
SplinterStrike wrote:

Man.... What the fuck.

How did you earn this reset?
Might have been my 203 kill streak and my 703 best round lol.
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6905|Lexington, Kentucky
Well, I thought it was over. After handing Chief15's behind to him in a round of Ghost Town, knifing him, paddling him, pistoling him, then watching him leave the round with 8 tickets left... I thought I'd shown those Bounty Hunterz punks who the better player was. (I'm assuming he left as to keep himself from showing on my victim's list. I'll post screenshots once I get them all uploaded)

Turns out today, that no. They still hold a grudge, and won't work as a team with me, regardless of who owns the server.

I spawn at one of the two flags the PLA had left, ready to defend, and right next to me is {BH}MisterGiter.
{BH}MisterGiter [Teamkills] Anfidurl
He then goes on to TK a few other people, and call me a "known hacker" when I let the admins know what he did. Giter then skips out of the server to avoid a ban, apparently deciding the 125 points he racked up were less important.

Server: 24/7 Dragon Valley by Saints and Sinners (
Time: A little after 4:00 EST, 6/5/07

According to … &t=169

{BH}MisterGiter wrote:

Client/Guest Rules

Don't verbally attack other players.

Don't bash BOUNTY HUNTERz or the server.

If you lag, leave.


No Cheating/Hacking/Walling.

No accusing someone of cheats without spectating and proof.

Have fun, already.


Member Rules

Be as curtious and polite as possible.

Play on the server as much as possible.

Don't fight openly with members or clients.

Use restraint and common sense at all times.

Wear respective tags. {BH} ONLY when in BH servers.


Admin Rules


In order to be an admin on the server you must have a good working knowledge on how the server is ran. You must also follow guidelines. The decision to grant admin privaledges is based on various things. A few examples are:

The amount of time a player spends playing on the server. If you are barely seen on a server then it is a waste of time to have admin privaledges.

Good sportsmanship is a must. If you are a crybaby and you do not represent the Bounty Hunterz in a positive manner, the last thing you are going to have is admin privaledges.
MisterGiter, you need to tell Chief15 to discipline you, you've broken your own rules. You are not giving BH a good impression to the BF2 world.

(Edit: Rules broken are listed in bold)

Last edited by Anfidurl (2007-06-05 18:19:34)

+108|7055|In the hills

He looks like he got reset, but really fucked up numbers...  All his vehicle kills are the same and has incredibly high accuracy.  I am just confused how getting reset would do that to someone's stats.

specops10-4 wrote:

He looks like he got reset, but really fucked up numbers...  All his vehicle kills are the same and has incredibly high accuracy.  I am just confused how getting reset would do that to someone's stats.
It is a special server that is modded i haven't been to it but i went to a server similar to it. And i got this

He looks like he got reset, but really fucked up numbers...  All his vehicle kills are the same and has incredibly high accuracy.  I am just confused how getting reset would do that to someone's stats.

Nah man he has cheated cos he somehow has 858 and 28 deaths for most weapons, omly has 1 favourite victim with that amount of kills...

Some kits he hasnt played but still has 800 + kills with them and a huge amount of time

I need around tree fiddy.

Anfidurl wrote:

Well, I thought it was over. After handing Chief15's behind to him in a round of Ghost Town, knifing him, paddling him, pistoling him, then watching him leave the round with 8 tickets left... I thought I'd shown those Bounty Hunterz punks who the better player was. (I'm assuming he left as to keep himself from showing on my victim's list. I'll post screenshots once I get them all uploaded)

Turns out today, that no. They still hold a grudge, and won't work as a team with me, regardless of who owns the server.


I spawn at one of the two flags the PLA had left, ready to defend, and right next to me is {BH}MisterGiter.
{BH}MisterGiter [Teamkills] Anfidurl
He then goes on to TK a few other people, and call me a "known hacker" when I let the admins know what he did. Giter then skips out of the server to avoid a ban, apparently deciding the 125 points he racked up were less important.

Server: 24/7 Dragon Valley by Saints and Sinners (
Time: A little after 4:00 EST, 6/5/07

According to

{BH}MisterGiter wrote:

Client/Guest Rules

Don't verbally attack other players.

Don't bash BOUNTY HUNTERz or the server.

If you lag, leave.


No Cheating/Hacking/Walling.

No accusing someone of cheats without spectating and proof.

Have fun, already.


Member Rules

Be as curtious and polite as possible.

Play on the server as much as possible.

Don't fight openly with members or clients.

Use restraint and common sense at all times.

Wear respective tags. {BH} ONLY when in BH servers.


Admin Rules


In order to be an admin on the server you must have a good working knowledge on how the server is ran. You must also follow guidelines. The decision to grant admin privaledges is based on various things. A few examples are:

The amount of time a player spends playing on the server. If you are barely seen on a server then it is a waste of time to have admin privaledges.

Good sportsmanship is a must. If you are a crybaby and you do not represent the Bounty Hunterz in a positive manner, the last thing you are going to have is admin privaledges.
MisterGiter, you need to tell Chief15 to discipline you, you've broken your own rules. You are not giving BH a good impression to the BF2 world.

(Edit: Rules broken are listed in bold)
Teamkilling you was really fun, I wasn't suprised to see you connected to a server that had no admins.  Maybe you should stick to those types of servers that have 0 rules.  I do have a grudge against you and all the people like you.  Hope to see you around buddy, you make good target practice. LOL
+108|7055|In the hills

The_Killer wrote:

specops10-4 wrote:

He looks like he got reset, but really fucked up numbers...  All his vehicle kills are the same and has incredibly high accuracy.  I am just confused how getting reset would do that to someone's stats.
It is a special server that is modded i haven't been to it but i went to a server similar to it. And i got this
Hey, I played with you a few days back, my secondary account was [x-xxrapexx-x]
i hate you all

I bet this guy isn't hacking ^^
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn
aim bot???
he went from ok to head shot while ur bunny hopping everytime.
A generally unremarkable member
i was playing on a 24/7 Karkand I/O sever (yes, i am sad)
1st round i did crap
so i decided to bunnyhop on G36E whore the next (OH NOES!!!)
i got constant flames like "henno ur a bunnyhopping fuck"

and the rules was "No bunnyhopping"
got a 18-0 kill streak
when i died they were acusing someone of hacking so i said
"I hack"
some guy went "no u dont"
i just replied
the next moment i look up and it says

[EtE] henno13 you are being banned (reason unknown)
i tried to get ss but it was too late

Last edited by henno13 (2007-06-08 12:37:22)

Hero of the Internet
+15|6782|Everywhere and nowhere
Check out this hilarious thread. I was banned yesterday because I was absolutely dominating ESF's best player, Sumalia78. He is the 12th ranked player (stats wise) in the US. What's funny is, I wasn't nade spamming, nor was I acting inappropriately on there server. I was playing, that is all. I play Karkand regularly, and you will be able to tell by my stats that I am a lone wolf medic whore. … amp;t=1435

They've prevented me from accessing their forum again so I am unable to respond to my accusers.

My stats are listed in the sidebar there. My stats alone should be a good indicator as to whether I hack or not. Check 'em out, I am an average player at best. I have my good days and my bad like any player. Yesterday just happened to be one of my better gaming days.

Would love to hear some third party input.

The situation makes me quite bitter, because their server is one of the better pings I get.. but on the same token it's quite flattering.

Last edited by ProteinRage (2007-06-08 16:04:08)

Uses the TV missle too much
dont even try man, i used to be in ESF. sumalia lacks any sense of reasoning.

you might aswell forget about ever being unbanned, ESF is just a step above horse shit imo
conservative hatemonger
their server sucks though so it makes no difference...
Uses the TV missle too much
oh and by the way, this is sumalias response:

sumalia78 wrote:

ok ill make this real easy, your a liar, the last player that killed me 8 times all single head shots in 1 round was pickle power. he was wipped 1 week latter for a aimbot.

i know your using one ive played this game for along time and the shots you made around corners and ect, reak of a aimbot. i would to msx if i was you that there programing is outdated, and no longer undetectable. you will not be allowed back in our servers.

personally i think people like you are pathetic, how much fun is it using a program that aims for you?

to this guest, who i suspect is richey. watch all you want you fu.c.king you will never be as popular or as good as me at this game. your a lo.sser by birth unable to ever change.
your clan is lame and full of noobs( except my 2 spies poweraide and gatoraide probably the only real skill your clan has seen). your attempts to get me wiped are lame. its been what almost a year now youve been trying and failed, like i said losser. get a life im sure if you looked hard enough you could find some sweat hog to fill the time you spend trying and failing at being a hacker.
pathetic. he cant even spell have the shit on his response, is an ego-tastic dipshit due to the "you will never be as popular or as good as me at this game", and he never finished highschool. true story.

also, a response on the same thread from one of the clan members:

roxentrillion wrote:

holy shyt sum.. i never knew you had it in ya. niiiiiiccccceeeeeeeeee!!!!! 8)
so im suspecting that this guy is sums bumbuddy because when anybody with half a brain reads that response that sum made, they would probably make plans to leave the clan as soon as possible.

and just for fun, sumalia also called my video , Keep Going "proof of hacking" because he claimed that i had the no fog hack.

+1,175|6875|British Columbia, Canada

Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

and just for fun, sumalia also called my video , Keep Going "proof of hacking" because he claimed that i had the no fog hack.

That may not be substantial evidence that you hack, but this is.. … ery=Search

Care to explain?

LT.Victim wrote:

Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

and just for fun, sumalia also called my video , Keep Going "proof of hacking" because he claimed that i had the no fog hack.

That may not be substantial evidence that you hack, but this is.. … ighack.png … ery=Search

Care to explain?
Wait does it even say why he was "punkbusted" or is it just kicks?
BF2s Nublet
+71|6751|somewhere other then here
he is hacking i have screen shot proof
he sent me this because there was a glitch saying i wasn't on his team but i was so he sent me a pic with nametags hack in it
he also has aimbot cause he had a really low k/d now its 1.3 and going higher same with his accuracy. NOTE he does use these hacks online
+1,175|6875|British Columbia, Canada

David.Podedworny wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

and just for fun, sumalia also called my video , Keep Going "proof of hacking" because he claimed that i had the no fog hack.

That may not be substantial evidence that you hack, but this is.. … ighack.png … ery=Search

Care to explain?
Wait does it even say why he was "punkbusted" or is it just kicks?
""[AH1z] Trigger_Happy_92" "" MD5TOOL #9002 (MSXSecurity - BF2 Hack (8-26-2006).exe)"

Looks like he got caught using MSX...

LT.Victim wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

That may not be substantial evidence that you hack, but this is.. … ighack.png … ery=Search

Care to explain?
Wait does it even say why he was "punkbusted" or is it just kicks?
""[AH1z] Trigger_Happy_92" "" MD5TOOL #9002 (MSXSecurity - BF2 Hack (8-26-2006).exe)"

Looks like he got caught using MSX...
Funny i never suspected it. Btw was it an aimbot hack?
+1,175|6875|British Columbia, Canada

David.Podedworny wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Wait does it even say why he was "punkbusted" or is it just kicks?
""[AH1z] Trigger_Happy_92" "" MD5TOOL #9002 (MSXSecurity - BF2 Hack (8-26-2006).exe)"

Looks like he got caught using MSX...
Funny i never suspected it. Btw was it an aimbot hack?
MSX is a Multihack...

Bunch of stuff that comes with it, including an aimbot..
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

David.Podedworny wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Wait does it even say why he was "punkbusted" or is it just kicks?
""[AH1z] Trigger_Happy_92" "" MD5TOOL #9002 (MSXSecurity - BF2 Hack (8-26-2006).exe)"

Looks like he got caught using MSX...
Funny i never suspected it. Btw was it an aimbot hack?
An aimbot is a hack that allows you to lock on to enemies. Basically it is like auto-aim in console games.
esf a bunch of mfkrs.
Uses the TV missle too much

LT.Victim wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

""[AH1z] Trigger_Happy_92" "" MD5TOOL #9002 (MSXSecurity - BF2 Hack (8-26-2006).exe)"

Looks like he got caught using MSX...
Funny i never suspected it. Btw was it an aimbot hack?
MSX is a Multihack...

Bunch of stuff that comes with it, including an aimbot..
First off, im not going to deny those claims that i hack, or offer some false explaination eg. "i was on my friends computer, my friend installed it on my computer". Punks busted doesnt lie. almost everyone on there has truly hacked, or hacks. i just want to provide the story as to how i used to hack. im going to be honest with you, im not going to lie. its up to you, beleive what you want to believe, im only offering you the truth.

Yes,  i used to have MSX, i got it from a torrent, but it never did work, so poop. i only got caught for having it because i didnt remove it from my system files, so PB detected it, also why there isnt a single PB SS of me hacking.

i admit, i did used to hack, but that was only nametags, a clever little file that enabled me to see the names of people up to 600m away, that i used on my Total_Dipshit account. 

A short time after using the nametags hack, i got bored of it. sure it was fun for the first couple days. but then it got boring. i decided it wasnt worth it.  killing people became too easy, it took out the fun and skill of having to locate your opponents.  i said to myself that it wasnt worth it to be doing this anymore.  1 kill legit was worth a thousand with the aid of a program. i uninstalled all files for the nametag hack. however, that MSX hack? yeah, i forgot about that one. it stayed in my bf2 system files folder for quite sometime until one day i got caught for having an MSX file in my folder. shit.

so basically, i got caught for a hack that never worked, but didnt get caught for one that did. huzzah. now im banned from every single server that streams PB.

needless to say, i dont hack anymore. you can see so from my videos. believe what you want, im offering you the truth, nothing more.

Last edited by Trigger_Happy_92 (2007-06-08 23:26:45)

+1,175|6875|British Columbia, Canada

Trigger_Happy_92 wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Funny i never suspected it. Btw was it an aimbot hack?
MSX is a Multihack...

Bunch of stuff that comes with it, including an aimbot..
yep, i used to have MSX, i got it from a torrent, but it never did work, so poop. i only got caught for having it because i didnt remove it from my system files, so PB detected it, also why there isnt a single PB SS of me hacking.

i admit, i did used to hack, but that was only nametags, a clever little file that enabled me to see the names of people up to 600m away, that i used on my Total_Dipshit account. 

so basically, i got caught for a hack that never worked, but didnt get caught for one that did. huzzah.

and yes, i dont hack anymore. you can see so from my videos. believe what you want, im offering you the truth, nothing more.
Meh, just as long as you admit it..

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