If there is one thing I hate above all else, its this:

Its ridiculous, insulting, childish, and
very immature. Ok, so you dont like grenades, claymores or the G36E. You dont use them because of a "pride" thing. Your E-persona will be ruined should you do the opposite. Your friends will disrespect you for using them. You will be publicly shunned for having stooped to
that level. You've heard it before, but here it is again, even if I know that you still wont understand it.
Its. a. game. Electronic entertainement for the masses. You're supposed to enjoy it, yet you feel urged to whine about it instead, and
still play! There are two choices here, but many cannot decide and remain in the limbo state between "Stopping" and "Learning". You dont like it, you either stop or learn to counter it. Unfortunately, many refuse to do either, for reasons unknown. I just wish people would think logically sometimes.
And then you have the "Frags for fags" along with "Clays for gays" and "G36E is for pussies only!". Since when is homosexuality associated with "stupid" and why is it often used as an insult? Lately, I've been hearing more and more people saying "Oh, thats so gay" or "Yea, you stupid fucking faggot" or even things like "Why dont you shove it up your ass? Oh wait, you'd like it...". Personnally, I want this to stop. Why? On one level, its sexual discrimination. On another, it shows you as being biased, immature, unkind and unaccepting. Sure, its the internet...no one really knows who you are. But then again, you start getting used to the behavior, even if its just subconsciously, and begin using it offline, in the real world. Thats when things can go bad.
Finally, you have the whole "12 year old admin" thing. Sure, they exist, but sometimes they arent 12. The worst one I have ever met was 36 years old. I found that out when I checked his clan profile. I was banned for various hack usage. After posting my query on the forums of the said clan, I was greeted by very same person. It went a little something like this:
Admin wrote:
You're just some stupid fucking hacking pussy. Why dont you go back to your faggot buddies over at MSX and get your money back. They arent as "undetectable" as they say. Now why dont you get off my fucking site and never come onto our server again you stupid fag."
I never went back. I just wanted to show you that it isnt always kids. Adults are just as prone to do such things.