Hates most server admins.
i just got banned for "excessive revive" ...

their lame loserclan played sniper only, i revived everyone in my team.
Hey Sgt ButtCrust how is your server doing?  I  forgot it failed. NICE!
Upper Decker Expert

ratchetmn wrote:

Hey Sgt._Eraser74, I'd like to apologize for me & my clan's actions. Bluecow will be immediately expelled from NUNYA.
It's about time you spoke some sense.
B3ing u P4in
Banned from "Allgaeuer Ranked Server", Dragon Valley Only!

Last week kick to make room for an admin but server was not full. Joined the server again and asked admin what tha f**k he thing he is. Kick again "To make room..."

Now Ban cause "YOU IN EA BLACK LIST" loooool

Yeah still here

Live free or die hard sever....1st air Calvary clan. You punk kids need to grow up. I was banned for "Aim bot" from your highway Tampa server... hell I wasn't even doing that well...only like 13 kills and 2 deaths in the jet. I've played this game for the last 2 1/2 years... and only in the past 4 months or so has it got so bad that you can't even join a sever, and start doing well and some spoiled child admin bans you because his stupid noob ass was getting owned.
NUNYA! Bluecow003
+14|6236|Minneapolis, MN

Sgt._Eraser74 wrote:

ratchetmn wrote:

Hey Sgt._Eraser74, I'd like to apologize for me & my clan's actions. Bluecow will be immediately expelled from NUNYA.
It's about time you spoke some sense.
What did I do to you?
I'm Jamesey
Do a Research Noob
=WHF= banned me for kicking an admin out of my squad

[SoD] banned me for aimbot after 1 round

Last edited by I'm Jamesey (2008-03-23 15:24:04)

Sir Aidyn Sage
I swear there should be a law against stupid clan/Admins..

Jets on the runway and go AFK so no one can use them. I mean WTF this is the Biggest piece of Bull shhit that I have seen Yet.

I say we get to gether and go there as a Gropup and go OWN THE SHIT out of these FUCK NUTS that pull shit like this...

pub hero!
+603|6698|the land of bourbon
so what determines which hacker is at the top of the leaderboard?  its not in alphabetical order, and they all have the same score.  hmmm....
Vagina face
+167|6316|London ㋛

DDS clan suck donkey balls as do SAC!!!

Let me elaborate, SAC have a no bunny hop rule, i hop occasionally, I was in a whole squad off SAC guys and they seemed ok with the extent of my hopping, then boff-theslayer comes on, another SAC guy on the opposing team, i jump, dive, shoot and fuck him up and he kick me, i then dispute it when I come back and he bans me. Then DDS, they have a strict no camping rule, no clays or c4 especially at flags and only snipers on the roof, yet the whole team had lined the palace on warlord with clays and c4 and a couple were camping on the roof with GL's. CUNTS
There doesn't seem to be a single decent warlord server out there with decent admins and rules
pub hero!
+603|6698|the land of bourbon

Ec0li wrote:

DDS clan suck donkey balls as do SAC!!!

Let me elaborate, SAC have a no bunny hop rule, i hop occasionally, I was in a whole squad off SAC guys and they seemed ok with the extent of my hopping, then boff-theslayer comes on, another SAC guy on the opposing team, i jump, dive, shoot and fuck him up and he kick me, i then dispute it when I come back and he bans me. Then DDS, they have a strict no camping rule, no clays or c4 especially at flags and only snipers on the roof, yet the whole team had lined the palace on warlord with clays and c4 and a couple were camping on the roof with GL's. CUNTS
There doesn't seem to be a single decent warlord server out there with decent admins and rules
try army of death... its almost always full.  FF is off though, so the palace is clay heaven, but still and all around good server.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7063|Mexico City
Wow, this is nice (admins, sorry for external link, but bf2s doesnt show me): … show=all-e

Great, just great, 16 M score at karkand...............or i got hacked or that Christian karkand io server is messed !!!!!!!!!!!
+303|6311|The pool
Someone must not like you

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

Wow, this is nice (admins, sorry for external link, but bf2s doesnt show me):

Great, just great, 16 M score at karkand...............or i got hacked or that Christian karkand io server is messed !!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry mate, you got hacked! these are mine (sorry too admin, but you already banned me!!) EA says that i dont get my points back, i never buy a EA game anymore, they say its my own fault!
+58|6314|Mesa, AZ
This guy was either aimbotting or having the luckiest night of his damn life. I was playing as sniper for most of the night and he was a medic using the G36, and he would kill me with one shot every single time, even from a long distance to where I could barely make out his outline. Then later I was assault because we needed to take a base and I tossed a smoke nade and he killed me through the smoke, which I couldn't see through, and killed me in one hit again.

If you see him, and kill him, do me a favor and squat your coin purse on his lips.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7063|Mexico City
TSK the supreme killers server, their ip is
They ban you if you are average-good:

Iron Gator, i was flying alone the mec chopper, i were able to beat the apache chopper (pilot and gunner), i took flag at deck and then keep them at bay until my team got all flags below. I started rapping the tower when suddenly i got the message ".........BANNED for SPAWN RAPING...".........

A full clan was dominated by a bunch of randoms. Dont waste time on their server.

Last edited by Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd (2008-03-25 15:37:32)


iD wrote:

i just got banned for "excessive revive" ...

their lame loserclan played sniper only, i revived everyone in my team.
LOL.  Happened to me awhile back too.  Our USMC team was getting owned at the Jalalabad lake.  Said, WTH, and decided to go revive crazy and ended up getting gold.  Got kicked and banned.
+58|6314|Mesa, AZ

Ilocano wrote:

iD wrote:

i just got banned for "excessive revive" ...

their lame loserclan played sniper only, i revived everyone in my team.
LOL.  Happened to me awhile back too.  Our USMC team was getting owned at the Jalalabad lake.  Said, WTH, and decided to go revive crazy and ended up getting gold.  Got kicked and banned.
that's pretty ghey. i'm not a huge fan of medic whores either, but on Jalalabad its just so great. super easy points. maybe they banned you because you kept reviving and they got greased right after? i've seen that happen a couple times. but if you were actually helping your team i don't see what the problem is, they probably just love to suck.
+58|6314|Mesa, AZ
Bromancer . This kid is a corporal, but the shots me makes with a sniper rifle are bullshit. I was not more that 10 feet from him, I was reloading my gun and hopping, I couldn't knife cuz of clays, and he fires one round (M24) and I die. Does the same thing at distance, I'm hopping to avoid sniper fire to revive people, and I die. I was at full health each time, which means he got a headshot that the best sniper on the planet couldn't make unless luck was on his side. Then later, he uses the SVD like and AK and drops two or three people with two or three rounds. Fucking ridiculous.

Blowinchunks . Same goes for this guy too. Snipes way to good to be believed. I was behind the metal fence by the Warehouse on Karkand, and he was shooting from whatever the base is to the East, I can't remember what its called. Anyway, one round tags my head, I die. I thought was that kind of bullshit as I was running and he had no way of seeing me. I also got killed with one round as I was defending that base East of the Warehouse, on the LMG emplacement, laying down, he was coming from the Cement Factory and I died...through the concrete in front of me. Bullshit.
Right like the title says

i caught a hacker on the =FLO= server yesterday, got the fecker on battlerecorder lol

he was standing up shooting people with support weapons from like 80 metres away!

i spotted him right away, he had a high ping and i dont think he was quite sure how to use his aimbot cause he sucked.

His weapon flicks between enemies when one has been killed!

also aiming at guys threw walls!

i dunno if this will do anything cause he was a private, but atleast i would like to see his CD-KEY BANNED

just for some satisfaction!!

hackers need to get a life, why cheat, oh wait i know why! its a cheap kick, you now (wood) (mahogany)
They are loosers with nothing better to do in life!

Half the uk's unemployed are probably hacking fuck all better to do with themselves!!!!!

Gotta love laughing at them though

couldnt score in a barrel of pussies!!!!!!

i just got a pm from this guy whom i am accusing and he said im an idiot lol

anyone wanna see the BR
was the best bf2 guy i've ever played with, back when i played lol
he got accused of hacking all the time, but hes Legit Gg :]
+58|6314|Mesa, AZ
Got a few more today. J8101 was PKM sniping. Only got me twice that way, but both times I was in a building and he was pretty far away, 60m away at least.

STYKER66 I don't know if he was hacking or not, but he got the most bullshit head shot on me. I was in a LMG emplacement, and I poked my head up and ducked as fast as I could. Could have been luck, but somehow I don't think so.

cmh2000tiger complete fucking rookie, all this bitch did was nade spam and noob tube.

Yasu222 same goes for this guy, just spam naded most of the round.
This guy was scoring in the hundreds while the next guy had only 40 or 50. He did this for 10 rounds before he left the server.
I would agree om m8v9, since he has 3 banned guid's.  it will only be a matter of time until he is caught on a streaming server again.
+58|6314|Mesa, AZ
EbKAxeMan arrogant little knob gobbler. He auto SVD's me and I die, don't worry, its not like that gun has any recoil or anything... Then I get knived in the back, ok, he got me, but was a spawn rape. Then he knives me from 8 feet out. I know, ping huh....well my ping was in the low 20's, so lag wasn't an issue. Then next round, I switch teams, because my first one didn't know how to hold a flag for shit and I'm not going to lose cuz they were morons, and he joins my squad. He starts talking shit, and when I boot him from the squad, he kicks me from the server.

These admins that kick because they suck or need to be on a constant power trip to function in life need to go quit life.

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