+23|6786|British Columbia, Canada

NYKnight wrote:

One of the first things you'll hear from players on the other team when you go something like 45-2 isn't "wow, nice job!" or something to that effect. You'll hear "you hack!" or "nice hacks dude! WTF!!!". While S.J.N does put the point across bluntly, it's a valid point nonetheless. Not everyone who achieves a K/D of 50-2, 80-4 or whatever is automatically a hacker/cheater/glitcher. There are good players out there, players who know better spots to hide/fire from, or are just plain smarter than the next guy. Some people only play a select number of maps, after 300 hours on the same 1 or 2 maps you're bound to know all the good spots and tactics. Some people are just better at vehicles, for example tanks , than others, so they may go 101-1 in a tank, I've seen it and done it myself, however when it comes to planes and helos they are lucky to go 1-25. You'll see players who actually pay attention to a good commander, watch the UAV/Scan and be aware of in-game environment sounds...all little things that give you an edge over the noob that charges down the hill with his game sound off playing Ac/Dc on his iPod.

Bottom line is, nobody should be posting that "suchandsuch" person hacks without actual proof, and seeing someone going 80-2 is not proof enough on it's own to accuse anyone.
I got screens of like 60 in 0
+23|6786|British Columbia, Canada




Last edited by HSG (2007-06-19 19:27:03)


HSG wrote:

NYKnight wrote:

One of the first things you'll hear from players on the other team when you go something like 45-2 isn't "wow, nice job!" or something to that effect. You'll hear "you hack!" or "nice hacks dude! WTF!!!". While S.J.N does put the point across bluntly, it's a valid point nonetheless. Not everyone who achieves a K/D of 50-2, 80-4 or whatever is automatically a hacker/cheater/glitcher. There are good players out there, players who know better spots to hide/fire from, or are just plain smarter than the next guy. Some people only play a select number of maps, after 300 hours on the same 1 or 2 maps you're bound to know all the good spots and tactics. Some people are just better at vehicles, for example tanks , than others, so they may go 101-1 in a tank, I've seen it and done it myself, however when it comes to planes and helos they are lucky to go 1-25. You'll see players who actually pay attention to a good commander, watch the UAV/Scan and be aware of in-game environment sounds...all little things that give you an edge over the noob that charges down the hill with his game sound off playing Ac/Dc on his iPod.

Bottom line is, nobody should be posting that "suchandsuch" person hacks without actual proof, and seeing someone going 80-2 is not proof enough on it's own to accuse anyone.
I got screens of like 60 in 0
I use to have a ss of my 105 kill streak with the f35 on my old account that got reset. Only thing i have now is 90 and 73 and 0.
+429|6759|Chicago, IL

You're right though, just because someone's better than you does not make them a hacker, but that's been covered too many times to count...
+23|6786|British Columbia, Canada
Wut noosb accuse of hacking like that
+429|6759|Chicago, IL

HSG wrote:

Wut noosb accuse of hacking like that
Thats why they're noobs...

Just take it as a compliment.

Then shove a bomb up their ass again.
I wonder though. How many of you do cheat?

CC-Marley wrote:

I wonder though. How many of you do cheat?
I know people who do but i don't.
+572|6971|BC, Canada

The_Killer wrote:

CC-Marley wrote:

I wonder though. How many of you do cheat?
I know people who do but i don't.
so do I and it fucked my main over....
When good player gets accused of hacking, cheating or whatever it usually comes from a guy way down the scoreboard that gets owned over and over. And he accuses the top player of cheating cus he's green of envy that he's never going to be nearly as good.

McCullough wrote:

When good player gets accused of hacking, cheating or whatever it usually comes from a guy way down the scoreboard that gets owned over and over. And he accuses the top player of cheating cus he's green of envy that he's never going to be nearly as good.
It's not necessarily so. While I'm certain that what you've stated is probably true, I've seen people who thought they were going to get their little gold star for the round have to settle for silver or bronze and start HAX accusations. I pushed one guy out round after round on an =SF= server last week  to the point where he would constantly whine how I absolutely MUST be hacking if I could do that. But then the next round, I was pushed out from gold by another player who was great in a Helo. Was he hacking? Nope, just a better player in better circumstances than I was in. So I think it's more accurate to say that HAX accusations come from people who are frustrated with their own performance in-game, are just ignorant/ill-informed, or even more simply, just outright belligerent and immature than anything else.

Oh, and rather than respond to his accusations, I was more than happy to add him to my Victims list.


Last edited by NYKnight (2007-06-20 14:31:44)


McCullough wrote:

When good player gets accused of hacking, cheating or whatever it usually comes from a guy way down the scoreboard that gets owned over and over. And he accuses the top player of cheating cus he's green of envy that he's never going to be nearly as good.
Not always the case!
There are so many hackers out there now with fewer PB updates to catch them that you'll see them on a daily basis.
The clever ones will use it sparingly and only certain features. Gone are the days of people flying in the air and wallhacking, these people know how not to get detected.
I'm no noob and always in the top 5 on the server but if I think you hack I'll watch you for a bit before coming out and calling you on it.
I called someone on it the other day that didn't understand you can't possible kill 3-4 people in different areas of the map with one clip on full auto.
He was top 3 when I called him and yes I got called a noob but I simply replied "watch him then"

He dropped down the score board like a stone.
Obviously he couldn't leave the server because that would almost be proof he was hacking so for the next few rounds he was left to mid table obscurity

I envy no one at a video game.
99 Problems . . .

McCullough wrote:

When good player gets accused of hacking, cheating or whatever it usually comes from a guy way down the scoreboard that gets owned over and over. And he accuses the top player of cheating cus he's green of envy that he's never going to be nearly as good.
I must respectfully disagree.

In the mornings I play with mostly the same people everyday.

Two or three of the most skilled players I know are the ones who complain about hackers.  These people will have a good game going ie:KDR over 2 in first or second place on the team.  They will complain about the people that are running a 5:1 or better KDR.  This is mostly on our IO servers so no pilot/chopper/armour whores racking up easy kills.

Personally I've never accused anyone of cheating but I have ASKED 2 players who had a KDR over 7 if they were cheating.  Of course they replied no.  I took a PB_SS on one of them but only the site owner sees the SSs.  As far as I know nothing looked suspect.  People were begging me to at least kick him but I had no reason to.  Was he cheating ? Probably.

The latest thing that made me wonder was getting 1 shotted consistently w/shotgun from 50 + Meters by the same player while I'm prone.

Meh, it's a game.
+86|7049|Somewhere near a shrub or rock
Saw my first / second actual aimbot and wallhack combo with SVD user last night, how anyone can even question when they run into one is beyond me. Its the simplest thing in the world to see.

The guy was rediculous. I killed him 4 times but in a 1v1 where he has a clear firing line you just cant hope to win.

Just leave the server, they will get tired of playing on their own....

And btw I have over 100hrs at >7:1 KD.... its nothing magical and you dont need hacks to do it.


Last edited by Barrakuda777 (2007-06-21 08:25:08)

Fresh NoobCaeks Here
+118|6703|Penrith,Nsw, Aus

ChevyLee86 wrote:

hey private lol they kicked that one guy over and over because he was hacking, after you got kicked (which was lame) that guy came back and killed 8 guys with one shot from that aka-101 at once, then they banned him.
you mean 8 guys with 8 shots lol
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns
Stalker2006 made this fine movie of two hackers. if you see them - kidnap!

http://stage6.divx.com/user/Stalker1988 … ater-@-BF2
Cracking vid!
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn
i was wondering why he was killing everyone one shot with the pistol

if thats not aim bot then idk how to play
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn

B00MH3ADSH0T wrote:

ChevyLee86 wrote:

hey private lol they kicked that one guy over and over because he was hacking, after you got kicked (which was lame) that guy came back and killed 8 guys with one shot from that aka-101 at once, then they banned him.
you mean 8 guys with 8 shots lol
yes lol
99 Problems . . .

ChevyLee86 wrote:

i was wondering why he was killing everyone one shot with the pistol

if thats not aim bot then idk how to play
Look at his Deaths !

LOL, I needed a good laugh.
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn
yea looks like he got a reset {probably using hacks}

it sure wasn't funny getting pistoled like that
arse clan forum:

me: hello all

i wanna know why the hell i was banned from your server

can you unban me

Keltic62, the admin: Well if you had read the ban message you would know why, however I guess your wondering what the message actually meant.Simply after playing the game for 2 yrs now and adming BF2 servers for that length of time, I am always amazed to see a player constantly at the top of a leader board hour after hour, just as you have been on our servers.

This made me take time out to go have a look at your stats and a SPM of 9.12 ish just lets say doesn't suit the style of 99% of the players your were playing against on our server, therefore in the interest of the other players having a better game I decided to ban you.

me: im a medic whore and all my points come from reviving i think this wont effect other players

than no answers

this shows how lame this clan is
How about STUPID ADMINS? I recently got BANNED by the SAW CLAN from there server PECOS and the stupid reson they used was because to much successfull killing. How about that FUCK UP excuse. You can be to successfull killing the ADMINS because you get banned. It is not fare that the Admins used there POWER to WIN the rounds by banning someone for killing them too much. Well but now I know that the SAW CLAN from the PECOS server are all a bunch of loosers Whinning kids with a GOD complex sorry ass crying ass holes that don't know how to accept when someone is better than them.

_1_MAN-ARMY.17 wrote:

arse clan forum:

me: hello all

i wanna know why the hell i was banned from your server

can you unban me

Keltic62, the admin: Well if you had read the ban message you would know why, however I guess your wondering what the message actually meant.Simply after playing the game for 2 yrs now and adming BF2 servers for that length of time, I am always amazed to see a player constantly at the top of a leader board hour after hour, just as you have been on our servers.

This made me take time out to go have a look at your stats and a SPM of 9.12 ish just lets say doesn't suit the style of 99% of the players your were playing against on our server, therefore in the interest of the other players having a better game I decided to ban you.

me: im a medic whore and all my points come from reviving i think this wont effect other players

than no answers

this shows how lame this clan is
You have an accuracy of 31% and 180 GOLD medals as a first sargeant - and you wonder WHY people think you're dodgy?????????
+70|6627|Newcastle UK
yeah cos hes good, i could get stats like that if i still gave a damn but i like to have fun and kark doesnt do that for me.

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