yeah he sure is hacking
+1,010|6597|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
we need another "Operation fair play"
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Hi I represent |2es clan and I just wanted to take this opportunity to clear our name. There has been a post on this forum recently that accused us of being hackers. This is not the case and we do treat any case of hacking very very very seriously. Here is the post in question, that has since been locked.


We at |2es firmly believe in fair, fun play. We have a great teamwork ethic and are a thriving clan within the Battlefield community with a very poplular server. In response to this post I can say that we have treated this matter very seriously. Two of the four who were caught cheating are not in the clan anymore, the other two were given a extremely harsh warning and are very lucky to be allowed to game with us some more. We had never had any instances of hacking before and we have made it clear that people who hack will now be instantly banned from our clan. Below is a list of our members who have never been found to and dont hack and I think you will agree that the overwhelming majority of |2es are fair, honest players.


I think you can see that if only four players have ever been caught, two were banned and  the other two have now learnt there lesson. Hopefully you can see we are a very honest clan and I just wanted to clear our name. Everyone who is a part of |2es loves the clan, it is brilliant, this is why I felt i needed to post on this forum.

Thanks for your time

In fairness, there are ALOT more members than the ones listed above who have never offended (Me being one). So, out of all, we only have 2 current members on the busted list. The main offender, Ghettosmurf, made an honest post on our boards after he committed the offence, claiming it was purely for curiosity into how it works, and has learnt his lesson. The reason we let him stay is because we know hes not that type, and his wrongdoing was purely down to him doing something stupid, rather than malicious. In the end, he paid £120 extra for new CDkeys...

Our clan is not based on anything other than having a good gaming experience. It is not ability based, so we all have absolutley no reason to cheat or hack or whatever. Anyone found cheating is also cheating against all of our other clan members, which outs us on your side. Out of all the members we have ever had (over 100), and 4 culpits total, then I do not think that is any reason for a clan to be given a bad name.

Last edited by Nitrokid (2007-05-16 03:42:30)

have i been missed off the list 2?
+70|6636|The Netherlands
Wallhacker when Commander

Last edited by -supremecars- (2007-05-16 08:53:58)

Sorry Ghosty and Nitro I just went off the most up to date list i could find, I was aware that I had probably left some people out by mistake. Sorry. But yeah thanks for adding to my comments guys, me and mrix were most unhappy at what someone had written about our clan.

What gets up my ass is the fact that you've specifically registered on this forum to post this crap without the faintest bit of background.

Yes, i am on the punk busted list, but i'm not a hacker, i'll be as open and honest as teh pope to anyone on the siutation that arose, if you don't believe me - not my problem

It was out of curiosity and nothing more: -


Hardly killer hacking stats are they - i play for fun like most people, i'm not out there trying to get my 3 stars or trying to get up the leaderboard - i have more important things in my life to worry about that being the 'L337' on Battlefield.

How you can label the clan on the actions or inactions for a few members out of a community is wrong - Flame the individual by all means i don't give two beans about what you feel about me as a player or a person.

The people in the community are my friends and for you on the other forum to say 'It's not a personal gripe' ??? Why did you create an account just to run down a community of good, friendly gamers.

In conclusion - keep your opinions to yourself, i haven't got amazing stats, i wasn't hacking to get L337 scores, and stop point fingers at the community.


ghettosmurf999 wrote:

What gets up my ass is the fact that you've specifically registered on this forum to post this crap without the faintest bit of background.

Yes, i am on the punk busted list, but i'm not a hacker, i'll be as open and honest as teh pope to anyone on the siutation that arose, if you don't believe me - not my problem

It was out of curiosity and nothing more: -


Hardly killer hacking stats are they - i play for fun like most people, i'm not out there trying to get my 3 stars or trying to get up the leaderboard - i have more important things in my life to worry about that being the 'L337' on Battlefield.

How you can label the clan on the actions or inactions for a few members out of a community is wrong - Flame the individual by all means i don't give two beans about what you feel about me as a player or a person.

The people in the community are my friends and for you on the other forum to say 'It's not a personal gripe' ??? Why did you create an account just to run down a community of good, friendly gamers.

In conclusion - keep your opinions to yourself, i haven't got amazing stats, i wasn't hacking to get L337 scores, and stop point fingers at the community.

When you where tags you need to be responsible that your doing are going to relfect on your clan.
So when someone found 4 of your clan hacking then yes they think "well darn it must be the whole clan," even when it's clearly not the case! Sometimes clan members don't realize it until it's too late, some just don't care.
These threads are asking for opions, so opions to self is not an option otherwise we can exchange barbaque reciepes  only.
As far a couriosity that's fine we all hear so much about hacks, hmmm that was cool looking, but even though I see links I don't click on it cause I don't want my ip and my name attached there incase someone some where pulls up a bs accusation in the future, never mind my clan. Kind like your last name in your town do you want it linked to something bad, because of you? I would hope not.
I think the clan members did some good post about the actions they took and everyone learned something here.
Good Luck, and have fun at the game and life!  PS.. what it's worth I forgive you.

A-suicidal-attack wrote:

Here is a really good one. http://bf2s.com/player/96140518/
I cant wait until something better comes out, cuz this is getting retarded.
OMG that's gotta be a glitch in the stats page or something.... No offense Chuy... I love the site...
But it looks almost diabolical... 6.666 kills with zip lines and grappling hooks... and he hasn't even ever played SF once....
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6904|Lexington, Kentucky
Soo... where to begin.

First of all, let me say it took a hour for this to get on my nerves. Several people were warned/kicked before I ever got involved. So yeah, my beef with them was that they had three 3 Star General's on their team, each one in helo/plane for the whole round, where the highest rank on my team was 1st Lt. Teamstacking is an easy fix, just turn !ab on, and at least the teams would have been even number-wise.

But no. I got laughed at, for even saying the teams were unbalanced, then promptly warned for "Disrupting Server Chat" (which at this point I'm assuming is what they do whenever someone complains.) O...kay. So how am I to ask them to fix the problem, if asking a question is an offense?

So then they jerk me around through in-game text chat, calling me this and that, but never once giving a reason for anything.

Then comes a ban. Though they ended up banning thin air cause I got fed-up and left.

Only when I posted on their website did I find out what was going on.

"We do ask not to cut in on established crews" one said, though I find it fishy that in practice it worked out to "We reserve the right to use all equipment, when we hop into it first in the round."

Here's a link to the forums where I posted an unban request: http://www.bountyhunterz.clanservers.co … =3201#3201

Notice how they all (save for CombatRSQ) get very nasty, very quickly.

Spread the word, BOUNTY HUNTERZ are abusive admins!

In this screenshot, you see the imbalance. I politely asked for one of the three stars to hop over. Now, "sticking together" or no, not all of the three stars were BH members. So moving one over shouldn't have been a big deal. But no, asking was mock worthy and "disrupting the server". When I came back after being kicked (as was someone else kicked, IMO), the two lobies from their team were switched over, and a 1st and 2nd Lt. took their places. So yeah... team stacking.

Edit: moved here instead of being in another thread. Thanks BigMack!

Last edited by Anfidurl (2007-05-17 23:33:22)

+2|6754|New Zealand
Check this guys Knife Stats....is gotta be Stat padding..    http://bf2s.com/player/87948343/

In one day to get 7 kills then 50 kills.....hmmmmmmmmmmm
PiMp mE APC^^
+4|6630|In Your Butz Making Baby
he just went to a knife and pistol server. it isnt hard to get it than...
ranked is more fun:D
+0|6717|Vancouver, BC. Canada
First of all I was the Admin that dealt with anfidurl from the very beginning of this whole ordeal.  I am a Senior Member of the Bounty Hunterz and can assure everyone that we have policies, procedures, guidelines and High Standards that we follow and implement on our server.  We have a 3 three strike scenario obviously with a warn, kick and if all still continues a ban.  Yes autobalance is on, we also we have a rule that stats “ATTN:  BOUNTY HUNTERz    All BOUNTY HUNTERZ will make every attempt to be on the same team.”  I have found during the last 6 months that rank doesn’t mean a thing (just optically) players have now created numerous accounts starting over as a private. 

Attached below is the in game chat, I removed the text that doesn’t pertain to this situation since it was 12 pages.  If you would like to see it please sign up to our forums and PM {BH}Chief15 and I would be happy to send them out to you.   I can assure all that anfidurl was never laughed at, at anytime just told  “woh comon dude...stfu and play”. 

20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [17:59:12]    HAHA HELOCAPPING **NOOBS**!
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:03:10]    *§1DEAD§0*BWAHAHAHA
20    Anfidurl    1    Team    [18:04:10]    HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAMDon't shoot my box you noob, I"M ON YOUR FVCKING TEAM
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:04:52]    Need a gunner.
10    claude_ayotte    1    Global    [18:04:55]    hey i asked in team chat
20    Anfidurl    1    Team    [18:07:16]    HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAMDude, PICK UP YOUR KIT
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:08:58]    OH COME ON! Cheap.
14    {BH} Chief15    2    Global    [18:09:20]    *§1DEAD§0*ns
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:09:35]    THAT'S WHAT I THINK OF YOUR CHEAP KILL WHORING!
14    {BH} Chief15    2    Global    [18:09:46]    lol.. was a ns
20    Anfidurl    1    Team    [18:11:20]    HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAMCommander, he's on the roof
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:13:26]    Quit with the cheap shiat, and let someone OTHER THAN THREE STARS fly.
14  {BH} Chief15   2   Team   [18:13:44] HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAMHUD_CHAT_DEADPREFIX!w anf dsw
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:14:38]    *§1DEAD§0*Oh, right. Like calling you out on your BLATENT TEAMSTACKING and your hogging og jets is disrupting? Don't bully your clients.
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:14:53]    Bring a 3 star over here and be fair.
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:15:48]    Yes, I DO HAVE SCREENSHOTS, and I DO KNOW WHERE YOUR FORUMS ARE>
14    {BH} Chief15    2    Global    [18:15:57]     for?
14    {BH} Chief15    2    Global    [18:16:08]     www.bountyhunerz.org
14    {BH} Chief15    2    Global    [18:16:35]     did you get it...   www.bountyhunterz.org
14    {BH} Chief15    2    Global    [18:18:15]     get a screen of that  ????
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:18:19]    Lol.
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:19:04]    No, did you get a screen of that?
16    {BH} SkunkNo1    2    Global    [18:19:18]    woh comon dude...stfu and play
14    {BH} Chief15    2    Team    [18:19:27]    HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAM thanks skuck
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:19:41]    How abut you get out of your jet for once and come out and play? I'm waiting with my gun.
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:20:15]    jOr is getting your boots dirty and not hogging the aircraft with yur other 3stars
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:20:30]    too much for you?
14    {BH} Chief15    2    Global    [18:20:51]     my k/d ratio can handle it
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:20:54]    I
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:21:01]    'jI'll pwn yu till you do.
14    {BH} Chief15    2    Team    [18:21:14]    HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAM!k anf dsk.
-1    Admin    None    ServerMessage    [18:21:15]    KICKING!!! Anfidurl DSK.
20    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:21:17]    OH LOOK!
-1    Admin    None    ServerMessage    [18:21:27]    TKPUNISH: JCILLA_da_BatoBoi forgives
12    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:23:54]    Lol. You kick me, while you TK with your chopper? That was a wonderful screenie.
12    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:23:58]    Sorry.
4    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:32:39]    *§1DEAD§0*sorry
4    Anfidurl    1    Global    [18:32:42]    *§1DEAD§0*sorry
-1    Admin    None    ServerMessage    [18:32:43]    BANNING!!! Anfidurl disrupting server
I'm English, not British!
+113|7082|Rotherham, England
Gotta laugh at that, was reading his post about this earlier. Always good to see the other side of a story

+0|6717|Vancouver, BC. Canada
Thanks for the post Pedigreeuk !!!  It actually blows me away of some of the situations that arise... I guess it's the dynamics of so many players internationally  ?
has joined the GOP

pedigreeuk wrote:

Gotta laugh at that, was reading his post about this earlier. Always good to see the other side of a story

Substituting an s for a z in a clan name Is NOT cool. you suck.

Last edited by Jameseyy (2007-05-18 08:09:09)

Stupid admins?

Try the ones at =USF= ultimate strike force.

Kill one of their clanmembers more than two times in a round  = kick.

Come back and ask what this was about = ban.

Sad, but true
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6904|Lexington, Kentucky
Amusing. You make no attempt to deny my allegations of teamstacking, nor do you defend banning someone who *gasp* apologized!

Grow up.

Also, I considered the matter closed when your members "blew up" on your forums, when I asked for an un-ban. Especially since I was calm, collected, and polite. If you can't be polite in turn, then you are not worth my time. Following me around the INTERWEBS is just lame, and a bit creepy. (Edit: Props to DSQ, I think his name was, as he was the only polite one of the bunch.)

Edit again: For those who don't know, BF2s and BF2 Player have had somewhat of a disagreement in the past... but a quick search reveals we agree on one thing: BH is a server to avoid.

http://www.bf2player.com/forum/viewtopi … ty+hunterz

Though I'm sure being followed into my "home on the internet" just so they could try to argue with me some more shows the maturity level of these people. (If you wanted to argue with me, you should not have banned me.)

Last edited by Anfidurl (2007-05-18 12:14:43)

+0|6536|An Igloo...
off topic...but I HATE it when on karkand you're the only one on MEC defending hotel AND square (literally on your own against 11/12 usmc) whilst the rest of your team is dancing about capping the flags at the back near warehouse where there is only a handful of usmc guys. seriously there's no need for that many people to go over... feel a lot better now needed to get that off my chest

Anfidurl wrote:

Amusing. You make no attempt to deny my allegations of teamstacking, nor do you defend banning someone who *gasp* apologized!

Grow up.

Also, I considered the matter closed when your members "blew up" on your forums, when I asked for an un-ban. Especially since I was calm, collected, and polite. If you can't be polite in turn, then you are not worth my time. Following me around the INTERWEBS is just lame, and a bit creepy. (Edit: Props to DSQ, I think his name was, as he was the only polite one of the bunch.)

Edit again: For those who don't know, BF2s and BF2 Player have had somewhat of a disagreement in the past... but a quick search reveals we agree on one thing: BH is a server to avoid.

http://www.bf2player.com/forum/viewtopi … ty+hunterz

Though I'm sure being followed into my "home on the internet" just so they could try to argue with me some more shows the maturity level of these people. (If you wanted to argue with me, you should not have banned me.)
Ummm, dude that link on bf2player.com is completely retarded as the guy who posted it admitted to redlining his gunner (taking him out of bounds) and using inappropriate language.
If anyone needs to "Grow up", its you. You are one of those guys who just go on a server, not thinking about whose paying for it, what are the rules, or even trying to rewrite the rules. If you go on a server and disagree with the rules just dont play there, find somewhere you can be comfortable.

The rules on the Bounty Hunterz server does not go against any of the BFROE guidelines for a server or it would have been shut down a long time ago. As for teamstacking, people always have a problem with us for that. We are a group of guys who just like having fun, and being of ventrilo talking to each other....why would we want to be on different teams? To laugh at each other everytime and say "hey i just owned u there, hehe u suk?"  No, thats not how we are at all. most of our members are in there 20's, 30's,40's and some even older. We are too old to try showboating on each other, hence why we like to play with each other. Its another reason why our clan has been around for over 15 years and most of us for years.

And if our server had such sucky rules then why is it always full? Hell, when I want to play i gotta keep clicking every second to see when theres an open spot (i hate kicking people to make room).
Anyways as you can see, when you got a problem on a server mate, don't get all hitler and try to make everyone think our server is cancer. Just try to find somewhere else where you like and people like you.

Hope that helps your character.
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6904|Lexington, Kentucky

Madmax018 wrote:

The rules on the Bounty Hunterz server does not go against any of the BFROE guidelines for a server or it would have been shut down a long time ago.
"(b) Preventing any players from using certain vehicles such as jets, helicopters or tanks."
Two people get in a helo, whore it for the whole round, and if any one person hops in your helo it warrants a warn/kick for "breaking up an established partnership"? Yeah, now tell me how this doesn't break ROE, allowing two admins to have a lock on the helo all round?

Granted it made for great screenshots, SRAW'ing a 3 star chopper whore.

You may pay for YOUR server, but you do not have the right to follow me around the internet, harassing me.


Edit: Figured I'd show you some SS'es.

Leaving you guys in the dust, I had a great night.

Edit again: Reading your post again, I must say... for someone in your "20's, 30's (or) 40's" you have some real class Godwin-ing the thread. But then, coming from a server that scrolls "Don't like the server? DIAL 1-800-EAT-SHIT (sic)" I'm not too terribly surprised.

Last edited by Anfidurl (2007-05-18 14:21:54)

Back from the Dead.
{BH}MisterGiter, your post was deleted for flaming. That was a bit over the top.

I know now that I'll never play on {BH} servers.

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