skill of others getting you killed, it's your lack of. The SMG sniper? The supporter in the palace? The CQC SVDer? All of those can be done without the use of hacks. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean that no one can.

If you truly believe that these people hack, then get the BR files and have them banned. Don't come onto here and start insulting anyone and everyone who thinks you might be wrong.
So its skill you say. Skill that allows me to start shooting them from behind, and they have the time to smoke a cig, turn around, find where I'm shooting from, aim, and fire one shot.....all the while I'm hitting them. Right, whatever you say kid. When I go onto a server most people I don't have any issue killing. But there will usually be one or two people that are almost impossible to kill. I mean, I hit them more times, and I shoot first, yet with these few people, I always die. And its not from 4 or 5 rounds from their gun either, its ALWAYS one hit, no matter if I'm bunny hopping, or behind something. The SMG sniper you speak of....He was on the TV Station roof, I was behind one of those solar panels on a roof across the street. How then do you explain a head shot when I was under cover. I don't wanna hear that bullets can go through things, because on Ghost Town I had someone shooting a mounted RPK at me when I was behind a solar panel, and I didn't get hit. You explain that... As for a CQC sniper, I never said anything about that. That guy was shooting the SVD from the staircase in front of the Plaza on Warlord. I was about far back as I could be and still see him. He only killed me twice, but he killed my teammates a lot more. A couple of them were in the buildings at the US uncap. He would fire 3 shots, in the span of a second, from about 100m, and get 3 kills in a row. I don't know about you, but something is not right there.
This is something I hate people moaning about, and it shows to me that you like to exaggerate and it makes anything you say questionable.

There is NO bullet hack that allows you to shoot through walls, either everyone can shoot through, or no one can shoot through.

If you are shooting first, then there is pretty much no chance in hell that you are up against a hacker, the reason being redtags, enemy colours, guided minimap and an auto-lock on feature, you'd have to be pretty special on an IO server to get first shot on a hacker.

Aim for the head, with a lot of weapons it's an instant kill (that means they can't fire back). And yes, it IS skill to be able to turn around and kill someone when they get first shot, don't even dream of telling me you haven't done it before. I'd like to reply to the SVD shooter but I don't believe that you're being totally honest, and at 100m how would you even hear how many shots he was firing?
The wall thing....maybe its just hitbox lag, idk, but if it is, it is horribly bad. The guy that would kill me would be below me, and have no chance of hitting me when I am prone. I stand up, shoot a few rounds, lay down. About a half second later, i get killed by the guy even though there is a wall there. I'll admit, I overracted. Big deal.

Your next point....is something I have spoken about 10 times already. If I am 10 feet away from someone and they aren't moving, I'm not going to miss. Yet, after shooting the living shit out of them they don't fuckin die. I've seen the info in this site about how many hits per gun will result in a kill. I know I'm hitting them more than that number. I believe with the RPK or any of the LMG's that it requires 7-8 rounds to kill someone with body armor. The LMG's shoot about what......400 rounds per minute? If I am close enough to have recoil isn't effected, and they are still for about a second and a half, they should die. If they get the first shoot then good for them. If they react quick enough for me to only get one or two hits off them, good for them. If I shoot them a shit load of times, and they turn around, and shoot me, then thats fucking dumb. If it happened every once and a while, I wouldn't care that much. Yet is happens with a few certain people, all the time. Example, someone from the other team was capping our flag. I spawned on it, and spawned behind him. I started shooting, I got a bunch of hits, he jumps, spins, goes prone, I'm still hitting him, and he kills me.

The sniper. I take it you've played the game before. The sound of a gun firing in the game goes a good distance. From the TV station I can hear shootings from the flag south of the Palace on Warlord....the security post, I think its called. That's well over 100m. Not only that, I was watching the upper left corner of the screen while I was healing behind a supply crate, and I him get 3 kills in the span of about a second. And he was standing. I know you can shoot sniper rifles accurately while standing, but it's a little bit harder to get a headshot, as the deviation is highest when standing. So this guy, got three head shots, quick as someone firing a pistol as fast as I've ever done, all while in the worst postion to snipe from. I'm sorry but even luck wouldn't explain that, as it lasted the entire round. The round itself only lasted about 6 or 7 minutes as my team never went to cap a flag, not to metion that one guy got more kills that my entire team did. I'm not bitching that he killed me, as you can see I died twice that round, and all his deaths were from me. But still, that doesn't change the fact that something was going on that shouldn't have.

Now, that said, I'm fucking done with the conversation. I'm tired of repeating myself to every person who gets involved in this argument. If you people aren't going to read whats been said, then I'm not wasting anymore of my time with you.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ
Whoever left that karma, don't be a bitch and say "k............................fail" without leaving your name. You sir, fail at life. Do the world a favor and throw your keyboard against the wall. Mmmkay, thx. Must think you are awesome to say that someone fails, just like you'd pat yourself on the back for responding with "/facepalm". Morons...

Someone else just did it again...."/facepalm". Excellent use of virtual violence, as well as proving my point of you being a dirty little moron. Look, watch me, I can do net violence too. /virtualfacestab x15. I fucking win. Now get off the keyboard and play in traffic.

Last edited by jason85 (2008-04-18 00:05:39)

Boat sig is not there anymore

jason85 wrote:

Your next point....is something I have spoken about 10 times already. If I am 10 feet away from someone and they aren't moving, I'm not going to miss. Yet, after shooting the living shit out of them they don't fuckin die. I've seen the info in this site about how many hits per gun will result in a kill. I know I'm hitting them more than that number. I believe with the RPK or any of the LMG's that it requires 7-8 rounds to kill someone with body armor. The LMG's shoot about what......400 rounds per minute? If I am close enough to have recoil isn't effected, and they are still for about a second and a half, they should die. If they get the first shoot then good for them. If they react quick enough for me to only get one or two hits off them, good for them. If I shoot them a shit load of times, and they turn around, and shoot me, then thats fucking dumb. If it happened every once and a while, I wouldn't care that much. Yet is happens with a few certain people, all the time. Example, someone from the other team was capping our flag. I spawned on it, and spawned behind him. I started shooting, I got a bunch of hits, he jumps, spins, goes prone, I'm still hitting him, and he kills me.
Hitreg. The bad kind. You have it.

The sniper. I take it you've played the game before. The sound of a gun firing in the game goes a good distance. From the TV station I can hear shootings from the flag south of the Palace on Warlord....the security post, I think its called. That's well over 100m. Not only that, I was watching the upper left corner of the screen while I was healing behind a supply crate, and I him get 3 kills in the span of about a second. And he was standing. I know you can shoot sniper rifles accurately while standing, but it's a little bit harder to get a headshot, as the deviation is highest when standing. So this guy, got three head shots, quick as someone firing a pistol as fast as I've ever done, all while in the worst postion to snipe from. I'm sorry but even luck wouldn't explain that, as it lasted the entire round. The round itself only lasted about 6 or 7 minutes as my team never went to cap a flag, not to metion that one guy got more kills that my entire team did. I'm not bitching that he killed me, as you can see I died twice that round, and all his deaths were from me. But still, that doesn't change the fact that something was going on that shouldn't have.
You say you managed to kill him seven times. If he was aimbotting, then you would not have been able to get near him, let alone kill him seven times.
Even if you ware far away, and did somehow manage to escape his aimbot and kill him, you can guarantee he would have found your location after he respawned and taken you out.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Your next point....is something I have spoken about 10 times already. If I am 10 feet away from someone and they aren't moving, I'm not going to miss. Yet, after shooting the living shit out of them they don't fuckin die. I've seen the info in this site about how many hits per gun will result in a kill. I know I'm hitting them more than that number. I believe with the RPK or any of the LMG's that it requires 7-8 rounds to kill someone with body armor. The LMG's shoot about what......400 rounds per minute? If I am close enough to have recoil isn't effected, and they are still for about a second and a half, they should die. If they get the first shoot then good for them. If they react quick enough for me to only get one or two hits off them, good for them. If I shoot them a shit load of times, and they turn around, and shoot me, then thats fucking dumb. If it happened every once and a while, I wouldn't care that much. Yet is happens with a few certain people, all the time. Example, someone from the other team was capping our flag. I spawned on it, and spawned behind him. I started shooting, I got a bunch of hits, he jumps, spins, goes prone, I'm still hitting him, and he kills me.
Hitreg. The bad kind. You have it.

The sniper. I take it you've played the game before. The sound of a gun firing in the game goes a good distance. From the TV station I can hear shootings from the flag south of the Palace on Warlord....the security post, I think its called. That's well over 100m. Not only that, I was watching the upper left corner of the screen while I was healing behind a supply crate, and I him get 3 kills in the span of about a second. And he was standing. I know you can shoot sniper rifles accurately while standing, but it's a little bit harder to get a headshot, as the deviation is highest when standing. So this guy, got three head shots, quick as someone firing a pistol as fast as I've ever done, all while in the worst postion to snipe from. I'm sorry but even luck wouldn't explain that, as it lasted the entire round. The round itself only lasted about 6 or 7 minutes as my team never went to cap a flag, not to metion that one guy got more kills that my entire team did. I'm not bitching that he killed me, as you can see I died twice that round, and all his deaths were from me. But still, that doesn't change the fact that something was going on that shouldn't have.
You say you managed to kill him seven times. If he was aimbotting, then you would not have been able to get near him, let alone kill him seven times.
Even if you ware far away, and did somehow manage to escape his aimbot and kill him, you can guarantee he would have found your location after he respawned and taken you out.
I was sniping back at him from behind a supply crate. And I was shooting him when he was shooting someone else.

As for the hit reg....I guess so.
pub hero!
+603|6699|the land of bourbon

jason85 wrote:

steelie34 wrote:

pics or it didn't happen
the normal net response......ignored
actually, this is the one time it makes sense.  you are basically attacking everyone who is tryint to offer an explanation to your problem.  it seems like you are more interested in flaming everyone than actually trying to find out what is going on.  if you had a short BR or fraps vid, we could probably help you, but i suspect you dont care.  you just want to cry and shit on everyone because your upset you're getting owned.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6466|San Antonio, Texas
Alrighty, another hacker that crashes servers. Be wary of him, he spams chat until the game crashes.


If you do see him on your server, consider removing him immediately, and banning him to avoid a future server crash.
+58|6315|Mesa, AZ
I am probably going to get shit for this, but I don't care.

Was on a server called "sniper knife and pistol" The first round was okay. Except for one guy that was getting the most bs SVD kills, firing it like an M16 on burst fire. He was getting repeatedly voted to get kicked, by everyone, even the guys on his own team. I didn't take any screens that round.

Next round started about the same, my squad was behind the row of buildings just to the East of the hotel and square on Karkand. We were getting some good kills. Next thing we know, we had all died about 8 or 9 times, getting revived each time. I asked who the admins were, and these two said they were. DoraTheExsplorer http://bf2s.com/player/127442301/ and 13MrSMokE http://bf2s.com/player/129102194/

My screenshots of the activity

These two had far higher scores than anyone, except one guy on my team who was reviving everyone like crazy.

Upper left hand side shows 3 SVD kills, which happened within a second.

Eventually I got kicked for "Racial Slurs" when I didn't even say a single one.
Boat sig is not there anymore
P/K lol

And you call people noobs for using the 6E.

Last edited by Sup3r_Dr4gon (2008-04-19 02:50:24)

+58|6315|Mesa, AZ

Sup3r_Dr4gon wrote:

P/K lol

And you call people noobs for using the 6E.
+572|6977|BC, Canada
He means you went to a padding server, yet you critisize people for using the G36E. He thinks its funny, and so do I.

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